Sole Brothers
Kim and Jack are in the dojo skimming through their books, while Abigail, Eddie and Milton enters the dojo.
"Ugh I hate Mondays, Rudy comes in all depressed about how lonely his weekend was." Eddie Says
"I know we either get stony silence or muffled sobbing. And I can smell it in the air, there's a sob a-coming." Milton Says
"Don't worry, guys, Jack and I are on top of it, to keep him happy...we bought him this giant cookie." Kim Says holding up the large cookie
"This weekend he told me he was gonna sit at home and watch his cat lick himself." Abigail Says
"We're gonna need a bigger cookie." Jack Says
"Yeah." Kim Says
Rudy enters the dojo, but this time with a bright smile on his face. "I had the greatest weekend of my life. Yeah, I went on a date with Bethany Applebaum and d it was amazing."
"Wait our health teacher went out on a date with you?" Kim Says
"Yes, she did." Rudy Says
"Why?" They Asked
"Because she has the vision to see what , other women didn't. That I am dateable." Rudy Says then walks towards his office.
Jerry enters the dojo and makes a b-line towards Jack.
"Jack! I was down at Doctor Kicks Shoe Store getting these new swag A.B. High-Tops, you're not gonna believe it. They're hiring." Jerry Says
"Yes! Dude, we gotta get jobs there." Jack Says
"Yo, absolutely. You get an employee discount and free odor busters for your feet." Jerry Says
"You have got to get this job." Abigail Says
"Wait why are they called A.B.'s?" Eddie Asks
"A.B. stands for air bags they give you maximum bounce on the basketball court check it." He presses a button, his shoes rises "Yeah, it says not to go past five pumps, but I'm going up to 20." Jerry Says
"Uh, you really think that's such a good idea?" Kim Asks
"I think know what I'm doing, Kim." Jerry Says
He continues pumping up his shoes but this time it explodes and sends Jerry crashing into the ceiling.
"That's what I'm talking about maximum bounce, baby! Woo!" Jerry Says
"How great is this place, man? Dude. Yo, check it out." He picks up a basketball, jumps on the trampoline and dunks the ball in "Woo! Oh! We gotta get jobs here." Jerry Says
"Hey, listen we always talked about working here together. So let's agree they either hire both of us or neither of us." Jack Says
"Oh, smart hooking yourself to the J-train." Jerry Says
Jerry and Jack walks into the manager of the store's office for the job interview, as Max's is interviewing them he's stretching on his desk.
"Here at Doctor Kicks, we believe the customer is always right." Max Says
"Ah. Max, we believe that not only is the customer always right, but we are always wrong. Yeah, we don't know a thing. Am I right, Jack?" Jerry Says
"No, he's..." Jack Says
"Jack, I got this." Jerry Says
The two of them begin arguing and talking over each other, Max's blows his whistle.
"Guys, I think I got all I need. I'll be in touch." Max Says
"Um, just for the record, that basketball mini-tramp is a great idea." Jack Says
"That was my idea." Max Says
"Might as well bounce those kids right over to the cash register, am I right?" Jack Says, He and Max laughs and Jerry joins in.
"Jack. I like you welcome to Doctor Kicks." Max shakes Jack's hand
"Whoa." Jack Says
"Jerry, I'm afraid..." Max Says
"Thank you, Sir, but if you're hiring me, you're also hiring Jerry." Jack Says
"You know, in the shoe business you don't break up a pair. No matter how defective one of them is. Jerry, you're in you guys start tomorrow." Max Says
"Yes, thank you so much." Jack Says
"No way! We're in, dude." Jerry Says
"Here's your company whistles." He hands them their whistles, Jerry blows into the whistle " I... I'd boil that. It was Benny's. He used to blow it, but not with his mouth." Max Says As Jerry spits out the whistle
In health class today every student is presenting their reports, Milton is currently presenting his.
