New Jack City
The whole gang is sitting inside Phil's talking amongst themselves, Eddie remember's something.
"Hey, it's almost time, change the channel." Eddie Says, Milton takes the remote and changed the channel.
"Yo! What are you doing, man? I was just watching my favorite cartoon, "Worm With a Perm". You know what it's about?" Jerry Says
"A Worm With a Perm?" Kim Says
"Oh, you watch it too." Jerry Says
"Here we go they're about to announce who's gonna be in the annual, California Battle Of The Dojos." Eddie Says
"Should we go get Rudy?" Abigail Asks
"No, no every year he comes in a disguise because he can't handle the embarrassment when our dojo doesn't get in. Trust me, he's around here somewhere...Ah. There he is." Jerry Says, walking over towards an old woman.
"Jerry, I don't think that's..." Jack Says
"No, no. Let him go." Kim Says
"Look, I know you're ashamed, but we both know how this is gonna end. So why don't you say we hit the mats and get our sweat on, eh?" Jerry Says, the old woman continues to whack him with a food tray.
The restaurant doors open and it's Rudy, he sits down and joins them.
"No disguise this year, Rudy?" Milton Asks
"Nope. I am a grown man, and I'm going to accept the fact that my dojo is what it is." Rudy Says
"That's great. You don't need this tournament to feel good about yourself. You got plenty to be proud of." Milton Says
"Like what?" Rudy Asks, everyone looks lost for words.
"Man, I hope we get into this tournament." Milton Says
"Oh, great. Sensei Ty and some of the Black Dragons just showed up." Jack Says
"They get into this tournament every year." Abigail Says
"What are you doing here, Ty? Did you just come here to gloat?" Rudy Says
Ty sighs and opens up his jacket, revealing his many awards wrapped around him. "Little bit."
"Oh, they're making the announcement. Turn it up." Eddie Says
"Our first competitor in the Battle Of The Dojos...Is the Black Dragons."
"10 years in a row, people that's an even dozen." Ty Says, he and the black dragons leave.
"Our The Master Oh Dojo. And the final competitor..."
"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry." Rudy Says
"The Bobby Wasabi Dojo!" The Wasabi gang all cheered and hugged Rudy.
"Jack, you know what this means? You're gonna be on TV representing our dojo!" Kim Says
"Let's go celebrate, guys come on." Rudy Says
"Yeah!, Let's go!" Abigail Says
"We're number one!" Milton Says
"Bobby Wasabi Dojo!" Jack Says
They all leave the restaurant as Jerry walks back from the bathroom area, he stops when he sees a man eating food and approaches him.
"Oh, Rudy Rudy Rudy...Listen, I know you're embarrassed, but this isn't the answer. Now let's
get this hideous mask off your face." Jerry Says, he pinches the man face but the man stands up and chases him.
The next day Jack was going over some moves for the battle of the dojo's competition. He performed his spinning back kick perfectly, Rudy, Milton, Abigail and Eddie nods impressed.
"Nailed it, Awesome! Just awesome." Rudy Says
"Jack, you truly are the wind beneath this dojo's wings." Milton Says
"Of course everyone knows that I'm the wings, which are the most important part of the bird." Rudy Says
"I guess I'm kind of like a feather." Eddie Says
"You're not part of the bird at all, But keep trying you're doing great, son." Rudy Says, The dojo doors open and Jerry runs in excited.
"Don't worry Ed." Abigail Says
"Yo, Rudy! Guess who's back? One of the coolest guys ever to step foot in this dojo." Jerry Says
The doors open and it's Kim riding on the back of Rudy's former student Carson Hunter.
"What? I don't believe it. Carson Hunter?!" Rudy Says
"Carson what are you doing here?" Abigail Asks, hugging him.
"Yeah we haven't seen you in forever." Eddie Says
They all continue to talk over one another by greeting their old friend, Jack tries to interject himself into the conversation.
