Witless Protection
Rudy began to tell his students a scary story
pointing his flashlight at him, as the dojo was dark but remained lit by the small fire surrounded them all, at this campsite they've made.
"The babysitter thought she was safe, but what she didn't know was..." Rudy Says, as he trailed on.
"Was what?" Jerry Asked, voice trembling in fear.
"The clown with the chainsaw was watching her from..." Rudy Says, dramatically.
"From where?!" Jerry Asked again
Rudy turns off his flashlight and looks down and lifts his head quickly up, turning back on the flashlight revealing a red clown nose, "Inside the house!"
Jerry let's out a horrified scream shoving Rudy off his log, clutching onto Abigail who's nearby tightly.
"Okay, that's it. I'm putting an end to this fake camp-out." Kim Says, turning the lights back on.
"Aw." Rudy Says
"Jerry the lights are back on, which means you can let go." Abigail Says, as he does so.
"Sorry." Jerry Says
"Hey, there is nothing fake about our camp-out,
now turn the fire back on." Rudy Says
"Rudy, if you just apologized to the Park Ranger,
maybe he'll let us back into the Seaford Campground." Jack Says
"I am not apologizing to anybody." Rudy Scoffed
"Rudy, you hit him repeatedly with your canoe paddle." Abigail pointed out
"I thought a bear was attacking my boat! If you're that hairy, you should not be swimming in public." Rudy Says
"Why don't I get everyone in the mood with
some good, old-fashioned campfire songs?" Milton Says, smiling as everyone groaned.
"Please don't." Kim spoke up, as Milton takes out his guitar.
"Oh..she'll be coming around the mountain when..." Milton began to strum on his guitar, but Kim stopped him and threw his guitar away.
"Well, you got farther into the song than last year." Jack pointed out
"Yeah." Abigail Says, patting Milton on the shoulder.
"Oh, that's very true." Jerry Says
"Well I'm outta here." Kim Says, as she stood to her feet as everyone got up as well.
"Me too."
"I'm out."
"See ya."
"No! Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! See, you know, I knew you city slickers wouldn't last out here in the wild. That's why I did what any responsible camp counselor would do." Rudy Says
"Which is?" Kim Asked, impatiently.
"I Padlocked the door and swallowed the key." Rudy Says
"What?!" They all cried out, rushing towards the locked doors as their sensei laughs.
"Settle in, campers! It's gonna be three days
before we see that key again. Yeah well, two if I eat
a fiber bar." Rudy Says
"You guys know this technically is kidnapping right." Abigail Says
"Yep." They Replied
"Oh Just making sure what to tell the cops in three days." Abigail Says
Soon the sound of the alarm is heard, outside in the courtyard a bunch of men wearing all black is seen running pass the dojo with items in their hands.
"Hey hey, check it out those guys are coming out of the athletic authority." Jack Says
"Sweet! Must be their annual ski mask sale." Jerry Says, as everyone rolled their eyes.
"Jerry, those are robbers!" One of the men stops and looks at them before he runs off, "Hurry up open the
door, we gotta stop 'em." Jack Says, as they all tug on the door trying to pry it open.
"I'll get the key." Rudy Says
Rudy starts gagging up, they all turn to look at him. Soon all the keys comes out his mouth, then sorts through it.
"Car key, key to the riding mower. Oh, anybody want a jelly bean? No? Okay." Rudy Says, as he ate the jellybean.
A few short minutes later Rudy finally found the key and unlocked the door, Jack called the cops over to tell them what they all had witnessed tonight.
The lead detective was questioning Jerry and Abigail, as the others were talking to the sketch artist.
"Any details about the way he looked will help our sketch artist?" He Asked
"Okay well he was-" Abigail Says, but Jerry cuts her off.
"It's okay Abigail I've got this." Jerry Says
"No Jerry I was just going to tell.." Abigail Says
"Oh, there was something, yeah, in the middle of his face he had this mound of flesh that had two holes in it." Jerry Says, as Abigail rubs her forehead in annoyance.
"You mean a nose?" He Says
"You are good." Jerry Says
"Guys, we told the sketch artist what he looked like,
and he drew a really good likeness of him." Jack Says
"Don't need it, I drew it myself. Detective, this is your man." Rudy Says, holding up a badly sketched picture of the crook.
"I can't tell if you were trying to draw the criminal or Shrek." Abigail Says, as Rudy looks at his drawing.
