Chapter Five: Girl In New Orleans
Nobody's Pov
As everyone began settling down the next episode began playing.
The screen turns on and the camera pans to the mansion. We head inside the house and we see Hayley and Kurt in the living room. Hayley was reading a book while Kurt was on his phone.
"I told you Agnes, I feel great" Hayley said while looking up from her book.
The camera pans over to Agnes who was sitting across from the duo on the other couch.
As soon as everyone laid eyes on Agnes, the witch they had seen in the first episode when Hayley and Kurt had been kidnapped, groans escaped their lips.
"What the hell is that old bitch doing there?" Santana asked, rolling her eyes.
The new directions laughed at the latina's words as did Gertrude.
"You'll see" Gertrude said after calming down.
"You are overdue for a checkup" Agnes reminded her.
"What am I gonna do? Pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant werewolf escorted by her best friend and a witch? Nothing to see here" Hayley sarcastically smiled.
Kurt snorted and shook his head in amusement at her words.
A few people in the theater couldn't help but snort at the wolf girls words. She was funny when she wanted to be.
The camera pans over to Rebekah who was sitting at a coffee table while typing on a laptop.
"Alot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours" Rebekah spoke, her tone showing mild jealousy.
Hayley and Kurt frowned at that.
"Aw, the poor girl wants to be a mother" Carole softly frowned.
"Shocker" Sue muttered.
It shocked her, and everyone else in the theater, that the blonde Mikaelson wanted to be a mother.
Considering not alot of girls want to become mothers and the ones that do end up being mothers either are good at it or are terrible.
"If she wants to be a mother so bad she can just find some guy and have sex and poof she's pregnant" Puck shrugged.
People either looked at him weirdly or shook their heads in exasperation.
Gertrude sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"It doesn't work that way. Something you need to know is that it's impossible for vampires to have children since they're basically dead" Gertrude explained.
"But, what about Hayley?" Trent asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah. She had sex with Klaus and he's a vampire" Thad added.
Gertrude shook her head, "it's different with Klaus. Remember, he's a hybrid meaning his werewolf side is what made Hayley pregnant in the first place".
Everyone took in everything she told them carefully and glanced at each other.
They definitely had alot more to learn about the supernatural, especially when it comes to the Mikaelson's.
Agnes tore her attention away from Rebekah and looked back at the duo, her eyes mainly on Hayley.
"I know a doctor out in the Bayou, off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it" Agnes told her.
Hayley seems to be pondering her words while Kurt narrowed his eyes at the witch, clearly suspicious.
It wasn't just Kurt that was suspicious about Agnes, almost everyone in the theater was suspicious about the old witch.
They just got a weird vibe off of her. Especially when it looks like she had something planned, something that wasn't going to end well.
Hayley rolled her eyes before reluctantly agreeing.
"Ok, fine. Bayou-baby-doctor it is" Hayley sighed in slight annoyance.
She closed her book and stood up from the couch just as Agnes did the same. But before they could leave Kurt stood up as well.
"I'm coming too. I want to be there for Hayley" Kurt said.
Everyone smiled at that.
Leave it to Kurt to make sure to be there for Hayley and make sure she doesn't go alone.
Hayley smiled at her best friend while Agnes frowned.
"That's not really necess-" Agnes started but was cut off.
"Did I ask for your commentary? No, I didn't. I said I'm going and I'm not changing my mind. So deal with it" Kurt glared at her.
Agnes gulped at the glare and the obvious anger in the boys tone while Hayley smirked.
Everyone laughed at the look on Agnes's face and how proud Hayley looked at Kurt standing his ground.
"Nice one, Kurt" Santana smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.
Sue, having heard her, nodded with a small smirk on her face.
Kurt tore his eyes away from the witch and looked at Hayley.
"You two wait for me while I go get some snacks for us" Kurt said.
"Of course, K. Just don't be too long" Hayley told him.
Kurt nodded and the three of them left the room. The women left the house while Kurt turned and made his way into the kitchen.
As he entered the kitchen he made his way to the refrigerator and opened it. He looked inside and grabbed two yogurts and two chocolate bars.
Just as he closed the refrigerator and turned around, ready to leave the kitchen and meet up with the women, he jumped back in fright when he saw Klaus standing in front of him
"Jesus, don't do that!" Kurt yelled, placing his hand over his chest.
