Yoongi groaned as he got up from the ground.
"This is not what we want, Min! You need to step it up!" His coach screamed.
Hoseok took off his helmet and handed Yoongi a hand to help him up. "You okay man?" He asked.
Yoongi took the hand as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah."
"You all need to get your shit together. We want to make it to finals. Understood?"
"Yes sir!" The team screamed in unison.
"Practice tomorrow at 5. Be on time."
"I fucking hate this," Yoongi mumbled to his trustworthy best friend of ten years.
"YoU nEeD tO sTeP iT uP, mIn." Jungkook joked as he removed his helmet.
"I had the fucking ball and wasn't even moving. I wasn't a runner! He tackled me too hard. I want to get him back." Yoongi said as he looked at Hoseok viciously.
Jungkook stepped in front of him and raised his eyebrows, "We're on the same team. You can't tackled him."
"If we're in practice I sure can. That little bitchass..." Yoongi kept mumbling as he kept staring Hoseok down.
"I don't think our teammate took your tackling too well," Jin said from a distance. Hoseok turned to look at him and he shrugged.
"It was for practice purposes only. He should've paid more attention." An unbothered Hoseok responded.
"Hey, guys!" The coach screamed gathering the players around.
"I don't really need an introduct—" Jimin timidly said as he stood behind him.
"We have a new teammate!"
"Oh fuck." He whispered feeling his face turn bright red.
The players all surrounded the coach and Jimin kept his eyes glued to the ground.
"As you all recall, our waterboy Jisung, got accidentally tackled by Kim and was injured,"
"It was an accident." Jin mumbled embarrassed.
"So, we have a new waterboy for this season, Park get your ass over here!" He screamed.
Jimin shyly stepped out from behind the coach and awkwardly stood there as forty-four pairs of eyes stared.
The blush on his face was as red as the shirt he was wearing. "Introduce yourself, Park."
"Hi," he whispered.
"I said introduce yourself!"
Jimin's eyes widen, he wasn't used to being put on the spot. He was always the shy wallflower that no one noticed.
And to be in front of twenty-two hot football players was not helping his situation. "H-hi. I'm-I'm P-Park—"
"Okay enough with the mumbling shit. He's our waterboy. Please, don't break his ribs Kim!"
Break ribs?
Jimin didn't sign up for this. He only wanted to join the team to spend more time with his best friend, Hoseok, and look at ass.
He had a "so-called-boyfriend" but it didn't hurt to look now did it?
"Alright that's it for today. Practice at 5!"
Jimin stood there as the players went by. One in particular caught his eyes, Kim Taehyung. He was extremely popular after all.
He was too busy drooling over him that he didn't even acknowledge the pale face boy that was walking directly towards him.
He bumped into Jimin but didn't mind him at all either. He was too busy talking to Jungkook to even notice him.
"Ouch." Jimin mumbled as he rubbed his shoulder.
"You made the team woo!" Hoseok cheered as he approached him.
Jimin rolled his eyes, "Okay, now you're just mocking me."
"Am not. Being a waterboy is extremely important. Let me tell you after running for so long I need a good sip of water."
"Well, the position I wanted wasn't exactly waterboy. I wanted like an important role. The main player that starts the game? What's he called?"
"Quarter back?" Hoseok chuckled.
"Yeah! That's what I was rooting for."
Hoseok snorted, "You do realize tryouts were like two months ago, right? And in all honesty could you beat Kim Taehyung for that position?"
Jimin sighed, "Well, no."
"Waterboy it is then!"
"Shut up! It's not funny. I hated that whole introduction shit. Did you hear me? I sounded so stupid! Everyone was staring at me and I saw some laugh! That's not the first impression I wanted."
"Control your gayness around the players, please."
"Okay, Mr. Straight. Let me tell you something aren't!"
"I'm open to new experiences that doesn't make me exactly gay. You straight up are."
"Don't use the word straight around me please. It offends me."
"Whatever." Hoseok said as they walked to the locker rooms.
"I'll wait here. I don't want to invade." Jimin said as they stepped in.
"You don't want to go look? I'm shocked."
"I didn't say I'm not looking. I'm going to peek for sure."
"Alright, give me two minutes max."
Jimin stood by the entrance as he observed from the distance. He was trying to find Taehyung because he would give his right kidney to see him shirtless and that was a fact.
However, he only spotted a pale boy that stood out above them all. He had biology with him sophomore year, but never actually spoke to him.
Yoongi felt like someone was staring and he looked up. He spotted Jimin by the door and cracked a smile.
Jimin's face turned red and he quickly turned around bumping into a player coming in. "So-Sorry." He apologized.
When he looked up and saw Kim Taehyung he almost shit his pants.
"It's cool." Taehyung responded as he stepped aside.
Jimin strangely bowed and excused himself. Yoongi saw it all and found it amusing. As Jimin walked out the locker room he pinched the bridge of his nose.
For the love of God, Jimin. Why're you so weird? Who bows awkwardly in a locker room?
He started to think of how stupid he probably looked and he started banging his head with his palm.
Stupid Jimin, stupid Jimin, Stupi—
"Take it easy. We don't want another injured waterboy." Yoongi causally said as he walked out with Jungkook.
Jungkook chuckled when Jimin surprisingly looked up. He wanted to disappear now for sure.
He wanted the earth to swallow him alive and avoid being so embarrassed with it all.
Yoongi and Jungkook kept waking as they laughed. Jimin's embarrassment only deepened.
"Ready to go?" Hoseok asked behind him.
Jimin quickly pulled him by his forearm, "You said two minutes max! You were in there longer! Do you know of the humiliation I went through with like the whole locker room?"
"Chill. I didn't even hear anything."
"Let's just go please! I can't stand this level of humiliation."
As they approached Hoseok's car Jimin spotted Yoongi and Jungkook talking by a car parked three spaces away.
Strange that he never noticed the boy with translucent skin.
thank you for reading! back it again with the yoonmin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sorry just ship them so much! much luv <33
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