chapter 14
After 2 years
Though Korra's children were not Airbender's, she decided to teach them a couple of techniques. Spiral movements and meditating were few things she taught them. However, not both her children had the patience for meditation.
Karah had Korra's exact personality when she was young. The little Firebender wouldn't and couldn't sit still during any of the sessions. Her son, however, could, but was always being distracted by his sister. Korra finally gave up and dismissed them half way through the lesson.
"I thought we'd never get out of there," Karah told her brother as they left their mother at the meditation pavilion.
"I like doing that. Why can't you just sit still and shut up?" Mac asked with a scowl. His sister rolled her ember eyes.
"You are such a momma's boy," she said, running from him.
"Am not!" he called after her. He thought about chasing after her, but decided to go back and finish the session with his mother. She'd promised to show him a couple of Waterbending tricks if he stayed. He went back and sat down next to her, closing his eyes and connecting his fists, taking deep breaths.
Korra opened one eye to glance down at her son and smiled before returning to her meditation.
"Where are your mother and brother?" Mako asked as his daughter ran past him. She skidded to a stop and smiled at her father.
"I guess Mac went back to finish meditating with Mom," she replied with a shrug.
"And why aren't you meditating with them?
"I don't think I'm doing it right. Besides it's not like I need it." Mako shook his head.
"It's good for you. Maybe that way you'll learn to control your Firebending a little more." His daughter pouted. She hated being told that she needed to work on control. She had control it. it's just that sometimes her temper got the better of her. Her mother was a little more understanding since she went through the same phase, but still, it annoyed her to no end.
"Dad, may I remind you that I'm really close to mastering my element? In a couple of days, I'll have passed my test," she said. He shook his head and sighed. She was definitely her mother's daughter.
"Your cousins Sam and Ty are in the house," he said with a smirk. She beamed and ran towards their house.
Opal and Bolin had conceived baby boy before the twins being born and his name was (sam) he was an earth bender and a baby girl a year after the twins. Her name was( ty) . She was an air bender just like her mother. She had her mother's beauty and her father's eyes and wit.
Korra had the brilliant idea of starting a peewee league for Pro-Bending. There would be several levels to it before the students would be ready for the big leagues. And so there wouldn't be any bias, the same guy who ran the Pros would run the Little League.
When the deal finally came through, Korra had signed up her kids, and Bolin had also allowed his son to participate. So far their team was number one in all categories and in a few years, they would be allowed to compete professionally.
Mako walked over to the pavilion and smiled as he saw his Waterbenders sitting next to each other in their meditative stances. A few minutes later , Korra opened her eyes and stretched her arms over her head. She stood, followed by Mac, and Korra immediately swung an arm over her husband's shoulder. She grinned up at him. He leaned forward and kissed her on her cheek
"Mom!" the little Waterbender yelled as he covered his eyes. He hated seeing his parents kiss. Mako and Korra laughed.
"You still up for a few Waterbending tricks Kiddo?" He smiled and nodded.
"Sam and Ty are here," Mako commented. His son smiled wider and he ran toward the house. Korra leaned against her husband as she watched her son run away and Mako put his hands on her waist.
"They grow up so fast," she said. He grinned.
"Weren't you always saying that you couldn't wait for them to grow up?" he teased. Korra rolled her eyes.
"Yes. But it seems like only yesterday I was holding them in my arms for the first time. They were so tiny and vulnerable...they still are," she replied.
"We'll always keep them safe, Korra. Don't worry," he reassured her, rubbing her back. Although many of their enemies were gone, Korra was still weary. She feared that someone would try to take revenge on her through her children. She tried her best to protect them without being overbearing like the White Lotus had been with her.
Korra sighed. "We should go and see what trouble your kids are getting into before they tear down the house," she said with a smirk. Mako raised a brow.
"Excuse me, my kids? They get that from you," he replied. Korra simply laughed as they walked back to the house.
Pay attention," Mako instructed as he generated the Lightning and threw it towards Korra. The Avatar took it in her fingertips and redirected it into the sky.