"And so the lonely peanut passes through the large intestine, out the rectum, and into your toilet bowl. And that my friends, is the scoop... On poop." Milton Says
"I do not think I'm ever eating again." Mika Says
"Oh, great job. "A." Ms. Applebaum Says
"Ever since Ms. Applebaum started going out with Rudy, this class has gotten a lot easier." Eddie Says
"I know right, I'm not gonna lie I didn't finish my report until last period yet she still gave me an A." Abigail Says
"Yeah, well, I didn't do my report but I think I have another way around it." Kim Says
"Kim, you're up." Ms. Applebaum Says
"See, I was with Rudy..." Ms. Applebaum giggles continuously "And I worked on it with Rudy..and Rudy." Kim Says As Ms. Applebaum Squeals
"A" plus. I need some air." Ms. Applebaum, leaves the classroom, Kim high fives Abigail and Eddie.
Jerry is helping a customer try on the right shoe, he's struggling because her foot is big.
"Ow. Show me something in a petite, you." She Says
"Petite? Your foot is a catcher's mitt." Jerry Says
"Are you gonna show me a shoe that will fit me or not?" She Asks
"Oh, yes, Ma'am just give me a minute so I can call a blacksmith." Jerry Says
"All employees, please meet me at the slam-poline. Hustle up, people. Five minutes ago 110 %. You're late. Big news, guys our store was just chosen to launch NBA superstar Kyrie Irving's new shoe! The Air Mini-Flyer." Max Says
"No way." Jerry Says
"He'll be here in person... On Friday for the launch bring it in. Okay, back to work!" Max Says
"Dude, Kyrie Irving is coming here." He looks over and see's a suspicious customer "Hey, Jack. Jack, that guy's taking those sneakers." Jerry Says
Jack chases after the robber, he flips over for table stopping the thief in his tracks. Jack kicks the box out his hands and the robber goes to punch him but he Jack uses the sneakers to stop his punches, and ties the shoe strings together.
"All right, let's go inside and ring you up." Jack Says, he brings in the thief and everyone gives him a round of applause.
"Yeah, man wow, Jack. That was unbelievable." Max Says
"No, you want to know what's unbelievable?, This woman thanks her foot's a petite." Jerry Says
The woman goes to attack Jerry but Max stops her from doing it.
Everyone is busy training while Rudy walks out his office with his laptop.
"Guys, check it out Bethany's status says "in a relationship with Pudy pie". That's me." Rudy Says
The dojo doors opens and enters Ms.Applebaum
"Hi, Pudy pie."
"Hello, Bethany." Rudy Says, they both giggle
and the kids groan at them.
"Hey, Ms. Applebaum. I uh, I meant to give this to you after class, but since you're here." She digs in her back pack and gives her a present "Happy Birthday." Kim Says As Ms.Applebaum gasps
"You remembered it's my birthday that is so sweet." Ms.Applebaum Says As Rudy's eyes widen
"Oh, yeah." Rudy Says
"It's just a box for your hair clips, really nothing." Kim Says
"Oh, but it is something." Ms.Applebaum Says
"It's very... It's pretty close to nothing. But you're really gonna love what I got you now close your eyes." Rudy Says
"Okay." Ms.Applebaum Says
Rudy rummages through some stuff in the lost and found box while her eyes are closed. "Um, see I shopped and I shopped and I shopped... Until I found something that I knew you would love. See, what I got you was this... Beautiful, super expensive, designer Beret."
"Oh! I love it!" Ms.Applebaum Says putting it on
A Woman walks into the dojo "Hi. I left my really old, super cheap, non-designer Beret in here the other day. Did anyone see it?"
"Is this it?" Ms.Applebaum Asks
"Yeah, that's it." She Says
Ms.Applebaum takes it off and passes the beret to Kim who gives it to Rudy to give back to the woman.
"I can't believe you lied to me trust is the most important thing in a relationship. Maybe you're not the man that I thought you were. Good-bye, Rudy." Ms.Applebaum Says
"Don't you mean Pudy pie?" Rudy Says
"Pudy pie is dead!" Ms.Applebaum Says
Max asked Jerry and Jack to wait for him in his office, Jerry paces back and forth nervously.
"Why do you think Max called us in here?" Jack Asks
"I don't know, man maybe he's gonna fire me.
I bet that hoof lady filed a complaint." Jerry Says
"Relax whatever happens, remember our pact. It's either both of us or neither of us." Jack Says
"Thanks, Jack." Jerry Says As Max enters the office.
