five ࿈
"Smokepaw, why don't you go get something from the fresh-kill pile?"
"I'd rather not," she grumbled. Leopardnose sighed. The uniquely spotted tom had been working with her on recovery, as rehabilitation was his specialty. Or at least that's what Sandleaf said. I think she just didn't want to do it herself.
"You need to eat at some point. You must be starving; you haven't eaten since you puked everywhere yesterday morning." Smokepaw cringed at the mention of the event.
"I'm fine," she growled, pulling her tail close. The last thing I want is to leave the medicine den. The medicine den is safe. Her stomach growled, but she ducked her head. Morning light seeped in through the willow's leaves, gently casting a glow on the healing cats. The day was sticky warm, Smokepaw could taste the humidity on the air, thick and uncomfortable. A mild breeze drifted, but did nothing to properly cool her down.
"Why don't you get something for Collieheart then? I'm sure he'd appreciate a bluegill to wake up to." Smokepaw glared up at the paw-print-like spotted medicine cat.
"He can get it himself when he wakes up then." Leopardnose closed his yellow eyes, taking a deep breath.
"Alright. Smokepaw, you have to start moving around. You need to start getting back to mobility, and the only way to do that is to be mobile."
"I look like I a fluff-brain when I walk. My body won't move like I want it too, I keep losing balance."
"The only way to get back to how you were is to walk. You have to regain the sense. Now, go grab something to eat. I know you're starving. Go eat." Smokepaw narrowed her eyes in annoyance, then pushed herself to her paws. She saw the light cross Leopardnose's eyes, and she gave a sigh. "Do you need some help? If you want, it might be easier if you want me to walk with you."
"No. I'm not a kit." The apprentice growled, taking a few testing steps. Leopardnose watched with a piercing gaze, eyes following every slight movement she made. She took a deep breath, and then pushed on, forcing through every step. She let out a gasp as she nearly fell, but rocked herself back onto a solid stance, and stepped out of the safety of the weeping willow's leaves. The center of camp was mostly quiet; many warriors had left for morning fishing and hunting. The fresh-kill pile was, thankfully, not too far from the willow. Unfortunately, the apprentice den was also right next to the great tree, and all too familiar cats were laying outside of it.
"Hello, Smokepaw," Rosepaw called. The calico lay alongside Kalepaw and Eelpaw, all sharing a trout. Smokepaw grimaced, and kept walking. Instantly, Kalepaw picked up on the oddity.
"What in StarClan's name is wrong with with you?" He curled his lip, eyebrows pinching together.
"She was poisoned, Kalepaw. Stop being so insensitive," Eelpaw growled. Cobwebs and dressings were fastened to her flank, hip, and jawline, and a purr rumbled in her throat, her attention turning to the thick furred apprentice. "Good morning, Smokepaw. How, ah.. how did you sleep last night?" Smokepaw flicked an ear, and Rosepaw giggled, giving Eelpaw a light shove.
"I've slept better," Smokepaw limped to the meager pile, sighing with relief at finally arriving. I'm pretty sure this whole walking back to the willow thing will not work at all while carrying a fish. She thought a moment, then picked up a bluegill, stomach growling, and slowly took the few steps to the circle of apprentices.
"So you're going to have a few scars then, huh?" Kalepaw looked at the multitude of medical compounds decorating her pelt.
"I mean, I guess...," she muttered, taking a bite of her fish. The flesh was sweet, and in the moment, felt like the best thing she had ever tasted. Reflective scale stuck her her muzzle, and her whiskers stained red.
"I wish I got to be there. I bet I would've won the fight." Kalepaw grinned, and Eelpaw rolled her eyes at her brother's remark.
"You would've died." Smokepaw meowed flatly. Rosepaw let out a short laugh before stopping herself, a purr still in her throat.
"I don't think so, I don't give up easily," he gave a smile, eyes full of challenge. "Hey, have you guys heard that Miststar is going to try talking to ThunderClan?"
"Really? That seems a little risky... what if they take one of her lives? She shouldn't risk it." Rosepaw murmured.
"Yeah. She's going and she's taking only a few cats with her. Maybe she'll choose me? You know, I look like an innocent and weak apprentice on the outside, but then I'll just unleash unknown power if they try anything!" Kalepaw flashed his teeth as he spoke, half-standing from the excitement.
