seven ࿈
What? I've never seen a sudden fog-- always a slow rolling fog! Smokepaw couldn't see a thing, just pure white. She shut her eyes, letting her whiskers take the role of sight, just like she had practiced so often. Feel the vibrations. Feel the breaths. Listen for any heartbeat, any shift. Pinpoint where they are. And attack.
The pat pat of pawsteps across the root bridge alerted her to the arrival of the patrol on their side. The patrol backed together in a circle. Smokepaw could feel Flurrypaw quivering, Murkyripple tensing, and Olivestripe's tail-tip was restlessly flicking. The she heard it. Close enough to be within reach, the grass rustled. Without hesitation, Smokepaw twisted around, kicking out her back legs. The water came to her as she kicked, giving an extra wet splash. She felt her paws hit something solid, hear the water smack into the cat. Wisps of white fog gently pushed aside and filled back in at the movements. Smokepaw turned around to face the cat who was regaining balance, and she broke formation to pursue the cat she had just hit.
No cat dared to call out to her and reveal their positions, so she pressed on. She brought her paw up, going in for a straight jab strike to what she hoped was the facial area. Instead of fur, though, all she met was thin air. Gah-- where are they? I thought they were right here! She attempted to listen for movement, for a heavy breath, but instead learned of their position by a sloppy, but sharp, hit to her hindquarters. She held her breath, and instead swished her tail. The water she had summoned earlier that lay in a puddle sprung up, crashing down in a small, fierce wash on where she assumed they had been. She confirmed a hit by the sound of the water making impact on skin, and she struck out a paw in the new spot she assumed them to be.
Her blow nearly missed, only grazing fur. However, the fog cleared briefly in the wake of her strike, just enough for her to make out wiry pale brown fur. I think this is wood elemental who made the bridge... Ochrehawk. Identification was confirmed as the ground rumbled open, roots jabbing out of the earth. She leaped aside quickly, feeling a slicing pain in her lower hind leg where a thorn-like root cut upward. The warmth of blood was a sickening feeling, running down to her paw in a quick stream. They'll be able to smell me fairly easily now and pick me out of the fog. I need to make a good cut so that I can smell them with ease as well. Somewhere behind her, a cat cried out in pain. Smokepaw sucked in air. I hope Miststar can protect them. Or, if it's ThunderClan, I hope Miststar can find and destroy them. More yowling erupted, growing to loud caterwauling.
She was pulled out her thoughts as the ThunderClan she-cat came at her again, ripping their claws across her shoulder. Before Ochrehawk could dart back into the fog, though, Smokepaw swung her claws, catching the she-cat's cheek. Without hesitation, she slammed the pale brown she-cat's head down to the ground, and went in for a few kicks to the wood elemental's belly. The ground growled as tree roots shot up, and Smokepaw jumped back, feeling another sharp root slicing and parting the skin just between her front legs.
The fog cleared briefly in the wave of air she created, though, giving her enough sight and the scent of blood to target the cat struggling to her paws. Quickly, before the cat could move much more, she picked up and slammed her paw to the ground. The water laying in puddles responded, rising and spraying down with relentless high pressure, squarely shooting the brown she-cat and knocking her back to ground in whimpers of pain.
Alright. Ochrehawk didn't get back up. I need to get back to my patrol. She winced as she started off, her bleeding hindleg protesting as she put her weight on it. I can't hear them though.... The fog coverage was starting to dissipate, letting Smokepaw see a dark mass of where other cats were. As she neared, the shapes becoming more distinct, she took a sharp inhalation. The fighting had stopped. The fog cleared even more, until only wisps of white remained.
Olivestripe was frozen, Pearstar a whisker away from her, Miststar was at limp at his paws, her fur stained red and blood costing the ground below her. Flurrypaw was collapsed a fox-length away, a ThunderClan warrior standing over her. Murkyripple locked in battle with a golden tabby tailless ThunderClan cat, blood dripping from several wounds.
"What's going on..?!" Smokepaw barked, fur fluffing up. Pearstar looked her up and down, rolling his eyes.
"You wouldn't understand. Basically your Miststar is turning herself in to ThunderClan, in exchange for you maggots to get away. Usually I'd say no; I would never let some prey get away. However, in this situation, I'm passing up newborn mice for a nice plump rabbit." He grabbed Miststar's scruff, ripping her to her paws. She set her paws, her icy eyes moving over clanmates.
"Miststar, I can keep going! I'll keep going!" Smokepaw begged, darting over. The cream ThunderClan leader lunged, blocking the soft gray masked leader from the apprentice.
"Smokepaw, stop," she meowed. Pearstar took a step back. His warriors slowly backed away from their opponents, coming to his side to glare down the patrol.
"No, Miststar, I can't! I have a duty to this clan-- I can't stop. I keep fighting, no matter what. Blood and poison and violence isn't ideally the life I would want, but it's what I have to do. I'm sworn to do so. So I won't stop fighting, you don't have to surrender yourself!" Smokepaw lashed her tail as she spoke, hazel eyes on her leader. Murkyripple came to the dark mottled she-cat's side, pressing her tail to the apprentice's flank. Miststar lowered her head.
"Bad things are happening right now. And I'd want nothing more than to keep fighting. But I also have a duty to my clan. And I choose to save you guys instead of let them slaughter you." Smokepaw narrowed her eyes, her lip curling. "I don't know when I'll see you next. It could be in a sunrise, it could be for several moons, it could be in StarClan," Miststar closed her eyes briefly, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "I call upon the stars that guide our paths, and the water that runs through our blood. Smokepaw, I name you a full warrior of RiverClan, to be known as Smokeflood for you are chosen by the river." Pearstar let out an exasperated sigh.
"Alright, whatever, let's go." Pearstar started off, flicking his tail across the RiverClan leader's shoulder.
Smokeflood couldn't breathe. She was a full warrior. I won't let them take Miststar! I can't, now more than ever I have a loyalty to uphold, I have a responsibility!
"Flurrypaw needs help. You get her help. That is your job, you protect your clanmates. Get your clanmates to safety, that is all you can do." Miststar meowed loudly, holding the new warrior's gaze until the moment she was shoved aside by a soaking wet Ochrehawk.
"Miststar!" Smokeflood cried, but Murkyripple gave her a gentle head-butt.
"We have to go. Flurrypaw is dying." Murkyripple murmured stiffly. The gray patched apprentice lay motionless, blood coating her pelt and a distinctive bite mark on her flank.
"How can we...? Miststar is being taken away, RiverClan is probably being ripped to shreds right now! We have to go help!" Olivestripe growled finally, her fur on end. The shock had dissipated from her face, replaced by a fiery anger.
"Miststar gave us an order. As warriors, we protect our clanmates. And right now, Flurrypaw is dying. Smokep--flood, you run as fast and as hard as you possibly can to ShadowClan. Get a medicine cat. We'll stay here; we can't risk moving Flurrypaw." Smokeflood blinked, feeling a numbness set over. "Go!" The chocolate warrior snarled, and Smokeflood streaked away, the wounds she had accumulated in the battle shooting a dart of pain with every step, hot, damp air feeling like it was suffocating her.
This is all wrong. This is not supposed to happen. I'm not supposed to get my warrior name when my leader is being dragged away, I'm not supposed to run from battle, ThunderClan isn't supposed to attack our camp with their entire clan. I... I don't know what's going to happen next.
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