"Guys I'm in a tough spot I'm promoting one of you, but I'm gonna have to let one of you go. Jack, you're fired. Sorry." Max Says
"What?" Jack and Jerry Says
"Congratulations, Jerry you're our new assistant manager." Max Says
"What?!" Jack and Jerry Says
"But you can't..." Jack Says
"Sorry, but it didn't work out, Jack." Max Says
"Jerry, isn't there anything you want to say?" Jack Says
"Yeah, there is. I'm the new assistant manager, baby! Woo!" Jerry Says, he blows his whistle and danced in celebration.
Moments later Max excuses them from his office, Jack follows Jerry.
"What about our agreement that if one of us gets fired the other one would leave with him?" Jack Says
"Hey, I only agreed to that because I assumed I would be the one getting fired." Jerry Says
"Whatever, dude enjoy your promotion." He tosses his name tag to Jerry "You really deserve it." Jack leaves
"Jerry, hey. I want you in charge of security during the Kyrie Irving visit to our store." Max Says
"Me? Really?" Jerry Says
"Absolutely. You're the assistant manager now. I'm gonna need to lean on you. And also I'm gonna need you to spot me in minutes when I do my power squats." Max Says
In health class Milton is once again presenting his report, while Ms.Applebaum cries behind her desk.
"The heart pumps over 2000 gallons of blood a day, making it our most important organ." Milton Says
"Wrong! The heart is a pathetic, gnarled up sponge that soaks up nothing but misery! Now, take out a piece of paper and I want you to write a 10,000 word essay! On the similarities between a man and a lying snake." Ms.Applebaum Says
"Okay I'm gonna say it I miss Ms.Applebaum when she overly giggled about the simplest things." Abigail Says
"Rudy said he was gonna try and win her back by doing some big romantic gesture." Milton Says
"Maybe he was thinking flowers or cards or candy." Mika Says
The sounds of metal clinging echoes through the hallway, Rudy enters the classroom wearing mountain gear.
"Woo-ee!" Rudy Says
"He went a different way." Mika Says
"Listen, Bethany. I know that I messed up. But to show you how much you mean to me, I climbed to the top of Mount Seaford, and carved a heart with our initials in it." Rudy Says
"That's the most thoughtful thing anyone's ever done for me. I have to see it right now!" Ms.Applebaum Says
"Wait, what?" Rudy Says
"Oh, I'm a climber, too." Ms.Applebaum Says
"But you're in the middle of class." Rudy Says
"Hey, kids, get out right now!" everyone quickly gathered their things and exited the class "We just have to go by my place and pick up my gear." Ms.Applebaum Says
"Okay." Rudy Says
"Let's go. Let's go. Rudy, let's go!" Ms.Applebaum Says
Rudy ran over to her and they left the classroom, Kim, Abigail and Milton all exchanged looks.
"Why do I get the feeling he might have lied..again." Abigail Says
"Because he probably did." Kim Says
Jack is alone in the dojo practicing his kicks on the dummy, Jerry enters and approaches him.
"Yo, Jack look when you got fired and I was hired as assistant manager...there was something that I should have done that I didn't do and I feel bad about it." Jerry Says
"Okay, dude this is more like it. You've finally honored our agreement and quit." Jack Says
"Close yeah, I'm here to get your company whistle." Jerry Says
"You're unbelievable, you know that?" Jack Says
"Oh, come on, Jack for once I got something you didn't. Dude, that's never happened before. I'm not used to getting ahead. Dude, I was in kindergarten so long, I had to shave for graduation. Can't you just be happy for me? I got a promotion." Jerry Says
"You didn't deserve the promotion, Jerry. You're incompetent. All you did yesterday was bite the hangnail off some old dude's foot." Jack Says
"Hey, I stepped up. Okay, that old dude's hangnail was tearing up our sample socks." Jerry Says
"Whatever man." He goes in his locker and gives Jerry the whistle "Take it, I gotta get back to training if you would excuse me." Jack Says
"Thanks, gotta get back to work..bye." Jerry Says
There's a large crowd in the store waiting to see Kyrie Irving, Jerry gives him the mic so he could say his speech.