Everyone couldn't help but jump at Klaus's sudden appearance.
"I swear to god this dude just keeps on showing up everywhere!" Sebastian yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.
"I swear he needs to start wearing a bell" Finn muttered.
Puck, having heard his best friend, couldn't help but laugh and nod his head in agreement.
The image of Klaus wearing was definitely amusing and definitely something he'd pay to see in real life.
Klaus laughed in amusement and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Sorry, love. It wasn't my intention to scare you" Klaus told him.
"Yeah, sure" Kurt muttered sarcastically under his breath.
Burt chuckled at his sons sarcasm, as well as the expression on his face, and shook his head fondly.
"Mind telling me where you're going?" Klaus asked, eyeing the food his mate was holding.
"I'm going with Hayley to the bayou for a check up. Agnes says she knows someone there that can do it without Marcel catching us" Kurt told him.
"Why wasn't I informed of this?" Klaus asked, frowning.
"Maybe because it's none of your business" Blaine huffed.
Kurt was allowed to go wherever he wants and he sure as hell doesn't have to report back to the hybrid.
"You didn't ask and you weren't there either" Kurt rolled his eyes.
"Is it smart to go? Especially with a witch. Might I remind you that witches can't be trusted" Klaus said.
"I don't think so, considering I don't trust the witches myself, but Hayley already agreed to go and I don't want her going alone so I'm going too" Kurt said.
Kurt then took his phone out before putting it back in his pocket.
"And I have to leave before they wonder why I'm taking so long" Kurt said.
He walked past Klaus to leave the kitchen but before he could he was stopped.
"Kurt!" Klaus yelled as he turned around.
"What?" Kurt asked, turning around to face the hybrid.
"Please be careful. I don't trust the witches especially since they're using not only Hayley and our baby as leverage but you as well since we're soulmates. I don't trust that they won't hurt either of you. So, please, just be careful and stay alert" Klaus sternly said.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at the hybrid.
For some reason Klaus sounded oddly concerned and worried for him.
Everyone frowned at the way Klaus spoke to Kurt. He did sound concern and worried and they didn't understand why.
They didn't really peg Klaus as the type of person to be concerned or worried for someone he barely knew.
Yeah, they're soulmates but they still don't really know each other.
However, while it didn't make sense to the others it made sense to the girls.
They had a feeling as to why Klaus sounded that way and they glanced at each other with faint smirks.
"I promise to be careful. Don't worry" Kurt said.
"Good" Klaus nodded, turning his head around to avoid eye contact with his mate.
Kurt said nothing and simply turned around and left the kitchen to make his way outside to join his best friend and the witch.
"If he's really that worried just put a tracker on lady hummel and all will be fine" Sebastian shrugged.
He remembers that was something his dad had done when he was little since he always worried that he would get lost or kidnapped.
His parents are protective of him, especially his dad, but that's what he loves about them.
The scene changes to the middle of the woods, basically the middle of nowhere, and it's already late at night.
A car pulls up to a small cottage and the camera pans inside of the car where we see Agnes in the drivers seat, Hayley in the passengers seat and Kurt in the back.
When the car stopped Hayley and Kurt looked at the cottage in disbelief. They glanced at each other, growing even more suspicious, before looking at Agnes.
"This is the doctor's office?" Hayley asked, pointing her finger at the cottage.
Everyone narrowed their eyes at the supposed doctors office.
"There's no fucking way that's a doctors office. That's more of a freaking abandoned building or some shit" Burt scowled.
"What the hell is that woman up to?" Carole asked, frowning.
Something was definitely wrong with this entire appointment.
And they just hoped for the sake of Hayley, her baby and Kurt that everything went smoothly.
"Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go, she won't bite" Agnes reassured her.
"I doubt that" Kurt muttered.
Hayley sighed before getting out of the car with Kurt following right behind her.
Kurt stood at his best friends side and looked around the place with suspicion.
"Hales, something isn't right" Kurt muttered.
Hayley hummed and shrugged, "this place is creepy but the faster we get this done the faster we can leave".
Kurt sighed but nodded and the two of them reluctantly entered the cottage.
Everyone frowned and couldn't help but tense up, nervousness coursing through all their bodies.
Something felt off about this appointment especially since they were in the freaking woods, late at night with nobody around.
