Chapter Eighteen: Moon Over Bourbon Street
Nobody's Pov
Before they could move onto the next episode Gertrude decided to give everyone a ten minute break.
And majority of them had gotten up from their seats and rushed to the bathroom.
While a few others had just gotten up from their seats and stretched their legs.
Blaine remained in his seat, holding an ice pack Gertrude gave him to his bruised cheek, and looked deep in thought.
He was trying to process everything that had happened.
Mainly between Klaus and Kurt.
He couldn't believe that they had actually kissed.
He couldn't believe that Kurt would actually kiss someone, let alone that hybrid asshole.
Yes, he knows that he and Kurt are no longer together.
Yes, he knows that Kurt is allowed to be with other people now that he's single.
But he doesn't want that.
All he has ever wanted was to find Kurt and make him understand that cheating on him was a mistake that he'll forever live with guilt.
He wants nothing more than to get down on his knees and beg Kurt for a second chance.
But, after witnessing Kurt and Klaus not only reveal their feelings for each other but kiss made him think that he won't be getting that second chance.
And that thought alone scares him as much as it angers him.
He had to do something, anything, to find Kurt and get that second chance.
He lost Kurt once, that's on him and he knows it, but this time he wants to be better.
This time, he'll treat Kurt better.
And he'll never hurt him the way he did the first time around.
He just needs to find a way to
When everyone was finished with what they were doing they all returned to their seats.
Once everyone was settled Gertrude played the next episode.
The screen turns on and we head to the park where we see a few people painting.
The camera pans over to Klaus who was among those people as he painted in front of the fountain.
All of a sudden two arms wrap around his waist from behind causing Klaus to smile, already knowing who it was.
"Where have you been, love?" Klaus asked.
The camera pans to the person that pulls back from the hybrid and we see Kurt, who was hugging Klaus from behind, with a smile on his face.
Everyone blinked, wondering if what they were seeing was real or not.
With the exception of the girls and Sue who had smiles on their faces at the scene they were seeing.
It took everyone else a few seconds to remember what had happened in the previous episode.
"Oh, right. I forgot those two confessed their feelings" Puck said.
"And they kissed" Artie added.
The New Directions and everyone else in the theater nodded while looking lost in thought.
They were still very unsure of how to feel about Klaus and Kurt especially after what they had witnessed in the previous episode.
They were glad that Kurt had gathered enough courage to open up to Klaus about what he endured in the past in highschool.
Along with his relationship with Blaine and how it ended because of Blaine cheating on him.
But they aren't sure how to feel about him actually gaining feelings for Klaus.
It was shocking, that's for sure, but it was also a little worrisome.
Blaine just hated everything that had occurred with his ex-boyfriend and the hybrid and wish it never happened.
"At the bookstore" Kurt said.
"Right. Did you find what you were looking for?" Klaus asked.
"Yes, I did" Kurt nodded.
Klaus hummed while Kurt went back to hugging his mate. Klaus smiled at his mate before going back to his painting.
The girls and Sue smiled at the interaction between Klaus and Kurt.
They were adorable and they aren't even a couple.
Although they were hoping that they would become a couple soon since that's something they've been waiting for.
But they know that it won't happen unless Kurt is ready and has fully moved on from Blaine.
Which is understandable.
The scene changes to late at night and the camera pans inside the compound.
We head into Klaus and Kurt's room where we see the two of them sitting on the couch.
Kurt was lying on his back with his legs thrown over Klaus's lap as he read a book he had gotten from the bookstore. Klaus was sitting on the couch, an arm draped over Kurt's legs, as he stared ahead.
"They say the passage of time will heal all wounds. But, the greater the loss, the deeper the cut, and the more difficult the process to become whole again. The pain may fade, but scars serve as a reminder of our suffering, and make the bearer all the more resolved never to be wounded again. So, as time moves along, we get lost in distractions. Act out in frustration. React with aggression. Give in to anger. And, all the while, we plot and plan as we wait to grow stronger, and before we know it, the time passes. We are healed. Ready to begin anew" Klaus explained.
Kurt chuckled and tore his eyes away from his book to look at his mate.
"Spoken like a man who's made peace with his demons" Kurt said.
"My demons are dead, or chased off" Klaus shrugged.
Footsteps are heard which made the mates turn around to see Elijah walking in.
"Yes, apart from the one lingering monster with whom you've decided to become friends with" Elijah said.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at that while Klaus grumbled in annoyance.
"Who is he talking about, Nik?" Kurt asked, propping himself up on his elbows.
Klaus opened his mouth to say something but Elijah beat him to it.
"Genevieve" Elijah said.
Kurt's eyes widened at that and he looked at his mate in disbelief while Klaus sighed.
