"Park over there." Jimin mumbled pointing somewhere.
"That's way over there. I don't want to walk longer. I'm lazy."
"Hoseok, please."
"What's going on? You've been awfully quiet today."
"What? I can't be quiet?"
"No, because you're Jimin and Jimin is not quiet."
"I'm okay. Just park here please!"
"What even happened between Yoongi and you?"
"I sort of ended things with him! I'm panicking! I didn't text him back yesterday because of my mental breakdown! Now I can't see him!"
"You're so dramatic!"
"I know! Help me!"
"What did you fight about?"
"He saw a text message from, Chanyeol." He whispered.
"You been talking to Chanyeol?"
"Only through text message. He messaged me asking to meet up. He knows I'm with Yoongi and he's focused on school at the moment. I just wanted to meet up and clear the air between us."
"Are you a fucking air filter to clean the air or what?"
"Hoseok! You know what I mean!" He huffed crossing his arms.
"Why didn't you just tell, Yoongi?"
"Because I was scared he would get upset and he did. Then I saw him with Lisa and I called him a fuck boy and I feel so shitty for that. And I freak out and overreacted and—"
"Jimin. You're so dramatic."
"Stop it. I know!"
"Then? Why aren't you talking to him to fix your problems? Instead of ignoring him and letting him wonder!"
"I can't."
"Jimin." Hoseok sighed. Sometimes he really wanted to slap the shit out of him. But then he remembered that he was his best friend and he was in the border of a panic attack.
"I can't." He gasped. He felt like his lungs were closing up on him and he felt light headed. This happened to him sometimes.
When he was extremely stressed and overthinking it made his body feel all jittery, shaky and he had shortness of breath.
"Breathe. Just breathe. Calm down." Hoseok said looking him in the eyes.
Jimin took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It took him a few minutes but he managed to stabilize his breathing a bit.
"You good now?"
"No..." he couldn't finished his sentence because he started to cry.
"Jimin...don't cry."
"I'm so stupid. I'm so dumb. I-I'm a wimp."
"Why're you so afraid of all the sudden? You were so happy. Why are you letting this little fight tear you apart from him?"
"Because, I'm not good enough. He deserves much better and-and everything was going so great and—"
"Exactly. It was going great. You're good enough. Don't doubt yourself too much."
"I'm insecure. Everything is so good. I can't believe it's happening for me. I can't have so much luck."
"Stop ruining something good."
Jimin sighed. He had another headache. He wished he could stop being so doubtful, but it was his weakness.
"What if things end up like how it happened with Chanyeol? Yoongi and I were friends before we liked each other. I feel like this ruined our friendship because now if we really do split up we can't ever be friends."
"Life is about taking risks. Stop hiding in those insecurities of yours. If you end up hurting accept that and be thankful. Because if you don't know pain you won't appreciate the happiness."
"Park Jimin."
Jimin gasped and tried to walk faster, but Yoongi grabbed his book bag making it impossible for him to.
"Y-Yoongi." He stuttered.
"Ignoring me huh?"
"N-no. I—"
"You didn't text back, didn't answer my calls, and in the morning you didn't walk by where you usually do."
"I-I just—"
"Here." He said shoving his sock and a banana to him. Jimin gulped taking the items with a blushed face.
"The banana would've been prettier. It's probably bruised since I carried it in my book bag the whole day. You skipped lunch so I couldn't give it to you then. You didn't walk down the hallway to get to your math class so I couldn't give it to you then either."
Jimin pouted looking down at the ground. Guilt was what he was feeling at the moment. He was so insecure and so selfish at the same time.
He only thought of himself and not of Yoongi or his feelings. He really didn't deserve a perfect human like him.
"Are you going to talk to me now? Or keep staring at the ground?"
"I washed your sock and sprayed it with my cologne that way you remember me of course. Well, I don't know if you want to. I did it either way. So don't use that sock to jerk off or it'll set your dick on fire."
"You know I hated my English class today. We read Shakespeare and believe it or not I'm a huge fan. Our reading only made me frustrated and angry. It's beautifully written, but has so much tragedy. And if you don't talk to me right now I'm going to lose my shit."
"I don't deserve you." Jimin finally responded.
"You heard me. I will only hurt you with my insecurities."He quietly said looking up.
"Why do you say that? Why are you pushing me away? I don't understand you. If it's the Lisa thing-"
"It's not just that. You're so-so wonderful and we were such good friends and I don't want to lose you, but I'm so doubtful in myself. I'm afraid things will end up bad between us that's why it's better to stop here. I've been hurt so many times and I know that's not an excuse to hurt you. I've just given my heart so many times and it always ends up broken."
"Shut up."
Jimin's chin quivered. Coward, coward, coward. He thought trying to swallow the lump on his throat.
"I have to go." He quickly said before he bursted into tears. He started to run away infuriating, Yoongi.
He was angry. So fucking angry. Why couldn't this boy just accept his love? Why couldn't he believe in him? What didn't he have that the other boys he'd given his heart to have?
"Fuck you Park Jimin!" He screamed furiously with tears brimming his eyes.
This made Jimin stop running and he turned around to face him. His heart was impaled right through.
"I love you. I won't give up on you no matter how hard you try to push me away. I'm not him. I'm not like the others that have broken your heart. Stop comparing me to them. I am Min Yoongi and I am in fucking love with you and your hair, your eyes, your smile, your lips, your arms, your legs, your everything. I am in love with every ounce of you. I know I'm immature and dumb, but that's not stoping me from winning you back, you idiot." He yelled his pupils swimming in sadness.
"I do not accept a reality where you are not by my side." His throat hurt from the excessive screaming.
But at least now he couldn't breathe.
He needed to get all that anger and sadness out before he kept it bottled in. His breath was shaky and his heart rate was beating uncontrollably.
"Now excuse me, my fucking heart is too weak at the moment." Yoongi added turning the opposite and walking away. When his back was turned to him, he wiped his tears with the back of his hand.
Stupid boy, what made him think Yoongi would give up so easily?
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