"Wow," the twins said in unison.
"I want to try," the little Firebender said. Karah had some ability when it came to Lightning. If she was calm enough she could create a pretty decent current.
"No," both parents replied.
"But why not?"
"It's a dangerous thing to generate Lightning." Mako explained.
"Then what was the point in showing me?"
"So you can study the movements," her mother replied, patting her head. "You need to be a little more levelheaded. Meditating could help you with that. Once you have that down then we'll talk about redirection. For now, study the movements."
Karah scowled at her parents. Mac let out a snort. She narrowed her eyes at him.
"What?" he asked, innocently. His sister made a flame in her hand and he got into his fighting stance.
Mako sighed and stepped between the two. "No sparring yet. I'm going to get Zuko and Katara for the tests."
"I'll go with you, Dad," the little Waterbender said as he followed him. Korra move to follow the boys but stopped once she noticed her daughter wasn't coming.
" Are You coming?" The little Firebender shook her head.
"I'll wait here," she replied. Korra narrowed her eyes in suspicion but left the Firebender to her own devices.
Once she made sure that no one was around she got into her stance. She closed her eyes and started to move her arms around in the form her parents had taught her, feeling the electric energy in the air. She grinned. She was about to unleash the energy when suddenly she was blown back and landed with a loud thud on her rear. She growled and got back to her feet, trying again with the same results. That's when she heard her mother clearing her throat. The little Firebender froze and slowly turned to see her mother, arms crossed with a frown on her face.
"Oh, hey Mom. Heh. Didn't see you there," the girl said sheepishly.
The Waterbender sighed deeply. "Karah, forcing yourself to generate Lightning isn't going to help," she said, maintaining her patience. "Trust me. You have to give it time. I tell you two to meditate, not to punish you, though it may feel that way, but to help your Bending progress."
"I just can't concentrate during those stupid sessions," Karah muttered. "I want to generate Lightning just like Dad. And fight a lot of bad guys just like you did..." Korra sighed again and kneeled down to her daughter's level.
"You'll generate Lightning eventually. Just give it time. You are only 8 years after all, and you can already do things that most people your age can't. And you still haven't even mastered it yet. Be patient." Korra wasn't even going to touch on the "fight a lot of bad guys" subject.
"Fine," she replied, pouting. Korra chuckled and the little Firebender gave her mother a hug. Zuko and Katara walked in and smiled at the girls. Both girls smiled back.
"Are you two ready for you Firebending and Waterbending test?" Katara asked the twins. They both nodded.
"You will both spar with each other while Katara and I observe and decide whether or not you two have the skill needed to successfully master your respective elements," Zuko told them.
"Into your stances," Mako said with a smile.
"Remember what we taught you," Korra added with a smile of her own. Both parents trying to hide their nervousness.
Karah and Mac sunk into their fighting stances, looking at each other with a grin.
"Good luck," Mac called to his sister. The Firebender smirked.
"You too. You gonna need it."
Karah sent a series of fire punches, which Mac easily avoided thanks to the Airbending skills his mother had taught him. He drew a ring of water around him and threw a couple of water whips at his sister. She easily steered around the attacks as her brother had. Tenzin watched with a smile, noticing the way the children moved.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say your children were Airbenders," he said with a smirk. Korra smiled at this.
The Firebender sent a series of fire disks at her brother, which he blocked with a water shield. However one disk penetrated the shield and brushed his right arm. He hissed. His sister had burned him again. He immediately stepped to the side and sent a series of water whips at her.
She was so focused on blocking the attack that she didn't see the ice punch he had sent her way until it hit her in the stomach. The Firebender skidded back and ground her teeth.
The Waterbender created a water cloak and approached his sister, trying to throw her off balance. She in return sent him a couple of powerful fire kicks which he avoided by creating an ice dome, melting it and creating ice disks.
"They're strong," Katara commented.
"And very skilled," Zuko added, a little surprise in his voice.
