Chapter Three: House Of The Rising Son
Nobody's Pov
Everyone didn't know what to say based on everything they just watched.
Don't get them wrong, they were happy that Kurt is alive and were happy to know where he is.
But it doesn't change the fact that he is literally in a town that is full of supernatural creatures.
And he's human meaning he could easily be killed and that just makes their skin crawl.
Gertrude looked at everyone and decided to play the next episode as they were all silent.
The screen turned on and the camera pans to the white mansion before heading inside.
We head into one of the rooms that is Kurt's new room and we see Kurt lying on his bed looking extremely bored.
He and Hayley have been here for a few days but Klaus gave them orders to stay inside. Not only that but Elijah has left for whatever reason.
Everyone raised their eyebrows at that.
"What does he mean Elijah left?" Thad asked.
"Where the hell did he go? Didn't he promise to protect them?" Trent asked.
"Don't tell me he just suddenly bailed?" Burt asked.
He actually trusted Elijah, unlike Klaus, and if he broke his promise and just left his son and his friend with his brother he was going to lose it.
Gertrude sighed as she turned to everyone who was waiting for an answer.
"Lets just say something happened between Klaus and Elijah and that's why he's gone" Gertrude explained.
Everyone frowned at that, growing annoyed since that didn't really answer their question.
But they knew that's all they were going to get.
So, they just put their attention back onto the screen as the episode resumed.
Kurt sighed and got up from his bed and left the room to head into the kitchen to make himself a snack.
However, as he left his room he furrowed his eyebrows together when he saw Hayley warily walking down the stairs.
"Hales, are you ok?" Kurt asked as he made his way over to her.
"I think I heard something from outside" Hayley told him.
"Maybe it's Klaus" Kurt shrugged.
"I don't think so, it sounded like a car" Hayley said.
Kurt frowned at that, feeling a little worried that there might be an intruder.
Everyone couldn't stop the worry from coursing through their bodies.
They were hoping that there was no intruder in the mansion, they don't want Kurt and Hayley getting hurt.
He walks closer to Hayley as she grabs an iron poker while he grabs a nearby lamp.
As the two of them descended down the stairs the front door opened to which they tensed up.
But they calmed down when a breathtaking girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes who wore a long black shirt, black shorts and black shoes entered the house.
Everyone's eyes widened as they stared at the girl as their cheeks turned slightly red.
Hell, the gay guys and the straight girls were were blushing at seeing the girl since they had to admit that she i beautiful.
"Whoa. Who is that beauty?" Puck asked, never taking his eyes off the breathtaking girl.
Quinn frowned slightly at his words, wondering why she felt this weird pit in her stomach.
"Everyone, meet Rebekah Mikaelson. The sister of Elijah and Klaus Mikaelson" Gertrude told them.
Everyone was a little shocked that there were more Mikaelson siblings but they should've expected that after what they saw in the previous episode.
"Wow, she's really beautiful. I would definitely go for her if I wasn't straight" Rachel said.
Finn shot her a weird look to which she ignored as she continued staring at Rebekah.
"For once I agree with Berry" Santana muttered, eyeing Rebekah up and down.
Gertrude just chuckled and shook their heads in amusement.
"Who the hell are you?" Hayley asked.
Rebekah tossed her keys somewhere and turned to look at the siblings.
"Ah, you must be the maid and butler. My bags are in the car get them, will you?" Rebekah asked, more like demanded.
Hayley glared at her for that while Kurt looked offended at being called a butler.
Everyone couldn't help but laugh loudly at Rebekah calling Hayley and Kurt the maid and butler.
Burt himself couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping his lips at seeing his sons reaction at being called a butler.
"Lady Hummel as a butler, I'd pay to see that" Sebastian grinned.
"Hello. Not the maid" Hayley told her as she warily put the iron poker down.
"Not the butler" Kurt added as he warily put the lamp down.
Rebekah had a look of realization on her face as she looked between the duo.
"Right. You're that werewolf girl my brother, Klaus, knocked up. I was expecting to see some kind of supernatural, miracle baby bump. Guess you're not showing yet. It's Hayley, isn't it?" Rebekah asked.
"You have your brother's manners" Hayley told her with a sarcastic smile.
"And his temper too. So watch it" Rebekah warned her.
Hayley rolled her eyes just as Rebekah looked over at Kurt.
"And you must be my brother's soulmate. Nice to meet you. I have to admit, you're even beautiful in person" Rebekah complimented.
Kurt's eyes widened at the compliment and couldn't help but feel a bit flustered at her words. He's not used to being compliments and he sure as hell has never been called beautiful.
The new directions couldn't stop the smiles from appearing on their faces at the compliment their friend received from Rebekah.
Burt himself couldn't stop the smile from appearing on his face as the girl complimented his son.
After all, it is true.
His son is beautiful both inside and outside.
Blaine, on the other hand, couldn't help but narrow his eyes at Rebekah calling Kurt beautiful.
It's true, no doubt about it, but he doesn't want anyone complimenting his boy.
He's still not getting used to the fact that Kurt is mated to some asshole hybrid, he doesn't want the sister of the hybrid complimenting him.
"Thanks" Kurt shyly said.
Rebekah smiled slightly before looking around the place.
"Where's Elijah?" Rebekah asked, trying to find the brother she favored more.
"Beats us. He's long gone" Hayley shrugged.
"What do you mean long gone?" Rebekah asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, one minute he was here making epic promises about protecting Kurt and I in this predicament that a bottle of scotch and some bad decisions got me into. He was all poetic about how we're family and then Klaus told us he bailed" Hayley explained.
