My Left Foot
The rest of the gang is sitting at the their lunch table, Jerry and Eddie are getting their lunch. Grace picks up her tray and walks pass Eddie.
"Hey, Grace. Meatloaf and peas... Nice. You know what I do? Sometimes I take my corn nibblets and will you go out with me?" Eddie Says
"No." Grace Says
"Well, now you don't get to find out what I do with my corn nibblets." Eddie Says As She walks away
"Dude, you gotta let it go with Grace, man. You're just not her type." Jerry Says
"What's her type?" Eddie Asks
"You know, guys that do things big, the type of guy that stands out in a crowd." Jerry Says
"Hello? Have you seen my new scarf? It looks like a snake." Eddie Says
Abigail Sniffs the air "What's that smell?"
"It smells like actual food." Kim Says
"This is the school cafeteria, It is no place for actual food." Jack Says, His Food is stuck to his plate
"It's them." Milton Says
They looks over and on the other side of the cafeteria, the schools football team is eating delicious rib.
"Here we go, The start of football season." Milton Says
"Look at them with their prime rib, They think they're so much better than us. Ooh, I'm going to go ask that guy if I can eat his fat." Jerry Says
"Sit down!" Kim Says
"You know, their quarterback just moved away, and they're holding tryouts to find a replacement." Eddie Says
"Hmm." They Say
"Nice, I guess." Kim Says
"Wait a minute! I think we all know there's someone sitting right at this table that could replace him." Milton Says
"If I have to." Eddie Says
"- I guess I could. I got muscles on muscles." Jerry Says
"I was talking about Jack, ya toads." Milton Says
"I would love to, but between school and karate... And I just got a turtle It's a whole thing. The walking it alone takes forever." Jack Says
"Jack, you're the most athletic person we know. - The school needs a quarterback." Milton Says
"And we need meat, man." Jerry Says
"Dude, what part of "Got a turtle" Don't you understand?" Jack Says
"I tell you what, I'll even go with you to the tryout for moral support." Milton Says
"It doesn't just work like that, Milton they don't let any kid try out for the football team." Jack Says
"Coach Marmer, Jack would like to try out—" Milton Says
"Great, Jack, we'll see you tomorrow at 3:30 then." Coach Says
"Wait, what just happened?" Jack Says
"See and you didn't think they let anyone join." Abigail Says
"I'd support you and the team by joining the pep squad again, but as you know, Grace kicked me off for no reason." Kim Says
"Uh, you drop-kicked our mascot." Abigail Says
"He was saying inappropriate things to me through his blowhole. I belong on that pep squad Front and center. And I'll say it, I like being looked at." Kim Says
"Kim, you had your shot. Okay? Leave the pep to the professionals." Jerry Says
"Oh and you have pep?" Abigail Says
"Oh, I have pep, sister. Yo, drum line, give me a beat." He stands up and dances across the room, everyone stands "S-e-a-f-o-r-d." Jerry Says
"S-e-a-f-o-r-d." They Say
"Greatest school in history." Jerry Says, The Cheer team lifts him up on their shoulders
"Greatest school in history." They Say
"Show your spirit, let's March the hall." Jerry Says
"Show your spirit, let's March the hall." They Say
"Whoa whoa whoa, gonna hit the wall I'm gonna hit the wall!" Jerry Says, He hits his head on the door frame and falls back and everyone continues cheering
"S-e-a-f-o-r-d." They Say
Milton and Jack headed over to the dojo after school before the tryouts.
"Let's get going Jack hustle it up." Milton Says As Jack walks from the bathroom wearing a football uniform
"Milton, I'm just going down for a tryout do I really have to wear this?" Jack Asks, Milton blows his whistle
"Five yards for a bad attitude, fella." Milton Says
"Sweet moses, is it Halloween already? I gotta put out the raisins." Rudy Says
"No no no no, Rudy, It's not Halloween. Jack's tryout for the football team." Milton Says
"Oh, I played a little pigskin. You're looking at the man responsible for the tackle heard round the world." Rudy Says
"Okay, see you later. -" Jack & Milton Says
"September 17th! City championship. Seaford up by six, ten seconds on the clock. Sudently created high's legendary fullback bronco wiznewski burst through the hole. As he raced for our end zone, I felt the weight of a city's dreams on my shoulders. I hit him so hard, he spit out his mouthpiece, his teeth and his pride." Rudy Says
"So wait, you won the championship?" Jack Asks
"No, we forfeited apparently there's some rule you have to be on the team to make a tackle." Rudy Says
"That's dumb." Jack Says
"Jack, I'm so proud you're going out for football. I want you to have something special." Rudy Says Then gives it to Jack
"What is this?" Jack Asks
"- Bronco's mouthpiece..I'd give it a quick boil." Rudy Says As Jack drops it
"Milton, I gotta let you in on something I can't throw a football." Jack Says
"Can't or won't?" Milton Asks
"Can't." Jack Says
"Can't or don't?" Milton Says
"Can't." Jack Says
"Can't or shan't?" Milton Says
"- I can't throw a football, Milton!" Jack Says
"Come on, Jack i'm sure it's not that bad." Milton Says
Milton and Jack arrives at the field for tryouts, He gives Jack a ball and he tries to throw it but he does it terribly.
