Rowdy Rudy
Jerry and Eddie are sparing with Jack looking over them. Abigail and Kim walks out the bathroom and sees Jerry pinching Eddie's arm.
"Hey, hey, stop!" Jack Says
"What was that?" Eddie Asks
"The atomic claw. Whoo!" Jerry Says
"That is not a martial arts move, It's an appetizer at the lobster barn." Jack Says
"It's a pro wrestling move, dude. You know who uses it?" Jerry Says
"I'm gonna take a wild guess and go with the wrestler called the atomic claw." Jack Says
Kim laughs "Oh please you know wrestling's fake, right?"
"Whoa whoa whoa, there is nothing fake about the claw's claw, okay? It's 100 % bionic with robotic titanium fingers that can crush a man's skull." Jerry Says
"It's a catcher's mitt wrapped in aluminum foil." Abigail Says
"So I guess you guys aren't going to the wrestle frenzy this weekend." Jerry Says
"Of course we're going." Jack Says
"We wouldn't miss it." Abigail & Kim Says
"Can we get back to sparring?" Eddie Asks
"Let's go...All right, you ready? Go!" Jack Says
Jerry throws a kick at Eddie but he dodged it and turns him around quickly, holding onto Jerry's ears as he screams.
"Whoa! What are you doing? Stop! That is crossing the line, dude you do not touch another man's ears. Ever!." Jerry Says
Rudy walks out from his office. "What are you guys doing?"
"He gave me the atomic claw so I gave him the Russian lobe lock." Eddie Says
"So I go into my office for 10 minutes, and you guys just goof off?" Rudy Says
"Sorry, Rudy we're just pumped about wrestle frenzy coming to town." Jerry Says
"What is it with you kids and this wrestling stuff? If I wanted to see giant sweaty freaks pounding on each other, I'd go home for thanksgiving. I don't need this today." Rudy Says
"Geez What happened?" Abigail Asks
"Well I don't know let me see, my cat needs feline braces, And I had to help my mother's man friend Because his nose was stuck in a bowling ball." Rudy Says
"How do you get--" Kim Says
"By playing a game called "I bet I can fit my nose in that." Rudy Says
Milton and Julie are at Phil's enjoy lunch together.
"I loved the museum but the prehistoric display was lame. you could tell the cavemen were just department store mannequins." Julie Says
"That explains why the Neanderthals were wearing high heels." They Laugh "Holding hands with you at the museum is nice." Milton Says
"About that, I was thinking it's time for us to go to the next level." Julie Says
" I think we're doing good." Milton Says
"And my friend Annie told me the next level is scary at first, But then it's really fun." Julie Says
"Yeah, that's-- oh, boy am I late for my dentist thing. I got-- bye. - Oh, excuse me." Minton leaves
"Milton? Milton!" Julie Says
Rudy enters and goes on line but a huge dude rudely cuts in front of him.
"Excuse me I was here before you." Rudy Says
"Now you're after me, pipsqueak." He Says
"Hey, buddy, I'm kind of having a tough day I just wanna get my food, Go home, put my cat in his headgear And keep an eye on my mom's boyfriend's nose...It's a life." Rudy Says
"Hey, you know what--" He Says
The man puts his hand on Rudy's shoulder but he catches it and shoves him back, he lands on a table.
"You just made a big mistake, man." He Says
"Rudy, what happened?" Phil Asks
"I don't know I just lost it, He shoved me and called me a pipsqueak." Rudy Says
"Don't worry, Rudy. You're not alone my pip squeaks, too." Phil Says
"I'm not talking about my pip with you." Rudy Says
After class Milton tells Eddie, Abigail and Jerry about what Julie said the other day at Phil's.