"Guess that's what we get for trusting a vampire" Kurt sighed, shaking his head.
Rebekah stepped forward which made the duo take a step back just in case.
"Elijah is not just any vampire, and he doesn't break promises. Which means Niklaus has done something dastardly and Klaus-like" Rebekah told them.
She didn't waste a second before turning around and stalking into the living room.
"Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!" Rebekah yelled, clearly enraged.
Hayley flinched back slightly at that while closing her eyes while Kurt's eyes widened and he brought his hands up to cover his ears.
Everyone winced at Rebekah's yelling and covered their ears in pain.
They had to admit that she was loud as hell.
The two of them inched closer to the living room just as some doors opened up revealing Klaus himself.
"Enough with all the shouting" Klaus sternly said as he entered the room.
Rebekah glared at her brother as he made his way towards her.
"Little sister, I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were your doing?" Klaus asked.
"They were very rude. Trying to victimize a poor, innocent girl just trying to find her way to the Quarter. So sorry, were they friends of yours? Oh, that's right, you don't have any friends" Rebekah sassily smirked at him.
Kurt covered his mouth to hide his laugh while Hayley covered her laugh up with a cough.
A few people laughed at Rebekah's words while a few others shook their heads in amusement.
"I don't know why they're hiding their laughter, I'd be laughing my ass off" Puck grinned.
"Same here" Finn nodded in agreement.
Quinn and Rachel shot them deadpan looks and simply shook their heads.
"I do have friends. I have Marcel. You remember him, don't you? Yes, of course you do. He fancies himself the King of the Quarter now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It'll be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you" Klaus smirked.
Rebekah's smirk fell when Marcel was mentioned before she shook her head.
"I don't care about Marcel or his rules. Elijah doesn't welch on deals. What did you do to him?" Rebekah asked.
Klaus shrugs as he begins to sit down, "perhaps he's on holiday...or taking a long autumn nap upstairs".
A few people narrowed their eyes at his words, clearly not believing him.
If something happened between him and Elijah and he was now gone then it definitely means Klaus did something to him.
They were just hoping it wasn't anything too bad.
"Well, go on. Take a look around" Klaus suggested to his sister.
Rebekah glared at him before deciding to do just that, wanting to find her brother.
Before she could leave Klaus turned to her and spoke once more, "you remember this house as well as I".
Rebekah stops and turns to look at him, "I remember everything".
She opened the doors and left with Klaus standing up and following her. Hayley and Kurt decided to head back upstairs but they sat down on the stairs rather than go back to their rooms, wanting to see what the two siblings would talk about.
"I remember how the drunken fool of a governor hid away all of our vampire sins in exchange for gold. I remember the lavish parties the governor threw, as if to impress you. I remember finding a moment of affection with the governor's son, Emil. And I remember that even Elijah was happy. And I also remember that when I wanted to turn Emil into a vampire so we could be together forever, you killed him so that wouldn't happen" Rebekah explained.
Kurt and Hayley's eyes widened at that as they glanced at each other.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just heard.
They couldn't believe that every single one of Rebekah's boyfriends have been killed by Klaus.
"Jesus, he really takes overprotective brother to another level" Mike breathed out.
"I'll say" Sam muttered.
He may be an overprotective brother himself, given he has two younger siblings, but he would never do what Klaus does.
Klaus shrugs and plops himself onto a couch while Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall.
"Well, he wasn't good enough for you" Klaus told her.
Rebekah simply glared at him, "no one was ever good enough for me, Nik, you made sure of that. Now where is Elijah?".
All of a sudden his phone buzzes to which he takes it out in order to look at who's calling him. His eyebrows furrow together before he gets up and starts walking towards the door, ready to leave.
"Where are you going?" Rebekah asked in annoyance.
"It appears the night is not quite over, yet. I'm off for another drink with Marcel" Klaus told his sister.
"Elijah told me about your plan to take apart Marcel's empire piece by piece. I don't remember it involving you two drinking New Orleans dry together" Rebekah said in annoyance.
"Yeah, why is he doing that anyway? What's the point?" Brittany asked, tilting her head to the side.
"Probably so he can get close to this Marcel guy so he can gain his trust before taking apart his so called empire" Santana shrugged.
Sebastian nodded and said, "it's like the old saying goes. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
He would know since that's what he had done in the past, especially when it involved the new directions.
Mainly Kurt and Blaine.
"I know you don't have many friends, Rebekah, but what some friends do when they get together is they drink. And when they drink, they tell secrets. Marcel has somehow found a way to control the entirety of witches in the Quarter, and I aim to uncover the how so I might take it for myself. Finding Elijah didn't make my to-do list today" Klaus explained.
He turned around and opened the front door but before he could leave he turned to look at his sister.
"Oh, and welcome home, little sister" Klaus grins at her.
Klaus looks up to where the best friends are sitting and his eyes make contact with Kurt's.
Klaus smirks at him and winks before leaving. Kurt raised an eyebrow at that, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly.
A few people raised their eyebrows at what they just saw.
The boys of the new directions frowned, feeling confused and protective at what the hybrid did.
While the girls of the new directions couldn't help but smirk slightly at what the hybrid did.
Blaine just glared at Klaus for smirking and winking at Kurt, clearly annoyed.
Rebekah scoffed once her brother left before looking around the house. She looks up and her eyes land onto Hayley and Kurt.
"You, wolf girl and human boy" Rebekah called out to them.
The two of them look at each other before standing up.
"I'm going to search this house inch by inch until I find what my evil brother has done to my good one. You're helping" Rebekah ordered.