"Wait isn't that one of the witches that helped kidnap Klaus and Rebekah?" Sebastian asked.
"Yes. She's also the one that revealed what Rebekah had done to Klaus. She's the reason he wanted to kill her in the first place" Gertrude explained.
Everyone's eyes widened at that and they glanced at one another.
Why would Klaus become friends with that woman?
"Genevieve isn't my friend, Elijah. She's a mere ally" Klaus shrugged.
"Does that matter?" Kurt asked, sitting up from the couch.
"I agree with Kurt. That woman tortured our sister" Elijah reminded his brother.
"She also revealed the truth about our sister's treachery" Klaus shot back.
"And as a consequence, Rebekah is gone forever" Elijah told him.
"A desire which she apparently harbored for quite some time!" Klaus yelled, standing up from the couch.
"Niklaus, it has been a month. Now, I feel our sister's loss as deeply as you. But, you must stop distracting yourself with this behavior and channel it into some kind of action" Elijah sternly said.
"Why must I, exactly?" Klaus asked, scoffing.
"Last I checked you were the one that wanted to be king. Now that you are you're the one that sits on the throne meaning you have to start taking responsibility" Blaine rolled his eyes.
The asshole was the one that wanted his city back.
The asshole was the one that wanted to be king again.
Now that he's got what he wanted, now that he's the one that sits on the throne, that means he has to deal with all the work and responsibilities.
He shouldn't be complaining.
Not when he knew there were going to be things that he had to take care of.
"Because over the course of Marcel's tenure, the city grew accustomed to having a king. You wanted this throne. Now, you must accept the responsibility that accompanies that" Elijah explained.
Klaus shrugged, "apologies, but I'm rather ensconced in other pursuits".
He looked at Kurt and flashed his mate a smirk causing Kurt to blush and look down at his lap.
The girls and Sue giggled at that while everyone else either chuckled or rolled their eyes.
Burt grumbled and shook his head while Carole patted his shoulder.
"If you can so easily neglect your home, I wonder what will become of your daughter. Have you forgotten what it was like to live beneath the threat of violence?" Elijah asked.
Klaus pressed his lips tightly at that. Kurt looked up with a frown on his face.
Kurt wanted New Orleans to be a safe place for not only him and his best friend but for his honorary niece.
The last thing he wanted was for that baby girl to grow up in a dangerous environment.
Everyone couldn't help but agree with Elijah and Kurt.
They have to make New Orleans safe for not just the supernatural beings that live there, but for the baby.
They didn't want the baby to grow up in an environment where there's war going on.
They didn't want the baby witnessing or experiencing any of that.
"We must work together, Niklaus. Let's make this city whole again" Elijah said.
Klaus looked at his brother and remained silent for a few seconds before speaking.
"Perhaps it is too broken to mend" Klaus softly said.
Elijah looked at his brother in disbelief while Klaus shrugged and sat back down on the couch.
"If you won't do anything, I will" Elijah declared.
He turned around and walked out of the room leaving Klaus and Kurt alone.
Klaus sighed and laid down on the couch with his head resting on Kurt's lap. Kurt looked down at him with a small smile and leaned down to kiss his forehead.
The girls and Sue couldn't stop themselves from smiling at that.
While Blaine just scowled.
The scene changes to the next day and the camera pans to the bayou where we see everyone gathered around as they watched two werewolves fight each other while shirtless.
Turns out the thing Sabine/Celeste made for the wolves to turn back human had actually worked.
Meaning they were free of the curse and they were overjoyed.
Everyone in the theater couldn't help but smile at that.
They were happy that the wolves were free of the curse and no longer had to worry about changing into their wolf forms.
And they were happy that now that they are free and Hayley would get the chance to know them.
The camera pans over to Hayley and Kurt who were standing next to each other as they watched the fight.
Jackson walked towards them causing the best friend duo to look at them.
"Shouldn't one of you be out there playing fight club with the rest of the frat boys?" Hayley asked, looking at Jackson.
"Nah. That's just for pecking order. They already know who's the Alpha" Jackson smiled.
"Cocky much" Kurt chuckled.
Jackson chuckled and shook his head at him while Kurt grinned.
Everyone laughed at that with a few smiling.
They had a feeling that Jackson and Kurt were going to be good friends and they were excited.
Jackson gestured for Hayley and Kurt to follow him and they did.
The scene changes to the inside of the cabin where we see some other crescent wolves setting up the table for dinner.
Hayley and Kurt were lighting up some candles while Jackson was setting down some plates.
"You two have got to try tucker's ribs" Jackson said.
"Then, what? Then we're gonna go play horseshoes?" Hayley sarcastically asked.
Kurt snorted at that while shaking his head in amusement.
