chapter 6
"can't it wait" Korra whined
"No it can't" Asami replied, helping Korra put on the bridal dress. Korra looked up at the ceiling.that had to be the sixth or the seventh time Asami had asked her to wear it. And not once had Korra actually looked at it . Partly because she was annoyed. Her mother and Asami had reassured her she looked beautiful in it, but she still wouldn't look at herself in the mirror.
"Hold still sweetie" Senna said when Korra started to fidget
"Please tell me this is the last time I am going to wear it"Korra pleaded
"No" both Senna and Asami answered.she groaned
"You have to wear it on your wedding day"Asami answered
Korra rolled her eyes"besides that day"
"We need to make sure it fits you perfectly" her mother replied. Korra sighed and held still
"Korra"Mako asked knocking lightly on the door before begging to open it. Senna and Asami automatically ran to the door and shut it on his face. Mako rubbed his nose while letting out a chuckle
" You Know the rules Mako" Asami cried hitting the door "you can't see her in the wedding dress until the day of the wedding!"
He could hear Korra growling from the inside"it's ok Korra, you Know where I will be waiting" he replied with another chuckle
"Almost done honey,I promise" Senna replied making finishing touches on the dress. Finally after few minutes Senna and Asami allowed her to take off the dress, which she did in flash
"Korra! At least put a shirt on" Senna yelled out to the hall as her daughter ran out in short and muscle shirt with her clothes and boots in arms
"I'll be dressed by the time I get to him!" She yelled.senna shock her head and she heard a chuckle from behind her . She turned to find katara,she smiled
"What am I going to do with her" Senna asked. Katara laughed
"You Know she reminds me of certain waterbender girl I met a few years ago" she said.senna blushed
"I don't remember being that impulsive"she answered
"Yes I can remember a certain day when you two were at a pond-" she continued but stopped at the sound of a familiar voice
Tonraq cleared his throat and senna blushed once again "those were wonderful times" he whispered to his wife's ear as he grabbed her by the waist
"I'll leave you . I need to go find zuko. We have pending talk" the old master said turning around
"Where were you?" She asked smiling while turning around to face him
" I was thinking about how I would talk to Mako " he replied. Senna's smiled dropped."we have to tell them"
"I Know,but it could be different with them"she said walking outside. She looked at the beach and found Mako and Korra chasing each other. She couldn't help but smiling at her daughter's happiness
" They have the right to know" he replied
*With Mako and Korra*
"You are cheating!" Mako yelled at Korra
"I am not!" She teased. He ran towards her once again and she used her air bending skills to avoid his advance. however, she wasn't prepared for his fast turn and he tackled her from behind.
"I win" she told him. Mako give her a sneaky smile before rolling over and pinning her down under him
"No, I win" he replied " let's go inside
" Carry me" Korra said laughing
"Sure my little baby"
* At home*
*Do I have to go?" Mako groaned there were two days left before the wedding and he was going to have his bachelors' party
"Yes bro! You'll have a good time! I promise!" Bolin said hitting his brother's back . Mako glared at him
"You better hope Korra doesn't hear that" he muttered
"My daughter has no objections" tonraq said as he walked into the room.
"I am going to buy some groceries" Senna said from the doorway" you boys have fun " tonraq smiled and nodded Korra walked in a smile on her face, heading towards her fiance. He smiled back at her and took her in his arm he knew she wasn't happy about his bachelors'party but hadn't said a word , which made him wonder what she was planning
"Are you sure you're ok with this"he asked, he was hoping she would say "no" and he would be more than happy to stay with her
"I am sure. You deserve some fun " she said looking at him. He groaned and she laughed"Go, before I change my mind"
He sighed heading towards his future father-in-law and little brother. She took his hand. Bolin rolled his eyes
" Come on, let's get going or Korra will never let you leave" Bolin said putting his arm around him . Korra grinned and threw fireball at his ear. Bolin jumped up while everyone laughed
* At the party *
*Here we are , just have a seat , and I we'll have some drinks" Bolin said with a grin. Mako sighed but nodded after Bolin left to bring some drinks
" Mako, can I speak to you for a second? "Tonraq said he nodded . Tonraq stood in silent for moment
"Um, is there something you want to tell me sir?" Mako asked
Tonraq nodded and sighed " I know you'll make my daughter happy it's just-"
"Just what? Believe me sir, I will protect Korra with my own life , I promise"
Tonraq smiled" it's not just that it's just see Senna and I got married at your age" he began
Mako frowned"did you guys wait to have family ?is that what is that about? I mean we could wait"
"No you don't understand" tonraq said cutting him off "we married at a young age and thought about having a children right away but it ..... wasn't see in Senna's family, it is very, very difficult to have children my wife is an only because of this and her mother before her"
"And that's why Korra is an only child as well"Mako finished.tonraq nodded
" I had to tell you because I don't want you to be upset if she doesn't conceive or get attached if she does"Mako snapped his head towards him.
Tonraq closed his eyes"Korra wasn't the first baby, Senna and I conceived. There were two before, but they didn't make it past the first three months" he whispered
"She-she miscarried?" Mako asked
Tonraq nodded"I hope that you two are the exception, because it is so heartbreaking to watch a mother go through that" he said in a sad tone
Mako froze as he let the words his future father-in-law told him. Korra would be inconsolable if she lost a baby , and so he would be.he wouldn't want to let her go through that pain.
"Am sorry son " tonraq said putting his hand on Mako's shoulder"will you be alright?"
Mako nodded
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