Neither of them said anything and simply nodded their heads in agreement as they walked down the stairs and followed Rebekah.
"Why would Elijah still be in the house if Hayley and Kurt said he was gone?" Ms. Pillsbury asked, confused.
"I'm not sure, honey. But lets just keep watching" Mr. Schue said.
Ms. Pillsbury frowned but nodded to which Mr. Schue wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
The scene changes to the three of them walking down a spiral staircase with Rebekah leading, Hayley in the middle and Kurt behind her.
"The governor had lots of secret rooms. I'll show you his favorite" Rebekah told them.
The three of them walk into a dark and dusty room causing them to turn on the flashlights they brought with them in order to see.
Kurt turned his flashlight around before he gasped at what he was seeing. Hayley turned to him and was about to ask what was wrong when she herself gasped at what she was seeing.
Coffins. Sets of them.
"What the hell?!" almost everyone yelled with wide eyes.
"That psycho seriously keeps coffins in his own house! For what?!" Burt asked, basically yelled.
Just what exactly was his son thinking when he left New York and went to New Orleans?
"You think Klaus killed him?" Hayley asked as she looked at Rebekah.
"We can't be killed, silly girl. That doesn't stop Klaus from finding ways to torture us. He has a set of mystical silver daggers. One in the heart sends us into a deep slumber. Klaus gets his jollies from keeping us in a box, until he decides to pull the dagger out. That must be what he's done to Elijah" Rebekah explained.
"Wait that's actually possible?" Jeff asked.
Gertrude nodded, "those daggers are something that can stop the Mikaelson siblings, not all the way but it's something. You stab them with it through the heart and they're asleep within a second".
Jeff's eyes sparkled in interest and curiosity.
And he wasn't the only one.
Almost everyone was interested and intrigued about the supernatural and they would be lying if they said they couldn't wait to see and hear more.
"Wait, he daggers his siblings whenever he wants and doesn't undagger him until he feels like it?" Blaine asked.
"Correct" Gertrude nodded.
Blaine, as well as everyone else, couldn't help but feel anger and disgust at what he just learned.
He couldn't believe Klaus would do something like that and to his own siblings no less.
Just why in the hell would someone as amazing as Kurt be mated to an asshole like him?
Rebekah looked around the room before her flashlight settled on one of the coffins.
"This one's mine" she said with a look of distaste on her face.
"He keeps your coffin on standby?" Kurt asked incredulously.
Rebekah nodded as she moved around a little, "he likes to be prepared for when his family members inevitably disappoint him. Elijah's isn't here, he must've stashed him elsewhere".
Hayley frowned and placed a hand on her stomach, "I feel sick".
"Same here" Kurt muttered.
"I don't blame them" Carole muttered.
She herself was beginning to get sick from everything she has just watched and learned.
"Welcome to the family, loves. You two should've run the second you realized Elijah was gone" Rebekah said.
"Yeah, well, the witches have put some sort of hex on me. As long as I'm carrying this baby, I can't leave New Orleans. If I do, they kill me" Hayley explained.
"I can't leave either. I may not be linked to Sophie or any other witch but I'm human and if I try to leave they'll easily kill me" Kurt explained.
"Well, knowing Klaus, he's planning a box for you the second you give birth to whatever's cooking in your tum. No doubt he's planning one for Kurt, soulmate or not" Rebekah told them.
Everyone frowned at that, feeling their bodies beginning to tense up.
They were hoping that that wasn't true but knowing Klaus they believe that is something he would do.
"Please find a way to leave, buddy. Please" Burt quietly begged.
It's bad enough that his son has been dragged into the supernatural mess because he's mated to Klaus.
It'll be even worse if Klaus decides to dagger him and stuff him into a box.
Carole, having heard what her husband said, scooted closer to him and held his hand for comfort.
She knew how worried he was for the safety of his son and couldn't blame him considering she was in the same boat as him.
"I'm leaving as soon as I find Elijah. Being daggered in a box for decades sucks, trust me. You'd best find a way to break that hex and run" Rebekah told Hayley.
She then looks and Kurt, "and I'd find a way to break the soulmate bond. Someone like you shouldn't have to deal with someone like my brother".
She doesn't stick around for them to say anything and leaves the room.
Hayley sighs and wraps her arm around Kurt's shoulders. She suggests that they head upstairs so they could sleep to which Kurt easily agrees and the two of them leave.
"I'm surprised they can sleep after everything they just learned" Artie muttered under his breath.
He honestly would've ran after everything Rebekah just told them.
He doesn't trust Klaus and he sure as he would never spend another night in that mansion.
The screen turns black before turning back on. It's the next day and the camera pans to the streets of New Orleans where we see tons of people walking around, doing their own thing and minding their own business.
The camera pans over to Kurt and Hayley who are walking side by side the streets together.
The two of them look around before spotting a store nearby. They look at each other and nod before rushing towards it.
Everyone couldn't help but admire the town of New Orleans.
Despite the place being filled with supernatural creatures they had to admit that the scenery was nice.
"Hey, hey! Wait!" Hayley called out to the girl that was coming out of the store.
The girl turned to Hayley and Kurt and smiled sadly at them she closed the door to the store.
"We're closed, sorry" the girl told them.
"I just need one teeny, tiny little herb and my friend needs a potion" Hayley said.
"Please?" Kurt begged.
The girl sighs but nods with a smile.
"Which herb and what kind of potion?" the girl asked them.
"Crushed aconite flower" Hayley told the girl.
"I need a potion that helps get rid of a soulmate bond, permanently" Kurt told the girl.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just learned.