"Hey! Don't mock country living, darling" Jackson laughed.
"Sorry. This is just alot more family fun than I'm used to" Hayley said.
"Well, maybe I can help you get used to it" Jackson smiled.
Hayley offered him a small smile while Kurt glanced between the two of them with a raised eyebrow.
The girls and Sue raised an eyebrow at Jackson and Hayley.
It's clear that Jackson has obvious romantic feelings for Hayley despite just knowing her.
They wondered if Jackson and Hayley were going to be a thing because, if they were being honest, they were rooting for Elijah and Hayley.
All of a sudden someone joins them and that person is Oliver. The same guy that was dancing with Rebekah and a close friend of Jackson.
"Then all we got to do is just forget that she spent half her life with humans, and the other half with vampires" Oliver pointed out.
He then pointed at Kurt, "lets not forget that this one, her best friend, is human that has no business with any of this. And, oh, is mated to the original hybrid".
Kurt glared at him as did Hayley who put a protective hand on her best friends shoulder.
Everyone immediately glared at Oliver for the things that he said towards Hayley and Kurt.
Rachel and Puck were holding Finn back from lunging at the screen.
Thad and Sebastian were holding Blaine back.
Sue had a glare plastered on her face and her jaw clenched.
She looked tempted to lunge at the screen but was holding herself back.
Burt's jaw was clenched tightly, his hands curled into fists, as Carole tried to calm him down.
"Who the fuck does he think he is?" Burt asked.
If that asshole was going to give his son a hard time he would force Gertrude to send him to New Orleans so he can beat him up.
Nobody talks badly about his son or gives him a hard time and gets away with it.
Not when his son has dealt with too much shit from bullies in the past.
"Ollie, back off" Jackson warned.
"It's ok. If the runt of the litter has got something to say, he should say it" Hayley smiled tightly.
"For the record, all of this is my business since I've been dealing with crap since day one. As for my relationship with Nik, that isn't any of your business so stay out of it" Kurt scowled.
"That's right, bud. Don't take his, or anyone else's, shit" Burt grinned.
"Exactly" Finn nodded with a grin of his own.
They were glad that Kurt wasn't going to take this dudes shit.
They were glad that their son/brother was defending himself against that prick.
Oliver glared at the two of them before looking at Hayley.
"You know, word from the Quarter is your boy Elijah's holding some kind of power summit. Guess who wasn't invited?" Oliver asked.
Hayley's eyes widen at that while Kurt raised an eyebrow at what he heard.
He knew that since his mate didn't want to take responsibility Elijah was going to be the one to take charge.
He didn't know that Elijah had set up a meeting for all the supernatural beings and he sure as hell didn't know that he excluded the werewolves.
Everyone glanced at each other in confusion before looking at Gertrude for confirmation.
Gertrude just nodded at them and that was enough for them to turn their attention back to the screen.
"Where did you hear this?" Hayley asked.
"It doesn't matter. The point is is that we're stuck here living in the swamp, while your vampire boyfriend's deciding who gets what in the city. But, I guess that shows how much respect he's got for the werewolves, huh?" Oliver asked.
He grabbed a piece of meat and ate it before turning around and walking away.
When he was gone Hayley looked at her best friend who looked at her.
"Did you know about this?" Hayley asked.
"I only knew that Elijah was taking charge since Nik doesn't want to. He didn't mention any sort of meeting" Kurt told her.
Hayley frowned and nodded before walking away, clearly upset.
"I don't blame her for being upset" Tina shrugged.
"Same. I would be too if my people was being left out of something important" Santana nodded.
If Elijah wants New Orleans to be safe, if he wants everyone to be at peace with each other, he has to include all the supernatural beings.
Excluding the werewolves would just bring trouble.
The scene changes to the compound and we see that night has fallen.
The camera pans into Klaus and Kurt's room where we see Klaus painting while wearing a black shirt and black sweatpants.
The camera pans behind him where we see Kurt walking towards him wearing a white tank top and black sweatpants.
Blaine raised an eyebrow at what he was seeing and couldn't stop the jealousy from coursing through him.
Last he checked, Kurt had his own room in the compound.
But now, by the looks of it, he was spending more and more time in Klaus's room than his own.
Does that mean that Klaus's bedroom is now Klaus and Kurt's bedroom?
Does that mean that those two sleep in the same bed?
If that was the case, Blaine really wasn't happy with it.
"Nik" Kurt called out to him.
"Yes, love?" Klaus asked, still continuing with his painting.
"Did you hear about what happened during the meeting Elijah hosted?" Kurt asked, walking closer to his mate.
"You mean where Hayley interrupted it because she was angry at the fact that the wolves were excluded?" Klaus asked.
"Bingo" Kurt nodded.