"Dude, the next level she's talking about kissing, bro." Jerry Says
"I can't I'm not ready." Milton Says
"It's okay to be scared Milton, the first ones are always scary." Abigail Says
"It's not that big a deal, you just have to relax and let nature take over." Eddie Says
"How do you know? The only thing you ever planted one on was the punching dummy at the dojo." Milton Says
"And I relaxed and let nature take over." Eddie Says
"Milton, dude your first one's important, man." Jerry Says
"Yeah my first kiss was in the third grade, it was at the Valentine's Day school dance it was so sweet." Abigail Says
"And then what happened after?" Jerry Asks
"Well I woke up with a pretty nasty cold the next day but it was totally worth it." Abigail Says
"Well, it's not technically my first one." Milton Says
"Thanks for coming to my birthday party, Cindy So I guess I'll see you around." He leans in for a kiss but she runs away, His Aunt appears "Aunt Gerty." Milton Says
"Happy birthday, darling See you next year." Gerty Says
She leans her face out indicating for a cheek kiss, Milton sighs and leans in but she turns and they kiss.
"Oh, he kissed me right on the mouth!" Gerty Says
"No, it wasn't like that you turned into it, and I missed." Milton Says
"You're a twisted little boy!" Gerty Says
"Ew you kissed your aunt." Eddie Says
"The whole thing was horrible I tasted her lipstick and cough drops for three weeks." Milton Says
"Guys, you are not gonna believe this, that wrestler Mondo Mountain is in town. He was in Falafel Phil's and apparently, he met Rudy." Jack Says
"Shut up." Abigail Says
"Get out of here!" Eddie Says
Jack shows them a video of someone recording Rudy's fight with the wrestler in Phil's.
"Whoa! Rudy says martial arts is for confidence, discipline and honor. But as it turns out, It's also good for beating down fools." He Holds his hand up but no one high fives him "What's a guy gotta do to get some up top around here?" Eddie Says
Rudy and Phil are looking at the video on the internet.
"Rudy Rudy Rudy, you have well over three million hits." Phil Says
"I can't believe it that's more than "Man kisses goat." Rudy Says
"Hey, I didn't kiss her she needed mouth-to-mouth." Phil Says
The Wasabi gang all rushes into the restaurant excitedly and joins Rudy at his table.
"Rudy, why didn't you tell us you took down the Mountain?" Eddie Says
"Your video's all over the internet." Jerry Says
"They're been talking about you all over our school." Abigail Says
"Yeah, Rudy, you're famous." Kim Says
"I know today, a woman asked me to sign her baby. Do you know how much that thing is worth now?" Rudy Says
Phil's ring tone goes off and they all hear it, he answers it.
"That's me Hello" Phil Says
"Rudy, I wasn't there, But you've always taught us not to use martial arts unless you absolutely have to." Jack Says
"No, I had to that giant jerk cut in front of me." Rudy Says
"So what you're saying is sometimes you have to take a stand?" Jack Says
"Yes, but I just didn't take a stand for myself. I was taking a stand for every little guy that's ever been pushed around by a fat cat or a bigwig or a big fat cat in a wig or a cat with—" Rudy Says
"Yes, yes, he'll do it. Rowdy rudy will fight Mondo Mountain, Okay, ciao, baby." He Hangs Up "- So you guys need more hummus or anything?" Phil Says
"Phil!" They Say
"What did you just do?" Rudy Asks
"I called the wrestle frenzy people and told them that you wanted to get into the ring with the mondo." Phil Says
"What? I am not a pro wrestler." Rudy Says
"Don't worry it's just a show they want you to win. They want to see the mighty mouse once again take down the elephant." Phil Says
"Phil, Phil, I don't crave the spotlight. I'm but a simple man who lives a quiet life...I don't seek fame-" Rudy Says
"They say that they will pay you $5,000." Phil Says
"Mondo's going down, baby!" Rudy Says
Julie and Milton are in the park discussing their relationship.
"Julie, you know the other day in Falafel Phil's when you told me you wanted to go to the next level?" Milton Says
"Yeah, I'm excited." Julie Says
"Okay Well, it's obviously very important to you, So I think we should do it..Just close your eyes as I prepare myself." Milton Says
"Uh..." Julie Says
"Just do it, It's for the best." Milton Says
Julie closes her eyes and he applies chapstick and breath spray, Milton leans in to kiss her but stops.
