18 - real life
Lauren looked between the two girls as they sat next to each other on the couch, refusing to meet her eyes. She crossed her arms, watching as they both awkwardly fidgeted.
"Okay, what the fuck was that?" Lauren eventually asked, looking between the model and the starlet.
Kora looked up, heavily blushing that they had been caught.
"She had something in her teeth?" Kora almost asked, testing the waters. Camila smiled slightly as Lauren let out a loud groan.
"You guys suck, I've been rooting for you all this time and turns out you've been fucking already!" She exclaimed, clearly still processing the image of them intertwined on the couch.
Camila looked up, her cheeks burning red. "We've not done anything before," she started, quickly meeting Kora's eye before looking back at Lauren.
Lauren sighed, rubbing her eyes before she pointed a finger at each of the girls. "You owe me a new set of eyeballs, honestly!"
The three all laughed slightly before Lauren looked at Kora seriously.
"What about him?" She spat the last syllable, having seen his comment about her best friend.
"I broke things off after how he treated Mila," Kora said, lightly rubbing the Cubans knew with her finger. Lauren and Camila both smiled at the gesture, a comfortable silence filling the room.
Lauren started to laugh, causing both girls to stare at her anxiously.
"Oh the girls need to hear about this!" She said, typing out a message and sending it straight away.
Kora's head shot up, a panicked look on her face. "You can't tell anyone else!" Lauren snapped her head to look at how freaked out Kora was and instantly felt regret for sending the message to the other three.
"I don't want the paps knowing, I'm not even out," Kora said shamefully, while Camila wrapped her arms around the model.
"I'm not either, but why should we need to really come out?" Camila started, turning to look at Lauren too. "Like surely we can just go out and be a thing, no official statements needed?"
Kora sat still for a moment before she nodded, looking over at Lauren.
"Can we keep it on the down low for now, and that way if the press figure it out, they figure it out?" She asked quietly, causing Camila to brush HAIR away from her face.
"Anything you want Kor," she murmured.
They both stared at each other for a moment before Lauren started making gagging noises. "Okay I'm out, see you in hell bitches!" She chirped before heading back towards the door, having completely forgot why she was there in the first place. Her head popped back into the room as she remembered her point.
"Oh, just to clarify by hell I meant the tour bus, it's about 100 degrees right now," she groaned before closing the door behind her.
Kora looked at Camila and smiled. "This has been one interesting day."
"AYYYYYYYYYY!" Dinah yelled as she ran into the back room on the tour bus. Camila and Kora were sitting cross legged on the sofa, watching a YouTube video of Kora's latest modelling campaign. Camila had persuaded the girl to show her, and by god, Camila was glad she had.
"Hey Dinah," Kora murmured, her eyebrows rising at the volume of the Poly's voice.
"Daaaaamn girls, you two are so cute!" She squealed, pulling out her phone and snapping a photo of them sitting next to each other. Camila went to protest but the taller girl held up a hand to silence her.
"Shhhh, don't ruin it," she whispered, before waving and leaving the room. Kora giggled slightly, before she leaned against Camila, resting her head on the Cubans shoulder.
Camila hummed lightly, weaving a hand through Kora's hair. Both of the brunettes smiled, leaning in to each other's touch.
Kora looked up at the girl, testing the waters and placing a soft kiss against her lips. Camila took a sharp breath in shock before she lightly pressed back. They pulled away, Camila having intertwined their fingers.
"What are we?" Kora spoke softly, not meeting the other girls eyes.
Camila grinned, looking down at her. "I've never done this before so it's very new to me, and to you too, but I think we could be girlfriends?" She gently wondered, watching carefully as Kora licked her lips slightly.
"I think I'd like that," the model decided, sealing the girls lips with another kiss.
They wrapped their arms around each other, this time Kora rolling Camila so she was straddling the Cuban's waist.
Camila tugged at the model's shirt, pulling the fabric over her head and leaving her in her bra. Her hands hooked into the belt loops of the girls denim shorts, nibbling on her neck.
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