"Hello? Hello? Hello?! Hey, man I'm Jack." He Says
"Jack is like the new version of you." Milton Says
"Jack Brewer, I've heard a lot about you." Carson Says
"Darn right you have. Jack is a second degree black belt with a foundation of Tae Kwon Do and Jiujitsu." Rudy Says
"And he was voted best hair in ninth grade." Eddie Says
"Oh, come on, dude. Eighth grade too." Jack Says
"Because of Jack, we just got into the Battle Of The Dojos." Kim Says
"So, you used to be a student here, huh?" Jack Asks
"Carson was actually my first student." Rudy Says
"Uh, I was actually here two weeks before..." Eddie Says
"I said you're doing great, Carson was actually the youngest student in California to earn his black belt." Rudy Says
"Oh, man this place brings back a lot of memories. Remember when Rudy threw his back out in the middle of a horse stance?" he reenacts the stance, everyone laugh "I don't care if you're , somebody drive me to the hospital" Carson Says
"That's me." Rudy Says
"Oh, you guys remember the other day? He caught his pinky toe in the mat and was all like, "I broke my piggie". I think I broke my piggie!" Jack Says, no one laughs but stares at him.
"Too soon, Jack too soon." Jerry Says
"So, Carson, how long you staying?" Abigail Asks
"Oh, his dad actually just got transferred back to Seaford." Jerry Says
"He just enrolled in school here, and he's rejoining the dojo!" Kim Says, everyone cheers as Jacks nods along.
"Yeah, that's cool." Jack Says
"Hey, why don't we all go over to Circus Burger like old times?" Carson Says
"That's cool. We...we usually just go over to Falafel Phil's now." Jack Says
"So Falafel Phil's it is." Carson Says
"Yeah." They Say
"Kim?" He bends down, Kim hops back on his back "Woo! Come on, let's go." Carson Says
"Come on Abs." Jerry Says, bending down.
"Okay then." Abigail Says, she jumps on his back.
"Whew you're getting heavy." Jerry Says, Abigail smacks his arm.
"Am not." Abigail laughs, they both leave following behind Eddie, Kim and Carson.
"Come on, Jack we'll race 'em!" Milton Says, he hops on Jack's back and pats his but.
"Did you just..." Jack Says
"No." Milton Says, he gets off Jack's back.
Later on in the mall courtyard Abigail is looking at her watch pacing back and forth, Jerry and Eddie walks out of Phil's and approaches her.
"Hey Abs, what are you still doing here I thought you had to leave." Jerry Says
"Yeah." Eddie Says
"Nope I'm meeting someone." Abigail Says
"Who?" Eddie Asks
"My cousin Mandy." Abigail Says
"Your hot cousin Mandy?!" Eddie Says, Abigail and Jerry looks at him.
"Dude." Jerry Says
"What I saw the way she was looking at me at Abigail's Quinceañera, that girl totally likes me." Eddie Says
"Anyways Mandy my cousin is staying over at my house for a couple days." Abigail Says
"Why do you seem so un excited about her coming to see you?" Jerry Says
"Because I'm kinda not, look I only see Mandy when it comes to family events and that was good for me.
I used to love seeing her all the time when we were little but then she started this weird obsession of one upping me ." Abigail Says
"Why" Eddie Asks
"Like for example if I got a pink two layered cake at my birthday. Mandy gets a pink three layered at her birthday, if got a if cut my hair a certain way Mandy does it the same, oh and there was this one time I threw a slumber party but some of the girls didn't come and you want to know why..because they were at Mandy's stupid sleepover." Abigail Says
"So if she gets on your nerves then why don't you tell her." Jerry Says
"It's no use don't get me wrong I love her because she's family but I swear sometimes I just want to-" Abigail Says
"Oh my god, Abigail!" Mandy Says
"Oh my god, Mandy hey!" Abigail Says, hugging her cousin.
"Wow look at you, looking at pretty." Mandy Says
"Who me oh stop look at you, that outfit and that hair...your hair looks very familiar." Abigail Says
"Oh I know right blonde just suits me better." Mandy Says
"Wonder where you got that from huh." Abigail Says, looking over at Jerry and Eddie.