"Or you could look for this guy." Kim Says, showing a nicely drawn sketch of the criminal.
"Yeah. Good luck fishing in the dark with that mess." Rudy Scoffed
"That's Benny the Blade, we've been trying to
put him away for years. But nobody's ever been brave enough to point the finger at him." He Says
"Not until Rudy Gillespie came along!" He gloated, "
"You see this finger? It was born to do two things,
and one of them is point at bad guys." He Says
"What's the other thing?" Milton Questioned
"I don't feel comfortable saying it in front of the cop." Rudy Says
The next day the detective called them all in, to identify the suspect.
"We arrested the suspect, now we just need you to identify him." He Says
"So wait can they see us?" Abigail Asks, looking through the glass at all the suspects.
"Oh I know how this works, this is two-way glass,
Benny can't see us." Milton Reassured
"You know, this is kinda exciting." Jack Says
"I know. No one has ever identified this guy because he's so dangerous." Kim Says
"Not till Rudy J. Gillespie came along, the "J" stands for justice." He Says
"I thought you said it stood for jam master." Jerry Says
"Jujitsu." Kim Says
"Jaguar." Jack Says
"Jackknife." Abigail Says
"Jermaine." Milton Says
"All right, it changes with the situation! So, let the record show that I...Rudy Gillespie, along with my
students, identify that man!" Rudy Says
While Rudy was speaking Jerry wonders off near the glass, he presses a button which brings down the glass. Letting the suspects see them, Benny angrily glared at Rudy as he pointed at him.
"Ah! Glass is down! Glass is down, people! Hero out! Go go go go!" Rudy Says, as everyone ran out the room.
Rudy walked into the restaurant, pulled up a chair and sat down with his students, while they were all having lunch.
"I am feeling pretty great about putting Benny away." Rudy Says, smiling sheepishly.
"Yeah, you should. You committed a selfless
act and helped make Seaford a safer place." Jack Says
"Oh, that's not why. I'm getting a $5,000 reward." Rudy admitted, as they all looked at him.
"Hey, we all identified him, so we should all share the reward money." Jack Says
"What reward money?" He sighed, "Fine. We'll split it five ways. Ooh ooh! turn on the news, we'll watch Benny get taken into the Courthouse for sentencing." Rudy Says
Jerry picks up the remote and turns on the Tv, changing the channel to the news.
"This is Chappy Chapman outside the Seaford Courthouse, awaiting the arrival of Benny the Blade."
"I'll say it, Chappy's got the best hair in Seaford." Jerry Says
"Seriously, dude? I'm sitting right here." Jack Says, in offense.
"It looks like the van has just arrived, and
Benny is being taken into the Courthouse.
There, he'll be arraigned and set...oh, no!
Oh, this isn't good."
On the Tv screen it shows Benny being taken into the courthouse, but a bunch of men dressed in all black fights off the two officers holding him.
"He's got, like, ninja people. Oh, my Benny's men have come and..Oh, he's running. This is not
good. Now he's coming back. Benny, please.
Do not hit me in my perfectly..."
Benny punches a happy in the face knocking him out, he picks up the microphone and stared right into the camera.
"Rudy Gillespie! I'm coming for you...and those kids."
They all turned around to look at Rudy's who's mouth dropped.
"Did you hear that? my name was on TV!, I gotta go call my mother!" Rudy Says, then leaves the restaurant.
"Did he hear the second part?" Milton Says
"Oh, he heard it. Three, two, one..." Kim Says, then it set in and Rudy screams running it in.
"Run for our lives!" Rudy Says
"Only take what's necessary, people." He told them, as they packed, "We have to travel lightly." Rudy Says, as he's wearing a large crate on his back.
"Great. Rudy, what's the plan, where are we going?" Jack Asked
"That's where I come in tonight we will travel
south to Guatemala. There we will live as a talented
but reasonably-priced mariachi band." Milton explained
"Mariachi band?" Jerry Says
"Si. And I am the leader señorita Rosa." Milton Says
"Why would you play a woman?" Kim Asked
"My plan, my disguises, Kim." He snapped, "Or should I call you by your new name? Jorge!" Milton Says
Then there's a knock at the door making everyone jump, as Rudy screams.
"It's the Blade! Children, form a human shield around me...for your own safety." Rudy Says
"Rudy, Benny the Blade wouldn't knock." Abigail Says
"Oh. Good point, coming!" He peaks behind the blind covering the door, "Oh, it's Detective Bronson.
