Reality Fights
Everyone is at practice, Kim and Jerry are sparring while the others train. She kicks him hard and he falls to the ground.
"Hey hey hey hey! You kids are getting sweat all over my mat, This is why we can't have nice things." Rudy Says
"Rudy, calm down why are you getting so worked up?" Jack Asks
"Bobby Wasabi is on his way here right now and he's got big news." Rudy Says
"I love his entrances, his last one was so cool." Eddie Says
"It was not cool. If you're gonna wear a kimono and fly on a jetpack, Dude, put on some underpants." Jack Says
lThis time he promised his entrance isn't gonna be a big deal. He wants everything quiet and low key." Rudy Says
Then Trumpets are heard, Bobby is being rolled in the dojo he's in a jacuzzi by his Ninjas.
"Quiet and low key, huh?" Abigail Says
"I would have been here sooner, But we hit a pothole and blew out a ninja." Bobby Says
"That is an awesome ride." Eddie Says
"I wonder if it's street legal." Jerry Says
"It's part hot tub, part rickshaw, and a par-tay." Bobby Says
"So, Bobby, what's the big news?" Eddie Asks
"I just signed a deal To produce a brand-new martial arts reality show Called... "Wasabi Warrior." And it's going to take place in a dojo your dojo." Bobby Says
"What?! Are you serious?" They Say
"Six karate students living together in a world where they must outplay, outfight and outwit one another. You'll be playing for a brand-new kamasaki water rider." Bobby Says
The Ninja's bring in the Kamasaki water rider into the dojo, they all touch it.
"No way!" Jerry Says
"What?! Are you serious?" Abigail Says
"Hang on a second, guys. we've all seen those reality shows. Sometimes they bring out the worst in people." Rudy Says
"Yeah, Eddie's right. I mean this dojo is a place of honor where we come to study martial arts—" Rudy Says
"All I need is a host." Bobby Says
"Please please, pick me, pick me! I've wanted to be a reality show host my whole life." Rudy Says
"All right you'll do." Bobby Says
"I'm the host. I need a fanfare!" He Blows into the trumpet "This thing is filled with ninja spit." Rudy Says
"Hi! Six Karate students are about to face the challenge of their lives. Jack, Kim, Abigail, Eddie Milton, Jerry. Only one can be the... Wasabi Warrior! Welcome to "Wasabi Warrior." Bobby Says
"I'm your host and sensei rudy. You're about to enter a world of mental and physical challenges where you should always expect the unexpected." He Presses a button, there's a large explosion
"What was that?" Jack Asks
"I just blew up my car you don't expect that, did you? Now go on in and choose your living space And I'll be right back with your first challenge." They Run Inside, A piece of his car falls "What have I done? That car's not even paid for yet." Rudy Says.
The wasabi gang walks inside and the dojo is completely decorated nicely, there's color coordinated rooms.
"Check this place out. It's amazing." Jack Says
"I call that spot." Kim Says
"This one's mine." Abigail Says
"I got this one." Eddie Says
"Yes! - It's all mine." Milton Says
Jerry and Milton both end up in the white tent, they both place their bags on the bed.
"Uh What are you doing? I claimed this spot already." Jerry Says
"Okay, you can have it, I'll take that one over there." Milton Says
"Wait a minute If you don't want it, there must be something wrong with it. Yeah, yeah, I know how these shows work. You're trying to get inside my head. Well, it's not gonna happen. This thing's like a rock I'm taking that bed." Jerry Says
"I really wanted that spot, It's the closest to the bathroom, and I'll say it, I have the bladder of a 70 year-- Excuse me. I'll be right back." Milton Says
They all leave the dojo wearing their Gi's and respected karate belts.
"Welcome to the dragon's playground, By random draw, Kim, Eddie and Milton, This challenge is for you.It's a race. The first part consists of the ball pit of despair. It may look like fun But beware of hidden ninjas. Then you're off to the banzai bounce. Lastly, you have to get through The path of the tiger. Whoever hits the buzzer first, wins the challenge." Rudy Says
"I have a question, when you hit the banzai bounce, are you allowed to flip over—" Eddie Says
"Go!" Rudy Says
Kim shoves Milton into Eddie getting a head start from the boys. She dives into the ball pit and makes her way to the other side, Milton and Eddie catches up and they join her.
"This should be easy I'm built like a flying squirrel except I don't regurgitate acorns to attract a mate." Milton Says
Milton gets across the ball pit faster than Kim and Eddie, Jack, Abigail and Jerry are impressed.
Milton then jumps on the banzai bounce but his foot gets stuck, Kim catches up to him and climbs meanwhile Eddie is stuck in the ball pit.