"You're a twisted little boy!" Gerty Says
"Gerty, no!" Milton Says Running away
"Milton, who's Gerty?" Julie Asks
Jerry and Abigail are on the lunch line grabbing some food, He's humming a song.
"What are you singing?" Abigail Asks
"Oh I'm singing Mondo's theme song it's so catchy, I can't wait to hear it in person this match is gonna be sick." Jerry Says
"Yeah...but I don't think I'm gonna go." Abigail Says
"What Abigail why?" Jerry Asks
"Because seeing dudes throw themselves around and be sweaty it's not my thing." Abigail Says
"Why you see it all the time at the dojo, please Abigail I really want us to go together." Jerry Says
"Together we're going together?" Abigail Asks
"Yeah Me and You." Jerry Says
"Really? You want to go together." Abigail Smiles
"And you know Jack, Kim, Milton and Eddie." Jerry Says
"Right right of course I knew that, I mean why would the two of us..just be going to together." Abigail Says
"Yeah It wouldn't be right without everyone there." Jerry Says
He walks away and Abigail palms her face, she picks up her tray and sits with everyone else. Meanwhile at another table a bunch of jocks are bullying a kid for his lunch and Jack notices.
"Ugh would you look at that." Jack Says
The bully snatches the tray from the nerd and messes up his hair.
"I'm sorry but I can't take this, someone has to do something." Jack Says
"Jack what are you doing?" Kim Asks
"Don't worry I'll be back." He Walks Over "Hey why don't you just leave him alone Brad?" Jack Says
"Uh No I wanted his lunch so I took it Jack, what you got a problem or something." Brad Says
"Yeah I do, give him back his lunch Brad and leave him alone." Jack Says
Brad Scoffs. "Fine." He shoves the food onto the nerds shirt "here's your lunch back."
Jack gets angry then shoves him, All the students in the cafeteria gets to their feet. Brad goes to punch Jack but he catches Brad's hand and flips him onto the ground. The principal sees this and runs over.
"Jack Brewer!" Principal Says
"What he was bullying a kid." Jack Says
"I know that but you also flipped Brad onto his back, you both have detention!" Principal Says
"What?!" Jack & Brad Says
"Let's Go Gentlemen." Principal Says As he escorts them out
"Step right up, who wants to get flipped by Rowdy Rudy, The internet sensation?" Rudy Asks
A man gives Rudy a couple of buck and then he flips him onto the map, the crowd applauses.
"There you go Next!" Rudy Says As Kim walks up
"Rudy, I need to talk to you." Kim Says
"Kim, I'm kind of in the middle of throwing people around for money here." Rudy Says
"Fine. I just thought I'd let you know Jack's gonna miss class today because he's in detention." Kim Says
"What? Why? He got into a fight with a kid at school and flipped him, Just like you did to Mondo." Kim Says
"What? I told you guys to never fight at school." Rudy Says
"Yeah, well, the kids are saying he went "all Rudy" On him." Kim Says
"Wait, so now "going all Rudy" Means you beat someone up?" He Asks
"Yeah, what did it used to mean?" Kim Asks
"You know, losing your gym shorts during a volleyball match." Rudy Says
Rudy and Jack are talking in his office about what happened in school.
"Jack, where did you get the idea that I think violence is okay?" Rudy Asks
"I don't know, "Rowdy Rudy." Jack Says
"What? I'm just choosing a costume for wrestle Frenzy. Look, I tell you guys all the time It's never okay to fight in school." Rudy Says
"I saw a big guy picking on a nerd so I gave him a little shove." Jack Says
"Did he hit the guy?" Rudy Asks
"No, but he stole his lunch then shoved it on his shirt." Jack Says
"So that made it okay for you to shove him?" Rudy Asks
"Rudy, I was just taking a stand like you did with Mondo." Jack Says
"No, your situation is completely different." Rudy Says
"Yeah, you're right I was protecting someone that really needed help and you didn't like cutsies." Jack Says
"Nobody likes cutsies, they're worse than takesies-backsies." Rudy Says
"So you say one thing and do another? You're a hypocrite." Jack Says
He storms out of Rudy's office, Abigail and Jerry are in their Gi's outside practicing as Rudy follows Jack.