Come on, come on, come on." Rudy Says, as the detective enters the dojo.
"Hey." Bronson Says
"Hey. Any news on Benny?" Rudy Asked
"We're still looking for him." He answered, "But we've got a plan. The six of you are going into Witness Protection." Bronson told them
"Good call. Witness Protection, why don't you explain what it is to the kids, because I definitely know what it is, that, that is." Rudy Says
"We take you to a secret location and give you new identities. You can return after Blade is captured." Bronson Explained
"Oh, this is gonna be great, the cops are gonna
pay for us to hang out and play volleyball with
girls at an exotic resort?!" Jerry Says
"Ooh if it's a resort can we go somewhere, I'd say Aruba!." Abigail Says
"Nah nah, forget that.I say we go to a cabin in the
mountains, get our snowboard on." Jack Says
"I don't do cold." He retorted, "I once got hypothermia from a smoothie." Milton Says
"You make me sad sometimes." Abigail Says, looking at Milton.
"I bet it's a cruise. I'm gonna need my own state room." Kim Says
"If she's getting one, I'm getting one." Milton Says
"Me too!" Abigail Says
"All right it's settled, state rooms all around." Rudy Says
"Yes!" Jack Says
"I am gonna need a balcony with a hot tub." Rudy Says, handing Bronson a dollar.
"You're not going on a..." Bronson tried telling, but Rudy cut him off.
"No no no, don't tell us we wanna be surprised." Rudy Says
They were indeed surprised because the places they thought they'd hide out wouldn't be on a farm. The sounds of cows mooing are heard in the background, as Bronson led to the barn.
"When it comes to surprises, you, Sir, are horrible.
Hiding on a farm in the middle of Homesdale is not what we had in mind." Rudy Says
"Benny the Blade is a dangerous man. And
this is the last place he would look." Bronson Says
"Yeah, I don't blame him. That cow just peed on the floor." Jack Says
"Remember you're experienced farmhands. You have to blend in and stay hidden. You have to be completely off the grid, that's why I confiscated
your cellphones." Bronson Says
"Wait no I need my phone, what if someone important calls me?!" Abigail Says, as she grabbed the detective by his blazer.
"Who important is going to call you?" Jerry Asked
"Oh you know..my parents and stuff.." Abigail Says
"You all will be fine, excuse me I have to go." Bronson Says
They all sighed as the detective leaves the barn, then the sound of a phone ringing is heard. Jack and Rudy leaned closet near the cow, as the sound got louder.
"Jerry, did you hide your phone in the cow?" Kim Asked
"Yes, I did." Jerry Says, smiling.
"Why did you do that?" Milton Wondered
"Oh, because the sheep got really bad reception." Jerry Says, as they all shake their heads at him.
Soon the lead farmer on the land approached them.
"Well, there you are!, my new farmhands. My name's farmer Pratchett" He greeted, "But, uh, why don't you call me Jebidiah."
"Oh. Hello, Jebidiah I'm Rudimiah." He Greeted, "And this is Jackidiah, Jeremiah, Miltimiah, Kimidiah and Abig-" Rudy Says
"Abigail, just Abigail." She greeted
"So, where did y'all work last?" Jebidiah Asked, as they looked lost while coming up with a lie.
"Uh over yonder ways." Milton Says
"For Old MacDonald." Jack Chimed in
"He...Had a farm." Kim Added
"Ee-i-ee-i-o." Jerry quietly sang, as Abigail
rolled her eyes at them.
"Ay, Dios Mio." Abigail mumbles
"I have a list of chores here." Jebidiah Says, taking out a paper.
"Oh, all right. Let's see what we got. Nope, not for me, nice try. Ew, I would never do that. Oh, here
we go. "Milk the cow". That's got "Rudimiah"
written all over it." He Says, walking away.
"It's, uh..it's just me and my daughter Lily now,
We had a tough harvest last year." Jebidiah Says
"Oh what happened?" Abigail Asked
"We had to sell my beloved plow horse Charlie, he had a beautiful mane." He looked over at Jack, "Hmm. You know what, you kinda remind me of
my Charlie." Jebidiah Says
He approaches Jack who smiles uncomfortably as the older man pats his head.
"How about a sugar cube, boy?" Jebidiah Says
"No, I'm good..." Jack Says, but Jebidiah shoves one in his mouth.