"Ninja!" Eddie Yells
"Am I competitive? Sure. Do I wanna win? You bet. Nothing's gonna take me down." Kim Says
Kim gets on the path of the tiger but she gets hit with one of the bags knocking her off, Milton crawls on the beam to the other side and hits the buzzer winning.
"Holy Christmas nuts! I did it! I did it! I did it!" Milton Says
"Congratulations, Milton you won the challenge. Your prize is a gourmet lobster dinner." Ruby Says
"Milton, before you sit down for your lobster feast, You have a choice. If you eat the lobster, everyone else in the house eats gruel. Or you can eat gruel, while everyone else eats lobster." Rudy Says
Milton thinks about it, They all try giving him looks to try and change his mind but it doesn't work, They all end up eating the gruel as he eats lobster.
"Mmm! So how's the gruel?" Milton Asks
"A little dry." Jerry Says As he holds his plate
"Abigail, first chance we get, Milton's gotta go." Kim Says
"I was thinking the same thing." Abigail Says
"I think I'm done with this one." Milton Says
He throws a lobster claw onto the table, they all lean back into their seats but caves in grabbing it all at once.
"It's mine!" They Say
"Our second challenge is the emperor's bridge, Abigail, Jerry and Jack, you're up. The object is to try and knock your opponent off the bridge the first person who wins the first round goes against the second person after." Rudy Says
"I'm not scared please it's Jerry and Jack, I'm but these boys are going down. It's like my dad always said if you didn't come to win don't come at all." Abigail Says
"If I win that water rider, I'll finally get some attention from the girls, Which I don't get on my dad's riding lawnmower. You have any idea how hard it is to pick up girls on a lawnmower? It's hard, yo." Jerry Says
"Jerry, you'll be fighting with a pugil stick, Abigail you'll be fighting with nunchucks and Jack, since you're a black belt, You'll be fighting with a feather." Rudy Says
"Seriously? A feather?" Jack Says
Rudy rings the gong, Jerry charges at Jack with the pugil stick but Jack ducks every attack, He catches the stick and wiggles the feather in Jerry's nose and he sneezes causing him to fall into the mud.
"Gesundheit." Jack Says
Jerry crawls away in the mud muttering "Uy, no eso no cuenta! Tenia que estorrudar!"
Abigail steps up on the platform with her nunchucks.
"All right Abigail your up against Jack." Rudy Says
Rudy bangs the gong and Jack goes after Abigail but she dodges his attacks with the feather, She gets some hits on Jack with the nunchucks. He looks at her impressed and she smirks at him. Jack once again tries to get a good moment to attack her with the feather, She almost slips but Jack catches her by her Gi. Abigail looks at his hand and Jack has the feather close to her face.
"Sorry Abigail." Jack Says
"Dios mìo." Abigail Says
Abigail falls into the mud, Jack waves his hand in the air, Jerry helps Abigail out the mud and hugs him.
"Great job, Jack. You won and now you have a choice a traveling carnival abandoned this porta-pooper. Everyone else in the dojo will have to spend five minutes in what we call the chamber of horrors. Or you can spare your friends by doing the five minutes yourself." Rudy Says
"I am not making the same mistake as Milton. Everyone in the dojo hates him. Pretty soon we're gonna be voting someone off, And I am not going home. I mean, it's a porta-pooper they found behind a carnival. How bad could it be?" Jack Says
"Oh, sweet mercy! Let me out! Let me out! Oh, it's horrible." Jack Says
He bangs on the door frantically, The porta potty falls over and they all grimaces.
"Okay that is not good." Jack Says
"Eww." Abigail Says
Later On, The Six competitors are all sitting around a fire as Bobby, His Ninjas and Rudy are there.
"This is where our game takes a little..."Bobby Repeatedly hits the gong "Twist That you couldn't possibly have seen...Coming. Now we'll go ahead- Would you please stop that?" Rudy Says
"I'm sorry. I love the gong." Bobby Says
"Its time for a vote to decide which of you will be going home in shame." Rudy Says
"I didn't know they voted people off in these shows. I've gotta stop reading and start watching tv or I'll never get anywhere in life." Milton Says
"I've counted the votes and the person voted out of the dojo is... Going home and that person is... One of you." Rudy Says
"Who is it? Tell me! Tell me!" Bobby Says
"It's... Jack." Rudy Says
"What?! After what I did for you people? You stabbed me in the back." Jack Says
Milton looks thrilled, Jerry and Eddie looks guilty as Abigail looks annoyed while Kim looks happy almost. The ninjas escort Jack out.