"I got the idea from you, but instead of doing a balayage I just bleached the whole thing's looks better right?" Mandy Says, Abigail smiles and nods along.
"Mhmm totally." Abigail Says
"So who are they?" Mandy Asks
"Mandy this is Jerry and Eddie, you met them at my Quinceañera.." Mandy looks lost, she sighs "They were in my court, Eddie was your chambelane." Abigail Says
"Ohhh now I remember he was the one who kept flirting with me." Mandy Says
"Yup that's me." Eddie Says
"So you must be Jerry then." Mandy Says
"Yeah nice to meet you again Mandy." Jerry Says
"You too, so where's the rest of your friends?" Mandy Asks
"Oh they are in Falafel Phils, you hungry?" Abigail Asks
"Starving is this the place that serves the garlic falafel balls?" Mandy Asks
"Yeah oh fyi they do make you really gassy, but they're so delicious." Jerry Says
"Oh I have a really good stomach unlike Abby over here, there was this one time at camp we had a pudding cup battle she ate eight and I ate ten..-" Mandy Says
"Mandy Mandy, let's not talk about that okay especially before we eat." Abigail Says
"Okay." Mandy Says, Abigail nods then walks inside the restaurant.
"So what happened after she ate the eight pudding cup?" Eddie Asks
"She barfed all over the table losing the battle and I won, becoming the pudding cup champ." Mandy Says
"Awesome." Eddie and Jerry Says
After class everyone met up with Carson and asked him about his first day back, Carson looks over at the lockers and gets an idea.
"Hey, Jerry! You remember this?" Carson Says, he starts fiddling with the lock and clicks it rhythmically.
"Oh, dude! That used to be our thing!" Jerry Says, he reaches in his locker and takes out drum sticks playing along to the beat.
Soon Milton, Kim, Abigail and Eddie joined in banging along with the beat. Jack approaches the group and wants to join in on the fun to, he picks up two garbage lids and bangs them together ruining the beat.
"Stop you gotta stop." Milton Says
"Way to go, Jack." Jerry Says
"We were sounding good, too." Eddie Says, everyone walks towards their class.
"Kim... I can't go to Rockchella with you. I gotta practice for the tournament. Here's my ticket bring a friend." Jack Says
"Fine, I'll go without you, but I won't enjoy it." Kim Says
"Yeah, you will." Jack Says
"I know I was just trying to make you feel better." Kim Says
"Oh! Forgot my textbook with all the numbers in it." Jerry Says walking to his locker
"That would be math." Kim Says
"Oh, yeah. That's the one." Jerry Says
Rudy and Jack are in the dojo going over some routines for the competition, Jack is practicing with his Bo-Staff.
"Pivot on your hip, It'll give you more torque more torque." Rudy Says
"What do you mean by torque?" Jack Asks
"Well, torque's that thing where you...see, it's when the ratio of the...Just start torquing!" Rudy Says
Kim and Carson enters the soho laughing while carrying their bags for practice.
"Hey, Kim. How was Rockchella?" Jack Asks
"Oh, it was awesome." Kim Says
"Yeah, thanks so much for the tickets, Jack." Carson Says, putting his arm over Kim's shoulder.
"Oh. You guys went...together." Jack Says
"Yeah, we were on our feet the whole night dancing and tearing it up!" Kim Says
"And you were dancing...together." Jack Says
"Yeah. He is such a great dancer, he's actually the one who taught me." Kim Says
"So he's the one." Jack Says
"Check it." Carson Says, he puts in a cd in the radio and music starts playing.
"Oh yeah. That's our jam!" Kim and Carson Says
The two of them starts dancing the exact same way, Rudy and Jack looks on cringing at their bad dancing so Jack stops the music.
"All right, guys. I hate to stop your little dance party, but I really should get back to practice." Jack Says
"Jack's right we should probably do something anything other than what you two were just doing." Rudy Says
Jack picks up his Bo Staff and begins his routine as everyone watches on.