"Wow..When you say you can't throw a football, you really can't!" Milton Says
Abigail and Kim are leaving their class, Kim keeps begging her to join with her.
"Please Please Please Please—" Kim Says
"Kim No I'm not trying out for the pep squad." Abigail Says
"Come on it'll be fun." Kim Says
"I tried out already and Grace said I sucked last year." Abigail Says opening her locker
"Forget Grace, Abigail your my best friend and best friends do anything for each please come join with me, plus having you on the squad would be ten times more fun than it was last year." Kim Says
"I mean we would look totally cute in those uniforms...and it would be nice to have an after school activity other than karate.." Abigail Says
"Yeah so what do you say?" Kim Says As Abigail Sighs
"Fine I'll go to cheer tryouts with you." Abigail Says
"Yes! Let's go change." Kim Says Dragging Abigail by the hand to the girls lock room
"Jerry says Grace won't go out with me because I'm not a flashy guy." Eddie Says
"Well, there are some girls that, when you ask them out, you have to wow them. You know, do something they'll never forget." Rudy Says
"Really? Something big, huh?" Eddie Says
"The first time I asked a girl out, it involved a dozen roses, some sparklers and a hot air balloon." Rudy Says
"How'd that work out?" Eddie Asks
"She said yes, But she was allergic to the roses. The sparklers set her hair on fire and as I drifted away in the balloon, I looked down and saw her going." He Sneezes and pats his head
"Got it, Rudy. Go big!" Eddie Says Then leaves
"Yeah." Rudy Says As Phil approaches
"Hey, Rudy, look at those guys." Some Customers are wearing seaford whales merch "They have to sit together, clearly the whales are controlling their brains." Phil Says
"They're fans, Phil. They just dress that way because th're excited about their team." Rudy Says
"I don't understand." Phil Sits Down
"If you're really a sports fan, you're not afraid to show it: You might wear a stuffed animal on your head; Shave the number "1" In your chest hair, Shout hateful things at total strangers. It's what makes this country so special." Rudy Says
"I think I get being a sports fan."
A customer enters the restaurant, he's wearing a toupee on his head, Phil snatches it off his head.
"Oh, he must be a fan of the raccoons! Hey! Go raccoons! Go raccoons! Go raccoons! Go raccoons!" Phil Says
"Phil! That's not a raccoon. That's a toupee." Rudy Says
"Ohh, I'm so sorry. Go toupees! Go toupees!" Phil Says
Abigail and Kim are dressed for tryouts, Jerry walks in and see's them.
"Sup." Jerry Says
"Hey." Kim & Abigail Says
"Woah Abigail didn't expect to see you here." Jerry Says
"Yeah I know but Kim dragged me here, she pulled out the best friend card." Abigail Says
"Ahh, So you prepared a cheer?" Jerry Asks
"No. But don't worry I'll figure something out on the spot." Abigail Says
"All right, people, it's open tryouts for the pep squad, which means we have to see... everyone. Oh, it's our old friend Kim Crawford. Hide the mascot." Grace Says
Kim looks at Grace annoyed, Abigail puts her arm over Kim's shoulder to try and calm her.
"Don't listen to her Kim." Abigail Says
"Yeah I know." Kim Says
"Alright The next person is...Abigail." Grace Says
"Right here." Abigail Says
"Alright Abigail what are you going to do this time?" Grace Asks
"I'm just gonna let my try out speak for its self." Abigail Says
"Okay oh and don't suck this time" Abigail rolls her her eyes" ..Go." Grace Says
One of the pep squad members hits a button and turns on the radio, Abigail bobs her head to the song for a moment then performs her cheer.