Not to mention they had a feeling that Agnes had planned something.
They don't know exactly what she has planned but they all got a bad vibe off of her since the episode started.
"Please be safe, buddy" Burt muttered, his knee bouncing up and down.
Carole scooted closer to her husband and wrapped her arm around his waist, leaning in to place a kiss to his cheek.
Rachel did the same with Finn when he saw him fidgeting due to worry.
"Please be safe, Kurt" Blaine muttered, clasping his hands together.
Sebastian looked at him with a frown and leaned over to place a hand on his shoulder, wanting to offer him some type of comfort, but stopped.
He didn't think it was appropriate because even though he and Blaine got past their issues and were friends, he still had slight feelings for the Anderson male.
Feelings that wouldn't be returned because he knew that Blaine still loved Kurt despite the fact that those two have been broken up for a while.
So, Sebastian retracted his hand and turned his attention back onto the screen.
The scene changes inside one of the rooms of the clinic and we see a woman with blonde hair, Dr. Paige, giving Hayley an ultrasound and we can hear the fatal heartbeat.
As she finishes she turns to Hayley.
"Your baby's heart rate is perfect" Dr. Paige smiles at her.
Hayley sighs in relief at that as did Kurt who was standing next to her, a hand on her shoulder.
Everyone couldn't help but release sighs of relief themselves, smiles appearing on some of their faces.
While they don't really know Hayley they were happy to know that her baby was healthy and safe.
"I knew it. She's a tough one, like her mom" Hayley smiled.
"Got that right, Hales" Kurt winked at his best friend causing her to laugh.
Dr. Paige laughed softly at the duo's interaction before handing Hayley a tissue to wipe the ultrasound gel off of her abdomen. Dr. Paige walks over to put a few things away while Kurt helped Hayley sit up from where she was lying.
Dr. Paige turns around and her eye catches something on Hayley. The camera pans over to Hayley's shoulder and we see a crescent moon shaped birthmark.
"That's a unique birthmark she has there" Coach Beiste commented, a little intrigued by the wolf girls birthmark.
Everyone nodded at that since they've never seen birthmarks like that before.
They just found out Kurt had a star birthmark that signified that he had a soulmate and it was Klaus Mikaelson.
Finding out that Hayley had a unique and rare birthmark herself was intriguing.
They wondered if it meant she had a soulmate as well or if it meant something else.
"That's a unique birthmark" Dr. Paige complimented.
Hayley frowned slightly and quickly put her sweater back on.
"We're pretty much done here, right?" Hayley asked as she stood up.
We hear a phone go off and Hayley turns and grabs her phone that was lying next to her.
Kurt looked over her shoulder and saw it was a text from Rebekah asking where they were.
"Your blood pressure is a bit high, I've got something for it" Dr. Paige told Hayley before leaving the room.
Kurt stared at the doctor as she left the room before looking over at his best friend and saw her respond to Rebekah's text, telling her they were at the bayou clinic.
All of a sudden the two of them hear wolves howling causing them to jump, slightly startled.
"Again with the wolves?" Santana asked with a raised eyebrow.
She had a feeling that among those wolf was the wolf that was at the mansion near the pool in the previous episode.
And if it was she wondered just who the wolf was and what its connection to Hayley was.
The two of them walk towards the window just in time to see a car's headlights approaching, causing the duo to look at each other.
All of a sudden Dr. Paige walks back into the room with Hayley's medication.
"Ahh, you know, she's actually not that good with pills" Kurt told the doctor, standing in front of his best friend protectively.
"Heh, neither am I, truth be told" Dr. Paige told him with a smile.
Dr. Paige begins setting up the medicine cup on the table and starts preparing something. Hayley turns to stare at her while Kurt turns to stare out the room where Agnes was at.
His eyes narrowed when he saw a group of intimidating looking men walk inside and walk over to Agnes and whisper something to her.
Seeing those men walk inside the clinic made everyone sit up straight in their seats, their bodies beginning to tense up.
Something was wrong, really really wrong.
And they wanted Hayley and Kurt to get the hell out of there.
"Hales" Kurt whispered, nudging her shoulder.
Hayley turned around and her eyes narrowed when she saw the men whispering to Agnes about something.
