Jimin remained quiet for a long time. He kept staring at the bed as if it would magically turn into two.
"Hello?" Yoongi asked.
"Did you hear me?"
"Yes. I-I-we can sleep together. I mean, only if you want. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
Yoongi laughed as he put his bags on the bed and opened them up. "Make me uncomfortable? Please. In the one that doesn't want to make you feel that way."
"You haven't and you won't." He reassured as he slowly put his stuff down.
"Here." He said taking out a banana. "I wanted to pack two more, but I was afraid they'd go bad. So I only brought one."
"Thank you." He said as he took it. His eyes were shining brightly and he covered his mouth to stop himself from giggling.
"Fuck." Yoongi mumbled as he grabbed his chest. Jimin was too cute. Way too cute and precious for this universe.
The world didn't deserve him.
Jimin sat on the bed as he peeled his banana and took a bite. "Get ready. We're sneaking out."
"Sneaking out? Downstairs?" Jimin innocently asked. Yoongi almost said aww. He really was innocent.
"We're sneaking out to town not sneaking in the hallways. We're grown ups now, Jimin."
"But-but she said we couldn't. Unless it was to the indoor pool."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "And you think we're following those shit rules? Our curfew is 11. They won't check the room until then so we have the afternoon to spear. Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin and Hoseok are coming. I think some of the football team is coming too."
"And where are we sneaking out?"
"We're going to eat something and then go to this fair. We heard there's supposedly one downtown."
"We don't have a car." Jimin said panicky. He never not followed the rules. The thought of getting caught sent shivers down his spine.
"That's why we get an Uber. Duh."
"But I heard that Uber's are not safe and—"
"Relax. We won't get caught, okay?" Yoongi said as he cupped Jimin's face. He lost his breath at the action and simply nodded because he was speechless.
Yoongi looked at Jimin's plump lips and for a semi second he thought if kissing his lips. Then he remembered he couldn't so he let go.
"Alright. We should leave in a few." He said turning away from him. Jimin blinked several times as his cheeks turned a soft pink.
"That food was so good." Hoseok replied satisfied as he rubbed his stomach.
"Hell yeah." Taehyung said. They were currently in line to buy their fair tickets. Jimin was looking around and his eyes sparkled from all of the colorful lights.
"So pretty." He whispered.
"Not as pretty as you." Yoongi whispered quietly.
"Next!" The lady up front screamed. Jimin was about to pull out his wallet when Yoongi got in the way.
"We're together." He said. "You don't—"
"I will stab your throat."
Jimin pressed his lips together with wide eyes. "With my dick." He mouthed. Jimin gasped as Yoongi chuckled handing the lady some money.
She wrapped the hand band around their wrists. Yoongi took note of the bracelet he had given him.
"You're actually wearing it everyday." He commented as they walked.
"Yes. You threaten to stab me if I didn't."
"You know what I'm stabbing you with though." He smirked as he raised his hands and motioned a size.
"This big." He whispered.
Jimin shook his head as he looked away blushing. Lately, Yoongi's jokes had been affecting him more than usual.
"So, I guess we will meet here at 10:00. We have to be back before 11." Jin said as he came up behind them.
"That's fine." Jungkook commented.
"Want to walk with me?" Jin asked Hoseok. "Sure."
"Hey, Min!" Johnny screamed. He was standing with Youngjae and Yuta. "Be right back." Yoongi murmured.
"You don't want me to come along?" Jimin asked.
"No. I don't need them to make you uncomfortable. If I need you to pinch them in the dick I'll let you know."
Jimin laughed playfully hitting him. Yoongi smirked as he walked to the two boys. He remained still as he watched the older boy talk to the other two.
After watching them for a few seconds he turned to look around the fair. He saw a game stand and spotted a bear.
His heart instantly sunk. Chanyeol had given him a bear just like it. It brought back memories. Terrible memories he wished he hadn't made with him.
"Why the long face?" Hoseok asked. He was eating a candy apple while Jin was trying to win a game.
"That bear. It reminded me of Chanyeol." He responded as he pointed at it.
Hoseok frowned. "Jimin. Don't allow him break your heart again. Don't let him ruin this trip for you."
