Bright ocean coloured irises locked onto the melanin young woman who cradled a young golden haired boy to her chest.
"Oh my Light! Solaria and Ven, you're alright," Aqua rushed to embrace both of her loved ones and as she did so, she didn't care about her ex brother.
Terra had held Master Eraqus in contempt, due to the elder Keyblade Master, telling them of what truly happened to Ventus and the other half of his soul, Vanitas.
The brunette Keyblade Wielder had stated that they should just kill Vanitas and be done with it, Master Eraqus had declared they were not to harm Vanitas because he and Ventus were two halves of one soul.
Terra had then denounced his allegiance to Master Eraqus and joined Xehanort.
And now they were fighting, the Darkness within Terra, being exploited by Xehanort, as his Keyblade clashed against the oversized Keyblade of Master Eraqus.
Solaria smiled faintly at the ocean haired Keyblade Master and passed her the sleeping form of Ventus.
"I've put him in a mystical coma, you need to hide him, I'm going to find Vanitas and possibly also place him into a mystical coma as well," Solaria stated.
Aqua startled as her friend kissed hers and Ventus' foreheads, murmuring prayers against their temples.
And then backing away a bit, Solaria disappeared in a shower of flames.
Knowing that Ventus was still alive, just sleeping, gave Aqua the courage and determination to do as Solaria asked of her.
As she flashed the both of them out in a spray of Mist, Aqua prayed that her loved ones would remain safe.
Solaria appeared near her father's balcony that overlooked the courtyard and her arms closed around Vanitas who was clutching his injured arm to himself.
His golden irises gleamed with anguish and helplessness, which Solaria knew he despised feeling.
Vanitas struggled against her until he realized who was holding him and then he groaned in pain as he slung his arm around her shoulders and her arm wrapped around his waist, holding him steady.
He and Terranort, had gotten into it and he would've won had Xehanort not cheated and tried to tear his mind apart.
It was a testament to his strength and resilience that he was still standing after facing off the Xehanort possessed Terra.
He could feel the blood dripping from his hair and onto his face, where Terranort had broken his visor.
Vanitas' entire body ached heavily, he needed food and sleep, preferably away from Ventus, that way Terranort didn't kill either of them.
His weight should've knocked Solaria down but instead she cast a simple feather light charm, then flashed them out in a shower of flames.
However, as they were travelling through the flames, Solaria felt her father tug on their familial bond, calling her to his side.
Landing on the staircase leading to the courtyard, Solaria hid Vanitas within her flames that began to heal his wounds, both internal and external.
And then her flame infused Keyblade clashed against Terranort who snarled angrily at her.
Solaria fought Terranort with renewed vigor, not recognizing the being as her slightly older brother, instead she recognized him as a vessel of Xehanort.
She was able to block his hits until suddenly she lost track of watching Terranort, only for her him to appear right behind her with his cursed Keyblade raised.
"You had to call on your daughter to help you. Fair is fair, I reserve the right to murder your only biological child for interfering when she should've minded her business," Xehanort's voice snarled through Terra's mouth.
Eraqus took a moment to regain his energy but within that one moment, a blood chilling scream of agony erupted from his daughter's mouth.
Blood dripped from her mouth and the light began to leave her flame irises, her beautiful brown skin seeming to lose all vitality.
Terranort had quite literally stabbed Solaria in the back, the blade sticking out of her stomach and as he slowly pulled his cursed blade from her body, blood drenched the once gorgeous garden.
Eraqus caught his daughter as she slumped into his hold, her mouth moved but no sound came out, the flames in her irises becoming dull amber irises.
"Stay with me, stay with me, don't you leave me, stay here with me, Sol, please, I'm so sorry," Eraqus sobbed as he cradled his daughter and her dull amber irises met his midnight blue eyes.
Her mouth moved once again as she apologized mentally to Aqua, Vanitas, Ventus, Terra, Mickey and her terrified father.
And then Solaria, the biological daughter of Master Eraqus, was dead, murdered by Master Xehanort.
Eraqus let out a scream full of pure anguish and sadness as he kissed his daughter's forehead and gently laid her body on one of the garden beds.
While he mourned his only child, Terra had been screaming internally for his sister while Xehanort shouted at him to shut up and accept fate.
The flames hiding Vanitas flickered before vanishing him from where his savior had died.
Aqua, within the hidden palace, gasped in pain as she felt her friend die, dropping to her knees with Ventus in her arms before she could place him on the Throne.
She barely had enough consciousness to place Ventus on the Throne and lock the palace away, replacing it with an illusion before she fell into the Realm of Darkness.
As she fell, she realized she could breathe easily but her tears blurred her vision and she couldn't seem to stop crying for the loss of her closest friend.
She didn't care if Master Eraqus died or not, all she cared about was Solaria and Vanitas.
Aqua knew Ventus would remain safe and unchanging until she awoke him.
However, Aqua could feel her bond with Solaria halfway faded but not entirely gone.
Something or someone was keeping Solaria's soul tied to the realm of the living.
Aqua had the distinct feeling that Vanitas was keeping Solaria's soul tied to the realm of the living.
Soon enough, the ocean haired Keyblade Master seemed to land on her feet and before her very eyes, she saw the Castle of Dreams, known as Cinderella and Prince Charming's castle, their home.
As she began to fight off the various Heartless that tried to get the jump on her, two showers of flames appeared near the grand staircase of Cinderella's castle.
Vanitas struggled to his feet, his golden eyes alight with confusion and pain, his injuries healed by the flame eyed Keyblade Master.
He began to kill the remaining Heartless, trying to control his Unversed that way Aqua wouldn't mistake them for Heartless.
Solaria's unconscious body grabbed Aqua's attention as the ocean eyed Keyblade Master ran to her friend's side.
She placed her ear against Solaria's chest, searching for her heartbeat and there it was.
It was very slow but regaining its strength.
Aqua held Solaria to her chest, crying quietly and thanking the Gods that they didn't take her loved one from her.
"C'mon, we gotta get into Cinderella's castle, make sure we're safe before we wake up Solaria," Vanitas spoke firmly as Aqua glanced at him, her ocean eyes softening.
Aqua nodded and attempted to carry Solaria but found she couldn't, due to her own injuries that she had yet to heal.
Vanitas chuckled weakly and easily carried Solaria on his back while wrapping an arm around Aqua's waist and she leaned some of her weight on him.
The golden eyed Keyblade Wielder could handle both of their weight, Xehanort had seen to it that he remained strong physically.
However, his mental and emotional health had been battered severely by Xehanort but he was trying his best.
Together, they then made their way into the famed Castle of Dreams.
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