The duo turned around and their eyes widened when they saw Dr. Paige walk towards them with a syringe in her hand, lunging towards Hayley in order to inject her with it.
Everyone's eyes widened and their bodies began tensing up even more.
"Oh shit!" Puck cursed out loud, worry coursing through his body.
Hayley acts fast and grabs her arm and pushes it away from her. She then headbutts Dr. Paige, hard, causing her to stumble backwards and quickly stabs the syringe into the her neck.
Dr. Paige yelled in surprise before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell to the ground.
"Yes!" everyone yelled.
"Nice one" Sue commented with a nod of her head.
The men, having heard commotion from the room, turn around and see the doctor lying on the ground.
They begin running, trying to get inside the room, when Kurt rushes towards the door and quickly closes it and locks it to prevent them from coming inside.
"Hayley, get that window open! Now!" Kurt yelled, using his arms to hold the door shut.
Hayley nodded and rushed over to the window and did her best to open it but struggled.
"Come on, come on, come on" Burt muttered anxiously under his breath.
"Stop being so fucking slow and open the damn window" Blaine clenched his jaw, glaring at Hayley.
If that wolf girl didn't hurry the hell up those men were going to get into the room and hurt Kurt and that's the last thing he wanted.
"Kurt come on!" Hayley yelled.
Kurt turned around to see that Hayley got the window to open and was climbing out. He gritted his teeth and hurriedly made his way to the window.
Kurt swiftly climbed out of the window and once his feet touched the ground Hayley grabbed his wrist and the two of them began running into the woods.
"What are they doing? Why don't they just steal that witch bitches car and get the hell out of there?" Sue asked.
"Agnes most definitely has the keys since it's her car so that definitely wouldn't work" Ms. Pillsbury reminded her.
"Not to mention she planned this entire fake doctor appointment as a way to lure Hayley out of the mansion" Mr. Schue added.
"But Kurt-" Blaine started but was cut off.
"He wasn't supposed to be there in the first place since it's clear Agnes only wanted Hayley. But since he went with them he's now caught in the crossfire and they're most likely going to kill him too" Coach Beiste told him.
Blaine felt his eyes widen at that as did everyone else, realization coursing through them.
It's true that Kurt wasn't supposed to be there since Agnes had planned the trap for Hayley and only her.
But since he went he's caught in the crossfire meaning he is going to be get hurt alongside Hayley.
The duo continue running into the woods, never once stopping and never once looking back.
They found a nearby tree and quickly hid behind it in order to catch their breaths. The two of them are breathing heavily before finally calming down.
"Hales" Kurt whispered, slowly growing scared.
Hayley looked at him and grabbed his hands and looked into his eyes.
"K, I know you're scared and that's ok. But remember that we're in this together. I won't let those bastards hurt you, I promise" Hayley sternly said.
Kurt, despite the fear, trusted and believed his best friend so he nodded his head.
Despite the situation that they were in a few people couldn't help but smile at the interaction between the best friends.
They could tell how much they care for one another and they could tell how protective Hayley is towards Kurt.
They knew that no matter what happens she wasn't going to let anyone or anything lay a hand on Kurt, she would make sure of that.
The two of them tense up when they hear footsteps approaching and look around before looking back at each other.
"As soon as we see them we're gonna fight them the best that we can and we won't stop until they're all down. Are you in?" Hayley asked.
"Always" Kurt nodded.
Everyone felt their eyes widen at that and panic coursed through all of their bodies.
"No, no, no what the hell is she thinking?" Mr. Schue asked in concern.
"Agreed! Doesn't she know that porcelain can't fight?" Sue asked.
Kurt was never someone that knew how to fight. There were times where he did defend himself against his bullies in McKinley but that was using his words and not his fists.
He has never physically fought anyone let alone a group of people.
Kurt was going to be ripped apart by those men and there was nothing any of them could do to help.
Blaine and Burt cursed loudly, their fists clenching at their sides, while the new directions were either biting their lips in worry or bouncing their knees up and down.
The warblers themselves were worried about what would happen since they knew as well as everyone else that Kurt wasn't a fighter.
Hell, Sebastian was worried too. Not that he would admit it out loud.
While everyone was panicking about what was going to happen Gertrude stared at them with a small smirk on her face.
She was so looking forward to their reactions.
