chapter 10
*after 3 months*
"Careful Korra" Mako said as he watched the young avatar get on chair to get a toy for Rohan He immediately ran to her and helped her to get down
"Stop worrying so much! I'm not helpless!" She scolded.he chuckled knowing what was coming. The hormonal change had taken quite the toll on his young minute she would be perfectly fine and the next she'd be sending fireballs, or whatever elements was accessible at him , of course she never hit him,they were just warning shots
" I know that. But you are pregnant, and I want to take care of my girls" he said, she scowled
"I'm telling you, it's a boy" she replied. Mako smiled and rubbed her stomach. It was a little more noticeable now and he watched her intently as it grew everyday. Korra smiled at his enthusiasm for the new baby. She put her hand on her stomach as well and rubbed it
"Don't be disappointed when it's girl" he teased. She rolled her eyes and gave him a look
"Korra" he began holding up his hand"Rohan is in the room" she stopped and looked at the little toddler who smiled at her. She smiled back and held out her arms.rohan immediately held out his and Korra carried him, Mako smiled and held out his arms to him. Korra and Rohan had gotten a lot closer since she had been pregnant, but he worried his weight could tire Korra.the baby shook his head and placed his head under her neck
" He likes me better"she teased. Mako sighed and shook his head
"Hello Korra. Mako" Tenzin greeted as he entered the room
Korra smiled at her air bending master. He smiled back at her
"I see the pregnancy going smoothly" he commented. Korra nodded
"Mako, can I speak to you for a moment?" He looked over at his wife who rolled her eyes at him again
"I'LL be fine. Go" she said putting Rohan down. He gave her a Sharp nod before heading out of the room with the air bending master
*With Mako*
"What is it?" Mako asked as they entered Tenzin's office
He doesn't like leaving Korra alone, especially in her present condition
"I have informed Senna and tonraq of korra's condition. They will be here in few days" he informed
Mako nodded"thank you"
"Mako, I didn't only call you here to tell you this" Tenzin began
The fire Bender gave Tenzin confused look" is there something else?"
Because of the past ..... History... behind korra's family regarding the pregnancy, I think it would be best for you two to move back with us , until the baby is born"
"I a gree" he said
Rohan wondered into the room and pulled on Mako's jacket. He smiled and picked him up
"Hi Rohan" he said. The toddler struggled against his hold and mako frowned as he put him down. Rohan had grabbed his jacket again and pulled opit towards the door "what is it?"
"-orra" the toddler said Mako gave him a confused look and then it hits him. He darted out of the room to see where Korra was
Korra watched as Rohan played with the ball.she kicked it
slowly at him when it went her way . The baby giggled and kicked it back to her but when she kicked it back it went under a bookshelf
"Damn it" she said as she walked over to it. Korra bent down to get it but a Sharp pain in her abdomen stopped her. She clutched her stomach with one hand and grabbed into the bookshelf with the other one. She looked down and saw a tiny drops of red on the floor. Her eyes widened as she realized that she was bleeding
"No"she gasped"No, No, No, not today" the three months would be completed that day. Korra tried to walk toward the door but the pain was to much and she fell in her knees. She clutching her stomach again , the toddler Walked to her"go- go get Mako"she told him. The toddler turned away and walked out of the room. Korra felt weaker and she slumped to the ground she tried to stay but finally gave into the darkness
"Flashback Ends"
Will the baby make it ???
Find out in the next chapter
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