"How dare you! I am your sensei and I deserve respect. Great. Now I got a run in my tights." Rudy Says
"What happened with Jack?" Jerry Asks
"He's mad because he got in a fight at school, and thinks it's the same as what happened to me in Falafel Phil's." Rudy Says
"Well, isn't it?" Abigail Asks
"No, it's completely different. I mean, I was you know" Abigail crosses her arms "And he was all, you know-- Do you guys really think I'm being a hypocrite?" Rudy Says
Jerry leans over and whispered something into Abigail's ear, She leans over and whispers into his ear and he nods.
"Oh yeah, totally." Jerry Says
"What have I done?" Rudy Says
Kim and Milton are walking down the hall, He's thinking of ending it with Julie.
"Ew! She turned into Gerty?" Kim Says
"The girl wants my lips, but I can't give them to her. I have to end it." Milton Says
"No, you're ending nothing Julie's your first love it's not fair to her." Kim Says
"It's over." Milton Says
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" She Shoves Him against the lockers "Listen, you, I was responsible for you two getting together, and I'm not letting you break it off over some dumb mental block." Kim Says
"Kim, I appreciate your concern, But you're putting a lot of pressure on a place That my doctor thinks may be a third nipple." Milton Says As She backs off
"I can help you. Meet me at the dojo at 3:30?" Kim Says
"Yeah, I've got some fruit flies in the lab that'll be livid if I don't show up with a rotten plum." Milton Says
"Milton." Kim Says
"3:30 will work." Milton Says
"Got your text, Rudy. What's up?" Jack Asks
"Jack, I've made some mistakes in my life. Sushi flavored toothpaste, pet toupees." Rudy Says
"Don't forget mantyhose." Jack Says
"No, no, that was a great idea just a bad name. I should have called them "Stockings for dudes." Rudy Says
"What do you want, Rudy?" Jack Asks
"I wanted to apologize, Jack. Look, you were right. I was being a hypocrite. Fighting should always be the last resort." Rudy Says
"Thanks, Rudy. Wait, why did I have to come down here for you to tell me that?" Jack Asks
"Cause I'm gonna make things right. Mondo!" Rudy Says Stepping onto the ring apron
"What do you want?" Mondo Asks
"I have a proposal, we both know this match tomorrow is fake and nobody's gonna get hurt. I'm supposed to win, but I want you to win instead." Rudy Says
"Why do you wanna do that?" Mondo Asks
"Cause I crossed the line the other day, Phil's food is not worth fighting over. You know it's a bad sign when you walk in the bathroom and see a cockroach throwing up in the toilet." Rudy Says
"You made me look like an idiot on the internet, my rabbi saw that." Mondo Says
"I'm sorry about everything, I embarrassed you and I sent a bad message to my students." Rudy Says
"If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do." Mondo Says
"That's pretty cool, Rudy." Jack Says
"Let's not ruin the show for the guys, we'll just keep this our secret." Jack Says
"You mean like how you wax your chest every Wednesday night?" Jack Chuckled
"Wait. How'd you know about that?" Rudy Asks
"It's a combination of the screams and the way the toilet backs up 'cause it's full of wax and hair." Jack Says
"We'll see you tomorrow, Mondo. Let's give 'em a good show." Rudy Says
"Okay. Oh, it's gonna be a good show I'm gonna rip off his face and show it to his butt." Mondo Says
"That doesn't make any sense." He Says
"Shut it!" Mondo Says Elbowing Him in the chest
Kim has been trying to help Milton with getting over his fear of kissing, Abigail is there holding up a picture of Julie.