The footsteps draw closer causing the two of them to shut their mouths. Just as the men rush past them the duo look at each other, determination in their eyes, and rush forward without hesitation.
A man turns around when he hears their footsteps but before he can do anything Hayley grabs him by the head and spins him around and slams him onto his back.
A second man rushes forward but Kurt jumps and tackles him to the ground. He straddles him by the waist before snapping his neck.
A third man rushes over to attack Kurt but Hayley rushes forward, a knife in her hand that she grabbed from after one of the men dropped it, and slashes his neck as she spins her body around before crouching down.
A fourth man rushes over to them when Kurt sends a strong punch causing him to fall to the ground. Kurt grabs the gun the man dropped and beats him in the head with the butt of the gun while kicking the man, when he sees that the man is dead he tosses the gun aside before crouching down next to Hayley.
Silence filled the theater.
Nobody said anything. Nobody did anything.
Everyone in the theater was staring at the screen with wide eyes and their jaws were wide open, nearly touching the ground.
They were all trying to process what they had just witnessed, clearly stunned.
"Holy shit" Artie managed to say the first thing that came to mind.
"That was..." Mike trailed off.
"FUCKING AWESOME!" Puck shouted, a grin appearing on his face as he stood up from his seat.
The silence was now broken and everyone broke out of the state they were in to stand up from their seats to cheer and clap as loud as they could.
"That's my brother/best friend!" Finn and Rachel yelled, grins appearing on their faces.
Burt jumped up and down while extending his arm out towards the screen.
"THAT'S MY BOY!" Burt screamed, a grin of pride appearing on his face.
"Damn porcelain" Sue laughed, clearly impressed by what she had just witnessed.
Some of the warblers were cheering for Kurt as they themselves were proud of his fighting skills and him being able to protect himself.
While a few other warblers were just staring at the screen in utter shock, they just couldn't believe what they had witnessed.
Hell, Sebastian looked shocked and impressed and that definitely says alot.
Blaine was staring at the screen with his eyes wide in disbelief.
He was honestly expecting for Hayley to do most of the fighting since Kurt has never fought before and he thought that he would be taken down easily.
But he was clearly proven wrong by what he had just witnessed.
Not only was he shocked and in disbelief but he was incredibly turned on just by the way his cheeks were bright red and how nothing but love was visible in his eyes.
Gertrude laughed at everyone's reactions, nothing but amusement coursing through her body.
Their reactions were definitely what she expected.
Hayley's eyes flash werewolf-gold as her and Kurt look around for anymore threats.
All of a sudden a large burly man walks over to them but before either of them can react Rebekah appears from behind him and snaps his neck causing him to drop to the ground.
Sighs of reliefs were heard at the sight of Rebekah.
"Thank god" Quinn sighed, leaning back in his seat.
"It's about damn time she arrived" Blaine huffed, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
The blonde Mikaelson is supposed to be a vampire so why the hell didn't she arrive earlier?
The duo calm down at the sight of the blonde Mikaelson. As they stand up Rebekah looks at them and nods her head in approval.
"I have to say I'm impressed" Rebekah said.
"Thanks. But, how did you find us?" Kurt asked.
"Hayley's text got me halfway, vamping here did the rest. Who are they?" Rebekah asked, gesturing to the dead men.
"Witches. Warlocks. Whatever" Hayley scoffed.
"Maybe they're hunters or whatever" Jeff shrugged.
"It doesn't matter what they are or who they are. What matters is that they're dead and can't hurt Hayley, her baby or Kurt" Nick said.
Burt nodded at the boys words, all that matters was that those men were dead and couldn't hurt his son or his friend.
Rebekah frowned as her head perked up and she began looking around as she heard something nearby. She turned around and saw flashlights in the distance heading towards them.
"There're more of them" Rebekah told them.
"Are you kidding me?" Kurt asked, groaning.
"You two get the hell out of here! Run!" Rebekah yelled at them, urging them to leave.
"Listen to her and leave, now!" Sue yelled.
She was worried for porcelain and the pregnant werewolf girl and doesn't want harm to come to either of them.
They need to run and let Rebekah handle the rest of the men.
Hayley and Kurt stare at her before reluctantly heeding her warning and quickly ran off.
But they don't get very far when they hear Rebekah groan. They turn around just in time to see her drop to the ground.
"Rebekah!" Hayley and Kurt yell in unison, worry shown in their tone.
