Meet the McKrupniks
Before practice began Jack, Kim, Jerry and Abigail all sat down discussing what they're doing over their vacation.
"I can't believe I'm spending my vacation at the Animal Park sitting behind an elephant waiting for
him to pass the Zoo Director's cellphone." Jerry Says, as he sat down.
"Ugh!" Kim Says, grimacing.
"Eh It could be worse." Jack Says
"Oh, it is. I have to call him when I find it." Jerry Says
"Man Milton's so lucky he gets to go to Scotland with his parents." Kim Says
"Oh, no, he's not going anymore." Abigail Says
"Why?" Jack Asks
"Oh apparently his dad had some work thing come up." Abigail Says
Suddenly the sound of Bagpipes is heard playing in the distance, they all exchanged looks.
"What is that awful sound?" Kim Asks
"Hmm sounds like a dying donkey." Jack Says
Rudy enters the dojo playing the bagpipes with Milton behind him.
"Takes people years to learn how to play one of these things." He turns around showing his small radio, which Milton turns off, "Suckers!" Rudy Says
"What's with the vacuum cleaner?" Jerry Asks
"They're bagpipes, the traditional instrument of my mother country Scotland." Milton Says, in a Scottish accent.
"Wait I thought you weren't going?" Kim Says
"Oh I wasn't but the first class tickets were non-refundable. So I convinced my parents to let me turn them into...six coach tickets." Milton Says
"Which means we're all going to Scotland!" Rudy Says
"We're going to Scotland!" They all said, cheerfully.
"Oh, I've always wanted to learn how to play the bagpipes." Jack Says, taking the bagpipes from Rudy.
"So wait where are we going to stay actually?" Abigail Asks
"We're staying with my grandfather at our family Castle." Milton Says
"Ooh castle." Abigail and Kim Says, smiling,
"And we can even wear kilts!" Milton Says
"What's a kilt?" Jerry Asks, smirking.
"It's like a skirt for men." Milton Says
"I'm in." Jerry Says
Jack starts blowing into the bagpipes, everyone looks to him raising a brow.
"Hey, Jack, I think you're blowing too much air into that." Kim Says
"No, I'm trying to build up the pressure. It's all clogged." He blows into the instrument more, then it explodes blowing air everywhere, "Sorry." Jack Says
After a long flight the group all arrived in Scotland, thankfully Milton's grandfather picked them up and gave them a ride to the castle.
"Wow this castle is beautiful." Abigail Says
"I know right." Jack Says
"Thank you for picking us up from the airport, grandpa McKrupnick, we could have taken a cab." Kim Says
"No! Then we would have missed the eight-hour ride in the manure wagon." Rudy Says
"You're here at an exciting time, tonight we have the banquet. And tomorrow...we start the great games!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says, cheerfully.
"What's that smell?" Jack Asks
"Oh Grandma's made her famous snouts." Grandpa McKrupnick Says, picking up the snout from the pot.
"Ooh!" He takes a bite, and smiles, "Mmm. I'll say it. this is the best snout I've ever had." Jerry Says
"So what are the great games?" Milton Asks
"Well..." Grandpa McKrupnick Says, but Milton cuts him off.
"They're a friendly competition between the McKrupnicks and the McCrarys..they only other
clan in the valley. It's to commemorate the end of
the feud between our two families." Milton Says
"Why were you feuding?" Abigail Asks
"Ooh, never ask that question!..we swore to never ever speak about the incident again!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"I'm sorry. I won't ever..." Abigail Says
"'Twas a foggy night..." He started, "Many generations ago...when the Devil's own Fergus
McCrary came on our land! and he stole our only donkey!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"But 100 years ago, we finally made peace." Milton Says
"Mm-hmm." Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"Guys, I still can't believe we're at a real Castle." Jack Says
Behind them Rudy is looking at the weapons on display, he picks up the flail weapon and swings it around.
"The McKrupnicks have lived here for over years." Milton Says
"And that handmade stained glass window...tells the entire history of the McKrupnick clan. It's easily our most valuable piece of..." Grandpa McKrupnick Says
The flail weapon that Rudy was playing with, slips out his hand and shatters the glass window.