Klaus chuckled and continued with his painting while Kurt wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his head on his shoulder.
"I assume that means the crescent curse is broken" Klaus said.
"You would be correct" Kurt nodded.
Klaus halted his movements and hummed as he felt Kurt's arms trail over his body as he kissed his cheek.
The girls and Sue had smiles plastered on their faces as they quietly squealed.
The affection Kurt was giving Klaus was amazing and Klaus obviously enjoying it made it better.
Blaine, on the other hand, felt his jaw clench at seeing the affection Kurt was giving to Klaus.
He hated it.
Klaus set his paintbrush down and turned around so he was facing his mate.
"You know I relish in the attention you give me" Klaus grinned.
"The same goes for me" Kurt grinned.
Klaus rested his hands on Kurt's hips and leaned down to kiss him to which Kurt kissed him back while wrapping his arms around his neck.
The kiss was sweet at first but soon it grew more passionate as the mates continued kissing each other while letting out moans and pants.
Klaus sped them over to their bed and, reluctantly, broke away from the kiss and gently pushed Kurt onto the bed.
Kurt landed on his back, his arms sprawled over the bed, and watched as Klaus climbed on top of him.
Klaus leaned down to Kurt's neck and began kissing and sucking to which Kurt moaned while throwing his head back.
Everyone in the theater blushed at the scene they were watching and were quick to look away.
Finn closed his eyes, muttering a few curses, and hid his face in Rachel's shoulder.
Burt grumbled in annoyance while Carole's cheeks were bright red and she cleared her throat.
Blaine glared at the screen, clear anger and jealousy in his eyes, and tried to stop himself from lunging at the screen.
He already hated that Kurt was giving Klaus, of all people, affection.
Now he hated that they were making out and he, along with everyone else, had to watch.
He didn't want to watch any of this.
None of them did.
Well, except for the girls and Sue.
They seemed to be the only ones enjoying this scene.
Just as Klaus began to kiss down Kurt's body, one hand going down to slip inside his shirt, another voice could be heard in the room.
"I saw the light from the courtyard and took a chance that...OH MY GOD!" someone screamed.
Klaus and Kurt pulled away from each other and turned around to see Cami in the room with her hand covering her eyes.
Almost immediately everyone in the theater sighed in relief at Cami's arrival.
They were happy that she was there so they didn't have to watch this intimate moment between Klaus and Kurt.
The only ones that were upset with her arrival were the girls and Sue.
"Are you kidding me?" Santana muttered.
"She couldn't have waited until the next day?" Sue muttered.
Why did that blondie therapist have to come and interrupt her favorite ship?
"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I thought you guys were asleep" Cami said.
"Trust me, Camille, we weren't planning on sleeping" Klaus sighed, annoyed.
"No we weren't" Kurt muttered.
"Thank god we don't have to watch what you two were planning to do" Blaine muttered.
He was this close from getting up and lunging at the screen due to his anger and jealousy rising.
Klaus sighed again and placed a kiss to Kurt's forehead before getting off of him. Kurt sighed and sat up on the bed.
The two of them looked at Cami and saw she still had her eyes covered.
"You can look, Cami" Kurt told her.
Cami slowly removed her hand from her eyes and when she saw that the men weren't in their intimate position from earlier she sighed in relief.
"So, care to tell us why you're here?" Klaus asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I heard from Elijah that you've become friends with Genevieve. You know the same woman that tried to blackmail me into stabbing you with the mystical knife of excruciating pain" Cami said.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at that and looked at Klaus who rolled his eyes.
"Like I told Elijah, Genevieve and I aren't friends we're merely allies. And something tells me you're here to talk to me about something else" Klaus said.
"You're right. I'm here about my uncle. He's deteriorating. The pills, the meditation, they're not working. His lucidity's shrinking by the day" Cami explained.
Kurt frowned at that, looking worried, while Klaus sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Wait, what is she talking about?" Mike asked, confused.
"The witches hexed Cami's uncle, who happens to be Father Kieran, and they said that they would cure him if she stabbed Klaus with papa Tunde's blade. Cami rejected their offer and because of that they aren't going to cure him. Meaning he's going to die" Gertrude explained.
Everyone's eyes widened at that, shock coursing through their bodies.
They couldn't believe that those witches went after Father Kieran just to get to Klaus.
And while they were happy that Cami hadn't done what they wanted, her uncle was going to lose his life.
And they aren't sure if he will live or not.
"A witch did this, a witch can undo it. Since you're, somewhat, on good terms with Genevieve maybe you could persuade her to help" Cami suggested.
"It won't do any good. These hexes, they start with magic, but as they take root, they alter the very chemistry of the brain" Klaus told her.