"Wait, is there really something to get rid of the soulmate bond?" Mercedes asked.
Gertrude nodded, "witches have everything. They don't just cast spells".
"So, my son can be free of the soulmate bond?" Burt asked.
"Yes. If he drinks the right potion then the bond will be gone and he'll be free" Gertrude nodded.
Burt felt nothing but relief coursing through his body at the information he just learned.
He wasn't the only one.
Everyone felt relief coursing through their bodies at the fact that Kurt can be free of the asshole hybrid and not have to worry about his life being in danger.
Blaine felt more relieved than everyone.
When that soulmate bond is broken that means that Kurt is free and can be with anyone he wants.
Once Kurt is free and leaves New Orleans he will find him and do his best to get him back.
That's all he wants and that's what he's going to get.
The girl furrows her eyebrows at hearing the name of the herb that Hayley wants.
"Wolfsbane? That's a poison. You're gonna kill a wolf?" the girl asked.
"Just a little one" Hayley said.
The girl looked down at Hayley's belly before looking up and glanced at Kurt before nodding.
"Huh? I guess the wolf girl is getting an abortion" Santana hummed.
"It's for the best, sandbags. There's no way she would bring a baby into the world of the supernatural, especially when it's going to bring nothing but trouble" Sue explained.
Hayley getting an abortion is the best thing.
Klaus may have accepted Sophie's deal but it's clear that he still doesn't care for Hayley and the baby.
Hell, he doesn't even seem to care for Porcelain and that's his soulmate.
It's better for Hayley to get rid of the baby while she still can and it's better for Kurt to break that soulmate bond so he can be free of the hybrid.
"Give me a minute" the girl said as she turned around and unlocked the door and walked back inside the store.
The duo look around, making sure nobody was watching them, and turn around just as the girl comes back out.
She looks at Hayley and hands her two tiny bottles.
"Cut it with jimson weed. A few drops in some hot tea, that should do it" the girl said.
She looks at Kurt and hands him a bottle in the shape of a circle.
"This is what you'll drink in order to get rid of the soulmate bond. You'll experience a few side effects like a small fever and headaches but those should go away along with the bond" the girl explained.
"It'll suck but it'll be worth it once that bond is gone" Burt muttered.
He just wanted his son to be free of the hybrid and to be able to leave New Orleans alive.
Kurt and Hayley nod and the two of them handed the girl some money.
"Here" the duo say in unison.
The girl shook her head and put her hands over the money.
"It's an ugly town for wolves and humans aren't safe here either. You're both doing the right thing" the girl told them with a small smile
Kurt and Hayley look at each other before looking back at the girl and nodded.
The duo looked around before walking away.
Everyone were happy that the two of them got what they needed and nothing happened to either of them.
Now they just need to complete the final step and they'll both be free.
The scene changes to the park and it's already late at night with no people around.
The camera pans over to Hayley and Kurt who were sat on a bench together. Hayley is dripping the poison into a cup filled with tea while Kurt is opening the bottle.
"Come on, Hayley. One upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history" Hayley told herself.
"Come on, Kurt. Just drink the potion and the bond will be broken for good" Kurt told himself.
He takes a deep breath and lifts the bottle towards his mouth, ready to drink it.
Everyone leaned forward, anticipation filling them as they wondered if Kurt would really drink it or not.
Many wanted him to go through with it and drink the potion.
While a few others, surprisingly, didn't want him to drink the potion.
But, surprisingly, he hesitates and finds himself stopping midway.
A frown appears on his face and he lowers the bottle and lets out a sigh.
He looks over at Hayley just in time to see her letting out a sigh as she sets the cup down.
Everyone's eyes widened at seeing Kurt stop himself from drinking the potion that'll break the soulmate bond.
Not only that but they couldn't believe that Hayley stopped herself from aborting the baby.
"What the hell are they doing? Why aren't they doing what they have to do?" Blaine asked incredulously.
Why the hell wasn't Kurt drinking the potion to get rid of the soulmate bond?
Why the hell wouldn't he want to drink the potion that unlinks him from that asshole?
"For once I agree with helmet head, why are they hesitating?" Santana asked.
If she were in their position she would've done it without hesitation.
She wouldn't want to have a baby when the father of said baby doesn't care and she sure as hell wouldn't want to be mated to an asshole that doesn't care for her.
"You can't do it either?" Kurt softly asked.
"No, you?" Hayley asked as she looked at him.
"No" Kurt sighed while shaking his head.
Hayley sighs and opens her mouth to say something when they hear a branch snap nearby. The best friends stand up and look around but don't see anything.
They look at each other and share a silent conversation. They turn around to leave but stop when they see a vampire in front of them.
Everyone tensed up at seeing the vampire in front of Kurt and Hayley.
They were hoping that nothing bad would happen to the two of them, they hoped that they would be able to get out of there unharmed.
"Dumb move, coming into the quarter. You're coming with me, wolf and human" the vampire sneered.
"We have had it up to hear with vampires telling us what to do!" Hayley yelled.
She tossed the cup into the face of the vampire who screamed in pain while holding his face. Kurt quickly shoved him to the ground before grabbing his Hayley's hand, ready to leave.
Only for them to stop when they saw two other vampires in front of them.
"You've gotta be kidding me" Sebastian said, his eyes widening.
"This is bad" Trent muttered, his knee bouncing up and down worriedly.
"No shit" Blaine angrily snapped at him, worry shown in his tone as he kept his eyes on the screen.
All of a sudden someone speeds up from behind the vampires.
One of the vampires gets his neck snapped while the other gets his heart ripped out.
