Yoongi walked in class and slammed his book bag on the floor. Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other and then up at him.
They watched as he struggled to get a pen out and once he did it fell on the floor. A loud groan escaped his lips.
"Fuck you pen! Fuck you desk! Fuck you floor! Fuck you! And fuck you too!" He screamed sticking both middle fingers up in the air.
"Are...you okay?" Taehyung wondered.
"Am I okay? Am I okay?" He repeated.
"Oh, no. Get ready for a rant." Jungkook warned.
Yoongi got up from his desk with his face red from anger. "I told him to take some space if he needed it. You know? Two weeks. It's been two weeks. Almost three! And I haven't heard a peep from him. I get that his parents grounded him and shit but for two weeks? And if he is grounded why haven't I seen him around school? Our fucking school is the size of my backyard. Where the hell is he hiding? What if he's—"
"Yoongi. You told him it was okay for him to do this."
"I know." He snapped annoyed. "But, I didn't think he would actually stay away for that long. It's been a horrible fourteen days without him. Do you comprehend that?"
"I comprehend." Jungkook reassured him patting his back lightly.
"Do you think that he thinks that I'm crazy?" He asked his voice softening.
"No, no, no. Why would he?" Taehyung said raising both eyebrows. Yoongi was acting pretty crazy at the moment.
"I just need to see him and talk to him."
"Who? Jimin?" Jin asked casually as he removed his book bag and sat next to Yoongi.
"You've seen him?" He asked astonished leaning over him.
"Yeah. I see him everyday. We have literature together."
Yoongi gasped, Jungkook pulled him back. "There, there, calm down. Jin is our friend. We've talked about this. We do not beat up our friends. He cool people."
"I'm cool!" Jin shrieked.
Students started to arrive causing the group to settle down. Yoongi sat next to Jin with Taehyung and Jungkook sitting in front but facing them.
"You mean to tell me you've seen Jimin everyday for the past 2 weeks?"
"Well, not everyday. He was out for two days because he got sick? Or something like that?"
"He's sick!" He exclaimed. A few people turned to look and he lowered his voice again.
"Not anymore. He's okay now."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You didn't ask."
"I need to see him."
"Let's kidnap him." Jungkook suggested.
"Oh, that's a great idea. Listen up, I'm not a creep or anything, but I know that Jimin stays after class for a few minutes to finish writing notes or some shit. Then he goes upstairs to math and I always see him go to the bathroom before. So, if we hurry we should be able to catch him."
"Jin, why are you encouraging his crazy ideas?"
Taehyung asked shocked.
"I'm just saying." He said shrugging.
"We are not kidnapping anyone. What you can do is go to the upstairs bathroom and see if you catch him." Taehyung replied.
"Aww, man. You're no fun. Namjoon would've agreed."
"I'm kidnapping that mother fucker." Yoongi quietly said.
They turned to look at him and he cracked a smile. "Kidding. I love that sucker. I wouldn't hurt him. I have to go see him then." Yoongi said running out of class.
Like mentioned before, Yoongi despised running even though he was a football player. When it came to Jimin, however, he didn't care.
He jogged up the stairs pushing and shoving people out. He was lost whenever he saw his surroundings.
There was so many people trying to get to class and it took him a few seconds to locate the bathroom.
His eyes beamed as he rushed to it. "Ji—!" He stopped screaming once he saw a guy peeing at the urinal.
The bathroom stalls were all open and he felt deeply disappointed. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the door waiting for him to come in.
All he could hear was the guys pee and he instantly got aggravated by it. "Fuck, are you peeing out a gallon? Hurry up." He snapped.
The smaller, younger, boy quickly stepped away from the urinal and zipped up his pants. He got so startled that he didn't even wash his hands.
Yoongi wrinkled his nose and then turned back to look at the stalls. Maybe he didn't look right. Maybe he missed a closed stall. Maybe just maybe Jimin was in one.
"Maybe..." he mumbled stretching to glimpse.
"Maybe what?" Taehyung asked behind him.
"Fuck! What are you guys doing here?" He asked landing eyes on Taehyung and Jungkook.
"We are here to guard the door. Just in case people try to come in. We won't let them ruin your romantic moment." Jungkook said.
"How romantic to be in a school boy bathroom huh?" Taehyung asked looking around.
"Smells like piss." Yoongi groaned.