"Seriously?" Kurt asked, shocked.
Klaus looked at his mate and nodded before looking back at Cami.
"I'm sorry, Cami. The damage is done" Klaus softly said.
Cami felt tears welling up in her eyes and she furiously shook her head.
"I refuse to accept that, and you would, too, if you had any concept of family" Cami scowled.
She looked at Kurt and bid him goodbye before she turned around and left.
Klaus watched her leave with guilt in his eyes while Kurt had a frown plastered on his face.
"Poor girl" Carole muttered.
She could tell how much Cami loved her uncle and it's clear that he loved her too.
She could tell that this was taking a toll on her, and him, and she can't accept the fact that he's dying.
And there might not be a way to save him.
She hopes that maybe, just maybe, there is a way to help her uncle and that he can live in the end.
It's clear that if he does end up dying Cami will definitely not take it well.
The scene changes to the next day and we head into Klaus and Kurt's bedroom.
We see Klaus walking inside as he was out on the balcony looking at the city. He stops in front of his art supplies and looks around.
He grabs a paintbrush and turns in order to return to his artwork. But he finds Elijah standing in front of his painting.
"Not a fan of cerulean blue?" Klaus asked, showing him the small bottle of blue paint in his hand.
"Not a fan of your continued indifference" Elijah told him.
"Well, it's difficult trying to unite a community that has a history of mutual loathing" Klaus said.
"Spare me the platitudes, Niklaus" Elijah rolled his eyes.
Klaus shrugged as he put his paintbrush and bottle of paint down.
"A perspective, then? If you want peace, you must begin with the werewolves. A hundred years ago, they had a run at ruling this city. As of late, all they've had is time to watch their enemies tear down that legacy" Klaus explained.
"Gotta admit, he has a point" Puck commented.
"Yeah. Remember in one of the previous episodes it was mentioned that New Orleans was the werewolves home. But their home was taken away from them by the vampires and ruled by Marcel" Mike explained.
"And Marcel is the reason they were cursed for years" Sam added.
"It's clear they still hold a grudge against the vampires and the witches, no way they are going to want peace" Finn finished.
He didn't really blame the werewolves for not wanting peace with the vampires of witches.
If he was in their position he would rather go against them than side with them.
Especially if he had to endure the hell they did because of the curse.
"Before you continue, where is Kurt?" Elijah asked, looking around for the Hummel male.
"My mate went out to the bayou to visit Hayley and Jackson" Klaus told him.
Elijah nodded before returning to their previous conversation.
"All the more reason why their enemies are reluctant to bring them to the table" Elijah told his brother.
"Take a page from Bienville, brother. If the table's the obstacle, remove it" Klaus said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
He pats his shoulder before walking towards his mini bar as he begins to open up a bottle.
"Do you recall in 1720, the Governor's desperation to secure our help to build the cities first levees? We sat with him, and refused his offer, and so, he plied us with wine, with corseted women, and with raucous camaraderie until he had his yes" Klaus explained.
To say everyone was confused would be an understatement.
They had no idea what Klaus was talking about or what he was trying to suggest to his brother.
Except for Santana and Puck.
It did take a few seconds before they put two and two together and realization coursed through their bodies.
They glanced at each other and grinned, already knowing what the hybrid's suggestion was.
He poured the two of them a drink and turned as he handed a glass to his brother.
Elijah took the glass from him and a smile began forming on his face.
"Are you suggesting that I throw a party?" Elijah asked.
Klaus simply grins before taking a sip of his drink which makes Elijah do the same.
Everyone blinked as the realization dawned on them.
"Why the hell didn't he just say that?" Blaine asked, annoyed.
"Yeah, that would've been easier for us to understand" Sam muttered.
Everyone voiced out their agreements while Santana and Puck just laughed in amusement.
They had to admit that throwing a party and inviting the vampires, the witches and the werewolves to have fun was a good idea.
They can relax, have fun, dance and drink and really get to know one another.
But they had to admit that they were a little worried that something might go wrong.
They just hope that it all goes smoothly.
The scene changes to late at night and we head into the compound where we see that Elijah has thrown an impromptu party where all the factions have come together to celebrate and to just have fun.
Genevieve enters with Davina, Abigail and Monique in tow.
The camera pans over to Diego and some other vampires that are drinking together.
The camera pans over to the entrance where we see Jackson, Oliver and other werewolves entering the party.
Everyone's eyes widened at the party, the decorations looked so cool and everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves.
"Wow" Quinn breathed out.
"That looks like fun" Tina smiled.
"Oh, we're definitely throwing a party when we get out of here" Puck commented.
The need to throw a party and just let loose and have fun grew inside of him by seconds.
It's been a while since he went to a party due to his busy schedule, the stress and the search for Kurt.