"Ooh! I did not see that coming." Bobby Says
"I can't believe Jack's gone It doesn't feel right, He's our friend." Eddie Says
" know if I would have won I was gonna sacrifice myself and smells the stench of feces for you people." Abigail Says
"Wow I'm really gonna miss him. I feel so bad." Kim Says
"Jack was the biggest threat, If we didn't get rid of him, he would have gotten rid of us. Poor chump never saw it coming." Kim Says
"Kim, I gotta admit voting Jack out was brilliant." Milton Says
"Well, we gotta work together, It's the only way anyone wins on these shows." Kim Says
"What's going on? Did you guys form an alliance?"
Eddie Asks
"No no no, it wasn't like that, man, okay? We just met in secret and decided to do whatever it takes to win, And now that I'm hearing it, yes, absolutely, we have an alliance." Jerry Says
"That's not really fair, is it?" Abigail Says
"You're not gonna have to worry about it much longer, Because you're out next." Kim Says As Abigail gasps
"What?! You told me Milton was out next." Jerry Says
"What?! You told me Jerry was next." Milton Says
"What?!" Jerry Says
" Everyone, just calm down. I mean How much fun was that ball pit?" Kim Says
"You know who you could trust in this game?" Milton Says
"No one!" They Say
They all walk into the tents but it's not their correct tents.
"We really need to put our names on these things." Abigail Says
"Yeah yeah, you're right." They Say
"Welcome to your next challenge. It's called The banzai brunch. They say revenge is a dish best served cold that's why we've brought in a very special chef--Your old friend Jack." Rudy Says As They All gasp's
"Hello, friends I put together this menu with you in mind. At least one of you must clear your plate or I'm back in the game." Jack Says
"Martial arts requires focus and mental toughness. Those skills are about to be put to the test." Rudy Says
"Hello, Kim. Maybe you can make a meal out of mealworms." Jack Says
"I'm out." Kim Says
"Eddie." Jack Says
"Oh, come on." Eddie Saya
"You wanna see what I have for you?" Jack Asks
"Uh mmm." Eddie Says
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Jack Says
He reveals a plate of large tongues on a platter, Eddie sees this and faints.
"Abigail Sweet Sweet Abigail, you wanna know what I got for you." Jack Says
"Not Really No." Abigail Says
"Why not? I got your least favorite pizza toppings sardines!" Jack Says
He reveals a can of open sardines, Abigail looks at it and starts getting nauseous.
"Jack Jack hey buddy look I wasn't the one that voted for you okay it was them not me, I voted for Milton like I thought was the plan!" Abigail Says
"Hey!" Milton Says
"Shut it Krupnick." Abigail Says
"Soo Abby what's it gonna be are you chomp down on the fish?" Jack Asks
Abigail closes her eyes and quickly eats the sardine, She chews on it but starts getting nauseous.
"Oh No, Excuse Me!" Abigail Says
She makes a b-line for the nearest trash can and vomits up the sardines.
"Oh! And, milton, You know what goes great with lobster? Panamanian dung slug." Jack Says
"Just pretend like it's a big French fry with mucus sacs swimming in a nice green slime sauce." He Eats it "Okay. Going down. Going down! Yeah! Turning around. Coming up! Coming up!" Milton Says then vomits
"Jerry, you're our only hope to keep jack out of the game." Kim Says
"Don't worry I got this. Let me warm up with a couple of appetizers." He eats everything that was on everyone's plate "Mmm!" Jerry Says
"Jerry's gonna do this." Milton Says
"Hit the road, Jack." Kim Says
"Not yet, Jerry has to clear his plate." Jack Says
Jack lifts up the cover revealing one saltine cracker.
"Ahhhh!" Jerry Says
"When I was five, I was sitting at the beach eating a saltine. I looked over and saw my grandmother in a bikini. Since then, the taste of saltines brings back that horrible memory. What I saw was wrong, yo!" Jerry Says
"It's a cracker, you big baby, man up!" Kim Says
"I can't!" Jerry Says
"Well, congratulations, Jack. No one can clean their plate, So you are back in the game." Rudy Says
"Yeah, back in the game, fools." Jack Says
Abigail walks over to Jerry who's in a fetal position shaking.
"Jerry, are you okay?" Abigail Asks
"Put a robe on, nana. I'm just a little boy." Jerry Says
The wasabi gang are all sitting in silence all looking at each other angrily.