"That's a good boy." Jebidiah Says
An animal huffs angrily in the distance, everyone turns around as Rudy gets bucked by a bull sending him flying.
"That cow does not like being milked." Rudy Says
"That's a bull." Jebidiah Corrected
"This is gonna be harder than I thought." Rudy Says
A few moments later everyone went to go do their chores, as Jebidiah led Milton out the barn to his garden.
"Now this is the most important job on the farm... protecting my vegetables from the birds." Jebidiah Says
"Holy Christmas nuts!, Look at the size of that gourd!" Milton Says
"That's not just a gourd, that squash is gonna win
this year's state fair, I call her Sas-Squash." Jebidiah Says
"Oh, I get it. Because she's so big, she's like Sasquatch." Milton Says, as Jebidiah looked confused.
"Who?" Jebidiah Says
"Well, I can see why you chose me. I'm smart, courageous and trustworthy." Milton listed
"That and, uh..well, you've got a face made for scaring. Good luck." Jebidiah Says
"I don't need it, this gonna be a breeze." He looked up as crows started flying around, "Oh-ho, I see you up there, crow. Licking your beak, Well, it's not gonna happen on my watch. Keep moving! That's right, fly away. Oh, no. Oh oh, you're coming back, and you're bringing your friends...and a bald eagle." Milton Says
A dark cloud forms around him as the crows all fly around him, pecking at him.
"Oh. No no. No no no. Oh oh! Oh! Ow!" Milton Says
He fell down after the attack and once the birds flew away, Milton raised his head only to see the garden destroyed as well as the squash.
"Oh, Sas-Squash, you never had a chance." He picked up the dirt, "You animals! If you ever come back again! You're gonna feel the wrath..better get out of here." Milton Says, running back into the barn.
Later Jebidiah brought Jerry and Abigail over, to explain the next chore.
"Now as for you two, this job is simple. Just use this rope to stack those bales up there." Jebidiah Says
"Seems simple." Abigail Says
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, slow down." Jerry Says, as Abigail and Jebidiah looked at him.
"What Jerry?" Abigail Says
"Okay? Ropes, bales, up...lot of moving parts here, Pratchett." Jerry Says
"I don't care how you guys do it. Just get that hay
up there." Jebidiah Says, as Jerry sighed deeply.
"Okay you'll pull I'll get the hay." Jerry Says
"Uh no way, I'm not pulling that thing you do it." Abigail Says
"Why should I?" Jerry Asked
"Oh where should I start, gee I don't know maybe because you pressed the button lowering the glass causing Benny the blade to see us. And now we're on this farm..so yeah that's why." Abigail Says, as she got in his face.
"Okay I'll pull the rope." Jerry Says
"Yeah." Abigail Says
She bent down to tie the hay as Jerry started pulling on the rope.
"You got it?" Abigail Asked
"Yeah." Jerry Says
"Almost there Jerry." Abigail Says
"I've been watching you." A pretty blonde haired girl entered the farm, approaching them.
Jerry stopped pulling on the rope and the hay bale falls onto Abigail.
"Ow." Abigail groaned out
"What it do girl." Jerry Says, winking at the girl.
"You're different." She Says
"I get that a lot." Jerry Says
"You're not from around here, are you, you can tell me." She Says
"Actually, I'm from the city." Jerry Says
The blonde haired girl gasped, as Jerry and Abigail who's back on her feet looked at her.
"Did you ever ride on those magical moving stairs?" She Asked
"Do you mean an escalator?" Jerry Says, as she gasped again.
"Oh, how you talk! I was in the city once selling eggs with Paul, and I saw someone eating one of those...
red sauce devil pies." She Says
"You mean a pizza?" She gasped again, "Wow okay." Abigail Says
"Pizza! I've never said a word with a "Z" in it." She Says
"You know, I can, uh order one of those on my cellphone." Jerry Says, raising his phone.
"No, you cannot." She Says
"Yeah I can." Jerry Says
"No he can't actually" She pulls him away, "Jerry what are you doing you know we can't call anyone while we're in witness protection." Abigail Says
"What I'm just ordering a pizza, what harm can come from that." Jerry Says
"Look I get it you want to impress little Miss sunshine over there who, but come on it's not
worth it." Abigail Says
"Please nothings going to happen, Abs I'm ordering that pizza okay, and I'm gonna share it with her..besides she thinks I'm different." Jerry Says
Jerry walks back over to the girl, he doesn't realize that he stepped on the rope which tightened around his foot lifting him, and hanging him.