"I wanted the Kyrie Irving Air Mini-Flyer to do three things. Look good, feel good, and improve your game." Kyrie Says As Jerry takes the mic
"So what Kyrie Irving is trying to say is that if you were to buy these shoes, you will be guaranteed a career in the NBA." Jerry Says
"No, no tat's not at all what I'm saying. Who are you, bro?" Kyrie Says
"I'm assistant manager Martinez. Yeah, if you need a sandwich, I'm your guy. If you need a water, I'm your guy. Whatever you need, I'm your guy." Jerry Says
"I'll take a water." Kyrie Says
"Helen? Get Kyrie a water." Helen glares at him then walks to the back "Yeah, Helen's my guy." Jerry Says
"I like you, man here, let me give you a pair of my new shoes." Kyrie Says
"What?" Jerry Says
"Mm hmm." Kyrie Says
"No way thanks, Kyrie Irving!" He sniffs the sneakers "Oh, I love that new sneaker smell." Jerry Says As Kyrie takes them away
"What are you doing? Would you get your nose out of the shoes? People are looking." Kyrie Says
"Kyrie, the crowd's ready for you." Max Says
"Thanks." Kyrie Says
"Jerry! In the back, there's a pallet of shoes that Kyrie autographed. Signed, they're worth like 500 bucks a pair. After you close up, bring them out here so they're ready to be shipped first thing in the morning." Max Says
"Okay all right. Helen! Get your nose out of that shoe. People are looking. You are this close to not being my guy anymore." Jerry Says
Ms.Applebaum and Rudy finally arrived at the top of Mount Seaford, She's carrying Rudy on her back and puts him down.
"I don't believe it. I'm almost there! I did it! I did it! I did it! Woo! Oh, that is so exhilarating. Okay, carry me back down." Rudy Says
"No, wait, wait Rudy, we came all the way up here to see our initials intertwined in a heart..So." Ms.Applebaum Says
"Yeah about that uh...the truth is..." Rudy Says
"Hey, Rudy." Milton Says
Rudy screams after being startled by Kim, Milton and Abigail standing there shivering from the cold.
"What the...? you scared the daylights out of me. What are you three doing here?" Rudy Asks
"Well, we wanted to see the beautiful expression of your love carved into the mountain." Kim Says
"Yeah a lot of people want to see that, Kim. But they're not gonna." Rudy Says
"They will if they look right here." Abigail Says
They step aside revealing the initials of Rudy and Bethany carved on a rock, Ms.Applebaum gasps.
"Oh, Rudy. It's amazing okay, there's a part of me that thought maybe you lied again. You just don't really seem like much of an outdoors man." Ms.Applebaum Says
"What? Are you kidding? I live for the outdoors." Rudy Says
"Well, I shouldn't have doubted you." Ms.Applebaum hugs him
"Yeah, Bethany you should have doubted me.
Because I am a liar!" There's an echo of "liar" "And I'm also handsome." Rudy Says, It echoes"liar" again.
"That's a very judgmental echo." Milton Says
"The truth is... I didn't carve those initials they did. But I only lied to you because I like you so much, and I was scared of losing you. But I promise I will never ever ever lie to you again." Rudy Says
"Okay, Rudy. I forgive you." Ms.Applebaum Says
"You know... I can't believe you actually thought I was an outdoors man for like a minute." Rudy Says
"Well, it's a good thing that you told me the truth, because I was gonna suggest that we fly down the mountain in these wing suits." Bethany Says
"I'm sorry, wing-whats?" Rudy Says
"Yeah with these suits, you can jump off the mountain, and glide down at over 200 miles an hour it's a real rush." Bethany Says
"Bethany, I like you very much, but there is no way that I would ever... Whoa!" Rudy Says
Rudy opens up his arms widening the wings on his suit and the air blows him away, he fly's down the mountain with Ms.Applebaum going after him.
"I'm coming, Rudy!" Ms.Applebaum Says
"Wow he's really flapping those little wings." Milton Says
Jack pays for his food and goes to find a table but stops and looks at someone's shoes.
