nineteen ࿈
yes I know the picture doesn't match the chapter but i don't care. smokeflood and pearldad Enjoy~
Moonlight dappled through the barren boughs of ThunderClan's forest, settling awkwardly on the shadowy protective veil placed over the patrol. Smokeflood pad just behind Pearlfrost, the two at the center of the patrol with two of ShadowClan's finest shadow elementals at their sides. The patrol was made up of around ten cats, divided into two groups so as to not ruin the stealth of the operation. Smokeflood cast a glance back to where she strained to pick out where the second patrol was. She could only figure out where they were once she noticed moonlight dapple at an awkward angle. The shadowy power was incredible; the top skilled of the shadow warriors could make a patrol appear like the rest of the forest, and silent as mice even with the snow their paws crunched down on. Darkblaze, the lead shadow warrior on her patrol, had explained that "it only truly works the best at night."
They had been following the ravine that parted their territory for ages, and it had broken off into a valley creek leading deep into the heart of ThunderClan territory. The earthy, wooden scent of ThunderClan was unbearably strong, and gave the RiverClan warrior a headache. Pearlfrost flocked his tail across her ear comfortingly, his eyes still trained ahead on where they were going. Suddenly, the air shifted and carried with it a strange but familiar scent. RiverClan. She could smell the comforting and warm smell that cling to her clanmate's fur, something akin to reed-beds and freshly-caught fish. However, it was tainted with something dark. It smelled... murky. Like sickness, but there was a touch of something light, similar to the nursery scent. Lightspark's face reflected the same confusion she was feeling, as his eyebrows creased ever so slightly from where he followed close behind her. Darkblaze raised her tail and slowed, lowing herself to the ground. The rest of the patrol slowed as well, mimicking her as she started slowly stalking forward.
Smokeflood could make out a large, dam-like structure in the creek valley, a large pond of water gathered at the base of the woven wood structure. That must be something created by wood elementals from ThunderClan. That wall is at least four tail-lengths high! They crept alongside the valley, but from that point on, a bramble wall that was a tail length tall shielded whatever was kept in the valley. The patrol shared a knowing look. This is it, this is where the rest of RiverClan is being held. They kept following alongside until the entrance to the bramble prison was visible. Smokeflood had to be careful not to hiss as they crept down into the valley and brambles tugged at her long coat.
It was eerily quiet. Wind softly battered at the barren trees, and leaf bare night had silenced all of the crickets and nightlife. Only the faint whistle of the breeze could be heard. There was a ThunderClan guard at the entrance, as expected. The calico guard gave a large yawn, their head bobbing with sleepiness. Part of the second patrol broke off, a single shadow warrior camouflaging their secret weapon. As the invisible pair got close enough, the shadows stretched to cover the guard and thinned out just enough to barely make out a ShadowClan tom raising a heavy bit of earth and silently knocking the guard unconscious with it. Phloxnose of ShadowClan, the half-Clan tom that was more than welcomed when they discovered he was an earth elemental.
The two patrols cautiously crept into the prison. The waning claw-shaped moon was enough light to outline half-built root and earth shelters. The camp was void of ThunderClan, but they knew that could change at any moment if noise broke out or if some anomaly occurred. Get in, get out. The hardest part is trying to wake them silently and then getting them out in groups. Pearlfrost stepped out of the shadowy cover, Smokeflood just behind him. They had rolled in garlic to mask the smoky ShadowClan scent. The closest den was a slab of poorly woven roots propped against the bramble walls. The two were met with five cats grouped tightly together for warmth in the open den. Pearlfrost lightly prodded the closest mound of fur, a long-haired white she-cat with dark gray points. Smokeflood recognized her as Mistyrain, a mentor. She was mentoring one of the younger apprentices, I think it was Silverpaw? Or maybe Silverpaw's sister... I can't remember her name. They both... didn't make it. But... maybe they're here! Mistyrain picked her head up quickly, her blue eyes full of fear. After a moment, they softened, and she fell to the ground with emotion. Pearlfrost quickly hushed her before she could let out a sob.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. You have to be quiet. Shh, shh," he whispered, nosing her up. She nodded and picked herself up shakily. Her eyes were full of emotion, of sadness and joy. Smokeflood blinked with shock, though, as she realized the state she was in. Her fur was dirtied, and she had many scars, some fresher and some looking to be as old as the battle that tore the Clan apart. But, most notably... her stomach was swollen with kits. Heavily swollen, due any day. Pearlfrost sighed, and pressed his nose into her fur comfortingly. A soft purr escaped from her. The deputy motioned toward the exit, where the ShadowClan warriors were waiting. Darkblaze had let some of the shadows thin enough to where they were visible. Without word, Mistyrain crept away with the gate of a queen. They went through, waking cats and guiding them to safety. Only a few of the she-cats were now queens, and one even had a litter of young kits that were being carried. There were only two other dens, each with five or so cats cuddled for warmth. It was the last den that she found her. Smokepaw's heart lifted as she saw the black she-cat.
"Eelpaw!" she whispered, nudging the apprentice with her nose. She blearily blinked open her eyes. She's grown so much. She was taller, long-bodied, and her fur was sleek and perfect, even with the dirt that clung to it. Her face was delicate, her features now more defined yet still soft as the first snow. Her almond-shaped amber eyes were wide, but they softened after a moment.
"You're always saving me, aren't you, Smokepaw?" She murmured. "This must be dream again." Eelpaw smiled, setting her head down again. Smokeflood gave her a nudge.
"No, Eelpaw, we have to go. It's real, it's really me. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," Eelpaw blinked with shock and half-sat up. Smokeflood choked back a gasp as she noticed Eelpaw, too, was carrying kits. The dark she-cat looked down.
"One moon along," she murmured. "You're really real, then. In my dreams you never notice, because in my dreams I'm never a queen...," her eyes welled up, and she pressed her face into Smokeflood's chest fur. The warrior felt her fur get hot, and she welcomed the embrace.
"C'mon, let's get back to Kalepaw."
"Kalepaw's alive?" The ebony she-cat stood up, and Smokeflood nodded, and waved her tail to motion to the ShadowClan patrol. Half had already left to take as many as they could camouflage at once.
"Is this the last den...?" Eelpaw nodded. "Then... where's Miststar?"
"She's kept away from us at all times. She's kept inside ThunderClan camp." Lightspark pad up, and Eelpaw ducked her head at the presence of the unknown tom. Smokeflood took a step in front of her friend to give her a comforting guard.
"Inside ThunderClan camp?" The electric tom whispered with disbelief. She nodded. He narrowed his eyes with thought.
"We can't just walk into their camp." Smokeflood meowed under her breath. He turned with a sigh.
"We have to. We'll get in, get out." The spiky-furred silver tom led them to the rest of the awaiting cats. "Darkblaze, Slateshard, and Smokeflood with me." Pearlfrost raised a brow, and Eelpaw took her place with the other RiverClan cats. "Pearlfrost, get them back safely. I have a plan to rescue Miststar...."
I know "it's been forever!!! >>>::—-(((" buttt we're almost done!!! There's really only a couple more chapters. Probably like 5-7 more. We can make it!!!
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