"Okay, look, it's obvious there's a lot of tension in here. Why don't we just take our minds off of it and play a little game?" Eddie Says
"What kind of game? It's called "one-word story." So we go around in a circle and make up a story, But each of us only gets to say one word. I'll start This..." Eddie Says
"Game..." Kim Says
"Eats..." Jack Says
"Hairy..." Milton Says
"Moose" Jerry Says
"Bal-" Abigail Says
"Okay! I have a game, It's called you four lose and I win a water rider on national television." Kim Says
"That's right we're on television, Hey, everybody, Kim has a crush on that goth dude From the yogurt shop with the detachable ponytail." Jack Says
"I do not! Wait. That ponytail's not real?" Kim Asks
"Really?" Jerry and Abigail laughs
"What are you laughing at Abigail, at least I'm not the one who had too much falafel balls one day and caused the pipes in the mall that day to over flow." Kim Says As The Boys and Abigail gasps
"That Was You!" They Say
"You said that you'd never tell anyone, take that back Kimberly Crawford!" Abigail Says As Jerry laughs
"No." Kim Says
"You Think that's funny, The first night here Jerry cried for his mommy." Abigail Says As Milton laughs
"What are you laughing at?, Milton can't go to sleep without his little bunny." Jerry Says
"How long have you known about rondell?" Milton Asks
They all continue to argue with each other, Eddie comes back into the room then the gong is heard.
"Wow, that is fun. Okay. Time for the final challenge. When it's over, only one warrior will remain." Rudy Says
"It won't be over till the blonde's on the water rider." Kim Says
"Right, but which one of us is the blonde?" Jerry Says
All Six competitors are standing on a small platform on the wall.
"Welcome to the hang tough wall, The last person to drop will be presentedr with the title of Wasabi Warrior By Bobby Wasabi himself." Rudy Says
"You got that right, Rudy." Bobby Says
"So that's it? All we have to do is stand here? This is gonna be a piece of cake. I was born standing up. No, literally, my mother had me on a bus and there was no empty seats." Jerry Says
"Oh, its more than just standing." Metal Pegs Come through the wall "Grab ahold of your peg because you're about to hang tough Release the Wasabi wind." Rudy Says
They all take hold on the pegs and hang there, strong wind blows from a huge fan.
"A little breeze doesn't bother me, i'm not letting go until my butt hits that water rider." Kim Says
"I'm your dreams Kim, that rider is mine." Abigail Says
"Guys, I don't know if I can keep hanging on any longer. My arms are getting so--" Jack Says
"Forget it, Jack!" They Say
"It's time for the flaming balls of fury." Rudy Says
A Ninja fills the ball launcher with tennis balls and aims at them.
"Whoa! Whoa! Is this even legal?" Eddie Asks
"Is that all you got? You call yourselves ninjas? But...Ow! Nice shot." Jack Says
"You guys must be getting pretty hungry up there. We've blended together the delicious leftovers from our eating challenge-- The worms, the sardines, the tongue, the slugs." Rudy Says
"The saltines?" Jerry Asks
"Yes, Jerry, the saltines." Rudy Says
"Ahhhhh!" Jerry Says
"Prepare yourselves for the shower of shame." Bobby Says
All the Ninjas drops buckets of the blended challenge food on them.
"Eww That was disgusting." Abigail Says
"Yeah, well, why don't you stop whining and drop already?" Jack Says
"Let's just let Jack win something again we never get tired of seeing that." Milton Says
"Stop feeling sorry for yourself Because you're a little weasel." Kim Says
"You're a backstabbing liar." Jerry Says
"Yeah." Jack Says
"Stop it! I tried to warn you about this, we're supposed to be friends." Eddie Says
"Eddie's right Look at us, Hanging on poles covered in slop and yelling at each other." Jack Says
"It's like my mom's book club them ladies get real, yo." Jerry Says
"How do we end this?"Kim Asks
"To save our friendship, We all drop down together." Eddie Says
"He's right we've gotta show everybody that our loyalty to each other is stronger than just some dumb prize." They All Nod "You guys ready?" Jack Says
"Yeah...One, two, three." They Say And they all fall down
"Wait a minute, Where's Eddie?" Abigail Asks
"What's up, suckers?" Eddie Says
"Whoa!" Jack Says
"Eddie!" Kim Says
"This is unbelievable." Milton Says
"He was working us the whole time." Jerry Says
"We have our Wasabi Warrior." Rudy Says
"Well played, Eddie well played." Bobby Says
"No hard feelings, right, guys? Just playing the game." Eddie Says
"Eddie you are a lying, conniving snake. Seriously, dude, That was awesome dude, you played us so good." Jack Says
Eddie and Bobby are both on the water rider, He's sitting behind Eddie.
"Hold on we're about to hit a wave." Eddie Says
"Oh no!" Bobby Says falling into the ocean
"Whoa, we're flying now. How do you stop this thing, Bobby? Bobby. Bobby" Eddie Says
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