"Whoa! Oh, hi, yeah. I'd like to order a delivery, please." Jerry Says
"419th Prairie Way...Homesdale." He puts down his headphones laughing, "Hacking into their phones was brilliant.I think it's time the Blade makes a little...pizza delivery." Benny Says
In the henhouse, Jack and Kim are busy collecting some eggs. While she holds the basket, he picked out the eggs.
"Thank you, been a pleasure." He picks up a another egg, "Ooh, still warm and damp. Gross, but thank you." Jack Says
"Okay, last house on the block." She puts the basket down, and reaches her hand inside the henhouse only to be pecked, "Ow!, a chicken just pecked me." Kim Says
"Yeah, because you don't know what you're doing, Kim. You can't just shove your hand in there and
get all grabby, you have to just...Ow!" Jack Says
He let out a scream and somehow the chicken, grabbed Jack pulling him closer causing him to hit his head on top of the henhouse.
"Let her keep her stupid egg!, come let's get out of here." Jack Says, sternly.
"We can't." She stopped him, "Pratchett said if we leave a single egg, they'll get lazy and stop laying.
I got it. Okay. You act like a rooster, draw her out and I'll grab the egg." Kim Says
"Kim, I'm not acting like..." Jack Says
"A handsome rooster." Kim Says, with a flirty smile as Jack thinks for a second.
"That I can do." Jack Says
Jack starts clucking like a rooster making Kim smirk a little, soon the hen comes out it's henhouse.
"Aw, Jack, look! It's working, she's out." She reaches her hand inside, "I can't find the egg." Kim Says
"Put your head in and look for it." Jack Says, as Kim puts her head inside.
"Yeah, I think I see it..OW!" Kim Groaned out in pain, the other hen inside scratches her face up and she finally gets her head out.
"I think there may be another chicken in there." Jack Says, while taking out a feather from Kim's hair.
"Ya think?!" Kim Says, sternly.
"Wait, where'd she go?" Jack Asked
He and Kim looked around worriedly as the rooster wasn't in sight, they both looked up and the rooster was staring at them.
"Oh!" Jack and Kim Says
They both make their way out of the henhouse and shuts the door behind them, so the rooster couldn't get out.
"Ha! You thought you were gonna get us, but you didn't. You know why? Because you and your little chicken brain were no match for me and my-" Jack Says
Somehow the chicken managed to use their feet to grab Jack's shirt through the gate.
"Wha-Whoa! Help me!" Jack Says
Kim helped pull Jack back, but he bumps into a wheelbarrow which bumps into Rudy who's helping Abigail lift some more hay bales, but one of them falls on top of him. Jack and Kim rushed inside the farm house, as Abigail helped Rudy get the hay off him.
"What happened to you?" Jack Asked
"I got baled and barreled" Rudy answered, "What happened to you?"
"We got pecked and feathered." Kim Replied
"What happened to you?" Abigail Asked, looking over at Milton.
"I got crowed and eagled." Milton Says, as Jerry and Jebediah's daughter come back.
"What it do, farm friends? Woo!" She Says
"That's my girl." Jerry Says, smugly.
"You're finally here everybody get back to
work. We've got jobs to do." Rudy Says
Everyone let out a groan then starts talking over each other as they complained about their chores.
"What's going on here?! who are you people? Because you sure aren't farmers." Jebediah Says
"You're right. you deserve the truth. We're a.." Rudy. Says, but Milton cuts him off.
"We are a mariachi band, and I am Señorita Rosa." Milton Says
"Milton." Kim warned him.
"Shut it, Jorge." Milton snapped at her
"After I had to sell my horse Charlie, I didn't think things could get any worse. But you all have destroyed my barn." Jebediah Says
As the older man takes a seat surprisingly Benny and his crew of criminals shows up, he's holding a pizza box.
"That's all right, pal. Now I'm gonna destroy them." Benny Says
"Benny? How did you find us?" Rudy Asked
"It was easy. I just waited for someone to use their phone. Pizza delivery for Jerry Martinez." Benny Says
"Oh. That's me." He raised his arm. "Yeah, well, you took more than 30 minutes to deliver it, which means I don't have to pay. Thank you." Jerry Says, taking the box from the criminal.
"I wanna know what's going on around here." Jebdiah Says, then Benny shoves him out the way.