"Torque, Torque. Torque." Rudy Says
"Looking good, Jack. You're probably the best man for the job." Carson Says
"What do you mean by "probably"? I'm the only one at this dojo that works the Bo Staff." Jack Says
"Actually, I do too. But you know what? You've already put the work in, so you take this tournament and I'll take the next one." Carson Says
"No. No no no If you can use a Bo Staff, then we should see what you've got." Jack Says
"What are you saying, Jack?" Rudy Asks
"I'm saying this tournament isn't about me. It's about finding the best student to represent this dojo. So if your old friend here uses a Bo Staff, then we should spar." Jack Says
"Jack, I don't know if that'd be fair. I mean, you've been practicing with a Bo Staff for months." Kim Says
"No no no no. I may be a little rusty, but I can handle a Bo Staff..If Jack wants to see what I've got..Let's do it." Carson Says
"Great winner represents the dojo in the tournament." Jack Says
Meanwhile everyone else gathers into the dojo ready for practice and see's Jack and Carson walking on opposite sides of the mat.
"Wait Kim what's going?" Abigail Asks
"Jack and Carson are about to spar." Kim Says
"No way." Abigail Says
Jack and Carson grab their respective Bo staffs and circled around each other, Rudy steps in the match as the referee by saying "Hajamay." The two of them sparred for a while, and the match could either way since they are both great. Jack held his own until Carson managed to jump up and break Jack's Bo Staff into two, Jack falling down on his back.
"Holy Christmas nuts!, Jack lost." Milton Says
"Looks like I'll be representing the dojo." Carson Says
"Guys, I've been doing martial arts for years, and Bo Staffs don't just snap like that, I mean, he shattered it." Jack Says
"Yeah, he did!" He laughs, Jack gives him a pointed look "I mean, a dang shame is what it is." Milton Says
"I've just been thinking about it over and over again. Something just wasn't right." Jack Says
"Look, Jack, I know you're embarrassed about losing.." Jerry Says
"Go on." Jack Says
"Oh, no that was it." Jerry Says
"I know you guys know Carson better than I do but... Is it possible that he cheated? I mean, think about it. He didn't use one of our Bo Staffs. Maybe his was, I don't know, weighted or something?" Jack Says
"Weighted Bo Staff?..Okay." Jerry Says, in a high pitched tone.
"Come on, Jack. I know it's hard not being top dog anymore." Eddie Says
"Yeah Eddie's right there's no shame in being number two." Abigail Says As Jerry chuckles
"Number two." Jerry Says, Abigail nudges him in the arm.
"Ow." Jerry Says
"Jack, let me ask you something, and be honest, okay? Are you accusing Carson because I went to the concert with him?" Kim Asks
"No No no, of course not. You know what? I'm sure he didn't cheat. Forget I said anything." Jack Says
"Hey, we should go. It's time for practice." Milton Says
"Yeah let's go." Kim Says
"I'll catch up with you guys." Jack Says
As everyone gets up to leave for karate practice Jack stays back for a minute, meanwhile Sensei Ty who was overhearing their conversation sits with Jack.
"Hey, Jack. Spare a baba ghanoush popper?" Ty Says, picking up a popper.
"Be careful with those I get them extra spicy." Jack Says
"Black belt, Black dragon...dragons breathe fire check it." He takes a bite from the popper "Mmm. You know, Jack. With the...Wow! My face is on fire!" Ty Says
"What do you want, Ty?" Jack Asks
"I want you, Jack. I couldn't help but overhear you're unhappy with the Bobby Wasabis. We could really use someone with your kill to represent the Black Dragons. And unlike Rudy, when it comes to my students, I am loyal till the end." Ty Says
"Really? Where's your number one student, Frank?" Jack Asks
"You are so much better than Frank." Ty Says
"I'm not switching dojos there's no way I'd ever fight for the bl*ck Dragons." Jack Says
"Oh, that's too bad because if you fought for us, you could exact your revenge on the kid who replaced you. Restore your reputation, and most importantly, our Gis would really make your eyes pop." Ty Says
"I gotta go." Jack Says, then leaves as Ty takes another bite from the poppers.