"I told you kids not to play ball out there!" Rudy Says
"Yo, grandpa McMuffler...where's the Loch Ness place where the monster lives?" Jerry Asks
"Jerry, I've told you it was just a story that was made up to bring in tourists." Jack Says
"Oh, no no! I've seen Nessy with my own eyes. It was on a night just like this. In the lake...behind our Castle." Grandpa McKrupnick Says
Jerry's eyes widen then he ran over to Rudy
"Rudy, do you realize how much money
we can make if we get a picture of her?"
"Oh, please you don't really believe in that thing, do you?" He Chuckles, "Get your camera. Meet me
in the boat in five minutes." Rudy Says
"Okay." Jerry Says, then he and Rudy leave.
"Why did you make up that story, everyone knows Nessy isn't real." Milton Says
"Well, I had to get rid of them. That Rudy's a wrecking ball! And the other one, he's gonna
be tootin' snouts all night." Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"Thank you for that." Abigail Says, patting the old man on the shoulder.
Out on the lake Jerry and Rudy are on the boat, he's looking out with his binoculars.
"Dude! Dude dude dude. Ah, I see Nessy, oh, beady eyes, scaly skin. Man, she is ugly!" Jerry Says
"You're looking at me, give me those!" He snatches the binoculars from Jerry, "We've been looking for Nessy for hours, let's try a different part of the lake." Rudy Says
"Alright." Jerry Says
Rudy turns to the motor and pulls on the string, but it won't start, he lets out a frustrating sigh.
"Stupid motor won't turn over, give me that hammer...I'll get it started." Rudy Says
"Okay, here." Jerry Says, giving Rudy the hammer.
Rudy starts banging the hammer on the motor repeatedly, but it turns over and the engine falls into the lake.
"Told you I'd get it started. Look under the bench and see if you can find some paddles." Rudy Says
"Hmm, let's see." He searches under the bench, tossing stuff out the boat. "Food, water, fares.
Ah, spare engine.." Jerry Says
"Ah!" Rudy Says
"Uh, no paddles." Jerry Says
"That's it!" Rudy Says, he chases Jerry around the small boat but stops when it shakes.
"Rudy Rudy! Chill, you're gonna tip the boat over!" Jerry Says
"You're right." Rudy Says, as they go back to running around the boat, only they are just walking slowly.
Later on that evening the McKrupnick's were having a big feast with the company of the McCrarys. Grandpa Krupnik rises to his feet to make a toast.
"On the eve of the great games, I'd like to welcome everyone to this feast. Celebrating the peace
between the two families. The McKrupnicks and the McCrarys." He Says, as loud cheers comes from the end of the table.
"Hey, who's this big guy over here?" Kim Asks, looking over towards a big guy eating a whole chicken.
"Oh, that's Angus McCrary, the strongest McCrary of them all." Milton Says
"Yeah, he looks pretty big, but sometimes size has nothing to do with..." Jack Says
They all hear the sounds of gasping and turns to see Angus spinning a barrel on his finger.
"Oh, yeah, no, he's ridiculously strong." Jack Says
"Guys, we're in Scotland, okay let's get out there and have some fun." Kim Says
Kim and Milton stands to their feet as some of the McKrupnick's plays the bagpipes. Abigail who's sitting see's a hand lended out, she looks up and sees Angus.
"Care to dance?" Angus Asked, he winked at Abigail, who blushed.
"Only because you asked." Abigail Says
Abigail takes his hand and Angus leads her to the dance floor, While everyone is dancing Jack decides to still sit down and finish his meal. One of the McCrarys, Megan, approaches him, she's a red headed and heavily built, taps him on the shoulder.
"Dance." Megan Says
"Oh, uh, I'm good, thanks. I'm not much of a..." Jack Says
"It Wasn't a question." Megan Says, dragging him out his seat to dance withe everyone.
Meanwhile out on the lake Jerry and Rudy are still stranded out.
"Rudy, you think we'll ever get to see Nessy?" Jerry Asks
"If we see her, I am eating her. I am starving!. I don't think there's any fish down there." Rudy Says
"Yo, Rudy!..Rudy, check it out. Look, there's a fish out there." Jerry Says
He points to the direction where Rudy looks but he sneaks something into his mouth, he turns back around and sees Jerry chewing.
"What's in your mouth?" Rudy Asks
"Nothing." Jerry Says, Rudy moves closer to him and sniffs his breath.