She does a little dance first then kart wheels to the other side of the room, everyone moves out the way as she does a cart wheel into a round off back handspring back tuck to finish. Everyone claps and Grace's eyebrows in surprise, Kim hugs Abigail and Jerry as well.
"So Did that suck for you?" Abigail Asks
"Nope it didn't that was really good, Nice Job Fernandez." Grace Says
"Thanks." Abigail Says
"All right, Jerry, you're up next and what are you going to do?" Grace Asks
"I'm going to do two handsprings, hit the mini tramp and come down with a perfect landing. In other words, it's gonna be sweet and awesome. Or as I like to call it: "Swaesome." Jerry Says
Jerry does a round off back handspring back tuck, Abigail and Kim nods. He jumps off the trampoline landing perfectly and raising his arms in the air showing off his hairy arm pits, Abigail, Kim and Grace grimaces.
"Yeah. Whoo!" Jerry Says
"Not gonna happen, Jerry and about your pits-- get help." Grace Says
Rudy is alone in the dojo listening to music practicing, Phil enters the dojo wearing a crayfish costume.
"What are you doing? you scared the daylights out of me, you look like that thing that lived in my mattress only—smaller." Rudy Says
"I decided to listen to what you say and become a sports fan..I am a crayfish." Phil Says
"You can't be a crayfish that's the mascot of our arch enemies creighten high. we're playing them next Friday!" Rudy Says
"Oh, I didn't know this. I just love crayfish. Are they a little lobster? Are they a big bug? All I know is they're always down to party, baby." Phil Says
"No. I demand you take off that heinous outfit you are in whale country." Rudy Says
"You know, I never really liked whales who they think they are with their fancy hole blows? And the stupid way they communicate!" Phil Says
"You take that back." Phil Mocks the whale again "You're crossing a line, man." He does it again "That's it! Bring it! Bring it! Bring it!" Rudy Says Tackling Phil
Jack and Milton are still at tryouts, Jack throws the foot ball into the tire but misses.
"Oh, dude, I'm totally getting the hang of this I hit the tire!" Jack Says
"That was great but with a small adjustment you can make it through the tire." Milton Says
"Really?" Jack Says
"It's simple physics and the ball is a spheroid, so if you release it at a 40 degree angle while pronating your hand, you'll eradicate wind resistance." Milton Says
"Yeah, that's totally what I was thinking." Jack Says, He throws the football and it goes through the tire
"You did it! You got it through the tire!" Milton Says
"I'm a natural pronator!" Jack Say Then Chests bumps Milton
"All right, Jack, let me see you hit murphy in the end zone." Coach Says
"Oh, Murphy?! Come on, coach he's never gonna catch it, Look at him down there he's got those tiny little t-rex hands." Milton Says
"Milton! I got it." Jack Says Then Throws the ball
"Jack, that was a perfect throw, he caught it great catch, murphy. Jack, you did it he's gotta go with you."Milton Says
"Naw, going with Mike Reynolds." Coach Says
"What?! But he threw the ball perfectly to that little-fingered freak!" Milton Says
"Yeah, sorry." Coach Says
"That is so unfair! Gaaaaah!" Milton Says
Milton Kicks the football and it flys perfectly over the football field goal.
"Whoa! You just kicked a 50 yard field goal what's your name, nerd?" Coach Asks
"Milton Krupnick." He Says
"Krupnick, you're our new kicker you're starting Friday's game." Coach Says
"Do you know what this means?" Jack Says
"Yeah, I know exactly what this means. I'm a jock!" Milton Says
"Dude, you missed the best part of the game Milton drilled a yarder right into the wind." Jack Says
"Why do the good things always happen when I'm in the port-a-pooper?!" Eddie Says
The gang walks over to where the football players sits, it's a student their with a list of names.