"Why did I do that? My teeth are melting!" Ty Says
Inside the dojo Rudy and Carson are currently going over some Bo Staff routines for the competition.
"Come on, more torque more torque." Rudy Says
"Oh, that's smart you want me to use more force to get a bigger rotation." Carson Says
"Exactly. I'm gonna go write that down." Rudy Says
Rudy runs to his office as Carson goes back to training, Jack exits the bathroom and sees Carson.
"Hey, Jack. No hard feelings?, I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of all your friends." Carson Says
"Listen, Carson. I've been watching you, and you're good, but you're not that good." Jack Says
"Really? I was good enough to take back my dojo, my friends, and even Kim and all I had to do was use a weighted Bo Staff." Jack Says
"I knew it. I'm gonna tell everybody you cheated." Jack Says
"Go ahead. You'll just look like a sore loser." Carson Says
"There are my two favorite guys. The Carsonator, El Carson Grande, Carsonova! And Jack." Rudy Says
"Rudy, Carson's a cheater." Jack Says
"Yeah, he is. He's a great big cat, and you never know when he'll pounce." Rudy Says then meows
"No, not a Cheetah, a cheater! he just admitted he used a weighted Bo Staff, that's why mine shattered. This is his check it out It won't break." Jack Says, he takes Carson's Bo Staff and splits it into two.
"Jack!" Rudy Says
"Dude! Not cool." Carson Says
"But... but... but he..." Jack Says
"Jack, I know you're taking this hard, but...Remember true character is revealed in defeat, not victory." Rudy Says
"That's really wise, Rudy. Did that come to you because you're spiritually enlightened, and at one with your chi?" Carson Says
"No. I read it on a bathroom stall by the food court." Rudy Says, he looks over his shoulder and see's Jack has left.
Jerry arrived in front of Abigail's house, he knocks on the door and it swings open, it's Abigail's little brother George.
"Hey George." Jerry Says
"Hey." George Says
"Is your sister home, I'm planning on hanging out with her?" Jerry Asks
"Yeah she's here currently tutoring." George Says
"Tu-tutoring Abigail's tutoring right now?" Jerry Says
"Duh I just said that, are all teenagers slow." George Says
"Hey George who's at the door-Oh Jerry, George I got this go back and do your homework." Abigail Says
"But I don't have any homework." George Says
"Yeah you do I looked in your backpack nice try now move it." Abigail Says
"Ugh Fine." George Says, then walks away.
"Hey I texted you-" Jerry Says
"Yeah I'm sorry I'm busy tutoring Harrison Friar, he needs help to pass our upcoming geometry test." Abigail Says
"That test isn't till Friday." Jerry Says
"Yeah which is in two days, Jerry I can't hang out I'm sorry." Abigail Says
"Come on Abs we've been planning on going a date for a week now." Jerry Says
"Jerry we went on a date last week, can I take a rain time I promise I'm just really busy okay." Abigail Says
"Yeah I're always busy." Jerry Says
"Come on Jerry I make time for you, next time I promise." She kisses him "Okay I'll call you later." Abigail Says
"Bye." Jerry Says
Abigail closes her door, he walks down the steps and looks down at the ground sighing, Mandy sees Jerry and catches his attention.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" Mandy Asks
"Huh oh nothing just-never mind, what's up?." Jerry Says
"Some of my friends and I were planning on throwing water balloons off the mall roof and watching it hit people." Mandy Says As Jerry laughs
"That sounds awesome." Jerry Says
"I know right but my friends Chuck and Sarah got caught by that weird mall cop, so plans ruined." Mandy Says
"Hey if your not doing anything, you wanna maybe hang out?" Jerry Asks
"Really?" Mandy Says
"Yeah I was supposed to hang out with your cousin but she's busy, I mean if you don't want to I understand." Jerry Says
"No I'm down to have some fun, I rather that than spend my afternoon bored." Mandy Says
"Cool come on." Jerry Says, He walks off as Mandy looks back at the house then follows after Jerry.