"You've been eating disgust me!." Rudy Says
"Rudy, I'm sorry, I don't want something as stupid
as a cookie to come between us." Jerry Says
He takes out his last cookie, Rudy goes to take it but Jerry tosses the treat in the lake.
"No!, That's it!" Rudy Says
Ruby gets up and attacks Jerry, but the boat starts rocking so they separate and goes to their sides of the boat.
The Bagpipes are still playing as everyone is dancing, when the song comes to an end everyone sits back down at the long table.
"I'd like to thank the McCrarys for coming." The other family cheers, "And I'd also like to acknowledge my grandson. And his friends who
came all the way here..." Grandpa McKrupnick Says, but Milton cuts him off.
"If I could just say a few words here, what a special evening. Two families coming together and forgetting their differences." Everyone applauds at that, he nods, "And to think, it all started over a donkey, a donkey that was stolen from us by a McCrary." Milton Says, as all McCrarys gasp.
The leader of the McCrays stood to his feet and got in Milton's face.
"How dare you!, we did not steal your donkey It belonged to us." He Says
"Uh, I think what's important here is..." Milton started, but his Grandfather pushed him aside.
"How can it be your donkey if we owned it?" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"Uh, you know, since..." Milton Says
"You cannot own a stolen donkey!" He Says
"That is a very sound legal position..." Milton Says
"The feud is back on." The leader Says
"No no no no no. Not the feud. We can't have another 100 hundred years of fighting." Milton Says
"The boy's right." He Says
"Indeed he is." Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"Of course I am." Milton Says
"So whichever family loses the games shall be banished from the valley forever!" He Says
"What?!, who banishes anymore?, that's so 1800s..." Milton Says
"I will see you on the field of battle!" He Says
"I really gotta learn to shut my yapper." Milton Says
About an hour later after all the McCrays left the dinner, Jack, Kim, Abigail stayed back with Milton.
"Guys, this is all my fault." Milton Says
"No really." Abigail Says
"Abigail nows not the time for your sarcasm, what am I gonna do?" Milton Says
"There's nothing you can do. Your family's giving up and running away." Jack Says
"Krupnicks aren't really built for running. What we do is more of a brisk mosey, I've gotta try something." Milton Says
He sighed deeply then walked over to his family members at the end off the table.
"McKrupnicks, listen up." Milton Says
"Oh! Blabby McBlab-blab has something to say!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"I'm not giving up our Castle without a fight. I'll go face the McCrarys alone if I have to even Angus." Milton Says
"He won't be alone, I'll be with him." Jack Says
"So Will I." Abigail Says
"And I'll be with him too." Kim Says
"Why would you fight for our family?" Grandpa McKrupnick Asks
"Because Milton's more than our friend." Jack Says
"He's our family." Kim Says
"You know, like that weird cousin who you know will never get married." Abigail Says
"Thanks for that, Abigail." Milton Says
"You four have the hearts of Lions. And I'm proud to consider you my family. McKrupnicks...raise your swords. To honor, To courage. To victory!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
As the two men raised their swords into the air, Grandpa McKrupnick did as well, he raised his sword but the sound of fabric shredding is heard,
everyone looks as he ripped off the kilt.
"I ripped my little skirt off, didn't I?" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
Bagpipes plays in the morning as the two families walks onto the battlefield, Angus McCarys held up their family flags.
"The McCrarys are here for battle." Angus Says, thrusting the pole into the ground, as his family cheered.
"The McKrupnicks are here for battle." He tried thrusting the pole into the ground as well, but fails to do so. "I seem to have found a hard patch for battle," He tried again, "Here for battle!" Milton Says,
Angus then walked over to Milton and helped him put the pole in with no problem.
"Got it!" He proudly said, then looked at Angus and realized. "Oh. Thanks." Milton Says
The horn blows loudly in the distance, Milton approaches Kim.
"All right, Kim this is your event. The Castle door flip, It's a test of strength." He gestured to the wooden door on the ground. "That Castle door weighs over 200 pounds, Lift it and flip it
over. Just watch Megan." Milton Says
"Just so you know, Jack, I have full intentions of hugging you." Megan Says
"Ha. Well, thanks, but I'm not much of a hugger." Jack Says
"Oh, don't worry, I'll do all the work." Megan Says, smirking.