It would be nice to take a break from everything and a party seems like a good idea.
He glanced at Santana and could tell by the look on her face that she felt the same way.
The camera pans up to the balcony where we see Elijah and Klaus, dressed in suits, with glasses of champagne in their hands.
"I'm impressed, brother" Klaus complimented.
"Yes. Now if I can just keep them from tearing one another to shreds" Elijah said.
"Well, then for your sake, here's to a spectacularly boring evening" Klaus said.
The brothers smile at each other before clicking their glasses together and taking a sip of their champagne.
The scene changes to the entrance where we see Hayley and Kurt walking in.
Hayley is wearing a nice long dress while Kurt is wearing a black tuxedo with his hair neatly done.
A few whistles were heard as the best friend duo made their appearance at the party.
They had to admit that they were rocking their outfits.
Blaine could feel his cheeks turn red and his heart flutter at seeing Kurt in his suit and a small smile formed onto his face.
Kurt, as always, looked good.
"Have to admit, Elijah did a good job" Kurt smiled, looking around.
"Yes he did" Hayley nodded with a small smile.
"Well, I'm gonna go find Nik. Will you be alright?" Kurt asked.
"I'll be find, Kurt. I promise. Go find Klaus and have a good time tonight" Hayley smiled.
Kurt smiled and gave her a quick hug before walking away in order to find his mate.
When he can't find him in the crowd he decides to head upstairs thinking that he was in his room or on the balcony.
Kurt smiled when he finds Klaus on the balcony overlooking the party.
However, his smile fades when he sees Genevieve talking to Klaus and he could see how close she was to him.
"Uh oh, looks like someone is jealous of a certain redheaded witch" Sebastian smirked.
"Not gonna lie she is pretty cute" Thad commented.
"Dude, don't forget that she tortured Rebekah and is the reason she left" Jeff reminded his friend.
"Right, sorry" Thad muttered.
"Lets not forget that she seems to have feelings for Klaus" Quinn said.
"That isn't good" Mercedes frowned.
"Agreed" Santana nodded.
They could tell that the witch fancied Klaus just by how she was looking at him, like she wanted him to undress her.
They knew she was bad news because of what she did but now it was worse because of her feelings for Klaus.
They were just hoping that she wouldn't do anything that could ruin the chance of Kurt and Klaus getting together.
Because they would throw hands if she did anything.
When Klaus sees Kurt a smile appears on his face. He looks at Genevieve and excuses himself before walks over to his mate.
"Love, I'm so happy you're here. I was beginning to worry" Klaus said.
"I promised I would" Kurt said.
When he was near Klaus wrapped his arms around him and leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips.
Kurt smiled at him before looking over his shoulder to see Genevieve staring at them.
Her eyes meet Kurt's and she shoots him a glare before turning around and walking away.
"The hell is she glaring at him for?" Rachel asked, scowling.
"Porcelain should be glaring at her for being so close to his man" Sue huffed.
Sue, while not fully liking the hybrid, could tell that he made porcelain happy.
Especially after revealing that he indeed has feelings for porcelain with porcelain revealing that he feels the same way.
Not to mention their first kiss and them taking things slow.
Sue doesn't want porcelain's happiness to be taken away from him.
And if that redhead witch does anything to destroy that, she will destroy her herself.
"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything" Kurt said, looking back at Klaus.
"With Genevieve? No, you weren't. She just came to talk about things" Klaus said.
"Well I don't want you talking with her without me or Elijah being near. Actually, don't talk to her at all. Especially if she's going to be so close to you the way she was just now" Kurt huffed.
Klaus raised an eyebrow at his mate, amusement plastered on his face.
"Love, don't tell me you're jealous of Genevieve" Klaus grinned.
Kurt blushed in embarrassment before burying his head into Klaus's chest.
"So what if I am?" Kurt asked, his voice a bit muffled.
"Oh I love seeing lady hummel jealous" Sebastian chuckled.
He doesn't know why but seeing Kurt jealous was just amusing to him.
Considering how Kurt acted when he had taken him and Blaine to the gay bar and he spent most of his time dancing with Blaine.
He could tell how much it angered Kurt just by the glares he received from him.
Now seeing Kurt get jealous of Genevieve because of her clear feelings for Klaus amused him even more.
Klaus laughed causing Kurt to look at him with a glare.
"I can assure you, love, that you have nothing to be jealous of. I know of Genevieve's feelings for me but I feel nothing towards her. She is nothing but a mere ally" Klaus told him.
He cups Kurt's face gently with his hands and stares into his eyes.
"You are my mate, you are the one that I have feelings for, you are the one that I want to be with and you are the one I am willing to wait for until you're ready for us to be more" Klaus sternly said.
