"Yoongi!" Jimin squealed.
"Someone is excited to see you." Jungkook chuckled as he elbowed him playfully. Yoongi shrugged like it was no big deal when in reality his heart could explode.
"I'll meet you in the field." He told his friend.
"Better hurry. The coach will be out soon."
Yoongi nodded as he walked to a giggly Jimin. "What's up waterboy?"
"Guess what?"
"You're going to send me a nude?"
"Definitely not." He responded with a nudge.
"Lame." Yoongi joked as he rolled his eyes.
"Seriously, guess what?"
"I don't know. Tell me what's causing all of this excitement? Haven't sent you my dick yet for you to be this upbeat."
Jimin's lips parted a pink tint spreading over his face. "Yoongi." He whispered screamed. He laughed at how shy Jimin got.
"I'm messing. Now I really, really, want to know why you're so happy."
"Guess who messaged me?" He asked with a big grin.
"Hmm, shit, uh, I'm terrible at guessing. Was it John Cena?"
"No silly! It was Chanyeol!"
Yoongi's face immediately dropped. "What?"
"Yes! He-he messaged me look!" Jimin said as he pulled out his phone. His hand was shaky from excitement and all Yoongi could do was look at him.
His face had lit up and there was pure joy spilling from his eyes. Yoongi swallowed hard feeling a knot on his throat.
"Should I reply? Or should I wait? What should I do? Yoongi it's working!"
"I..." Yoongi couldn't even finish his sentence. This whole thing had threw him off. He was not expecting this to occur and he certainly didn't think it would make him feel so blue.
"Get in the field!" The coach screamed from the distance. "I'll talk to you later." He finally said. He walked away without looking at him.
Jimin thought this was odd but he tried to shake it off. Jungkook was waiting for Yoongi when he felt a sudden pair of arms hugging him tightly from behind.
He looked down at his waist a little panicked until he heard someone whisper in his ear. "I told you I would hug you for a long time."
He relaxed his body although his heart was racing to speeds he couldn't count. Yoongi was now approaching Jungkook but he quickly made another turn when he saw what was happening.
"Hey, I'm sorry." Taehyung whispered in his ear.
Jungkook kept looking ahead at the field. His cheeks were rosy pink from the blood rushing through his veins.
"For what?"
"For panicking after the first time we hung out. I didn't think we would...I have never been intimate with the same sex. I know we didn't actually...well you know."
"I know," Jungkook responded breathless. "It was my first time too. Ever." Jungkook's face was now on fire after admitting that out loud.
Taehyung smiled laying his head against Jungkook's shoulder. "You're so cute and innocent." He said.
They remained like that for a few seconds until they noticed everyone gathering in the field. He let go and finally met eyes with him. They smiled at each other.
"I'm glad I met you. I'm glad you're alive. Im glad I'm alive. I'm glad we are here." Taehyung told with a smile.
Jungkook looked at him with heart eyes. There was only love for that boy. You could not give him love.
"Me too, Taehyung."
"Hey Yoongi. What's up with you today?" Jaehyun asked with a smirk.
"Not in the mood." Yoongi warned as he removed his football gear.
"Come on! Let's hang out. Are you too soft to hang out now?"
Yoongi rolled his eyes as he kept walking by. "Hey Jae, I don't think he's in the mood." Jungkook said.
"Yoongi!" Jaehyun insisted. He wrapped his arm around him and Yoongi pulled away harshly throwing his equipment on the ground.
"Dude. I'm kidding. You know that." He said.
"And I told you I'm not in the mood."
"What's your problem?"
"You're my fucking problem." Yoongi said. He impulsively shoved him. Jaehyun was startled by this and quickly became angry.
He shoved him back twice as hard and Yoongi fell back on the bleachers. He scraped his shoulder blade.
"Fuck. I didn't mean to shove you that hard." He quickly apologize. Jungkook stepped in front of him.
"I don't think it's the time to talk to him. He's pissed. You know he will get over it soon." Jungkook said.
Jaehyun nodded and walked away. Yoongi was now up and he looked beyond pissed. He punched the bleachers out of anger. "Fuck! That hurt." He cursed.
"No shit. What's wrong with you?"
"I'm pissed!"
"Clearly. What's the problem though?"
"I don't know. Lisa requested to follow me days ago."
"You like her don't you? That's great news!"
"It is?" Yoongi wondered.
