Yoongi waited in the parking lot waiting for Jimin to arrive. He had a banana on hand ready for him.
To say that his weekend had been shit was an understatement. It had been one of the worst ones he had experienced.
Yoongi was the type of person to not let things get to him. He was strong when it came to that. Except, Jimin was his weakness.
He immediately looked up with a smile. He had missed that voice. "What's good bighead?" He asked as he gave him the banana.
Jimin took of instantly peeling it. "So, let me tell you what happened," he said with a mouthful.
Yoongi found this adorable and kept smiling at the site. Was there anything that this boy did that didn't make him feel like his heart was going to explode?
"At the end it was no big deal. I found out I actually do like pears although they look weird and they're green. No offense to green, I like all
colors, it's just that this one time I threw up so hardcore and it was gre—"
Jimin gasped when he felt Yoongi's arms around him. "What's wrong?" He whispered because he knew he wasn't the type to show much affection. And this hug was different. It almost felt like a goodbye.
"I've been thinking about you." He bluntly stated.
"You have?"
"Yeah." He said.
Jimin smiled blushing as he wrapped his arms around him too. "Well, thank you."
"What?" He asked with a laugh. He pulled away and the younger boy smiled shyly. "Thank you for thinking of me."
"Hey Jimin, will I still give you bananas everyday?" Yoongi wondered. He thought about this throughout the weekend repeatedly. He wasn't much of a banana fan and his mom often questioned why he bought so many.
"Why wouldn't you? Do you not want to anymore?" He asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"No. I do. It's just...Chanyeol gave them to you." Yoongi mumbled.
Jimin thought about it for a moment. He didn't want Yoongi to stop. He didn't know why but he didn't. It would hurt his feelings and he didn't understand why.
"I still want them." He finally replied. Yoongi nodded his head as they remained quiet for a few seconds.
"I listened to your favorite artist this weekend."
"You did? Really? Børns?" Jimin asked enthusiastically as he finished the fruit.
"Yes. The song Tension made me feel a type of way."
"Why?" Jimin wondered.
Yoongi shrugged, "I guess I thought the tension was mutual."
They stared at each other for a few seconds. Jimin began to feel the sweat building up under his arms. It almost felt like a tension.
"Chimchim-! Oh sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." Hoseok apologized.
"No, it's fine. I was just leaving." Yoongi said looking in his eyes. Jimin looked away unable to keep looking.
"So, how do you feel about it?" Hoseok questioned. He hadn't talked to Jimin about Yoongi because he thought Jimin would let him know.
After all, Yoongi was suppose to confess his feelings that night. "What?" Jimin asked confused.
"You know about Yoongi?" He questioned.
"Oh, you mean the," Jimin swung the banana peel in the air. "And Chanyeol?"
"Yeah. The thing with Yoongi and Chanyeol."
"Well, I don't want to stop the thing with Yoongi but Chanyeol—"
"You're seriously not thinking of still seeing him right?"
"I am. We're meeting up tomorrow after school."
"Jimin! What about Yoongi?"
"He's okay with it. He said it was no big deal."
"What? But I heard him. He said—"
"When did you hear him?"
"That night! And he sounded very sincere."
"He is sincere. We talked about it just now."
"So, you're telling me he told you and you're just brushing it off like that? And he's letting you go back to misery?"
"Don't talk about Chanyeol like that." Jimin frowned. "And you can't be talking. I thought you liked Jin and I saw you talking to Jackson."
"That's totally different."
"Is it now?"
"Yes it is. Jin doesn't like me and Yoongi does like you."
"Wait what?" Jimin asked confused.
"Yeah. That's what I've been talking about this whole time. What the hell did you think?"
"Umm? I thought we were talking about the bananas." Jimin responded panicky.
"No. It's about him liking you."
"No, no, he doesn't like me. He couldn't."
"Yes he could! He does trust me. I heard it."
Jimin rolled his eyes as he started walking. "Hoseok, you were drinking that night. I'm pretty sure you didn't hear well."
"I'm not a liar! And yes I did drink but only two! I know what I heard!"
"Sure, sure."
"Jimin, get back here and let's talk about it."
"Gotta get to class." He quickly said as he sped up. Hoseok followed him behind but he quickly entered the building and got in between the crowd of students to avoid him. He felt super jittery at the moment.
Hoseok didn't hear right. Yoongi doesn't like me. How could he? Jimin thought. He walked towards his locker room and when he happened to look up he spotted Yoongi talking to Jungkook.
They were laughing at something. Yoongi covered his mouth as he leaned back on the lockers.
Jimin then took note of the way his clothes hugged his body perfectly. And the way the veins popped on both of his hands.
Yoongi noticed Jimin staring and he gave him a smile. His breath hitched as he looked away. There was no way a perfect human being like Yoongi liked the awkward wallflower.
"I can't believe you're just going to let him walk away like that." Jungkook said.
They were currently sitting down on the football field bleachers. It was only them two since it was after school hours.
"What else can I do?"
"Oh shit, I don't know Yoongi, maybe tell him how you feel?" He sarcastically replied.
"And have my heart broken? No thanks. I'll rather it keep it to myself."
"Like Jimin would break your heart. He wouldn't make fun of your feelings."
"Yes, I know he wouldn't. Except he will tell me he doesn't feel the same way and that's way worse. I'd rather have him laugh at my face than him to tell me he doesn't like me."
"How do you know he doesn't like you?"
"Because I'm not Chanyeol."
Jungkook sighed sadly. He hadn't seen Yoongi this sad in a long time and it honestly hurt him too. He just wanted his happiness.
"So, you're just going to keep being friends with him? Isn't that going to be hard?"
Yoongi shrugged, "I don't know if I'll be able to remain friends with him. It You know? Because he comes to me to tell me all these things he's feeling and fuck, when he smiles like that while talking about him it fucking breaks my heart. He wants me to watch him be happy with another person and that's just fucking cruel."
"Exactly that's why you tell him."
Yoongi shook his head as he looked at the ground. "You don't understand, Jungkook. The way he talks about him is something I will never be able to fulfill. I've technically been screaming at him trying to tell him how I feel and he's seeing right through it. Plus, I don't want to be that asshole that destroys his happiness."
"How are you going to destroy it?"
"I know, Jimin. If I told him how I felt he will think about it over and over again. He will stay up at night thinking of everything he's done to make me feel this way. Then he will feel bad, and he will cry," he said with a shaky breath.
"He will cry a lot since he knows he can't feel the same way for me and that will tear him to pieces. Because that's just the type of person Jimin is. Always caring to everyone but himself. Who am I to take that away from him?"
"Are you hearing yourself, Yoongi? You're being so selfless and I don't think that's fair. You deserve to say how you feel. You won't be happy if you don't tell him."
"Yeah. I don't like the way I'm feeling right now. I've been thinking too much. I've been thinking of things I could've done different to avoid this situation. Either way it's pointless now. I just want Jimin to be happier."
Yoongi keep looking at the ground until he felt a tear escape his eye. He wiped it with two of his fingers and then looked down at it.
"Fuck, this boy made me soft as hell. I'm disintegrating."
Jungkook gulped as he wrapped an arm around him. He had only seen Yoongi cry two times. One, when he broke his arm in third grade. Two, just now.
"Maybe it's for the best. He's too good for me either way. I would only ruin him."
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