"Is she doing anything else? Just going to talk?" Smokepaw meowed, trying not to look too interested. I wonder if they know about the secret outlook. Rumors spread really fast here, so what are the odds that was accidentally let out?
"No, that's it. See, that's what's interesting: she's not upping any patrols to the border. Actually, there wasn't a sunrise patrol to the ThunderClan border today; just dawn, sunhigh, dusk, and moonrise patrols." Kalepaw settled back down, tucking his paws under his paler brown chest.
"It's potentially one less patrol being shredded," Eelpaw reasoned.
"Hm. Why're you guys even here and not training?" Smokepaw mumbled through a mouthful of bluegill, changing the subject.
"I'm not supposed to go back to training yet," Eelpaw licked her paws clean, gesturing to the still fresh wounds on her pelt.
"I'm giving Eelpaw 'emotional support.' Or, at least, that's what I told Hawkclaw. He's going to realize how fake I was being any moment now, though," Kalepaw mused. Smokepaw blinked, and looked to Rosepaw.
"I'm usually don't start training until later after sunrise. So, pretty soon," the dilute calico responded. She started in on grooming her short-furred pelt, smoothing down fur on her long legs.
"Speaking of which, I think I should probably go hide--" Kalepaw stood quickly as his eyes caught a very angry looking Hawkclaw walking into camp. "Yeah, yeah, gotta go--" the brown tabby turned to duck into the reeds when his name was sharply called.
"Kalepaw. I thought I told you you could give your sister a visit before training, not mealtime and sharing tongues?" The brown striped tom padded toward the group of apprentices. Rosepaw and Eelpaw awkwardly shifted to clear the path to Kalepaw, but Smokepaw watched with disinterest without moving. Serves him right. Rosecall would make me swim against the current for a few tree-lengths on top of a day's training if I tried to pull something like that. Smokepaw hadn't actually seen her mentor since the day before with Miststar, and she found she didn't really care. It's nice not having to run all around the territory to please Rosecall, actually. Not nice that I'm physically not at all how I usually am, but the rest is nice.
"You did? I must've heard you wrong--"
"Don't give me any of that. Come on, let's go," Kalepaw tucked his tail and sheepishly padded to his mentors side, receiving a rough cuff across the ears. "Beechfeather and I have been waiting since sunrise for your tail." The pair left camp, the brown tabby apprentice having perked up again after the reprimand.
"I should get back to the willow," Smokepaw murmured, standing up stiffly. Eelpaw half-sat, amber eyes full.
"Hey, Smokepaw, if you.. if you need any help, call me? I'm not a medicine cat or anything, but I can talk to you or help you through. If you need," Smokepaw tipped her head up, carefully watching the sleek black she-cat.
"I probably won't need help," she breathed. Eelpaw looked down at her paws, her whole body slumping a bit. Oh. "Ah-- er-- thanks for the offer, though...?" Eelpaw didn't quite perk up though. StarClan. I made her upset. ...I did that to her. "I didn't mean to come off like that--"
"It's okay." Eelpaw whispered, eyes still on the ground. "It was my bad." Smokepaw opened her mouth to speak, but turned instead, padding off awkwardly to the Medicine Cat Den, the willow fronds licking at her sides as she entered.
"Smokepaw, welcome back! I got a little worried when you didn't come back, but I saw you eating with the other apprentices. How did it go?" Leopardnose was standing, leaning over Collieheart to listen to the black and white tom's breathing. Smokepaw glanced over mid-step, nearly falling at the distraction.
"Oh. ...It was fine. Kalepaw got in trouble with Hawkclaw." Collieheart laughed, murmuring an apology to Leopardnose for messing up the breathing exam.
"Yeah, I heard a little bit of it. Why don't we start on some exercises, hm?" Leopardnose moved away from Collieheart, giving a small satisfactory nod. "If we're going to get you back to normal, we're going to have to work quite a bit." Smokepaw gave a small nod, and made her way towards the warm brown and black spotted tom. "Alright, we'll start with some simple stretches...."
QUESTION: what element would you want if you were in waterfall?
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