Kara never told Christi she was Supergirl, mostly because she hadn't been around that long. And although Christi was fine with that, something strange had been going on with Kara. Ever since that fire, she had been acting weird. Christi only brushed it off but it gave her some concern. Yesterday Kara walked in wearing something Christi knew she would never wear, last night she saw Supergirl let a criminal go. And just this morning Kara used Cat Grant's private elevator. Dear lord if Cat Grant new. . .
Even now as she typed away at her desk she glanced up at Kara, who was nearing Cat's new assistant's desk. The alien criminal from last night worried her but she just shrugged it off. Maybe they got the wrong person and that guy was a refugee of some sort. But just the way Supergirl acted really put her on edge. Something was wrong and when Kara sat down at that desk, Christi knew her suspicions were correct.
A ring at her desk made her jump a little and she answered the phone. Just another person who thought they found something CatCo would publish. Her thoughts strayed as she wrote down what this person said. As she finished writing and hung up the phone, she heard Cat talking to her assistant, Siobhan. By how she didn't need her super hearing to hear them. She knew Cat was talking so people could hear her.
"You are, fired!" Cat Grant spoke, putting emphasis on the 'd' in 'fired' and getting louder as she spoke. Everyone turned to look at what was going on within the office. It got quiet and people could hear Cat. Not that they needed to strain their ears to do so anyway. "Now before you go skipping all the way back to Metropolis I will save you the bus fare," Cat spoke. "I had a much too long conversation with Perry White and there is no job waiting for you there." Cat hummed. "Now, be gone."
Cat waved her hand in a dismissive gesture and went back to her business, not even giving the girl a glance as she left. James and Christi walked up next to Winn as she passed the three.
"Hey, are you okay?" Winn asked, concern evident in his voice.
Siobhan ignored him and continued on her way out, glaring at everyone who stared.
"Well I guess that's your exit," Kara spoke.
That did stop her in her tracks. She turned and looked at Kara before stalking off. Everyone went back to their business. It was often that Cat fired someone, but not so often there would be no reason to watch.
Kara clicked her tongue, "Well, that was awkward. But not surprising though." Kara went over to her desk, Christi's eyes following her all the way. "She was a bad seed, it was only a matter of time. I know what will lighten the mood, drinks, and dancing. Who's in?" Kara held up four passes to a local club.
Why she had those Christi would never have guessed, but she went with it anyway. If Kara could get drunk, maybe she can get answers as to why she was acting so strange. She doubted it though. These drinks were weak compared to her immune system and she could only assume the same for Kara. That night they all headed to the club. Christi wearing a white sleeveless top and a black skirt going just past her knees. Her dark hair up in a ponytail and her blue eyes searched around the club for her friends, finding them instantly. James wore his blue sweater and jeans while Winn wore a dark blue button-up shirt and jeans. Kara still hadn't arrived.
"Today's music is so loud! Right?" Winn hollered over the music. James laughed at him. Christi only had to glare at the roof. For her super hearing, no matter how much she dulled it, the music was still too loud. "Siobhan still has not texted me back. I hope she's okay."
"She's fine," James answered.
"Yeah just give her some time," Christi agreed, glancing down at Winn after straying her eyes from the roof.
"Speaking of which, Kara said she was going to be here soon." James checked his phone. "Do you think she's still on her way?"
Christi and Winn both downed their drinks.
"Oh yeah," Winn said.
"Oh hey, there she is!" Christi called, pointing past James.
"Yeah I see her, I think. . ." Winn trailed off suddenly unsure. Christi chuckled at him. "I think that's her."
Kara was wearing a black dress with heels. Her hair was down for once and she took stride in her steps. As if where she was going was very important. Christi was still worried. Kara would never dress like that. But the dress could've been something very different.
"Hey! Wow," Winn said looking Kara over, impressed slightly by her choice in style.
"Hey, Cat, look at you," Christi teased, throwing her a wink.
"Wow," Winn said again.
Kara smiled at them and looked at James who also took a minute to look at her. "Yeah, that's what I was going for. You want to dance?"
James looked slightly taken aback by the question.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah. Oh!"
James jumped at how Kara grabbed his arm and walked with him towards the dance floor.
"Like the girl's got a grip of steel." Christi watched the two walk away.
"You have no idea," Winn snorted.
Christi looked at him curiously. He didn't even seem to notice he slipped up. But with Kara on the dance floor she might have a chance to question Winn. So she simply waved at the bar tender and pointed at hers and Winn's drinks.
"Hey Winn?" Christi started.
"Where did Kara get the tickets for this place?"
"Oh I gave them to her for her birthday last year. I forgot her birthday and it was the only thing I had with me so I improvised."
Christi nodded and downed her fifth drink, silently questioning why Winn had four tickets to a club. Winn followed suit and drank his. As soon as Winn finished, Christi brought up her question.
"What did you mean when you said, 'You have no idea'?" She asked.
"What?" Winn hollered as the music got louder.
"Earlier. I commented about Kara's 'steel grip' and you replied with 'You have no idea'. What did you mean?" Christi asked, giving her best confused face.