Kurt's eyes softened at that and he could feel his heart flutter.
"Really?" Kurt asked.
Klaus smiled and nodded before leaning in and pressing his lips onto his.
Kurt hummed before kissing back, wrapping his arms around Klaus's waist.
Everyone couldn't stop the smiles from appearing on their faces.
The girls and Sue were squealing so loud a few people had to cover their ears.
They were relieved that while Klaus knew that Genevieve had feelings for him but he felt absolutely nothing towards her.
They were relieved that Klaus only had eyes for Kurt and nobody else.
Blaine, on the other hand, was glaring at the screen with his jaw clenched.
He hated seeing any sort of interaction between Klaus and Kurt because he knew it would either be of them hugging or kissing or worse.
And he hated it.
Because it should be him and Kurt not Klaus and Kurt.
When they pulled away they smiled at each other while pressing their foreheads together.
Kurt opened his mouth to say something when he saw Klaus looking at something over his shoulder.
He turned around to see Jackson walking up the stairs, either going to find a bathroom or going to snoop around.
"Excuse me, love" Klaus said.
He kisses Kurt's forehead before walking away, going after the Kenner male.
Kurt let out a sigh as he looks over the balcony, watching people dance or talk with their friends.
The scene changes and the camera pans to the dance floor where we see some couples slow dancing together.
The camera pans over to Kurt who's standing by one of the tables, looking around the room.
His eyes stop on Hayley and Elijah, who are slow dancing together, and he smiles feeling happy for the two of them.
"Looks like our second ship has yet to sail" Santana grinned.
"Yay!" Brittany cheered, clapping her hands together.
She was happy to see Hayley and Elijah together the same way she was happy to see her dolphin together with his hybrid.
Kurt sighed, feeling a little lonely, and is about to go find Klaus so they can dance.
When all of a sudden a loud crash is heard causing Kurt to jump in surprise.
He turns around to see Oliver on top of a table with glass shattered all over the ground.
Oliver gets up and Diego vamp speeds to him but Oliver is quick to pin him against a wall.
But before he can do anything Elijah speeds to them and pulls Oliver off of Diego before pushing him against another table.
"This ends now. I won't ask again" Elijah sternly said.
"Oh, we'll end it alright" Jackson said.
Everyone turns around to see Jackson pinning Diego against a wall, a stake aimed right at his heart.
Jackson and Elijah stare at each other while everyone else watches in silence, clearly tense and wondering what is going to happen.
Everyone in the theater was tense, wondering what was going to happen.
Was Elijah going to kill Oliver?
Was Jackson going to kill Diego?
Would this just create another war between all supernaturals rather than bring peace?
Kurt frowned, worried yet annoyed.
Hayley appears at his side and he looks at her causing her to look at him.
The best friend duo have a silent conversation with each other and nod their heads.
They rush over to the stairs and stand together as they look over everyone.
"What's stopping you?" Hayley loudly asked.
This made all heads snap in her and Kurt's direction.
"Yeah, go on ahead and kill him" Kurt shrugged.
Jackson and Elijah look at the best friend duo in confusion as did everyone else.
Everyone blinked, confusion coursing through their bodies as they wondered what was going on.
"Uh...what the hell are they doing?" Trent asked
"I have no idea" Thad muttered.
What the hell was Kurt and his best friend trying to do?
Hayley and Kurt walk down the stairs and they make their way towards the middle of the room.
"Go ahead, Elijah. Do it" Hayley sternly said.
"Yeah, I mean, it's not like he doesn't deserve to die" Kurt added.
The camera pans over to Klaus and a woman, Francesca, who are watching the fight.
"Shouldn't you intervene or something?" Francesca asked.
"Why would I? This party just got interesting" Klaus shrugged, smirking.
"Hell yeah it did" Santana grinned.
"Where's the popcorn when you need it?" Puck asked.
Gertrude rolled her eyes, her lips twitching upwards slightly, before snapping her fingers.
Santana and Puck gasped when buckets of popcorn appeared on their laps.
They looked at Gertrude with smiles causing her to give a little smile before looking away.
"I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her" Hayley shrugged.
"But, then again, wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month? Lets not forget that the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans stood back and let it all happen" Kurt added.
"So, when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die" Hayley finished.
"Are either of you approaching a point?" Elijah asked, annoyed.
"For the noble original that wears a suit everyday you're not very smart" Kurt huffed.
Hayley snorted in amusement while everyone else tried stifling their laughter.
Not including Klaus who had no problems voicing out his laughter to everyone.
Laughter filled the theater room at Kurt's words and the expression they saw on Elijah's face.
"Our point, Elijah, is this. If we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point?" Hayley asked.