"Oh, dude, you got Kyrie Irving's sneakers. You've got a Kyrie Irving face. Dude! You're Kyrie Irving!" Jack Says
"That what my rookie of the year award says." Kyrie Says
"Nobody likes a braggart, Kyrie Irving. So how was your appearance over at Doctor Kicks? Did you meet my "friend," the new assistant manager?" Jack Says
"Too much aftershave and big ears?" Kyrie Says
"That's the guy." Jack Says
"Yeah, I met Jack." Kyrie Says
"No, his name's Jerry." Jack Says
"That's weird. I gave him a pair of shoes and he had me autograph them for Jack." Kyrie Says
"Man I didn't see that coming. I should go talk to him." Jack Says
"Hey do you want to see why I won rookie of the year?" Kyrie Asks
"Sure." Jack Says
"You see that cup." Kyrie Says
Kyrie tosses the falafel ball over at a woman's cup and it almost makes it in but she smacks it away.
"Not today, Kyrie Irving this is Tammy's house, rookie!" She Says
Later that night Jerry is busy stacking up some of the Kyrie Irving signed sneakers, a man knocks on the door.
"Hey free Chinese food delivery." He Says
"Oh, no, thank you. I don't like Chinese food." Jerry Says
"Well, what do you like?" He Asks
"I like hot dogs." Jerry Says
"Free hot dog delivery." He Says
"Oh sweet! Come on in." Jerry Says
Jerry opens the door to let the suspicious man in, but he gets overpowered and he gets tied up as his other friends break in the store.
"Oh, really, Jerry? Really?" Jerry Says
"All right let's start packing up those shoes, get over here." He Says sitting Jerry down on the bench
"Oh, man." Jerry Says
The robbers start packing up all the shoes, Jack and Kyrie enters the store and sees what happening.
"Yo, Jack! These guys are taking the autographed shoes!" Jerry Says
"Kyrie, untie Jerry." Jack Says
Kyrie goes to untie Jerry but while Jack takes on the two robbers, The other two robbers try attack Kyrie but he fight them off and unties Jerry finally. One of the robbers goes to kick Jerry but he blocks the kick with the foot measure.
"Woo. Eight and a half extra wide. I think I may have something in your size." Jerry Says, he shoves the crook back and throws them into the shoe pile.
Jack takes on the suspicious man, he flips over the trampoline and the man goes to attack Jack again but jumps on the trampoline crashing into the wall.
"Yo, thanks for helping me close up, guys." Jerry Says
"No problem." Kyrie Says
"No problem, man." Jack Says
"Now, I don't know who this guy is, but I'm pretty sure this is our old friend..." He takes off the crooks mask "Max." Jerry Says
"How did you know that?" Jack Asks
"Well, I was thinking about it during the fight. So fired you because he saw you as a threat. And he made me assistant manager so I would take blame for the missing shoes. He only promoted me because he knew I was..." Jerry Says
"Awesome. An awesome employee is what you are. And smart enough to put the whole thing together..Max." Two police men shows up in the store "Hey, who called the cops?" Jack Says
"I did. There were two 14 year-old kids fighting a bunch of thugs. How do you guys do this?" Kyrie Says
"What can I say? We make a great pair." Jack Says
"Yeah even if one of us is a little defective." Jerry Says
"If that's Max, then who do you think this guy is?" Jack Says, he takes off the mask revealing Helen.
"Helen, no you were my guy she was my guy." Jerry Says
"You might want to find yourself a new guy." Kyrie Says
Jack and Eddie are in the dojo doing some training, Ms.Applebaum enters.
"There you go, that's good." Jack Says
"Oh, nice." Eddie Says
"Hey, guys." Ms.Applebaum Says
"Oh, hey, Ms. Applebaum." Jack Says
"Hey. Let me get Rudy. Hey, Rudy? Ms. Applebaum's here." Eddie Says
"Coming." He comes from the back all wrapped up, and waddles over to Bethany "Ow. Ow." Rudy Says
"There's my outdoors man." Ms.Applebaum Says
"Ow ow ow ow." Rudy Says
"Reservation's at 8:00, but it's gonna take a minute to bungee cord you to the top of my car." Ms.Applebaum Says
Jerry and Abigail enters the dojo, they look over at Rudy and Jerry gasps.
"Oh no! A mummy!" Jerry Says
"No!" Rudy Says. Jerry drop kicks him down and he groans out in more pain
"You might want to change your reservation to 9:00." Jack Says
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