Jerry and Mandy are at the arcade playing some games against each other, Jerry wins the game and cheers.
"Whoo! I win." Jerry Says
"You just got lucky that time." Mandy Says
"You're not a sore loser are you Mandy?" Jerry Asks, Mandy Chuckles.
"No, Hey you wanna grab something to eat?" Mandy Asks
"Yeah sure." Jerry Says
"Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for annual hot wing eating competition, whoever can eat all twenty three wings without stopping can win the prize money of $600." He Said
Everyone around the arcade cheered and ran up to the table, Mandy and Jerry as well.
"You down to eat some wings?" Jerry Asks
"For $600 bucks I'll eat thirty, wait only one person per team can eat." Mandy Says
"You can do it, I mean you are a pudding eating champ and all." Jerry Says
"You're right I am, move it people out of the way." She shoves everyone and walks up to the announcer "Hey you, write my name down..looks like I'm joining the competition." Mandy Says
"We got our competitor, anyone else up for the challenge?" He Asks
A big guy with large muscles and taller than the announcer and Mandy looks down at them.
"I'll take on this little girl." He Says
"Little girl excuse me for your information I'm a young woman, per my quinceañera thank you very much." Mandy Says
"Yeah!" Jerry Says
"Are you gonna keep flapping your gums or are we gonna eat some wings, unless your to scared." He Says
Everyone in the crowd all "Ooh" at his comment, Mandy scoffed, Jerry nodded.
"Let's eat some wings." Mandy Says
"That's what I'm talking about, contestants take your seats." Mandy and the man sits near the plate of wings "Are you guys ready?" He Says
"Oh yeah." Mandy Says
"Your funeral." He Says
"I guess so, anyways on your mark get!" He Says
Mandy and the muscle man started eating their wings quickly, Jerry and everyone cheered them on.
After a few minutes of wings the man only has five left while Mandy has three.
"Come Mandy you got this, Mandy Mandy Mandy!" Jerry Says
"Mandy! Mandy! Mandy! Mandy!"
Everyone began cheering for Mandy, she's now on her final wing and eats it down to the bone then let's our a huge burp. The announcer holds up Mandy's arm.
"And we have a winner ladies and gentlemen!" He Says
"Yes I did it!" Mandy Says
"You did it Mandy!" Jerry Says
A few minutes later Mandy, Jerry are standing with the announcer waiting for him to give her the prize money.
"On behalf of the all star arcade congratulations, and here's your prize." He Says handing Mandy the money.
"Thank you." Mandy Says
"Now smile for the camera." He Says, they all pose for the camera.
"You did it I can't believe you ate twenty three wings." Jerry Says
"I know right I couldn't have done it without you Jerry, thank you." Mandy Says, then hugs Jerry.
"No problem Mandy." Jerry Says
The two of them hug for a while as they pull away from the hug, Jerry and Mandy lock eyes for a moment then they share a kiss. But a flash goes off, and Jerry pulls away.
"Uh oh..." Jerry Says
"Did we just-" Mandy Says
"Uh huh, I'm officially a dead man." Jerry Says
"Oh, Dios." Jerry and Mandy Says
Today was the day of the battle of the dojo's competition, Milton, Jerry, Abigail and Eddie are sitting in the crowd.
"And the action is heating up here at the Battle Of The Dojos." The announcer says
"Look. Dude, look! The cameras are on us!" Jerry Says, he and Milton holds up their foam fingers.
"We're number one!" Milton and Jerry Says, looking at the camera.