"Kill each other and get it all over with" Kurt finished.
Elijah and Jackson glance at each other, considering their words.
Elijah slowly releases Oliver and Jackson releases Diego while dropping the stake.
Hayley and Kurt breath out a sigh of relief, happy that their plan worked and they stopped anyone from killing each other.
The best friend duo smile at each other and side hug.
Everyone smiled at Hayley and Kurt, relieved that they stopped a fight from happening.
A fight that definitely would've lead to people being killed.
"Good job, Hayley and Kurt" Ms. Pillsbury smiled.
"Yeah, they're both amazing" Mr. Schue smiled, bringing his wife closer to his side.
Ms. Pillsbury smiled at her husband and leaned into his side, sighing in content.
The scene changes to the balcony of Klaus and Kurt's room where we see Kurt standing outside.
The party has ended and, so far, things seemed alright.
And at least nobody was killed.
Kurt smiled when he feels his mate come up from behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"All change begins with a plan, the success of which depends on several things, depth of commitment, passion for one's cause. Willingness to embrace a new path. Determination to overcome any obstacle. And, in some cases, even making unnatural alliances" Klaus told him.
"Does that mean the treaty has been signed?" Kurt asked.
"Yes, it has" Klaus nodded.
"Good. Hopefully we can have some peace for a while" Kurt sighed.
"I'm sure it will, given you and Hayley stopped Elijah from killing Oliver and Jackson from killing Diego" Klaus smiled.
"We had to do something. Killing each other isn't always the answer" Kurt shrugged.
"Agreed" Carole nodded.
"Yeah, no matter if you like someone or not your solution can't always be killing" Burt added.
He's glad that despite the fact that his son is living in a dangerous town, surrounded by dangerous beings, that he's able to protect himself.
Remind him to thank Hayley and give her a big hug for teaching his son to fight.
But he's also glad that Kurt understands that there are other ways to handle situations.
And that killing isn't always the solution.
Footsteps are heard in the room causing the mates to look inside and see Elijah.
Elijah gestures for them to come inside and they do.
Elijah, holding a paper that happens to be the treaty, sets it down on a table and holds up a paintbrush.
He looks at Klaus and holds out the paintbrush for him.
"Sign it" Elijah ordered.
"Why? You've already done so on our behalf" Klaus asked.
"Brother, I am not a fool. It's clear to me you're not as disinterested as you'd like me to believe. Sign, please. If there is no peace between us, then how can you expect others to follow suit?" Elijah asked.
"Fine, if it will make you happy" Klaus rolled his eyes.
He rolls up his sleeve and snatches the paintbrush from Elijah.
He dips the paintbrush into some red paint before grabbing the treaty and signs his name.
"But, I assure you, this city's inhabitants will not adhere to this agreement" Klaus told him.
He sets the paintbrush down and walks over to Kurt and wraps an arm around his waist.
Elijah moves to the table and grabs the treaty.
"Well, you are welcome to wager against me. You will lose" Elijah told him.
He stares at his brother for a little before looking at Kurt.
"Goodnight, Kurt" Elijah says before leaving the room.
"Goodnight, Elijah" Kurt muttered.
Everyone glanced at each other, having sensed some tenseness coming from the brothers.
Which really shouldn't be anything new to them since the brothers always seem to have something against one another.
But this time it seemed a little serious.
Especially since it's clear that Elijah just wants peace between all supernatural beings in New Orleans.
But it's clear Klaus believes the peace won't last and that someone is bound to ruin everything.
Kurt looks at his mate to see him staring at his painting.
"We'll see" Klaus said.
Kurt looks at his painting and can't stop the smile from appearing on his face.
The painting is the New Orleans skyline. In the sky, Klaus has added a large full moon.
Everyone smiled at seeing the beautiful painting while others were still surprised at how good Klaus was.
"Can't believe I'm saying this but he's got talent for art" Blaine muttered.
The hybrid was excellent when it came to painting, that's for sure.
"That's beautiful" Kurt complimented.
"Thank you, love" Klaus smiled, looking at his mate.
Kurt smiles and moves closer to Klaus and wraps his arms around his neck. Klaus smiles at him and wraps his arms around his waist.
The mates leans in and presses their lips together, kissing each other softly.
The kiss lasted for a minute before they pulled away while pressing their foreheads together.
"Come on, lets get to bed" Kurt said.
Klaus nodded and slid his hand into Kurt's and allowed his mate to lead him to the bed so they could change and get to bed.
As the screen turns black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone felt relieved.
Because with the treaty signed from the witches, werewolves and vampires it means that there will be peace.
Maybe it won't last forever but they're hoping it'll last for a while.
Which is better than nothing.
Now they're just wondering what's going to happen next.
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