"They lack restraint," Tenzin observed. Korra sent a look at her Airbending master while Katara and Mako chuckled. Katara remembered when the White Lotus had said the same thing about the young Avatar.
Mac threw a series of powerful jets at his sister. She did a couple of back flips before launching fire whips at him. He slid across the floor, avoiding her attack once again. Karah ran towards him both hands in front of her creating a large blast of fire. Mac ran towards her as well throwing several water kicks at the fire before turning around and thrusting his left hand forward to send a powerful whip at the blast.
There was a large hiss as both water and fire collided and there was steam everywhere, blocking the children from view. Korra used an air blast to clear their view as Mako created a fire wall between the twins to stop the fight.
"That's enough," he announced to the twins, letting the fire dissipate.
Mac and Karah both grinned at each other and bowed, as a form of respect. The Firebender then ran over to her younger brother and looked at his arm, checking to see if she had done any major damage, but it seemed as it was only a superficial burn.
"Sorry I burned you," she said sincerely.
He smiled at her as Korra bent over to see the burn. "You okay, Kiddo?" she asked. He nodded. "Want me to heal it?"
Mac shook his head. "I can do it," he replied, gathering water into his hand. He placed it over the wound and concentrated until it glowed.
"You two were great," Mako said with a smile as Korra nodded in approval. Both of the twins grinned.
"We've made our decision," Zuko announced as they approached the family. "Karah, you still lack some control over your element. But I have to admit it's been a long time since I've seen anyone your age move the way you do, you have incredible skill."
"Mac, a good defense is usually the best offense but you still need to utilize opportunities to attack. I know your opponent was your sister, and perhaps that is why you held back. But there is no question in my mind where you got your power and abilities from," Katara said looking at her former student.
"So?" Korra asked for the twins.
Both masters shared a look before nodding. "They passed," Zuko answered.
"Woo-hoo!" the twins yelled jumping up and down in victory. Korra and Mako kneeled to their level and embraced their children.
"I've never heard of anyone mastering their element at such a young age," Tenzin commented.
Zuko's face hardened as his mind drifted off somewhere. "I have," he said before turning and walking away.
"What's up with him?" Mako asked with a frown.
Katara sighed and turned back to face the family. "Azula," she answered simply. "His younger sister."
Korra furrowed her brow at the name. She knew that name. Then she froze.
Flashbacks hit her full force.
Azula going after Aang.
The battle between Zuko and Azula during Sozin's Comet.
Azula evading Toph and Aang during the Day of Black Sun.
Her sending Lightning at Aang, effectively killing him.
Korra cried out in pain as she suddenly felt a jolt of energy surge throughout her body. Her knees buckled as she started to fall towards the floor but Mako caught her before she hit.
"Korra!" he called as she convulsed in his arms, as if being electrocuted, and her eyes rolled back into her head.
"Mom!" Both twins cried, kneeling next to her. Katara stood there too, watching helplessly as her student twisted in pain. After a few minutes she calmed, though she was still visibly shaken and her breathing was hard. She looked at her children and placed a hand on their faces.
"I'm ok," she whispered with a pained smile, trying to calm them. Mako immediately picked her up and made his way to their home.
Korra lay on the bed, her head to the side, her skin a sickly color. Katara said she would probably be feeling weak for a couple of days but other than that she should be fine. Mako never left her side as she was treated, though she insisted that he should be with the kids.
"Mom's going to be fine," Mac reassured his sister. She kept pacing back and forth and he feared that if she did it any more she would burn a dent in the floor.
Karah looked over at him. She knew her brother was a lot more worried than her but remained composed for her sake. Tenzin watched intently as the twins interacted. For 8 year olds, they were very mature in some situations.
"I know," she finally replied. Her mother was the toughest person she knew. Of course she'd be fine. The Waterbender sighed and got up to walk around as well, waiting to see when they would be able to see their mother.
"She's going to be fine, Mako," Katara said as both her and Mako exited the room.
"But what happened?" he asked, anguish still in his voice.
"Perhaps my husband was trying to tell her something," she answered thoughtfully. "It wouldn't be the first time he used flashbacks for that."