Megan gets into a squat position and starts lifting the 200 pound door with such ease and throws it over, as The McCarys cheers her on, Abigail and Kim looks at her in shock.
"You know, uh, that door looks kinda heavy." She looks to Abigail, "Abs you really think I can do this?" Kim Asks
"Sure you can Kim, don't doubt yourself..if Megan can lift it so can you." Abigail Says
"Plus you have a lower center of gravity." He chimed in, "It's all mind over matter. Come on, you're a black belt." Milton Says
"You know what? you're right, okay." Kim Says
"All right, Kim." Jack Says
"Come on, Kim. You can do this." Abigail Says
"Lift with your legs, come on." Milton Says
Kim gets on her knees and tries lifting the heavy door, she slowly starts lifting it off the ground as they cheer her on.
"Come on." Jack Says
"Here we go, here we go." Abigail Says
"You're doing well, you're doing well." Milton Says
"Lift lift lift lift!" They Cheered
Kim uses all of her strength to try and push the door over, but the weight of the door got the best of her and it falls on top of her, letting out a loud thud as everyone gasps. Megan walks over and easily lifts the door, to check on Kim.
"Did I win?" Kim Asks, a little dazed.
"You all right there, Kim?" Jack Asks
"Yeah, I think so, why?" Kim Says
"Oh, I don't know, you're looking a little pancake-ish." Jack Says
About 20 minutes later after Kim had regained consciousness from the door falling on her, the next family event. Milton approached Abigail who was stretching.
"Okay Abigail, this next event is the tug of war challenge." Milton explained
"Ooh I love tug of war, do I get a prize?" Abigail Asks
"No. But if you win, you do get watch the loser fall into that puddle of mud." Milton Says
He points to the medium sized puddle of mud, Abigail grimaces.
"Oh no no I don't do mud, I just got my hair done five days ago." Abigail Says
"Abigail could please focus, we're down one from the McCarys." Milton Says
"Okay fine, who's my opponent?" Abigail Asks
"Her, that's Gabby." Milton Says
Milton points over to the tall blonde haired girl over on The McCrays side, The horn blows again and both opponent's approach each other.
"Hey I'm Abigail." She Says, lending out her hand which Gabby shakes.
"Nice to meet you Abigail, I look forward to beating you in this event." She smirked, Abigail raised a brow. "Good luck lad." Gabby Says
Abigail walks over to her side of the rope as Gabby walks over to hers. The tall blonde girl, with a sly smirk winks at her, then Abigail puts her hair up in ponytail.
Both girls quickly picks up the long rope and starts tugging at it, both families cheer on each competitor, Abigail realizes that her hands a getting slippery.
"God she's really strong, my hands are slipping." Abigail Says
"Come Abs you can do this!" Kim Says
"Abigail you got this!" Milton Says
"Abigail use more of your lower body, she's using more of her upper body." Jack Says
Abigail takes Jacks advice, and digs her feet's deeper into the ground and tugs on the rope even more harder than Gabby. The tall blonde starts slowly losing more rope.
"She's doing it, she's going to win it for us." Milton Says
"Ahh!" Abigail Says
"Oh no." Gabby Says
Abigail uses all of her strength and rips the rope right out of Gabby's hands, and the tall girl falls into the mud puddle. Abigail drops the rope, and rings the bell.
"Victory!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
All the McKrupnicks along with Kim, Jack and Milton all gathered around Abigail as they applauded her in victory. Gabby sat in the mud to sulk in defeat, but Abigail approached her lending out a hand.
"Need a hand?" Gabby nods, then takes her hand and gets out the puddle. "You're welcome." Abigail Says
"Thanks, your pretty strong. I respect that, you put up a good fight Abigail." Gabby Says
"Thank you Gabby." Abigail Says
Out on the lake Jerry and Rudy are still stranded out in the water, they both look dehydrated, tired and hungry. Rudy looks over at Jerry, who's looking at him weirdly.
"You've been staring at me like that all night, what are you thinking about?" Rudy Asks
From Jerry's point of view, he stares a Rudy but he imagines him as a turkey. He snaps out of it and shrugs his shoulders.
"Uh nothing. Hey I don't like the way you're looking at me. What are you thinking about?" Jerry Asks
Rudy nods then looks back at him, from him perspective he imagines Jerry as a hot dog.