Hayley and Kurt look up and their eyes widen when they see that their savior was none other than Rebekah.
Everyone breathed out a sigh of relief when Rebekah came in and saved them.
They were worried since Kurt doesn't know how to fight and Hayley probably could but there's no way she'd be able to take those vampires by herself.
"Oh thank god" Burt breathed out in relief.
"You said it" Finn nodded in agreement.
Rebekah then stared down at the heart of the vampire she ripped out of that was now in her hand.
"Now that is no way to treat a pregnant lady and her beautiful friend. I do hate bad manners" Rebekah huffed.
It took everyone a second to realize that Rebekah literally ripped out a heart, an actual heart, of a vampire.
And she was holding and talking, literally talking, to the heart that belonged to the vampire she just killed.
Almost immediately everyone began gagging and looked away from the scene, clearly disgusted and disturbed.
"I think I'm gonna be sick" Mr. Schue groaned, covering his mouth with his hands.
"For once, William, I agree with you" Sue muttered, looking away from the screen as she was beginning to feel sick.
Gertrude winced, she probably should've warned them about this scene.
Rebekah tosses the heart to the ground while Kurt and Hayley sigh in relief before leaning against each other.
The scene changes back to the house and we see Hayley, Kurt, Rebekah and Klaus outside in the courtyard.
Klaus throws a final body onto a small pile he created of the vampires Rebekah had attacked.
He then turns to the other three people, clear anger shown in his eyes.
Everyone frowned and felt worry coursing through their bodies.
They just realized that Klaus had given Kurt and Hayley orders to never leave the house.
They broke that rule and ran into trouble and now Klaus knows about it and, based on the look on his face, he wasn't happy.
"Uh oh, someone isn't happy" Sebastian whistled.
"Shut up, Sebastian" Thad said, slapping his friend upside the head.
Sebastian gritted his teeth and glared at his friend who just ignored him and looked back at the screen.
"This is why I told you two never to leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the quarter. I had a plan, and your little nighttime stroll put it all in peril. Not to mention humans are easy targets for the vampires and can be killed instantly" Klaus glared at them.
Hayley and Kurt glared back at him, clearly annoyed and frustrated.
Rebekah began walking towards the pile when she saw and heard that one of the vampires was still alive, only to be stopped by her brother.
"LEAVE HIM!" Klaus shouted to which his sister stopped and looked at him in disbelief.
Everyone in the theater flinched at that, clearly not expecting that.
"You've done enough, don't you think? Leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door?" Klaus angrily asked.
"If I hadn't overheard this lot bragging about werewolf heads, everyone here would be screwed. And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one's seen you do a damn thing!" Rebekah yelled.
Klaus glared at her but she kept on going.
"Elijah made a deal to protect your child and your mate, so that it could save you from your selfish, rotten self. But you obviously don't give a damn about the child, your mate or Elijah, because what have you done to honor it?" Rebekah angrily asked.
"Nothing, that's what" Finn huffed while rolling his eyes.
He was seriously beginning to dislike the hybrid, he was nothing but a pain in the ass.
"I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you, shall I? From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From Day One, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain which, as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control. I needed a spy, someone on the inside with me who Marcel would never suspect. So, I created a day zero and got there first. Marcel had just lost six vampires, thanks to your little murder spree, and he needed new recruits. So, I made the new one mine, before he'd had even a drop of vervain" Klaus explained.
Kurt furrowed his eyebrows at his explanation but kept silent as he kept speaking.
"But we all know the real way to a man is through his heart, so..." Klaus trailed off, not willing to expand on that part.
"What does that mean?" Brittany asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.
"It means that Marcel has a crush on someone" Coach Beiste told her.
"And Klaus definitely would use that to his advantage, especially if he really likes this person" Sue finished.
Love is a weakness, everyone knows that, and Klaus is going to use that against Marcel as it's apart of whatever his plan was.
Klaus turns around and grabs the vampire that's still alive and dropped him to the ground.
"And this one. I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight" Klaus finished.
He began dragging him by the shirt inside the house. Kurt, Hayley and Rebekah slowly followed behind him.
"That's..." Jeff trailed off.
"A surprisingly good plan" Nick finished, pressing his lips together tightly.
"I'll say" Thad muttered.
Klaus opened the door and walked inside and dropped the body of the unconscious vampire to the ground.
He then turned to face the others once they were inside and asked, "does anyone have any more questions?".
Rebekah kept silent, Hayley stared down at her hands while Kurt looked anywhere but Klaus.
He didn't want to admit that he felt a little guilty for doubting him.
"Don't feel guilty, bud. He made it clear that he didn't care about you, your friend or the baby. I would doubt him too" Burt shook his head.
Maybe if Klaus had cared in the beginning, even in the slightest bit, him and everyone else would trust him.
Kurt and Hayley would trust him.
But he didn't and that's why he doesn't have their trust and that's on him.
"No? Good, because I have a question. Hayley, Kurt, what were you two doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place?" Klaus asked.
The duo kept quiet but they were staring at the hybrid emotionlessly.
"Answer me!" Klaus yelled, anger prevalent in his voice.
Everyone flinched at his yell considering clear anger was visible in his tone.
"Leave them be" Rebekah told her brother.
Hayley scoffed and was about to speak when Kurt stepped forward, glaring angrily at the hybrid.
"You wanna know what we were doing? Hayley was buying poison so she could put your little baby out of its misery. And I bought myself a potion so I could break the soulmate bond. You made it very clear that you don't care about any of us since day one. Why the hell would Hayley want to keep the child when you give zero shits about it? Why the hell would I want to be mated to an asshole like you? Lets be honest, your child is better off not being born to avoid having you as a father and I would rather be dead than have to be mated to an asshole like you!" Kurt angrily yelled.
