"Jimin, are you crying?"
"What? No! No! It's sweat! Crap, the sweat is real. It's so hot in here!" He quickly said getting up from the stool.
Hoseok looked over at Jackson who shrugged. "Give me a second."
"Alright, sunshine. I'll be here."
Jimin quickly walked through the crowd as he wiped the tears streaming down his face. Damn. Why didn't they stop?
Why were his eyes open faucets?
He took a deep breath as he chugged the blue drink down. It burned. A lot. It was almost like he was swallowing acid down his throat.
Not that he had ever tasted acid, but he was completely sure it tasted just like it. He was too hurt and too heartbroken to drink it slow.
All he wanted to do was forget and he was convinced chugging this shitty drink down would make him pass out any second.
"What the hell, Jimin? Why'd you walk away like that? And what are you doing now?" Hoseok asked as he stared at him.
Jimin was frozen with both hands in the air and his eyes closed. "I'm waiting." He mumbled.
"What?" He asked leaning closer. It was impossible to hear with the loudness surrounding them.
"I'm waiting!" He repeated louder.
"For what?"
"To pass out! I want to pass out!"
"What the shit? And you're crying? Oh fuck, I think you're a sad drunk. Give me this." He said taking the glass from him before it was dropped and shattered.
"Why isn't it working? I must need another one."
"Oh, no, no, better get your ass over here." Hoseok scolded pulling him back. Jimin stumbled and almost lost his balance.
Jackson quickly came behind him and held him before he fell. "Wow! Jackson! Helloooo!" Jimin giggled.
"Bloody hell." Hoseok murmured embarrassed.
"Hoseok! He's so muscular! You're made of steel! Have you touched his shoulder? Are you sure these aren't shoulder pads?" He asked gripping his shoulder.
"I'm sure." Jackson responded with a laugh.
"I need you to order me another one of those drinks please. But like, make it double or triple. I don't know can you make it triple? If so please ask him to. In fact get all the alcohol bottles in there, tell him to mix it up. Oh! And add a cherry at the top, I don't wanna go to hard."
"I think you're drunk, Jimin. Are you trying to pass out?" Jackson asked.
"Yes! See Hoseok he's even super smart! He knows what I want!"
"Alright, we need to go now. Let's go find Yoongi and the rest."
"No!" Jimin protested his heart swelling again.
"We have to go." Hoseok said sternly.
"We. Have. To. Go." He repeated louder.
Jimin crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head no. Hoseok pulled his ear as he whispered.
"We have to go. Do I need to repeat myself again? If you want to act like a kid I will treat you like one."
"Ow, ow, ow, ow. Okay, okay, okay, we have to go. Let's just go outside I don't want to look for the others. I feel sick."
Hoseok then smiled brightly ruffling his hair. "Alright then, come on." He took him by the arm just in case he lost his balance.
"That was so hot babe. Fuck, can you pull my ear like that?"
"Jackson! Not now."
"But, can you for real pull my ear like that?"
"Shh. We will talk about this later. Take my phone and text the others that we're going outside."
"No! Don't text them!" Jimin screamed.
"Are you acting like a kid again?" Hoseok asked raising an eyebrow.
Jimin shook his head no with a pout. "That's what I thought." Hoseok responded walking out the door.
The air was cold outside making Jimin shiver. He gripped Hoseok closer to him laying his head on his shoulder.
"Hoseok, let me sleep with you."
"But I thought you were going with, Yoongi."
"No. I don't want to." He mumbled.
"Why not?"
He gasped turning around to see Yoongi behind them. "There you are!" Hoseok said enthusiastically.
"Where are the others?" Jackson wondered.
"They're still inside. They said they were coming. What happened?"
Jimin scoffed. Was he really asking what happened? He started mimicking him by making face expressions.
"He's drunk. He chugged a damn drink down in five seconds and then started blabbing about how he wanted to pass out and shit."
"I'm not drunk! Tell them I'm not drunk Jackson!" Jimin desperately said turning to look at him.
"He's not drunk." Jackson said, but as soon as he turned around he mouthed "he's so drunk" to Yoongi.
"See! I'm not drunk."
Yoongi sighed shaking his head. He stepped closer to Jimin who pulled Hoseok back with him.
"Come on. I'll take you home with me."
"No. I'm sleeping with, Hoseok."
"You had already told me you were staying with me." Yoongi stated.
"Yeah? Well, I don't want to no more. I'm staying with him meanie."
"Meanie? I'm the meanie? What the fuck? What did I do?"
"You know what you did meanie! You're a butt face. There I said it. You are a butt face mister!" He screamed pointing his finger at him.
"You're unbelievable." Yoongi huffed slightly annoyed. Was he really serious? He was the mean one? Even after he had been texting Chanyeol behind his back?