True, she did want at least one person to admit that Kara was Supergirl, but it wasn't her best idea to do it in front of so many people. Of course, no one would pay attention to them but there still are others out there with prying ears. Winn seemed to pale slightly.
"Oh well, uh. Kara just has a death grip since she tends to carry a lot. Not-not that Kara, uh, carries around a lot she's probably just strong," Winn stuttered.
Christi only nodded and looked over at where Kara and James were. James was walking back over with his phone in hand. Winn looked over as well, glad that Christi's focus was on something else.
"Oh, why don't you just tell her to get back in her litter box and leave us alone?" Kara whined.
James only scoffed and answered his phone, "Ms. Grant?"
"I need to talk to Supergirl," Ms. Grant said.
Christi's hearing could only barely hear the other end of the conversation, it being so dulled. Winn had gone to the restroom only seconds prior. Mumbling something about 'shouldn't have drunk that last one'.
"Press your silly watch or whatever it is and send her here now."
James shook his head in bewilderment and closed his phone.
"Ms. Grant wants to see. . ." he trailed off seeing as he was the only one listening. His gaze shifted to Winn who had come back. ". . . Supergirl. Where'd Kara and Christi go?"
"What happened?" Winn asked.
"Something's wrong with Kara."
"Yeah but where's Christi?"
"She's not with you?"
Three miles away a form flew after a woman in a red cape. It easily kept pace and its dark form keeping it unseen. Glowing green eyes watched as Supergirl landed on Cat Grant's balcony. The form slowed itself and landed on the roof of a building across from CatCo. Black boots silently ran across the roof as it neared the edge, only a few stories above the balcony. It lifted its form onto the edge and sat on its haunches, hearing being strained to listen in on the conversation.
"What do you want?" Supergirl asked.
"Well, I would like to know if Ashton Kutcher and his camera crew are hiding underneath your cape," Cat Grant said, walking into view. "Supergirl would never release an evil alien caught in the act of armed robbery. So, I assume I'm being, Punk'd."
"I wouldn't assume anything from now on, Cat," Supergirl argued back.
"Did you just call me, Cat?"
"You branded me in the media as a Girl Scout," Supergirl continued, ignoring Cat Grant, then mocking her. "'Supergirl is brave, kind and strong'."
"Isn't that kind of a stock characterization? Very two-dimensional. Everyone knows real people have a dark side."
The figure atop the building narrowed its eyes and stood. It was waiting for something. Supergirl would never act like this.
"Yes, but you don't get to be a real person," Cat fired back. "You're a superhero. You get to represent all the goodness in the world."
"Yeah, well I'm sick of it. And you know what else I'm sick of? Enabling all of you in your victim-hood." Supergirl turned around and set her hand on the railing, ignorant to the dark across the way. "'Oh, well, my building's burning down, la-di-dah. Supergirl will just swoop in and save the day'." Cat Grant crossed her arms watching the super hero. "Well get used to the flames, people, 'cause I quit." A small trail of red could be seen from the figures point of view. It was like red glowing veins going across Supergirl's face. It soon disappeared leaving a questioning stare from the figure.
"Supergirl. . ." Cat sighed. "I fear that you're having some sort of mental breakdown. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, and I'm happy to take you to Dr. Shuman for emergency Lexapro, that is, if your alien brain will respond to the SSRIs. But in the meantime, I would lay low. This haughty attitude is highly unsuitable."
Supergirl turned on Cat, "Well, I learned it from the best. Cat Grant." Cat chuckled. "You are the most arrogant, self-serving, mean-spirited person I know."
This was escalating very badly. The figure wanted to stop it before it got too far but Cat began talking.
"Now, you listen to me," Cat Grant growled. "I made you. And you are not going to let me down."
"Or what?"
"'Or what?'" Cat repeated.
"Oh, wait. You're the most powerful person in National City. At least that's what they say on TV." Supergirl walked closer to the woman. "You want to see what powerful really looks like? Watch."
The figure watched in horror as Supergirl grabbed Cat and threw her over the balcony. Right as Cat Grant was over, the dark figure spread its arms and took flight. Diving off the building and chasing after the screaming woman. Diving underneath, Cat didn't notice the figure until she landed with an 'Oof!' atop something at a high speed.
The figure groaned but smoothed out its flight and landed, Cat Grant stumbling off the person that caught her. Cat breathed hard and looked at the figure that was now in the light. The figure, who could now be seen as a woman, was standing in front of her. Piercing green eyes, black as night clothes and hair almost white as snow itself. People surrounding them stood in shock, one pulling out a phone and taking a picture.
Supergirl suddenly landed next to them, only two meters away, drawing everyone's attention. "True power, Cat, is deciding who will live and who will die," she spoke. "And, don't ever call me again." Supergirl turned and flew off, leaving the street silent.
All stood shell-shocked at the happenings, all but one. Cat could swear she heard the woman snarl at the sight of Supergirl's retreating figure, reminding everyone of her presence. Cat Grant stood and looked at the black and white woman. She straightened and the two stared eye to eye. Everything was silent except for Cat's labored breathing from the shock of falling. The woman stared only a second longer, then took off. People watched as the figure blended into the night. This was a night to remember.
Edited 3/26/18
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