Klaus's face hardened at everything that came out of Kurt's mouth, his jaw clenched tightly.
Rebekah was looking at Kurt in shock as was Hayley but she was also scared about what would happen.
Everyone was shocked at everything Kurt said and how angry he sounded when he spoke.
However, despite the worry that was coursing through their bodies, considering Kurt talked back to the original hybrid, they couldn't help but feel proud.
The new directions were proud of their friend for standing his ground, for not taking any of the hybrids shit.
Burt was definitely proud of his son for defending not only himself but his best friend. He was proud of his son for telling the hybrid how he felt.
Blaine smirked, feeling incredibly smug at everything his love said about Klaus since it was the truth.
A low growl escapes Klaus's lips and before anyone can react he grabs Kurt by his neck and vamp speeds him to the wall, pinning him to it.
Kurt's eyes widened as Klaus begins to choke him and he gasps for air.
"KURT!" Hayley shouted, fear shown in her tone as her eyes widened.
Everyone jumped, clearly not expecting that, and felt their eyes widen at what they were seeing.
"Kurt!" everyone yelled.
"What the hell is he doing?!" Trent yelled, concern shown in his tone.
"GET THE FUCK OFF MY SON, BASTARD!" Burt screamed in utter rage.
He jumped off his seat and tried lunging at the screen when Carole grabbed him and held him back.
Rachel and Puck were quick to grab Finn and hold him back when they saw him trying to lunge at the screen.
Blaine scowled, his body beginning to shake in anger, and jumped off his seat and was about to lunge at the screen when Sebastian and Nick grabbed him and held him back.
Brittany, Sam and Mike had already grabbed onto Santana and were holding her back from lunging at the screen.
Hayley tried running towards them to shove Klaus off her best friend when Rebekah grabbed her by the arms and held her back, not wanting Klaus to hurt the pregnant wolf.
"Nik!" Rebekah yelled at her brother.
Klaus ignored her and continued to choke Kurt, lifting him up slightly, while Hayley struggled to get out of Rebekah's hold.
"Nik!" Rebekah yelled at her brother, again.
Klaus continued choking Kurt and he gasped for air, desperately trying to remove his hand from his neck but couldn't.
Kurt felt his oxygen being drained from him, due to Klaus tightening his hold around his neck, and his face began to turn red and he slowly felt himself losing consciousness.
The girls began to whimper at the helpless state that Kurt was in, some beginning to shed a few tears.
Burt growled and struggled to get free from Carole's hold, hating that his son was being choked to death and he couldn't save him.
Finn growled and struggled to get free from Rachel and Puck's hold, hating that his brother was in danger and he couldn't do anything.
Sue felt her eyes widen at what she was seeing, her jaw slowly clenching.
Anger coursed through her body and she abruptly stood up from her seat.
"Get the fuck off of him, asshole, you're killing him!" Sue yelled.
She tried to lunge at the screen but Mr. Schue along with Coach Beiste and Ms. Pillsbury were quick to grab her.
Rebekah finally released Hayley and used her vamp speed to shove her brother off Kurt and pinned him to a wall.
Kurt fell to the ground and immediately began coughing and gasping for air, his hands going up to his neck, as tears began to build up in his eyes.
Hayley rushed to her best friend and knelt at his side. She quickly gathered him in her arms and began to run her fingers through his hair.
"You're ok, you're ok. I've got you, I've got you" Hayley soothed him.
Everyone immediately sighed in relief, happy that Kurt was safe and no longer being choked to death.
Burt, Blaine and Finn had calmed down but they were still glaring at the screen in rage.
Not to mention they were all shaking in anger which is why the ones that were holding them didn't let go.
Sue, on the other hand, was still trying to lunge at the screen. This made the three adults that were holding her tighten their holds on her.
Kurt said nothing as he continued coughing and gasping for air to which Hayley held him closer and soothed him more.
Hayley looks over at Rebekah and Klaus just in time to see Rebekah yelling at her brother.
"Keep your hands off him! He is your mate, for god's sake!" Rebekah yelled.
"Exactly! Keep your hands to yourself you son of a bitch!" Sam angrily spat.
Finn scowled and shoved Rachel and Puck off of him as he angrily pointed a finger at the screen.
"If he lays a hand on my little brother again, original hybrid or not, I will beat his ass" Finn threatened.
"Get in line because I'm going first" Blaine told him with a scoff.
"Neither of you are doing anything. Not before me" Burt growled.
If anyone was going to beat the hybrid it was going to be him, he would be the one to teach that asshole a lesson.
"All of this bluster about not wanting the child and your mate and then the second you learn Hayley's ready to get rid of it and Kurt's going to break the bond?" Rebekah asked in disbelief.
Klaus said nothing. He kept quiet.
He looked behind Rebekah and saw Kurt, who finally calmed down, resting his head on Hayley's shoulder with small tears streaming down his face.
Everyone frowned at the state that Kurt was in.
It was obviously a scary experience, considering he could've been killed, and some people couldn't help but shed a few tears.
"Oh Kurt" Carole softly sighed.
He has gone through too much with dealing with the supernatural drama.
And he was almost choked to death by Klaus just because he told him he was trying to break the soulmate bond.
"It's ok to care. It's ok to want something. And it's ok to find love and to want to be close to someone. That's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted" Rebekah told him.
Klaus said nothing. He remained silent, taking his sister's words to heart as well as reeling from being confronted with his feelings.