"Yes! That means the plan is working. You'll get Lisa and win the bet and Jimin will get Chanyeol. It's what you wanted. Correct?"
"Yeah." Yoongi responded doubtfully. It is what he had been wanting this whole time. Jungkook was right.
"You're bleeding. Let's go to the nurse." Jungkook pointed to his shoulder.
"I don't do nurses. I'm good."
"Yoongi!" Jimin called from the distance. He stopped to pick up his equipment that was on the ground.
"Hey. I saw what happened from across. I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner! I'll pinch him because he hurt you." He said panting.
"Oh hell yeah, he deserves a big pinch." Jungkook said.
"On the dick." Yoongi sighed.
"Let me see. You're bleeding! You need-"
"Not going to the nurse, Park." Yoongi declared.
"I can-I can take care of that if you want." He responded.
"Well, looks like I'm third wheeling now. See you later." Jungkook said walking away.
"Do you have a first aid kit?"
"My house."
"Perfect. Let's go. Can you drive?"
"I won't bleed to death. I can drive."
"Okay, I need you to-can you-you-sorry-j-"
"Stop the stuttering shit. What do I need to do?"
"Take of your shirt." Jimin said covering his face. He was bright red and embarrassed. Yoongi laughed as he removed his jersey.
"You're going to get this shy when I pull this dick out."
"Kidding. Now hurry up because this shit hurts."
Jimin uncovered his face and looked at Yoongi who was sitting on top of a small counter. His skin was unbelievably pale and almost translucent.
It shined like it was made out of porcelain. Yoongi looked like he was made out of porcelain.
He cleared his throat turning redder. He had been staring at him for so long. "Never seen a shirtless guy?" Yoongi wondered with a smirk.
"Uhh-let's just take care of this." Jimin said as he put on gloves. "I'm putting on gloves so I don't get germs in your cut."
"Then I'm going to clean it with alcohol. It'll burn a lot. Then I'll put some ointment and cover it up with the gauze and this big bandaid. Okay?"
"O-okay. Now, I'm going to need you to hug me."
"What?" Yoongi asked.
"Its going to hurt. So when you feel the burn just hug me tighter."
Yoongi gulped feeling butterflies in his stomach. Must be the cut. He told himself.
"Alright. Cool." He said as he tried to shrug it off.
Jimin pressed his body on Yoongi's knees to avoid him from moving. Then Yoongi wrapped his arms around him.
Jimin locked his arms down tightly on Yoongi's. Yoongi almost gasped at the strength.
"You can l-lay your head on me. Only if you want too."
Yoongi nodded as he did. When Jimin began to disinfect the wound he tightly gripped Jimin's small figure towards him.
"It's not a deep cut. It should heal in a few days and you'll be good by football finals." Jimin said.
Yoongi just nodded once again squeezing his eyes shut. If Yoongi was honest he was hugging Jimin tightly not only because it hurt but because he didn't realize how eager he was to hold him.
After he was done Jimin tried to step away but Yoongi still had him in his arms. "Sorry." He apologized as he let go.
He started to blush but he quickly hopped off the counter and tried to brush it off. "Thanks by the way. I don't do nurses, doctors or any of that. But you can be my nurse any day."
Jimin giggled. "I'm flattered." He said as he removed and disposed his gloves.
"Hey Jimin," Yoongi said as he put his jersey back on.
"Let's go to that Oak Hill Halloween party."
"What? We can't. We are from—"
"Yes we can. Who said we can't? They've been posting about it and said everyone was invited so that includes us too. If we go you'll see Chanyeol there and I'll see Lisa. Plus, we won't go alone. Jungkook and Jin would be down to come with us. It's right after finals. That way we can rub in their faces that we won."
"What if we loose?"
"We won't. So, are you down?"
"Y-yes, I don't have a costume though."
"No problem. We will find one for you."
"Okay." Jimin timidly responded.
"You really like Chanyeol don't you?" Yoongi wondered.
Jimin nodded. "Yes, I do. I like him so much. It's a feeling I can't describe. And to me it's magical that we met. Because I'm a believer that there was past lives and that there's different dimensions. I just feel like we've been together before and that destiny is reuniting us in the same dimension. Have you ever felt that way about someone?"
Yoongi remained quiet as he looked at the boy. Their eyes were looking right at each other and Yoongi felt it in his heart.
"Yes. I actually have."
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