"We're the krupnick party he's meeting us here." Jerry Says
"We're with the foot, hon." Kim Says
"No way." Jerry Says
"Hey, can you smell that? That's the smell of fancy." Jack Says
"I made it, grandma! I made it!" Eddie Says
"Thanks to Milton, we're in for a whole new life at school." Abigail Says
"You are not kidding, Mr. Bauer gave me detention for riding my skateboard. But when I dropped Milton's name, poof, it went away." Jack Says
"Oh, that's nothing guess who made the pep squad?!" Kim Says
"I thought Grace wasn't going to let you in." Eddie Says
"Oh She wasn't, But Milton made a phone call and three spots magically opened up." Kim Says
"Wait Three?..Abigail you tried out." Jack Says
"Yup all thanks to Kim, and now all this one has to do is shave his pit poodles." Abigail Says
"I'm not doing it." Jerry Says
"Yes, you are." Kim Says
"Told you guys I'm not doing it." Jerry Says
"You're gonna do it if—" Kim Says
"I like my pits..It's manly." Kim Punches Him in the arm "Ow, fine." Jerry Says
Members of the pep squad and football team cheer for Milton as he walks in the cafeteria.
"All right, everybody, I have used game socks." Milton Says Throwing his dirty socks at them
"foot foot foot foot! Foot foot foot foot foo!"
"Hey, Milton. Coming from practice?" Abigail Asks
"No, history. The russian revolution really takes a lot out of me." Milton Says
"Are you wearing one of my oogs?" Kim Asks
"I sure am when you have a loaded gun, you have to keep it in a holster, honey." A Chef puts shrimp on the table "Oooh, shrimp cocktail-- my favorite." Milton Says
"Oh, hey, Milton, I came up with a really cool way to impress Grace all I need is to be the scoreboard operator." Eddie Says
"I got you. Hey, coach! Can my friend Eddie be our scoreboard operator?" Milton Asks
"What, you mean this nerd? You got it, foot." Coach Says
"Hey, Milton are you going to make it to karate practice today?" Jack Asks
"I had study group at 3:00 Had to push that back due to an interview with the school paper. Sorry, not going toappen." Milton Says
"Hey, Milton! Team pictures gotta go." Coach Says
"See you, guys." Milton Says
"Bye Milton." Kim & Abigail Says
"See you, my man." They Say
The chef comes back with their meat he's serving, he begins cutting it but Jerry stops him.
"Peace out. Oh ho ho, just a little off the end there. Yeah, perfect." Jerry Says Then picks up the meat
"Hey! I wanted some Jerry." Abigail Says
"Oh I'm sorry Uh here." He Cuts off a decent sized piece of meat for her "There you go." Jerry Says
"Thank You." Abigail Says
Phil has decorated the entire restaurant in crayfish decor, there's many customers wearing the merch and Rudy walks in.
"What are you doing here?" Phil Asks
"What did you do to this place? I told you, this is whale country." Rudy Says
"This may be whale country, but you are standing in the crayfish den!" Phil Says
"Oh, really? Well, if I was standing in the crayfish den, then why would I be singing the seaford fight song." Rudy Says
"Don't you dare!" Phil Says
"Seaford whales, we stand united Largest mammals in the sea..." Rudy Sings
"Crayfish, cover your ears." Phil Says
"Here to fight and spread our glory, swimming towards our victory!!" Rudy Sings
"Crayfish attack!" Phil Says
"Spout your blowholes in the morning Spout your blowholes... Stop pinching me!" Rudy Says
Abigail tricked Jerry into waxing his armpits, two pep squad members are holding him down as Grace and Abigail stand over him.