"Nothing. Ugh I can't take it anymore, you look delicious!" Rudy Says
He charges at Jerry who blocks him off with a peddle, which Rudy smacks out of his hand.
"Oh look at that, we did have a peddle." Jerry Says
The next day came time for the next event, Grandpa McKrupnick pulled Jack aside to explain.
"This is the chop and climb." He hands Jack the two axes, "Using nothing but two climbing axes, you race to the top. First one to ring the bell wins." Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"This is all upper body strength, Jack. You should be good at this." Milton Says, as Jack nodded.
"I got this." Jack Says
Jack then looked over and saw one of the McCarys, he walked over to his opponent who's sharpening his axes.
"Hey, uh, I hear you're pretty good." Jack Says, as the boy scoffed.
"Check this out." He Says
He walks over to a log of wood and starts carving at it with his two axes, after he's done he smirks at Jack who's doesn't seem that all impressed.
"Yeah, not very impressive." The boy blew on the log, all the dust came off revealing a carved out bear.
"Ah, see, now that is impressive." Jack Says
The walked back to their respective trees, the horn blew signaling that the event had started. The McCray boy quickly started climbing up, as Jack was right behind him. Seeing that they were now neck to neck, he kicked Jack off the tree causing him to fall back down.
"Ow!" Jack Says
"Oh, ese pequeño tramposo, déjame con él, lo mataré!" Abigail Says, as she shouted at the McCray boy, as Kim and Milton held her back.
"I'm okay, I'm going back up." Jack Says
"Come on Jack you've got this." Milton Says
Jack got back up and started throwing several axes at each tree, he then used them as steps to get up faster. Both boys reached the top of their trees, and fought each other to ring the bell, The McCray boy goes to kick Jack off but he beats him to it and kicks him off the tree and he successfully rings the bell.
"Yes!" Jack Says
"Come on down, Jack. I got a victory prize for you." Megan Says
"Uh, I'm good, Megan. I'm just gonna stay up here and enjoy the view." Jack Says, as he chuckles nervously.
"All right, I'll just wait down here for you. Quiet as a wee church mouse." Megan Says
Megan then used her elbow to shake the tree, causing Jack to lose balance and falls of the tree landing hard on the ground.
"Ah, look who came down to see me." Megan Says
"" Jack Says, as he got up quickly and ran fast as Megan chased him.
"Hey, Jerry. You know how the Wasabi code
tells us to never say "die"." Rudy Says
"Yeah. I love that message." Jerry Says
"It's time to say die." He says weakly, Jerry starts tearing up, "Oh, Jerry, I'm gonna miss you." Rudy Says
"Me too." Jerry Says, as they embrace.
As they both sobbed into each other's arms, a man who's holding a fishing rod stops near them.
"Quit your blubbering!, you're scaring me clams." He Says, then walks out the lake.
"Rudy!..Rudy, we're in like three feet of water, It's not deep at all." Jerry Says
"We're gonna live?" Rudy Says
"Yeah." Jerry Says
"We're gonna live!" Rudy Says
"We're gonna live!" They both laugh, "Let's never fall for something like that again." Jerry Says
"Absolutely!" He scoffs, "Loch Ness Monster." Rudy Says
"Did you two hear?" The old fisherman approaches again, "They spotted the Scottish Sasquatch in the piney forest, right over there."
"Yeah, like we're gonna fall for that." Rudy Says
"Scottish Sasquatch, Okay." Jerry Says
He and Rudy both laughs then it sets in, and they both gets out the boat and runs out the lake as the old man smiles.
"Well, I can finally get back to me clamming in peace." He Says
Jack, Kim and Abigail looked at the score board to see who's winning, as the next event is up next.
"All right, it's all tied up. It's up to Milton, how does this event work?" Jack Asks
"Milton just has to get that 400-pound boulder across the line faster than Angus!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says, gesturing to the large boulder on a pedestal.
"Seriously?!" They Cried out
"Yeah I'm gonna go finish packing." Grandpa McKrupnick Says, then walks away.
Milton approaches them as he writing down in his notebook.