"Okay pretend that's it Julie okay." Kim Says
"But it's hard when Abigail is holding up the picture." Milton Says
"Look Milton just pretend I'm not here okay, focus on Julie." Abigail Says
Milton nods and takes a deep breath in, he leans in almost kissing the picture but stops.
"I can't do it." Milton Says
"You can do it." Milton Says
"I can't." Milton Says
"It's just a picture Milton." Abigail Says
"Every time I pucker, I see Gerty it's hopeless." Milton Says
"It's not hopeless we'll just take it slowly." Kim Says
"Yeah like getting into a hot tub." Abigail Says
"I don't get into hot tubs, they're bubbling cauldrons of bacteria." Milton Says
"For the love of it's just a stupid" Kim Says
Kim Grabs him by the shirt and pulls Milton into a kiss, Julie and Abigail are in shock.
"Dios mío." Abigail Says
" Oh, wow, what did we just do?" Kim Says
"Milton David Krupnick, you and kim?" Julie Asks
"No, julie, I think you have the wrong—" Kim Says
But Julie spears her, Abigail runs over to help Kim.
"Julie, no, Kim was just kissing me to see if I'd like it. And I did." Milton Says Then She spear him
"No, no, no, Julie, it's not what you think, okay? Milton was nervous because he knew you wanted to kiss him, and he wanted your first kiss to be perfect." Kim Says
"Yes, and I didn't wanna ruin things by vomiting on your shoes."
"This was never about Kim, Julie this was all about you." Abigail Says Holding up her picture
"Milton, where did you get the idea that I wanted you to kiss me?" Julie Asks
"You said you wanted to go to the next level." Milton Says
"I was talking about the upper level of the museum." Julie Says
"What? But you said it would be scary at first, and then it would be fun." Milton Says
"Yeah, because after you get off the elevator, The first thing you see is the mummy exhibit. But if you keep going, there's a simulator that let's you travel through the human digestive tract." Julie Says
"I heard about that it's a magical journey from mastication to evacuation, that's one wild ride I wanna take with you." Milton Says
"Oh, Milton and about the other thing—we don't need to rush. When we're ready, it'll happen." Julie Says
"Awww, I've never felt so lonely just until now." Abigail Says As Kim looks at her
"Thanks, Julie Let's go get a smoothie." Milton Says
"Just a second Abigail and Kim, thanks for helping Milton. I know you're a black and Orange belt, But if either of your lips get anywhere near my man ever again, I will end you." Julie Says
"Got it." Julie Says
"Sure Thing." Abigail Says
"Bye-bye." Julie Says
The Wasabi gang are all there at the rec center supporting Rudy, There's a match going on inside the ring.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Seaford Rec Center where Wrestle Frenzy is well underway." Announcer Says
One of the male wrestlers goes to the top rope then does a cross body landing on his opponent, sweat splashes onto Jerry and Kim.
"Oh, this is disgusting these guys are sweating all over us." Kim Says
"I know. Rudy got us the greatest seats ever." Jerry Says
"Yeah my hair was straight before we got here now it's wavy again due to the sweat." Abigail Says
"Check it out, I caught one of his teeth in my snow cone." Eddie Says
The match is over and the crowd cheers, inside the ring the announcer Jason Seborn speaks.
"Hello, everybody, I'm Jason Sehorn and I used to play in the N.F.L and now I'm here as your celebrity wrestling announcer in Seafood." Jason Says
"Seaford!" Jerry Says
"Don't care and now into the ring, he's mad, he's mean, he's Mondo Mountain!." Jason Says
The doors open and Mondo makes his way to the ring, two women are alongside him as the crowd boos him.
"The internet phenomenon, the mighty mouse that roared, the sensei sensation, Rowdy Rudy!" Jason Says
The doors open Rudy makes his way out with a Ninja and Phil dressed in a suit, The crowd cheers.
"That's right, Rowdy rudy is here to bring the pain, baby." Phil Says
Rudy goes through the ring rope but the ropes hits his area.