"Whoo!, Yeah!" Abigail Says
"Did you buy one of these foam fingers?" Milton Asks
"Oh, my mom says it's a waste of money so she helped me make one at home. No one will ever know the difference." He holds up his handmade foam finger, waved it at the camera and it falls apart "Bobby Wasabi rules! Yeah, I think I'm just gonna go buy one." Eddie Says, then gets up and leaves.
"Yo, hurry, bro. We're up next." Jerry Says
"Ladies and gentlemen, representing The Bobby Wasabi Dojo... Carson Hunter!" He Says, Carson and Rudy entered the dojo and waved to everyone.
"Woo! Yeah!" Milton Says
"Woo! Go Carson!" Jerry and Abigail Says
"Carson, this is a huge tournament for us. Plus it's televised all over California. So, once you win, I'll be playing this music." He starts playing motivational music playing "Then you turn to the cameras and stumble and start crying. And through your sobs, you'll yell "Rudy!" Rudy!" And then I'll come running up in slow motion Carson...." Rudy Says
"Rudy! I gotta go." Carson Says
"Oh, that's... that's a good idea. We'll just do it in the moment. Keep things fresh." Rudy Says
"Guys, I've looked all over for Jack, but I can't find him. And he hasn't returned any of my calls." Kim Says
"I'll bet he's just embarrassed. I'm sure he'll show up before you know it." Milton Says
"Now representing the Black Dragons...Jack Brewer!" He Says
Jack and Ty enters the dojo, everyone claps along but the Wasabi gang's eyes widen once they see Jack wearing a black dragon Gi.
"What?!" They Say
"Jack? What's going on? What are you doing?" Rudy Asks
"What does it look like, Rudy? He's competing for the Black Dragons. I've been waiting a long time to be able to say this." He starts crying "I'm gonna need a second. Keep it together, keep it together. What I'm trying to... I can't get it out. I'm gonna lose it. But it was really clever, funny, and mean. Now stretch it out, Jack. I'm gonna strut around the mat and check the crowd for honeys." Ty Says
"I don't believe this, why would you join the black Dragons?" Kim Asks
"Yeah I mean after all that they've done to us." Abigail Says
"I know, it's because that Gi really makes your eyes pop." Jerry Says
"Your friend Carson is a cheater, and none of you believed me, not even Rudy. Well, if that's the guy you want in your dojo, I'm out. But I want a fair fight. It's personal. It's between me and Carson." Jack Says
"This is a two round competition. First round is hand-to-hand. It will be followed by the Bo Staff."
Jack and Carson both put on their helmet's as the Judge got in between them "Let's have a good, clean fight, obey my commands. And... Hajamay!"
Jack and Carson started to fight and everyone can see that it was getting more and more intense from each blow each other hit with, Meanwhile the Wasabi gang was having a hard time choosing who to cheer for.
"Go Carson! Oh! Go Jack! Yes Carson, you got it! You got it! Block!" Jerry Says
"Dude, Pick a side, already." Eddie Says
"I can't. I love them both so much," Jerry Says
Carson tried to flip Jack over but Jack landed on his feet and turned it into his advantage flipping him over and sending him falling to the ground, the next second he held one of them up to show that his wrappings was falling off.
"Judge?" Carson Says
"Equipment time out," He Says
Carson moved over to sit on the bench, Kim moved over to see what he was doing.
"Carson, are you —" She looked at the small bag in his hand, "What are you doing?" Kim Asks
"I'm wrapping my hands, Kim" Carson Says
"What are those?" Kim Asks
"It's nothing!, I will see you after the fight." Carson Says
Kim looked at him disappointingly, she can't believe that someone she had known for so long would cheat like this, She quickly ran over to Jack to warn him.
"Jack, you were right about Carson. He is hiding something in his wraps. You have to stop the fight." Kim Says
"Kim, I got this," Jack Says
"I can't believe Carson is doing this, now do me a favour and go kick that cheaters but." Kim Says
The fight began again but this time Carson's punches was much harder due to the thing he had put in his wrappings, Carson managed to get Jack to the floor, but he didn't stop there, choosing to stamp on the already lying boy.