Both twins snapped their attention to the adults and ran towards them.
"Can we see mom?" Mac asked.
"Can we?" Karah asked as well.
Their father gave them a sharp nod. "Just try not to agitate her too much," he said. The twins nodded and ran up the stairs. Once the children had ran off Mako turned his attention back to the elder Waterbender. "That still doesn't explain why it hurt her," he commented. "It looked as if she was being shocked. Not to mention the state she's in right now isn't exactly comforting."
"Korra will tell us what happened when she feels better," Katara assured. "For now, let her rest. You know where to find me if anything changes." She said, turning to leave with her son. Mako nodded and headed back upstairs.
Mom, are you sure you're okay?" Mac asked as he crawled into the bed to lie next to her.
Korra weakly chuckled. "I'm fine, really. You two don't need to worry," she replied tenderly, trying to soothe her children.
"What happened to you?" Karah asked as she snuggled closer to her.
"It was just a flashback. Nothing to worry about," the older Waterbender replied, not going any further into detail. Mako walked in and couldn't help but smile at his family. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.
"You two need to go to bed. It's past your bed time."
"But Mom's sick," the little Waterbender argued.
"We have to take care of her," his sister added. Korra chuckled till she felt a stab of pain and winced. She was still a little sore from the strain. First thing on her to-do list was to talk to Avatar Aang and ask him about what had just happened. She'd had flashbacks before, but they'd never done this before.
"Listen to your father. Besides, don't you two have a match tomorrow against the Wolf-Bats?" she asked, making a face. Her kids weren't the only ones who competed in the Peewee Leagues, obviously. Tahno also had entered his son. The twins made a face as well.
"Alright, off to bed, both of you," Mako ordered. The twins groaned. But both kissed their mother's cheeks and she kissed their temples before running off to their room.
Mako smiled at his children as well before laying down next to his wife, careful not to make her uncomfortable. As soon as he lay down, Korra snuggled closer to him and placed her head on his chest with a deep, content sigh.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, wrapping his arm around her waist.
"Just a little sore," she admitted. "I'll be fine."
The Firebender sighed deeply. She would never admit to him when she was hurt, even after ten years of being married.
"Korra, don't lie to me."
The Waterbender looked up at him. "I'll be ok. But Aang has some serious explaining to do," she growled. He chuckled at that. She hated when Aang didn't get straight to the point.
"Go to sleep, Korra," Mako whispered as he soothingly rubbed her back. The Avatar closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Korra found herself in the Spirit World and she immediately set out to find her past life. It felt like an eternity but she finally found him sitting under a tree. She sat down across from him and he smiled.
"Hello, Korra." She gave him a nod.
"So what exactly were you trying to say with the electrocution and freaking out my family?" She asked, not ever being one to beat around the bush. Aang's smile faded and a serious look took its place.
"An old evil is going to resurface," he replied, his tone a warning.
"What? But everyone is gone "
"Not everyone. There is a new evil that is rising, but it is directly linked with the last. You must be careful, and do not let your guard down. I did once, and as you felt, it did not end well," Aang stated before starting to fade.
Korra?" Mako called her name for the fourth time. The Avatar groaned but opened her eyes. It was morning. He chuckled. "If you want to stay here, I can take the kids to their match."
"No, I'm fine. I want to see them kick some Wolf-Bat butt," she replied. "But that doesn't mean I've changed my opinion about mornings," she added.
"Yeah, yeah. Mornings are evil," he said, grinning as she sat up. He helped her with her clothes. Her body was still stiff and sore but better than it was yesterday. The door burst open and the twins ran in their Pro-Bending uniforms, helmets in hand.
"Mom!" they yelled as they saw that she looked a lot better. She smiled and pulled them both into a hug.
"Are you going to watch the match?" Karah asked.
"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" her mother replied, smiling.
"Are you feeling better Mom?" Mac asked. She nodded.