He just moved to sit on the stairs. Rebekah sighed before joining him.
Silence filled the room as nobody said anything with the Mikaelson siblings sitting together on the stairs. Hayley and Kurt were still on the ground with Kurt leaning his back against his best friend's chest, a hand on his neck, while Hayley held him close.
The silence was broken by Klaus himself.
"I gave Elijah to Marcel" Klaus revealed.
Everyone's eyes widened at that, clearly not expecting him to say that.
But now that they know what he did with Elijah they were confused and a little angry.
Why would Klaus hand over his own brother to Marcel?
Hayley and Kurt's eyes widened at that just as Rebekah turned to her brother with similar wide eyes.
"What?" Rebekah asked.
Klaus turned to look at his sister, "Marcel was nervous. It's bad enough one Original returned to town, but two? His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone, so...I gave him a peace offering".
"You bartered our brother?" Rebekah asked, anger rising in her voice and washing through her eyes.
"Some brother he is" Sam scoffed, shaking his head.
What kind of person daggers their own brother and hand him over to the enemy just to gain his trust?
He would never do that to his siblings. He loves them with all his heart and he would do anything to protect them.
"I have a plan. Gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijah's wish that that baby be born. I am executing that plan the only way I know how" Klaus told her.
He then leaned his face closer to his sister.
"If you don't like it, there's the door. See if I care" Klaus shrugged.
He got up to leave but before he could get far he felt himself being turned around.
The hybrid yelled out in pain when he felt a fist being shoved into his face and he stumbled backwards. He looked up and saw Hayley glaring at him with nothing but anger in her eyes.
"You know, I really don't care if you're the father of my baby. Let it be clear that if you ever put your hands on my best friend again, I won't hesitate to kill you with my bare hands. Are we clear?" Hayley angrily asked.
Klaus said nothing and just stared at her, feeling angry yet impressed at same time.
Everyone couldn't stop the smirks from appearing on their faces at seeing Hayley punch Klaus for what he did to Kurt.
Not only that but that threat she gave him was 100% true, she really would kill him if he did something like that again.
And they don't blame her.
If anything they would join her.
The ones that tried lunging at the screen earlier still want to kill Klaus for what he did to Kurt.
Klaus glanced over at Kurt, who was still on the ground, and his lips formed into a brief frown before he looked back at Hayley and nodded slightly before leaving.
Hayley huffed before making her way back over to Kurt and knelt at his side.
"Come on, lets get you to bed" Hayley softly said.
Kurt said nothing and just numbly nodded.
Hayley wrapped her arm around his waist and gently lifted him up from the ground. The two of them made their way upstairs with Hayley supporting Kurt.
Everyone sighed in relief knowing that Kurt would be getting the rest that he deserves after what he just went through.
"This is why he should've drank the potion. If he did he wouldn't have had to experience being choked" Blaine sighed, shaking his head.
If he had, if Hayley had drank the tea that had the poison to get rid of the baby, he would've been free from Klaus and he would've already been gone along with Hayley.
But he didn't. The same with Hayley.
And Blaine didn't understand why Kurt hesitated.
The screen turns black before turning back on. It's the next day and the camera pans into Kurt's bedroom.
As we head inside we see Kurt, who is wearing a black shirt and black sweatpants, standing in front of a mirror as he examined his neck.
It was full of red marks from last night when Klaus was choking him.
Gasps were heard as the girls covered their mouths while the guys either frowned or were glaring at the screen.
Burt clenched his jaw at seeing the marks on his sons neck.
Marks that were caused by the hybrid. Marks that were a reminder of how he could've died.
"When I get my hands on him, he's dead" Burt growled, his fists clenched at his sides.
A few people looked at him with wide eyes, never seeing him so angry, and the ones that were near him scooted a bit away.
Kurt sighed as he gently pushed a finger into one of the marks and winced slightly at the pain he felt.
"You're awake".
Kurt frowned, feeling his body tense up, and he turned around to see Klaus by the door with his hands in his pockets.
Almost instantly everyone either tensed at seeing the hybrid or were glaring at seeing the hybrid.
None of them were happy with him after what he had done to Kurt and seeing him be anywhere near Kurt worried and angered them.
"He better keep his hands to himself" Finn muttered.
If the hybrid tries to do anything to his little brother he will kill him.
"A little early to be awake, isn't it?" Klaus asked.
Kurt stared at him for a few seconds before turning away to look back at himself in the mirror.
Klaus frowned and stepped into the room.
"Giving me the silent treatment, are we?" Klaus asked.
"Forgive him for not wanting to talk to someone that tried to kill him last night" Sebastian scoffed.
Kurt scoffed at that as he turned around to face the hybrid.
"Forgive me if I don't want to speak to someone that tried to kill me last night" Kurt sarcastically said.
Sebastian blinked, unsure of how to react at saying the same thing as lady hummel.
Klaus frowned at the reminder of what he had done last night and shifted from where he stood.
He opened his mouth to say something when his eyes wandered over to the bedside table. He spotted a bottle in the shape of a circle and came to a realization that it was the potion Kurt was talking about the other day.
The potion to break the soulmate bond.
Everyone's eyes widened at seeing the bottle and felt themselves tense up.
Klaus had seen it and they were worried about how he would react.
Considering he reacted terribly when Kurt had told him what he and Hayley were planning to do.
Klaus walked towards the table and grabbed the bottle. He opened it and looked inside, furrowing his eyebrows together when he saw that the thing was still full.
Kurt looked at him and when he saw him staring at the bottle in confusion he sighed.