"Come on! Get up!" Carson Says
"Illegal strike," He pulled back Carson, "Wasabi Dojo, you are disqualified." He Says
"No, I don't want to win like this. Let's keep going." Jack Says
"But we had it!, It was a win for the Black Dragons, right?" Ty Says
"I'm not doing this for the Black Dragons. I'm doing this for me," Jack Says, taking off his gi jacket, leaving him in a black t-shirt and the gi pants.
"Oh, really? A public gi return," he turned to see that the camera was behind him, "On TV? My mother is watching this."
The judge led a Ty out of the room while Jack and Carson prepared to start fighting again. "
And if the fight had been intense before it was far worse now. Both Jack and Carson gave it everything they had which eventually ended with the two punching each other's fists.
When it happened dust exploded out of Carson's wrappings and Jack took the boy's distraction to kick him in the stomach, sending him flying to the floor. The crowd cheered as Jack took off his helmet and the gang came over to congratulate him, while Rudy ran over to Carson to look at his wrappings.
"Carson, I don't know what happened to you, but you are no longer welcome in my dojo." Rudy Says
"Rudy it's not what I looked-" Carson Says
"Actually it's exactly how it looked." Kim Says, she and Rudy walked off.
Carson stormed out of the room and Jack joined the rest of the group, Kim looked at him apologetically.
"Jack, I should have seen it sooner, what can I say I'm sorry." Kim Says
"We all are." Milton Says
"Yeah none of us should have doubted you." Abigail Says
"Remember when I told you that true character is revealed in defeat not victory?, Well, Carson just revealed his true colours. And so did you. Is there anyway we could convince you to come back to the dojo?" Rudy Says
"Look, I only have one thing to say to you guys," He smiled then held out his hand, "Wasabi?" Jack Says
"Oh hey guys the camera is on us, follow my lead slow motion style." Rudy Says, he plays his motivational music and everyone starts walking in slow motion.
Jerry is once again back at Abigail's house, he looks at his phone then knocks on the door but this time it's Abigail.
"Hey I got your text, it seemed urgent is everything okay?" Jerry Asks
"Hmm..I don't know you care to explain to this to me." Abigail Says, holding up a newspaper with Jerry and Mandy kissing and hugging on the page.
"Uh...that's not me." Jerry Says
"Oh really so what is that your twin brother." Abigail Says
"Yes exactly you know he's good for stuff like that." Jerry Says
"Jerry!" Abigail Says
"I know it's not what it looks like I can explain." Jerry Says
"Explain what?! kissed my cousin." Abigail Says
"I know and I'm sorry, Abs I didn't mean for it to happen. We were hugging and things just got carried away." Jerry Says
"Okay things just got carried away like that makes anything better, so let me ask you any moment did you think of me when you kissed her, how I would react?" Abigail Says
"Of course I did, I knew what we did was wrong and I was thinking of telling you-" Jerry Says
"Thinking so you weren't planning on telling me at all..well that's just perfect." Abigail Says
"Okay I was planning on telling you, and I'm sorry I'm so sorry Abigail please could you ever forgive me?" Jerry Asks, holding her hands.
Abigail looked at him and pulled her hands away, her eyes start to get teary eyed.
"No..No I can't just forgive for something like this, it hurts just as more because it's my family who betrayed me, but you..I trusted you and I thought I could trust you around her but you broke that...and I value trust and honesty..clearly you don't Jerry." Abigail Says
"Abigail please don't do this, okay we can work it out..please." Jerry Says
"I'm sorry really hurt me, I would have never done that to you ever...we're done." Abigail Says, walking inside the house and closing the door behind her.
"Abigail wait please-" he knocks on the door "Please Abby open up, I'm sorry...I'm sorry." Jerry Says
He sat in silence for a moment and walked off the steps, Jerry looked back up at her room window and saw the light turned off then continued walking away. Meanwhile inside her room Abigail was currently laying down on her bed, cuddling up next to her teddy bear sobbing her eyes out.
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