"Get 'em!" Benny Says
He ordered his men as they all went to go attack them, a huge fight broke out and they all had their own criminal to face off with.
Milton steps back as his attacker came close to him, but his foot got stuck in the bucket. He uses this as an opportunity, Milton kicked the guy with his foot but the man took of the bucket which Milton then put on his head and kicking him down.
Meanwhile Abigail picks up some dirt and tosses it in the guy she's fighting with face, as he's temporarily blinded she climbs on the bay bale
and uses a side kick to take him down.
One of the men tried hitting Jack with two bricks, but Jack broke each of them in his hand and super kicked the man down. Jerry pushes Jebediah's daughter back as he's fighting off, the man goes to punch him but Jerry ties his arms up with the rope connected to the hay bales.
Up above Kim dodges some punches from the guy she's fighting, she gets the upper hand and kicks him down the hay bales. Surprisingly New's reporter Chappy Chapman showed up.
"Chappy Chapman? What are you doing here?" Kim Questioned
"It's called sweet revenge, missy." Chappy Says, shoving one of the crew members down.
Rudy and Benny are the only two left fighting, he uses the pizza box to his advantage by hitting him in the gut with it, and smacks Benny in the face with it then kicked him back.
"You!" The news reporter then ripped off his shirt, revealing his white tank and muscular shape. "Nobody hits Chappy Chapman and his hair." He Says
The reporter punched Benny in the gut and the criminal goes down, Chappy grabs his microphone and looks into the camera.
"This Chappy Chapman live from the Pratchett farm. Back to you, Brittny."
After getting back to his feet Jebediah soon called the police, and Detective Bronson showed up with his unit to arrest Benny and his crew.
"Benny and his boys are going away for a long time,
thanks to you and your friends, Rudy." Bronson Says, then left.
"I'm mighty impressed that you were brave
enough to stand up to a fellow like Benny.
You might not be good farmers, but you're good people. And you're welcome on my farm anytime." Jebediah Says
They all nodded at his compliment, but soon they all heard all the animal sounds and shook their heads.
"I'm out." Rudy Says
"Nope." Jack Says
"Nice seeing ya." Abigail Says
"Let's go." Kim Says
"No way." Milton Says
As everyone bailed out the farm, Jerry who's holding
Jebediah's daughter's Lily's hand they walk over to the farmer.
"Uh, Mr. Farmer Pratchett, Sir? I have something to say. In the short time that I've been here, I've developed feelings for Lily and..I would like to ask for your permission to be her..." Jerry Says, but Jebediah held up a big sharp pitchfork cutting him off.
"Yeah?" Jebediah Says
"Be her pen pal. See ya, Lily. Write me. Guys, wait up!" Jerry Says, leaving the barn.
A few days later after settling back home and getting the reward money, the wasabi gang and Rudy came up with a good idea to give back to Farmer Pratchett.
"Oh, you're back, oh, please don't tell me you're here to help." Jebediah Says
"Actually we got a present for you." Kim Says
The sound of a horse is heard, they all turn to look as Rudy brings in a beautiful brown horse.
"Ooh! Charlie!, My Charlie!" Jebediah Says, hugging the horse.
"We couldn't think of a better way to spend our reward money." Milton Says
"How about a sugar cube, Charlie? Huh?" Charlie etas the sugar cube from his hand, "Aw, that's my good boy." Jebediah Says
"I remember when I was his good boy." Jack Says, as they all look at him.
"Hey. This bale of hay should be at the top of the stack." He smirks, "I'm on it." Jerry Says
Jerry picks up the hay bale but he struggles carrying over the stack, to the others.
"We're good." Jerry Says, then went back to picking up the heavy hay bale.
"Look what I found out in the pumpkin patch under some leaves." Jebediah Says
He walks over to a wagon and takes off a tarp which was covering a giant pumpkin, they all gasp at the large vegetable.
"She's guaranteed to win first prize at this year's state fair." Jebediah Says
"Jerry, you're stacking the hay too high." Abigail Says
"Abigail, I know how to stack...uh-oh." Jerry Says
Jerry accidentally lets go of the bay bale and it falls down, hitting the wagon which lifts the pumpkin into the air and comes crashing down onto Jebediah.
"You know, to beat traffic, we should probably get going. Take care. Thank you." Rudy Says, as they all leave.
"Good luck at the fair, man. Pumpkin looks like a sure winner." Jerry Says
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