"I didn't use it" Kurt told him.
Klaus looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
"What?" Klaus asked.
Kurt sighed before saying, "it's still full because I didn't use it".
Klaus frowned at that and he closed the bottle and set it down before walking towards his mate.
"Why? You could've been free of this. You could've been free of me. Why didn't you use it?" Klaus asked.
"Yes. Please enlighten us on why you hesitated and didn't drink the only thing that could've freed you from that bastard" Blaine tightly smiled.
He wants answers and he wants them now.
Burt huffed, not wanting to admit that he agreed with the Anderson male and wanted answers as to why his son hesitated in drinking the potion.
Kurt sighed and he walked over to his bed and sat down at the edge.
He remained silent for a bit before looking up and meeting Klaus's eyes as the hybrid just stared at him.
"I'm still trying to get used to the fact that the supernatural exists. Not only that but I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that soulmates are real and I have one and it's you, the original hybrid. I know you're baffled at the fact that you have a soulmate and it's me, a plain human boy. But the difference between you and I is that I was willing to accept this and give it a chance but you made it clear that you didn't want anything to do with me. Considering you ordered for not only Hayley and the baby to be killed but for me to be killed as well" Kurt explained.
Klaus frowned at his words and, once again, shifted from where he stood.
He didn't want to admit that he felt guilty for what he had done not only last night but for what he requested the day he found out Kurt was his soulmate.
A few people raised their eyebrows or that while a few others just scoffed.
"Him feeling guilty? What a joke" Sue rolled her eyes.
"Never thought I would agree with that woman" Santana muttered to Quinn who nodded in agreement.
Kurt sighed and turned his head around to look out the window.
"I didn't see the point in wanting to keep the soulmate bond and that's why I bought the potion. However, I found myself hesitating in drinking the potion. Why? Maybe it has to do with the fact that we got off on the wrong foot and I want us to start over and get the chance to really know each other" Kurt finished.
"You would really want to get to know me even after what I did last night?" Klaus asked.
Kurt turned around and looked at Klaus and nodded his head.
"Yes, I would. Only if you want to, of course" Kurt said.
Klaus stared at him for a few seconds before slowly nodding his head.
"Yes, I would like that" Klaus softly said.
To say everyone was shocked by what they just watched would be an understatement.
They couldn't believe that Kurt not only didn't want to break the soulmate bond but he wants to get to know Klaus better even after he almost killed him.
Not only that but they couldn't believe that Klaus was willing to start over so he could really get to know Kurt.
"Is porcelain serious right now?" Sue asked, looking at her coworkers.
"Yes, he is" Mr. Schue nodded with a frown plastered on his face.
The new directions were in disbelief at their friends decision.
Blaine was in the same boat as his friends considering he wanted Kurt to stay away from Klaus at all times since that asshole was no good.
Carole had a frown on her face as she looked over at her husband to see his reaction to Kurt's decision.
She saw Burt staring at the screen in disbelief, as expected.
But then he let out a sigh while running a hand through his hair.
"Just as long as he keeps his anger in check, I'll tolerate it" Burt muttered.
If the hybrid keeps his anger in check and doesn't lay a hand on his son again, he'll do his best to keep himself in check.
"After all, I have alot to make up for" Klaus added.
"Understatement of the century" Kurt snorted to which Klaus huffed slightly.
Klaus's eyes wandered to his mates neck and he frowned at seeing the red marks that he caused.
Kurt realized what the hybrid was looking at and waved him off.
"Don't worry about the marks. They hurt, don't get me wrong, but they should go away soon" Kurt reassured him.
"Are you sure? I did choke you" Klaus asked.
"No? I thought you were hugging him" Trent drawled sarcastically.
The warblers laughed at their friends sarcasm with a few shaking their heads in amusement.
"I'm sure. Trust me, I've gone through worse back in my hometown. Especially when I was in highschool" Kurt said.
Klaus frowned at his words but decided not to ask questions since he didn't want to pry.
But he would definitely ask more about it another time.
The new directions shifted in their seats at the reminder of what Kurt had gone through in Lima Ohio, especially before he graduated McKinley highschool.
Burt frowned at what his son had gone through back at home.
He hated that he couldn't do much to help his son but he hoped that what he was able to do had been enough.
"Well, how about you let me make it up to you by making you breakfast?" Klaus suggested.
"Really? You'd do that for me?" Kurt asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Of course, love. It's the least I can do. Consider it as my way of apologizing" Klaus nodded.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at the nickname Klaus had given him, feeling his cheeks heat up a bit.
The girls couldn't help but squeal quietly at Klaus calling Kurt 'love' while the guys raised their eyebrows at the nickname.
Finn frowned, feeling his protective brother instinct build up inside of him.
Blaine frowned, a jealous feeling building inside of him at the nickname the hybrid gave his ex-boyfriend.
"Alright then" Kurt nodded.
"Any requests?" Klaus asked.
"Some scrambled eggs and pancakes, please" Kurt said.
"Coming right up, love" Klaus said with a small smile and a wink.
Kurt blushed at that to which Klaus laughed before he turned around and left the room.
Kurt chuckled and shook his head before heading into his bathroom while taking his phone out of his pocket.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone couldn't stop the sighs from escaping their lips.
To say that everything that happened in this episode was alot, that's an understatement.
And to say that they were still angry at the hybrid for what he did to Kurt was also an understatement.
But they had a feeling that Kurt, along with his best friend, was getting himself into more drama and danger.
And they were just hoping that it wasn't anything too dangerous that would put his life, or Hayley's life, in danger.
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