"YoU'rE uNbElIeVaBlE."
"Stop mocking me!"
"StOp mO—"
"Okay! Enough! We are in the middle of the fucking parking lot and we sound like dumb bitches arguing! Not to mention it's cold as shit." Hoseok said.
"Jimin, stop acting like a brat. Please, let's go." Yoongi calmly said.
"A brat? Hoseok-he-he-called me a brat!"
"Jimin." Hoseok sighed.
Jackson was in the corner trying to hold in his laughter. This was like a reality tv show but in real life.
"Are you really going to cock block your friend? He has plans with his man and you're just going to interrupt them like that? Shame on you, cock blocker. Shame on you."
Jimin's mouth dropped open at Yoongi's words. That hurt worse than being called a brat. He couldn't cock block his best friend.
"Fine! I'll go with you." He responded as he let go of Hoseok.
He gave his friend a quick hug and then he bent over to Hoseok's crotch to scream. "I'm not cock blocking you! I'm setting your cock free! Be free cock! Be free!"
"Holy shit. You need to take him away. Now." Hoseok said with a red face.
Jackson couldn't contain his laughter any longer and he bursted into almost tears. "Come on, Jimin." Yoongi said grabbing his arm.
Jimin harshly pulled away and walked in front of him. Yoongi rolled his eyes aggravated. What a brat. He thought.
"Hey! Car is this way."
"I knew that." Jimin replied turning to where Yoongi was pointing.
"Sure you did."
Jimin wrinkled his nose and stuck his tongue out like a little kid. "If I didn't love you I would beat the shit out of you right now."
"Whatever! Liar! Liar pants on fire!" He hollered as he formed an L with his fingers and put it against his forehead.
"Get in the car." Yoongi said opening the door for him.
Jimin got in and Yoongi leaned over to grab the seatbelt. He gulped whenever he felt his breath on his face.
Yoongi slowly buckled him up and had to resist the urge to crash his lips into his. Then he closed the door and walked to the other side.
The car ride home was quiet and tense. Yoongi occasionally glanced at Jimin who also did the same. They didn't speak to each other however.
When they got to Yoongi's house he was about to unbuckle him when Jimin did it himself. "I can do it."
They got off and made their way in. "Want something to eat or drink?" He offered as they walked past the kitchen.
Jimin looked at a stack of bananas and thought of asking for one, but didn't. Instead he pointed to a box of Cheeze-Its on the counter.
Yoongi grabbed it and handed it to him. He took the box and immediately dug his hand in eating like there was no tomorrow.
"Don't eat to fast. It might upset your stomach you've already filled it up with alcohol."
"Don't tell me what to do." Jimin snapped as they walked in his room. Yoongi closed the door behind and took a deep breath.
"Are you always this childish when you're drunk?"
"I'm not childish!" He said with a mouthful.
"Yes you are. You're acting like a big baby right now."
"You always say I'm your baby don't you? Why is this any different?" He said with a knot building in his throat.
Yoongi sat next to him on the bed and sighed. "You're always my baby."
Jimin continued to chew, however the taste in his mouth wasn't pleasurable anymore. It started to make him sick.
"What's the matter?"
He instantly threw the box on the floor and ran to the bathroom. Yoongi followed him behind only to find his face down the toilet throwing up.
He swallowed the nausea as he kneeled beside him. "Fuck, I told you I don't do vomit." He said as he slowly rubbed soft circles down his back.
Jimin continued to vomit for a few minutes. When he was done he flushed the toilet so he couldn't see or smell it.
Yoongi grabbed a small hand towel and cleaned his mouth. "Stupid boy. Why would you drink so recklessly like that huh?"
Jimin's chin quivered and he couldn't hold his tears in. Yoongi felt like he was punched in the gut when he saw the tears streaming down his face.
He thought reading that text message was hurtful. That was a lie. Seeing Jimin crying silently in front of him was far more painful.
"Don't cry, Jiminie. I didn't mean to call you stupid." Yoongi softly whispered as he wiped his tears.
"I'm not crying because of that." Jimin said through small sniffles.
"Then why?"
"Because you're a meanie." He simply said. He couldn't find the words to confront him about Lisa because who was he to do so?
After all they weren't dating. They were simply talking. He could do whatever he pleased, right?
Yoongi pulled him in for a hug as he quietly cried on his chest. "It's okay, baby. Please, don't cry." He said kissing his head.
Jimin continued to sniff and Yoongi only tightened his grip. A sudden fear fell over him making his body tremble.
"You know what, Jimin? I can lose every fucking thing in this world. Everything. Anything. But, I can't lose you. You hear that? Fuck, I can't lose you."
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