But before they could check on her Hayley was shot in the shoulder by an arrow. Her eyes widen and a groan escapes her lips.
"Hayley!" Kurt yelled with wide eyes.
"No!" everyone yelled with wide eyes.
Hayley sways back and forth and Kurt quickly wraps his arms around her to steady her.
"K, leave me and get the hell out of here" Hayley manages to get out.
Kurt looks at her in disbelief and opens his mouth to say something but Hayley untangles herself from his arms and pushes him forward. She then drops to the ground, unconscious.
"Kurt, listen to her and get the hell out of there!" Blaine yelled, ignoring the looks of disbelief he was getting from the others.
He doesn't know Hayley and, as bad as it sounds, he just didn't care what would happen to her.
All he cares about is Kurt and he wants him to get out of there and get somewhere safe.
Kurt curses under his breath but before he can go over to check on her he hears footsteps approaching.
He bites his lip, having an inner debate in his head, before muttering an apology to Hayley and Rebekah before turning around and running off.
However, he doesn't get very far when an arrow is shot into his shoulder causing him to gasp.
Kurt yells in surprise and stumbles forward. He tries to steady himself, trying his best to stay awake and keep running, but his eyes roll to the back of his head and he slowly drops to the ground and is knocked out.
"No!" everyone yelled.
"Kurt!" the new directions yelled, their eyes wide in horror at seeing their friend getting knocked unconscious.
"Fuck!" Burt and Blaine yelled, slamming their fists down onto the armrests of their seats.
Some time has passed and the camera pans over to Rebekah, who was beginning to wake up, who pulls out the arrows with a groan of pain before sitting up.
Her eyes widened at the dead bodies that were surrounding her, all of which look as though they were mauled.
Everyone's eyes widened at the sight in front of them, not believing what they were seeing.
"What the fuck?!" Trent yelled, his eyes wide in horror and disgust.
"What the hell happened? Who took them out?" Thad asked in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows together.
Nobody said anything because none of them had an answer to that.
Given that they too were confused but also burning with curiosity.
"What the hell?" Rebekah gasped out.
She quickly gets to her feet and begins to look around. Her eyes widened in fear when she saw that there was no sigh of the pregnant werewolf girl or her human best friend.
"Hayley! Kurt!" Rebekah yelled out.
No answer.
"Hayley! Kurt!" Rebekah yelled, a little frustrated and scared.
Again, no answer.
"So some unknown being took out those men and my son and his best friend are missing. Wonderful. Fucking wonderful!" Burt yelled.
His head dipped forward before he let out a loud scream of frustration, tugging at his hair.
If something happened to his son, his pride and joy, and he was badly hurt he was going to go insane.
Rebekah gritted her teeth before pulling out her phone to call her brother to tell him what happened.
"Yes! Call that asshole and tell him to get his ass over there!" Blaine yelled, throwing his arms up in the air.
Maybe with Klaus there they can find Kurt faster.
After the two of them talk Rebekah hangs up before using her vamp speed to head over to the cottage Hayley and Kurt ran away from.
When she arrives at the cottage she cautiously heads inside.
She looks around the place and nobody seems to be there. However, when she enters the room the duo were previously in she finds Dr. Paige unconscious on the ground, the used syringe lying next to her.
"How much did she add into that syringe?" Mr. Schue asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Who cares? Just as long as it wasn't used on Hayley or Kurt" Coach Beiste shrugged.
Rebekah hears something and turns around and sees Klaus has arrived.
"Wow. You abandoned your quest for power to help out your family. Having an off day?" Rebekah sarcastically asked.
Despite the worry and fear everyone was feeling, they couldn't help but snort at the Rebekah's words.
Leave it to her to still use sarcasm, especially when it comes to Klaus.
Klaus ignored what she said and walked forward, his hands behind his back.
"Who took them, Rebekah?" Klaus calmly asked.
"I don't know" Rebekah answered.
"What do you mean, you don't know? And who killed their attackers?" Klaus asked, slowly getting annoyed.
"Dude, the girl had an arrow in her heart. She doesn't know" Sam rolled his eyes.
"I don't know! I had an arrow in my heart" Rebekah told him, getting frustrated.
Sam blushed slightly at having said the same thing as the blonde beauty.