"Oh!" Rudy Says
"My bad My bad. Walk it off. Walk it off." Phil Says
Rudy and Mondo Mountain does a stand off.
"Hey, so I've seen these things I think we should do a little smack talk I'm gonna say something about your mama that I in no way mean, your mama is so big—" Rudy Says
Mondo grabs Rudy's arm and swings him around the ring, Rudy bounces off the ring ropes and runs into a clothesline from Mondo.
"Mondo, buddy. I kind of felt that one maybe we can lighten it up a little bit." Rudy Says
"I'm sorry." He Punched Rudy In the stomach "How was that?" Mondo Asks
"Not good, I think I just peed into my lungs." Rudy Says
Mondo performs an Elbow drop onto Rudy's back and he falls to the ring mat hard, The crowd grimaces at the sight.
"Oh!" They Say
"- I knew I shouldn't have kept my car keys in my pocket and that can opener, that was just stupid." Rudy Says
Mondo goes over to Rudy and puts him into a submission hold, he's bending Rudy's leg back.
"Come on, Mondo, rip his leg off and kick him with it." Jerry Says
"I heard that, Jerry." Rudy Says
"Sorry, Rudy." Jerry Says
"Ow!" His Foot Touches his face "I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop that I really don't bend that way!" Rudy Says
Mondo picks Rudy up into the air, The Wasabi gang are all shocked at what's happening, Mondo begins spinning Rudy around in the air and he screams.
"No!" Mondo Drops Him "Oh! But, mommy, I don't wanna go to school today." Rudy Says
"Guys, something's not right." Jack Says
"This is what you get for embarrassing me Oh, Mongo, now!" Mondo Says
The man from the previous match before jumps in the ring.
"Uh What's going on?" Abigail Asks
"Mondo's brother Mongo is coming from the locker room." Jerry Says
The crowd boos, Mondo and Mongo gang up on Rudy tossing him around the ring. Jack's had enough and jumps in.
"All right, Rudy, we got this." Jack Says
Jack jumps over the ring rope and throws some kicks at Mongo, Rudy kicks Mondo in the chest.
He comes back at Rudy but he ducks, Rudy hits Mondo with some chest in his stomach and a kick to the face.
Jack kicks Mongo but he ends up flipping Jack, Rudy dodges another attack while Jack does a leg sweep to Mongo. Both brothers catches Rudy and Jack but they both delivers drop kicks sending both brothers down, The bell rings and the crowd Cheers.
"Thanks, Jack you saved me." Rudy Says
"Sometimes you do have to take a stand, Rudy." Jack Says
"And the winner is Rowdy Rudy!" Jason Says As The Rest of the gang all joins Jack and Rudy "
"People, people, I have something to say, all right? If you have a disagreement with someone, Try to work it out without resorting to violence. Violence is never the answer." Rudy Says
"Yeah!" They Say
"Violence rocks!"
"No, no, no, no, violence is bad it only leads to more violence." Rudy Says
"Yeah!" They Say
"Good we love violence!" The crowd begins throwing garbage into the ring.
"No, no. Peace is the answer." A Shoe hits him "That's it! I saw who threw that I'm going all Rudy on you!" Rudy Says
Rudy gets angry and tries to jump the ropes but they all hold him back.
Phil is meeting up with his Date, it's surprisingly Milton's aunt Gerty.
"Oh this internet dating has been so good to us. Today's the day that we have been together for three months and I was thinking it's time for the kiss." Phil Says As he leans in but she stops him
"Oh, Phil. I didn't see this coming all right, just close your eyes while I get ready." Gerty Says
"Okay all right." Phil Says
"Alright I'm ready." Gerty Says
"Okay..Ahem." She goes in for the kiss but she sees Milton "Milton! That twisted little boy has ruined me." Gerty Runs Off
"I thought we were having moment of good times.Come back, Gerty. Gerty, come back! Why?" Phil Says
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