Chapter 2
Only a few minutes go by and my tormenter is back to fulfill the cruel deeds that I wish would stay in my nightmares. He stumbles over with a strange sadistic look in his eyes, the same one he had when he shot and killed one of my brothers. I growl at the memory, I watch as his menacing grin turns to a look of pure hatred, he punches me soundly in the nose with his iron fist. I try to show no weakness but a whimper or two escapes past my lips, knowing I am in no condition to fight back I rest my head down by my paws and show my capture that I submit to him.
His haunting smile returns and he takes a thick strip of leather and wraps it around my muzzle, this forces my mouth shut, prohibiting me from drinking water or licking my wounds. "Well maybe this will teach you to try and bite me while I try to bring you back to life you ungrateful whelp." He gets up and kicks me again for good measure then leaves and locks the dead tree shelter. Unable to lick my wounds I am compelled to sleep, my dreams are filled with the terrors of the two legged and his ways.
Scratching and whining comes from the moving wall awakening me from my nightmares, with an abundant amount of effort and forcing my brain to block out as much pain as it can, I gimp over to the moving wall, my tail drags across the wooden ground, my head, weighed down by the leather, is practically between my front legs, I have no energy left. I answer the questioning cries of my mate as best I can with the leather bindings. She lacertes the door as her soul tries to reach out to my aching heart, unable to warn her of the dangers this place holds, I try to pull off the leather on my face, my claws rake against my jaws and cause more cuts on my already very injured self. After much struggle I am able to tug the constraining strap off and begin to growl. Before she can be warned I am startled by a roaring blast and hear the pain twisted howl of my mate.
Anger pushes me past my pain as I jump upon the crate and bust through the clear covered square opening, my eyes dart down and I see my bleeding mate lying in front of the moving wall, another shot rings through the air and I feel it's stinging bite tear into my own flesh. I yelp as my body thumps next to my mate's. The two legged killer storms on to the dead tree shelter. "Looks like you have finally pushed your luck, mutt." With one last loving sent look to my mate I am once again met with the cold hands of darkness.
The agony is like nothing I have ever felt before, I slide in and out of consciousness, I feel the strange sway of the two legged's walk as I am being carried through the woods, I wish to call out to my mate but I am weakened by the torments cast upon me. I have been laid down in the cold snow and my tormenter is digging in the frozen earth, I once again lose consciousness. The next time my eyes flutter open I have cold snow mixed with frozen dirt being thrown on my throbbing frame. I'm not sure what is going on. I'm freezing, hurt, and confused.
I rouse to strange smells that are new to me, I'm colder than ever and something is definitely missing. I attempt to stand but immediately fall onto a fur covered ground, wait, fur... Where is my fur?!? Where did my tail go? Why do my paws look bare and have moving sticks coming out of them? Who stretched my legs out? What in tarnation happened to my fur? I guess that would explain why I'm cold. I begin to take in my surroundings, I am in a dead tree shelter but it looks completely different, there is a fire crackling near me but it does little to warm my bare skin, I'm startled by the sound of laughter, I look over and see a two legged is staring at me with a hint of humor in his eye. "You are very confused. I found you almost dead in a non descent grave. You were shot and bruised. I brought you here and made some... changes. It was the only way I could save you." The stranger explains. I don't really understand what he is saying, all I know is I want my fur back.
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