The new directions laughed at their friends reaction while Mercedes frowned before huffing.
"If it wasn't Hayley or Kurt who killed them, then..." Rebekah trailed off.
She is cut off by wolves howling in the distance. Klaus looks at her and raises an eyebrow.
"Lovely. Maybe Hayley's cousins will know where they are" Rebekah sarcastically smiled before walking past her brother.
"Now isn't the time for sarcasm" Mr. Schue sighed.
"Oh please, there's always a time for sarcasm" Santana told him.
Klaus rolled his eyes before following his sister.
As the two of them make it outside but they stop at what they were seeing. Hayley and Kurt were slowly walking towards them. They both had dirt all over their clothes, said clothes were slightly torn and their hairs were messy.
The only difference was that Hayley was completely healed, no wounds, while Kurt had a few wounds on his body.
Everyone released huge sighs of relief at seeing Hayley and Kurt, both still alive and unharmed.
"Oh thank god" Burt breathed out, his frustration and fear slowly dying down.
Carole nodded, feeling herself calm down at seeing the boy she viewed as another son and his pregnant friend safe and sound.
The Mikaelson siblings didn't hesitate to rush towards them.
"Hayley! Kurt! What happened? Tell me what happened?" Klaus hurriedly asked.
He stopped in front of them two of them while Rebekah stood behind him.
Hayley looked at Klaus and shook her head, "I can't remember. Neither of us can".
Klaus anxiously scans the two of them. His eyebrows furrow together when he saw that Hayley was completely healed.
"You've completely healed. There's not a scratch on you" Klaus told her.
"One of the perks of being a werewolf, remember?" Hayley reminded him.
Klaus shook his head at her, "no not that fast".
"Wait, werewolves don't heal that fast?" Brittany asked, tilting her head in curiosity.
Gertrude shook her head, "they don't, not like with vampires. It takes longer for them to heal".
Brittany hummed and nodded at the information, as did everyone else.
Rebekah rolls her eyes at him before rushing over to Hayley and wraps a protective arm around her.
"Leave her alone!" Rebekah slightly yelled at him.
She guided Hayley over to the cottage while Klaus rushed over to his mate and placed both hands on his shoulders.
"Love, are you alright? Does anything hurt?" Klaus asked.
"I'm fine, Klaus. Besides, I've gone through worse back in my hometown" Kurt told him.
The new directions and the staff of McKinley frowned at that with a few shifting in their seats.
They have to remind themselves that Kurt has gone through much more before graduating McKinley.
They know that he managed to get through those hellish years and he was now away from that hellhole school, but the reminder of what he had to endure saddened them.
Not to mention the guilt they felt for not being able to do more for him.
Klaus looked concerned at that and would've asked more but decided against it.
Instead he wrapped his arms around his mate and guided him over to the cottage.
When they reached the girls Kurt pulled away from Klaus and sat down on the stairs where the girls were sitting. Hayley wrapped an arm around Kurt and he did the same with her, the two of them holding each other protectively.
Burt couldn't stop the smile from appearing on his face at the interaction between his son and Hayley.
It's nice to see that they still have each other's back and were still looking out for each other even after what they went through.
It was silent for a few seconds before Rebekah spoke up.
"It's the baby. The vampire blood, Klaus's vampire blood, in your system. It can heal any wound. Your own child healed you" Rebekah explained, a small smile appearing on her face.
Hayley looks at her incredulously, as did Kurt, before looking down at her stomach.
Klaus let a small smile appear on his face at what his sister said about his baby.
"The child isn't even born yet she's already looking out for her mother" Carole smiled softly.
Learning that the baby was protecting her mother, healing her after what she went through, warmed her heart.
"That's crazy and adorable at the same time" Ms. Pillsbury chuckled softly.
Rebekah glanced at her brother before looking back at the duo.
"How did you guys escape? You two were outnumbered, unarmed? Those men were ripped to shreds" Rebekah asked, confused and curious.
The duo look at each other before turning to the Mikaelson siblings.
"I think it was the wolf. I think it's trying to protect me and Kurt" Hayley said.
"I think so too. When I woke up I could see a wolf guarding me before rushing off. I was confused but I decided to worry about it later and went to find Hayley and, well, here we are" Kurt explained.
"Are they talking about the wolf from the previous episode?" Tina asked.
