Iris: When was this Barry?
Barry: This was during my high school years...
Joe: So when you lost contact? Also, Kara, you were there with Barry?
Kara: Yeah, well it was more that I was there with Sebastian. We were in rival clubs.
Barry: Yeah, sorry about what happened back then.
Kara: No worries, that was all in the past. You are a different man now.
Iris: Yeah, even though we did not know that side of you, we know that you are a good man.
Barry: You would not say that if you knew even the minor things that I have done.
Oliver: Like?
Barry: Sleeping with someone's engaged... Making that man feel so bad about himself that he tried to kill himself... Nearly blinding someone because I was jealous... They went into emergency operation to save their sight...
Joe: *looks upset and worried*
Barry: *sees the look and looks away shame-filled*
Iris: That's behind you now, you may have been bad in high school, but we all have something that we are ashamed off back then.
Kara: Barry, you even helped them propose to each other.
Barry: But all that had already happened! He tried to kill himself because of me!!
ZanaZoola: How about we move onto how you all feel about the clip that I showed you? Yeah, that sounds better then this does it not?
Cisco: Yeah.
Catlin: I am really impressed with how you sang, you sang better than at the bar.
Barry: Yeah, don't like karaoke bars sober.
Cisco: Those moves! How are you that flexible! You were doing all that while singing!
Oliver: How could you do all that without instruments? I know that they were making the song, but still.
Barry: It is how we always had it, unless I was using a piano.
Joe: I did not know about any of this, how did you have the ability to hide all that?
Barry: Quite easily really.
Iris: You looked so happy while performing, how come you don't perform anymore.
Barry: Because I was ashamed of who I was back then...
Kara: Still really impressive, where was that camera, I don't remember there being one, especially one to zoom in on me.
H.R: I'm really impressed!
All of Team Flash: H.R?!
ZanaZoola: Thought that I would bring him back for this.
Alex: That was really good.
Barry: Thanks.
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