"Smells like love." Jungkook corrected.
"Okay, Jungkook." Taehyung said rubbing his back.
"Too far?"
"Just a little bit baby." He whispered.
Yoongi sighed rolling his eyes, "I don't think, Jimin is showing up. Now, the teacher probably thinks we're having like a threesome or some shit."
"More like foursome, am I right?" Jin snorted.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Yoongi asked.
"I wanted to see too. I'm nosey. Okay?"
"Ugh, well he's not—"
"Eyyy! Team reunion wassup! It's like a male orgy in here." Johnny said with a grin.
"Fuck, did you guys tell the whole damn class to come up here?"
"Nah, I can text Yuta and Jaehyun to meet us up here though. Hold up." Johnny said pulling out his phone.
"No, no. No one is texting no one, alright? Let's go back to class. This is getting super weird."
"But, we just got here." Jin pouted.
"Let's go. We will catch him later."
"Who? Who we catching? I wanna catch too." Johnny insisted.
"Let's just go." Yoongi said pushing everyone towards the exit.
"Jin was right." Yoongi said as he watched Jimin come down the stairs. He had a stack of books in his hands.
"Yeah. He's right there. He must be looking for Hoseok." Taehyung whispered.
"Right. Can you two distract him?" He asked turning to Jungkook and Taehyung.
"Yeah. We got you. Do you still wanna borrow my house?"
"Of course. Your parents are gone again?"
"Yes. They're back tomorrow. They had to go close a deal or some shit like that." Jungkook replied as he handed him a set of extra keys.
"Just don't fuck in my bed."
"We've already fucked there." Taehyung smirked.
"Fucking gross. Jimin and I slept there!"
"I changed my covers." Jungkook replied with a small blush.
"But it's still—"
"Jimin!" Taehyung said pointing to him. He was already walking the opposite way.
"Shit. Distract Hoseok wherever he is." Yoongi sprinted from behind his car and ran to him. It seemed like he had been running the whole day today.
He reached Jimin and pulled his bag causing him to drop his books. "Where the hell are you going?" He asked stepping in front of him.
Jimin blinked at him with big eyes and his lips parted. His cheeks were rosy and he had sweat drops on his forehead.
He stood five foot eight, with an oversized white shirt that had a sauce stain, ripped blue jeans, messy hair and he looked perfect.
Yoongi abruptly pulled him in for a hug stepping on his books. "Why do you do this to me? I've missed you."
Jimin melted to the hug wrapping his arms around him too. "I've missed you." He responded quietly.
Yoongi pulled back and grabbed his shirt staring him in the eyes. "Stupid boy. Don't disappear on me like that."
"My parents took my phone. I have this project due that's stressing me out. Also, you're stepping on my books and—"
Before he could finish Yoongi shoved him. "Ouch. What's this for?" He asked rubbing his arm.
"That's what you get asshole. I know I told you to explore but I didn't mean that long. I know I'm a basically a hypocrite. I don't care."
Jimin pouted with a sigh. Yoongi could not keep standing here. If he did, he would crash his lips onto Jimin's and heavily make-out. With his consent of course.
"Let's go."
"He's gone."
"Gone? Without me?"
"Yeah. I heard he had to go suck Jackson's dick."
"What? He would've told me."
"Cock blocker." Yoongi mouthed offending Jimin.
"I'm not!"
"Come with me then."
"Okay, but I can't be out that late. Due to me sneaking out I have a curfew now."
"I hAvE a CuRfEw nOw."
"I do!"
"Whatever. Let's go. I'm still mad at you. I love you though." He said finally stepping off his books and picking them up.
"Thanks." Jimin commented wiping the dust off. Yoongi turned around and started to walk leaving him behind.
"Hey, hey," Jimin said trying to keep up with him. "Hey," he repeated tripping over his own feet. Yoongi grabbed his arms preventing the fall.
"Stupid boy."
"We're going to Jungkook's house. His parents aren't home. I mean unless you want to go to my house with my mom home or even better, your house."
He shook his head no and Yoongi nodded taking his hand and intertwining their fingers together. With his other hand he took the books so he didn't have to carry weight.
"So, you don't fall."
"Too late." Jimin whispered. Yoongi smiled looking away as he started to walk again. "What?" Jimin wondered.
"Nothing, Jimin. I'm just thinking of how you're what makes the world worth living in."
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