"We better get going if you want to get any practice in. Your cousins are probably already there," Mako stated with a smile of his own. The twins nodded before disappearing down the stairs. Korra chuckled at their enthusiasm before holding out her arms.
He gently pulled her up and wrapped an arm around her waist, making sure she wouldn't fall. The Waterbender winced but shrugged it off.
"Look! The Little Losers decided to show up," Arvin taunted. His father, Tahno, smirked as he moved his hair out of his face.
Karah narrowed her eyes and shook her fist at him. "I'll show you who the losers are," she said through her teeth. Her brother placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't let him bait you. Save it for the match," he told her.
"I'm peeing my pants in fear," Arvin replied condescendingly as he turned, a smug smile on his face. Mac narrowed his eyes at him but said nothing as he dragged his sister over to their side.
"I'm going to wipe that stupid smile off his stupid face," the little Firebender growled as she met up with Sam who was already practicing. The twins sparred with their teammate before their father called them into a huddle.
"Now these guys have gotten a lot better over the years. Do not underestimate them," he told the kids.
"We can take'em," Sam stated . The twins nodded in agreement. Mako nodded and walked over to the stands. Karah turned to her brother.
"So what's the plan, Team Captain?" Out Of the three, Mac was definitely the strategist.
"They like to cheat. So we're going to have to move a lot faster to avoid any dirty moves they might throw at us. Attack with accuracy. If all goes well, we should be able to end this quickly." The two girls nodded. They piled their hands.
"Go Little Ferrets!"
"Go Wolf-Bats!" the other team yelled.
"Good luck! Keep your focus!" Korra cheered. The team smiled and waved at her.
"Introducing the most improved team of the season, The Wolf-Bats!" Tahno stood and clapped, a wicked smile on his face.
"And the reigning champions for 3 years in a row, the Little Ferrets!" Korra stood, with the help of Mako, and they both cheered.
"Remember to keep the match clean," the ref said. "Begin!"
Arvin immediately threw a water kick at Karah, who got knocked back to zone two. She ground her teeth together and was about to blast him when her brother yelled, "Keep your head in the game!"
Mac used a couple of water attacks to knock the Firebender of the opposing team back while Sam went head to head with the Earthbender. Both teammates managed to knock the players back to zone two. Meanwhile Karah sent a series of fire kicks at Arvin who barely managed to dodge the attacks. He sneakily wrapped a water whip around the girl's leg and pulled, causing Karah to fall flat on her back. He was about to attack again but Sam and Mac defended their teammate while she got back on her feet, knocking Arvin back to zone three.
"Round one goes to the Little Ferrets!"
The team jumped up and down in joy and high fived each other. Korra and Mako also clapped followed by Bolin's enthusiastic scream. Opal and Ty smiled at the victory.
"Round two!"
Both teams gave it everything they had. Karah managed to knock the opposing team's Firebender to zone two but their Earthbender knocked Mac back to the same zone as well. Sam and Arvin threw a series of attacks at each other. he finally managed to hit him, but he used ice to nail his feet down so he wouldn't be knocked back.
"What's the big deal Ref?" Korra cried from the stands, noticing the illegal move. But her cries fell on deaf ears as he let the match continue.
"Round two is a tie! The winner will be decided with a coin toss." The ref tossed the coin in the air. "The Wolf-Bats win the coin toss! Choose you element."
"Come on, Little Baby," Arvin said stepping forward. Mac stepped forward as well.
"Get him good Bro!" Karah yelled.
"Yeah! Show him that no one messes with the Ferrets and gets away with it!" Sam added.
Arvin and Mac moved around the platform, circling each other, looking for an opening. They were about to attack when they heard the sound of glass shattering and looked up.
Masked henchmen came down from the ceiling via ropes. Both Benders jumped off the platform and ran back to their teammates. Korra immediately stood, along with the other parents, and her eyes widened.
"That's impossible," she said, looking at the very familiar figure.
"Who is it?" Bolin asked, looking up as well. Opal grabbed her daughter and made her get behind her. She recognized what was happening as well.
"Amon," Mako replied.
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