"I can't help it."
"What about, Yoongi?"
"What about him? You sure have been talking about him a lot! If you like him so much why don't you date him hmm?" He snapped.
Hoseok shook his head annoyed. "Well, I'm sorry if you feel like I'm pushing him on you too much. You know I didn't like him and that we are still not the best of friends. The only reason I keep bringing him up is because I heard the way he was talking about you that night. I want that for you because it's what you deserve. I know you'd want the same for me. I don't like the way you give your love to those that aren't worthy of it. If you don't like him then that's fine too. Just don't keep leading him on and tell him straight up. How do you think it makes him feel? How do you think he feels? Have you even asked him?"
He turned around and walked away. Jimin suddenly felt bad. Hoseok was right. He hadn't even thought of Yoongi and his feelings.
"Hoseok—" he called.
"They're so wack." Yoongi said. "What's wrong?" He asked once he saw Jimin's face.
He looked pale and like he didn't feel too good.
Maybe it was the popcorn he bought and ate. And maybe it was also the guilt he was feeling. He shook his head as his mouth started to water.
"I need to vomit." He quickly said as he ran to the bathroom stalls. Yoongi ran after him, "Jimin are you—are you pregnant?"
Jimin rolled his eyes as he chuckled. "No of course not."
"Sorry. I just needed to ask. It seemed like the right question. In all honesty though are you okay?" He asked as he leaned on the bathroom stall door.
After he empty his stomach our and flushed the toilet he opened the stall. "Not really."
"It was that fucking popcorn wasn't it? I'm going to sue that damn stand. Do they even have a permit to sell them? I didn't see shit. Should've know the popcorn was bad it looked weird." He ranted.
"I'm sorry." Jimin apologized.
"Don't be. It's not your fault. We already called the Uber's to come pick us up. They should be here any minute."
Jimin nodded. He went to wash his hands and rinse his mouth. They were walking out of the bathroom stall when Yoongi saw another stand.
"Hey look, Jimin! Before we leave let's get married!" He said as he took his hand and ran to the stand.
"We're getting married." He said as he took his wallet out.
Jimin watched Yoongi smile as the lady explained the "wedding rules". He glanced at him a few times as she was talking.
Could it be?
Could he really like, Jimin?
"Do you accept?" She finally asked.
"Yes." Yoongi replied.
"Do you accept?" She asked Jimin.
He nodded his head slowly, "Yes."
"Awesome! Now I need you to sign here please." She said sliding a piece of paper to them.
They both sign and she handed them two fake rings. They were poorly made and looked extremely cheap, but neither of them minded.
Yoongi slowly slid the ring into Jimin's tiny one. He smiled as he looked down at the ring on his finger.
His heart started to flutter as he grabbed the ring to put on Yoongi's hand. It was too small to fit on the right one but he managed to slide it into his pinkie.
"Congratulations! You are now married!" She clapped.
Yoongi took their wedding certificate and held it up in the air. "I'm keeping this in case you try to act funny. We're married bitch. No turning back."
Jimin laughed covering his mouth. "Okay."
All of the sudden it started to rain. Yoongi quickly folded the paper and stuck it inside his shirt.
He took Jimin's hand once again as they ran to the Uber. They got in and even though they weren't running anymore, Yoongi held his hand the whole way to the hotel.
They didn't say anything until the were back in the room. "Tonight was fun, huh? Except the vomiting of course." Yoongi asked as the room door shut behind.
"Yes. It was fun. I agree."
"It's still raining pretty hard." Yoongi said as they sat on the small couch and looked out the window.
Their clothes were extremely damp and their hair was dripping down. Jimin was looking at Yoongi while he looked at the thunderstorm outside.
"Yes?" He asked turning to look at him.
"Are you okay?"
"Sure am. I'm still full from the food we ate. Other than that I'm great." He replied with a smile.
Jimin looked at him with sadness. How had been so selfish to never ask him how he felt? He never once thought of him only himself.
"Why the question?" He added with curiosity. He knew something was wrong with Jimin and it wasn't just the popcorn.
"Because I know it gets tiring to pretend to enjoy the rain when you feel like you're drowning."
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