"They have to be. We haven't really come across any other wolf" Mike nodded.
"But that doesn't make sense. Why is that wolf protecting them when they don't know them?" Puck asked, confused.
"Agreed. But, if Hayley feels some sort of connection towards the wolf that might be a key reason" Quinn explained.
Everyone needed to gain a bit more information about that wolf.
They needed to know just what type of connection Hayley felt towards it.
What's the reason for that wolf keeping Hayley and Kurt safe?
Klaus shook his head and angrily spoke, "the witches were supposed to protect you both! When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux-".
"Klaus, it wasn't Sophie" Kurt told him.
"Yeah, it was Agnes" Hayley added.
"Fine! Agnes, Sophie, it's all the same to me! I'll slaughter the lot of them!" Klaus angrily yelled.
"For once I agree with him. And I wish I could join him" Blaine muttered.
Anyone that messes with Kurt, his ex-boyfriend, his first love, the boy he wants back more than anything, has to be punished.
"Not if Elijah gets there first" Rebekah told him.
Almost instantly all eyes fell onto her.
"Elijah? Did you find him?" Hayley asked, furrowing her eyebrows together.
"He's been in touch, and he has a plan. All he asks is that we take care of you. Both of you" Rebekah said, looking at Hayley and Kurt.
Hayley let a small soft smile appear on her face at the thought of Elijah wanting to protect her and her best friend.
"Wow, he must really care for her" Sebastian muttered.
The suit brother barely knew the wolf girl yet he cares for her so much.
He cares for lady hummel too, he is his brother's soulmate after all, but anyone with a brain can tell it's the girl he cares more for.
Silence filled the air between all of them before it was broken by Kurt.
"Hey, so, can we go home now? Hayley and I would like to take a nice long shower since we're beginning to smell. And I'd like to climb into my warm bed and sleep until I'm forty" Kurt joked.
Hayley and Rebekah snorted at his words while Klaus chuckled quietly.
Everyone found themselves laughing at Kurt's words while shaking their heads fondly.
Leave it to him to joke around in order to ease the tension after what he and Hayley had gone through.
Hayley and Kurt got up from the stairs and Rebekah followed their lead.
Hayley groaned and started falling to the side but Rebekah quickly caught her and steadied her.
Kurt, on the other hand, groaned and felt his knees buckle and began to fall forward as he was weak due to his wounds needing more time to heal.
"Kurt!" everyone yelled, their eyes widening in concern.
They forgot that Hayley healed faster not only because she's a werewolf but because her baby healed her.
Kurt, on the other hand, is just a human so he wasn't as lucky as his wolf best friend.
"Kurt!" Hayley yelled in concern.
Just before Kurt could hit the ground Klaus zoomed over to him and caught him. He then scoops him up into a bridal-carry in his arms.
"Ooh, I've got you, love. I've got you" Klaus reassured, looking down at him.
Kurt looked up at him and slowly nodded his head. He tiredly wrapped his arms around the neck of his mate and nuzzled his head into his chest.
Everyone, while a bit wary of Klaus being near Kurt let alone holding him, sighed in relief at the fact that he was alright.
The last thing they wanted was for him to get more injuries even if he had just fallen.
Although, they were a little confused by the slight sign of affection Klaus showed towards.
But they just decided to ignore it.
Except for Blaine and the girls.
Blaine was narrowing his eyes at the scene in suspicion and jealousy, he didn't like the hybrid holding Kurt let alone calling him 'love'.
While the girls were looking at each other with small smirks and doing their best not to squeal out loud.
Klaus allowed a small soft smile to appear on his lips as he stared down at his mate. He then began walking away, holding him close and protectively.
Hayley and Rebekah shared a glance before beginning to walk themselves, wanting to catch up with Klaus.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone let small sighs of relief escape their lips.
Kurt and Hayley were safe after all they had gone through and that's all that matters.
But they were worried because they believed that more trouble was upon them.
And they certainly weren't ready to see what trouble awaits for the two of them.
Hey, guys! How are you all doing? I hope you all enjoyed todays chapter!
How are you guys liking this book so far? Is it good or is it bad?
How did you like the fight scene? Did you all enjoy seeing Kurt in action?
How about the scenes with Klaus and Kurt, did you like those?
Stay tuned for the next chapter, have a great day! Bye!
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