Chapter 5
The bank is a mixture of mud and frozen dirt, Moon Teller instructs me on how to properly bathe and allows me some privacy. I slide down the uneven ground and skid to a halt, undressing I quickly jump in the water so I can’t concentrate on the cold. When I resurface I try to wash with frozen fingers and shaking limbs I slowly clean every inch of my body, I climb out of the chilling waters, tugging my clothes over my dripping body. Moon Teller helps me back up the bank then we walk back to the village. Once I am back inside the wigwam I hunker down by the fire and warm my still shivering frame.
So far the only time I go out of the dead tree shelter is to use the outhouse and bathe, Moon Teller comes by often and checks on me but he is always busy attending the needs of his tribe. I'm still very confused about my body and I miss my fur! Starting tomorrow I'm gonna walk around the whole village with Moon Teller. We will do it when most of the people are working so I will get to see how the village works.
The sun hits my uncovered face and warms me up as Moon Teller helps me to my feet so we can walk in the village today, I breathe in the fresh air as we continue our morning by walking into the woods where I bathe. Under the cover of the trees I undress and slide into the bone chilling water.
I stumble and slip as I make my way up the bank where Moon Teller stands waiting patiently, my hot breathe makes clouds in the frigid air as I huff and puff, using all my strength to get up the small incline, when I had claws it was a lot easier to move around. I make it up to my instructor and we silently walk back.
The smoke from the tribes wigwams makes us aware of the morning activities, fires are lit all around keeping the women warm as they weave blankets and watch the children run around as they play, some of the men were off spear fishing but the others are gathered around fires building bows, arrows, and spears for their hunts.
We pass our wigwam and then enter strange territory, I cautiously follow Moon Teller into the village. My ears can not alert me of danger like they used to, so I must rely on Moon Teller to keep me safe. The children laugh and run past us, how can someone be so swift and sure of themselves on two legs?
Sneers come from the men of the village as they watch my weak frame cower behind Moon Teller, a deep growl escapes from the back of my throat, but a look from Moon Teller keeps me from snarling at them. The kids stare at me but then keep on playing.
Watching them be so happy and full of life makes me sad, my mate was carrying our pups when she got shot. We come to a stop at a centrally located wigwam like structure except it looks a little different. Moon Teller announces his presence then walks in, unsure of what to do, do I just stand outside? A minute or two later Moon Teller comes out to bring me in.
There is a man sitting next to the guy that helped me outside the first time I stood up, I notice a fire in the middle of the hot smoke filled shelter. Moon Teller sits next to the stranger and I sit between him and the helper. Moon Teller introduces me to the other two men. “This is LIstens to Horses, he is the one who helped you stand.” He holds his hand out and hoping he is offering food I sniff his hand, he pulls back and frowns at me. Moon Teller laughs then shows me how to shake his hand, I guess its a form of greeting. “And this is our chief, Hunting Bear, he has been our leader for many winters and is the reason you are permitted to be here.” I shake his hand and he smiles in approval.
Hunting Bear looks at me and begins to speak, “I am glad you are here and alive, Moon Teller is a good medicine man and I trust him with my life. You are welcome to stay and learn from my people but one day you must go and get revenge for what happened to you. We can teach you a lot but you must also learn how to live like the pale face so you can get close to your enemy and make him hurt like he hurt you.” as a response I nod my head. I wish i could speak like him but I guess Moon Teller has forgotten about teaching me how to talk. I eat with my new friends then we leave.
We go back outside and Moon Teller decides I have had enough for the day so we go back to my wigwam. My tired legs practically collap beneath me as my mind breathes a sigh of fulfillment from the knowledge and new discoveries made today. The sun has almost slipped from sight for the day, I follow suit by crawling under my warm covers away from the questioning looks I received from the tribe as I wandered dumbfoundedly around the village. Moon Teller voices a goodbye as he pulls shut the wigwam’s entrance.
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