"No no, Abigail, you can't do it, please." Jerry Says
"Jerry you have to I'm sorry." Abigail Says
"I'm scared Abigail don't do it." Jerry Says
"Come on, stop being such a baby. It's the only way she's going to let you in." Abigail Says Holding up two wax strips
"I think you made the right decision Jerry, Come one Abigail grip it and rip it." Grace Says
"I changed my mind." Abigail places the strips on his pits " No grip, no rip! Don't do it!" Jerry Says
"Sorry Jer" She Rips the wax strips from Jerry's armpits, he screams in pain "I can't believe it. I didn't even put a dent in it." Abigail Says
"The farrington comet is going to break orbit in three hours!" He Says
"We've been preparing for this since we were seven." He Says
"You don't think I'm disappointed? I'm the only kid in town that has farrington comet bedsheets! I can't go, I have to study. Look what I got on my calculus quiz!" Milton Holds up the paper
"What is that?" He Asks
"It's a "B." Milton Says
"We don't know who you are anymore." He Says Then they leave
"Neither do I...I need to quit the team." Milton Says
"Hey, Milton what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at practice?" Jack Asks
"Yeah, I needed a little time to study. At school, everywhere I turn it's "The foot, the foot, the foot." Milton Says
"Isn't it awesome? Everyone loves you." Jack Says
"I mean, the thing is that's great and all, but—" Milton Says
"Oh man, I forgot to tell you—you know those tickets you gave me for homecoming? I gave them to tony from the pizza palace. Free garlic nuggets for life!" Jack Says
"That's great, Jack but seriously—" Milton Says
"You getting on that football team is the greatest thing to happen to any of us." Jack Says As Rudy enters with two shirts
"Hey hey hey, which one do you like better-- Milton's militia or krupnick's krazies?" Rudy Asks
"Wow, you made T-shirts?" Milton Says
"Uh, yeah! Having a football star in my dojo is like the coolest thing that's ever happened." Milton Says
"What about Jack's epic battle with the third-degree black belt on the great wall of china?" Milton Asks
"Lame! So? Eh eh?" Rudy Says
"Gaaah!" Milton Says
"Coach wanted me to bring you up here, show you the ropes, there they are." He Says
"Pretty nice ropes." Eddie Says
"You're darn tooting." He Says
lThe only reason I'm doing this is to impress a girl. I'm going to ask her out from up here during Friday night's game." Eddie Says
"I did the same thing from up here, I asked a girl out from right up here actually it was just a seagull that was flying by, but I screamed at it. I was like, "Will you go out with me?!" He Says
"Well You think this has a chance of working?" Eddie Asks
"Yes, I do. You know why? They do not give a ring of keys like this to just anybody, Eddie, you're an original. You know that? You're just putting it all out there and if this girl doesn't appreciate you, she doesn't deserve you. We're gonna do this-- you and me. Come on, up top, Eddie! Yeah!" He Trips and falls over, Eddie holds onto his keys "I'm okay." He Says
Before the game starts The Pep squad girls are all changing in their uniforms, Jerry is in the hallway looking on his phone. Abigail steps out from the lock room and she see's Jerry.
"Hey Abi—Whoa.." Jerry Says
"Well How do I look?" Abigail Asks
"You look great, definitely giving me some school spirt." Jerry Says
"And what about your pits are they okay?" Abigail Asks
"Yeah but their still sore, and red to." Jerry Says
"I'm sorry Jerry, I just thought that waxing them would be easy but you got two bears living under there." Abigail Says
"That's us Martinez Men & Woman we have very very thick hair, my mom said that one of my sister came out the womb with a mustache." Jerry Says
"That's...interesting I guess." Abigail Says
The rest of the pep squad comes in the hallway with a banner for the football plays to run through.
"Okay everyone time to get out there in the field." Grace Says
"Yeah!" They Say
"Let's Go Seaford!" Grace Says
Abigail and Kim picks up their pom poms and begins cheering following the team. Outside on the field, the schools team is doing great against the rival school.
"S-E-A-F-O-R-D! Greatest School In History!" Pep Squad Cheers
"Rudy, you really went for it." Jack Says
"Absolutely Check out what's going to happen every time we score." He Lifts the fins and confetti shoots out his hat "That was my blowhole!" Rudy Says
"Rudy, that has gotta be the most ridiculous outfit I've ever seen in-- - And I spoke too soon." Jack Says
"Crayfish coming through! Rolling hot." Phil Says
"Look what washed in in low tide." Rudy Says
"Rudy, they ran out of tickets please, can I sit next to you? You won't hear a pippich out of me." Phil Says
"Milton krupnick lines up for a 42 yarder, His third field goal of the game." Announcer Says
"Okay, I'm going to try to distract him so he misses it! Hey!" Phil Says
"Here's the snap" Milton Kicks the ball and he makes it "... And the kick is good!" Announcer Says
"Yeah, no, good good. No, I wanted him to make it
That's great." Phil Says
Out on the field, The pep squad is ready to perform their cheer.
"Okay, it's show time..I'm going up." Kim Says
"Wait, what? What are you talking" Kim Climbs up on his shoulders "No no no wait wait Quit it. Ow!" Jerry Says
"You got this Kim!" Abigail Says
"Give me an "S"!" Kim Says
"S!" They Say
"Give me an "E"!" Kim Says
"E!" They Say
"Give me a-- help!" Kim Says, Jerry looses balance and they fall
"Oooh that's gotta hurt." Abigail Says
"Aha! That's a riot! That girl just took a header into a sousaphone." Rudy Says
"When I get this thing off my head, you're dead, Jerry!" Kim Says Chasing Jerry
"I'm pretty sure that was Kim." Jack Says
"It's even funnier now, 'cause I know her." Rudy Says
Everyone focuses their attention to the scoreboard, Eddie and the janitor gets grace and the pep squad's attention.
"Dude, dude, dude, she's looking up here Go, man, go!" He Says
"Abigail What's he doing up there?" Grace Asks
"Just look." Abigail Says
Eddie is holding up cards with everything he wants to say to Grace.
"Aw man, I don't think she can read it. Here, I'll call it out. Grace! Will you Go out-- With me? Not me, him! Eddie. With Eddie..Dude, she's smiling. I think she's into it." He Says
He slaps Eddie on the shoulder and he falls off the deck, Something rips and his underwear gets caught.
"Whoa! Attention, both sides, would you please direct your eyes to the scoreboard some kid named Eddie has given himsflf a masse wedgie." Announcer Says
"Aww, Eddie almost killed himself for me that is so sweet." Grace Says
"Yeah if you call getting an atomic wedgie almost dying..sure." Abigail Says
"Yes, Eddie! I'll go out with you!" Grace Says
"Hey-- oh." Eddie Says
"The whales take a time-out. A 52-yard field goal will win it for 'em. Longest in seaford history, and it looks like they're going to bring in "The foot." Announcer Says
"Hey, Milton, check it out. I got free popcorn just for knowing you! Hey, are you okay?" Jack Says
"Not really." Milton Says
"What's the matter?" Jack Asks
"Every time I look at the football, I think of all the things I'd rather be doing." Milton Says
"Well, then why are you on the team?" Jack Asks
"Look around you, Jack. I'm doing it for you guys. You said it yourself. me getting on the football team was the best thing that ever happened to you guys. I mean, because of me, Kim, Abigail and Jerry made the pep squad, Eddie got a date with Grace and when's the last time you saw Rudy look so happy?" Milton Says
"Out me blowhole!" Rudy Says
"Man, I didn't realize that we were all getting something out of it except for you. None of us would want you to be unhappy." Jack Says
"So you guys would be okay if "The foot" Walked away?" Milton Asks
"Dude, as long as you're happy." Jack Says
"Thanks, Jack." Milton Says
"Go get 'em, krupnick." Coach Says
"foot foot foot foot!"
Milton walks onto the field and takes his position, Jerry, Kim and Abigail meets up with Jack to cheer on Milton.
"Here it is, the final kick. If he makes this, Milton krupnick will be a seaford high legend." Announcer Says
"Foot foot foot foot! Foot foot foot foot foot..."
"Here's the snap..." Milton Kicks the ball and they win the game
"Way to go, man. Milton, you did it! We won the game...Party at my house." He Says
"Yeah, you know, You guys go ahead, get it started without me, I'll catch you later." Milton Says
"All right." He Says
"Dude, Milton, that was awesome! You did it and even though you're retiring from the team, You should go celebrate the victory with your guys." Jack Says
"I'm going to with you guys." Milton Says
"Whoo yeah!" Jerry Says
"Oh man..Cool." Milton Says
Milton gets picked up by the pep squad and they carry him on their shoulders celebrating in victory, Abigail jumps on Jerry's back as they walk away.
"S-e-a-f-o-r-d. Greatest school in history." They Say
A girl from the crowd walks pass them, Jerry notices and Drops Abigail's off his back.
"Yo ho ho, Dana, I didn't know you were here." Jerry Says
"Ow!" Abigail Says
"Sorry, Abigail, that was my bad, did you know dana was here? Whoo. She was looking good. Yo, Dana, you don't mind my pits, right?" Jerry Says As Abigail rolls her eyes
After the game, Phil and Rudy sits on top when the scoreboard is.
"Let's just find a team that we can both root for. Um, the springfield meerkats?" Rudy Asks
"No no no a pack of meerkats did unspeakable things to my grandfather on a train, How about the longanch stallions?" Phil Says
"Nah, can't do it. I was horseback riding once and got knocked off by a long branch." Rudy Says
"How about the brookfield bears?" Eddie Says
"I like bears." Phil Says
"Yeah, I'm down with that." Rudy Says
"Smoothies?" Phil Asks
"Yeah!" Rudy Says As They leave
"Hey, guys? Guys? Oh, come on, man! I want a smoothie." Eddie Says
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