"Look, Milton, we gave it our best shot." Kim Says
"Hang on." Milton Says
"Let it go, buddy. It's over." Jack Says
"Hang on, hang on. No, it's not. I can do this. I can beat Angus." Milton Says
"How?" Abigail Asks
"The rules don't say I have to carry the boulder,
I just have to get it across the finish line." Milton Says
"And that helps because..." Kim Says
"Because of physics. There's a six-degree slope to the field, so if I can get the boulder off the pedestal, inertia will carry it across the finish line. You know what the number one law in physics is." Milton Says
"You know we don't." Jack Says
"An object in motion tends to stay in motion." Milton Says
"Oh." They Said
"Yeah! So you guys understand?" Milton Says
"No." They Said, shaking their heads.
"Not even a little." Abigail Says
"Boys, take your positions." The leader says
Milton gives Jack his notebook, and they all give him fist bumps to wish him good luck. Angus and Milton walked to their starting positions.
"Good luck, little man." Angus Says, lending out his hand which Milton shook.
"Oh. Good luck to you too, Angus." Milton Says
The horn blows and both boys starts pushing at the large boulders, both families and friends cheer them on.
"Let's go, Milton." Kim Says
"It's too heavy. He can't move it." Jack Says
Angus picks up his boulder and slowly makes his way towards the finish line, but Milton gets his boulder moving off the pedestal.
"Wait. I think he's doing it. It's moving!" Abigail Says
Milton finally gets the boulder off and it begins rolling down the hill.
"Yeah!" Milton Says
As Milton's boulder keeps rolling, Angus is struggling to keep hold of the boulder in his arms, but it gets the best of him and he falls the ground.
They see this as an opportunity, so Milton runs over to his boulder and starts pushing it again.
"Come on, Angus!" Megan Says
"Get up! Get up, you big ox! Get up!"
"Push it! Push it, you beanpole!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"He can't get up, the boulder's on his leg." Jack Says
"Come on, Angus!" Megan Says
"Get up! Get up!"
"Push it!" Kim and Abigail Says
"Push! It's right there, push!" Jack Says
Milton stops pushing and looks over at Angus who's still struggling.
"Come on, Milton, go!"
"Push it, Milton!"
Milton shakes his head and walks over to Angus and kneels down to push the boulder off of his leg. Milton helps the strong boy to his feet.
"Come, McKrupnick. We'll cross the line together." Angus Says
"But there can only be one winner." Milton Says
"We cross together or I don't cross at all." Angus Says
Milton nods then he and Angus starts pushing the 400 pound boulder across the ground, they successfully push it to victory.
"The McKrupnicks have to leave the valley!"
"No! They're not going anywhere!, I couldn't have done it without a McKrupnick. Milton and I both won." Angus Says
"That's the way it should be. Our two families are stronger together than we are apart." Milton Says
"The boys are right, Any bad blood between us
should be buried forever." He Says
"Let's start right now. Would you like come with
me to a show tomorrow night? I have tickets for Lady Gaga!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"The Gaga!" He Says
"Yeah!" Grandpa McKrupnick Says
"I love The Gaga!" He Says, then embraces him.
All the family members along with Kim and Abigail shares the peace and hugs one another, Angus and Megan shared a hug as Jack approached her.
"All right, Megan, bring it in." Jack Says
"You had your chance, pretty boy. I found someone else I like better." Megan Says, as she carried Milton in her arms.
A few days later they all returned back home, and were all hanging out in the dojo. Abigail sat next to Jerry who's eating snout, as Milton walked back from the vending machine.
"Dude what are you eating?" Abigail Asks
"Oh some snouts, you want some?" Jerry Says, as Abigail shakes her head no.
"How'd you get those snouts past customs?" Kim Asks
"Oh, I hid them in my shorts. You want one?" Jerry Says
"No." Kim Says
Rudy who's carrying a pizza box walks past them, wearing a kilt.
"Wow, Rudy. You really like wearing that skirt, don't you?" Jerry Asks
"For the thousandth time, it's not a skirt. This kilt is like the manliest thing you can wear. It's been worn by Kings, Knights, Warriors. I'm gonna go eat my pizza out in the courtyard and show it off." Rudy Says
"Wow, look at the way he's strutting around." Jack Says
The sounds of a leaf blower whirring is heard in the distance, they all look back out towards the courtyard.
"Do you think he sees the guy with the leaf blower?" Milton Says
Just as they suspected the leaf blower sucked Rudy's kilt off him, and the kilt flys into the air as the crowd in the courtyard screams in horror at Rudy.
"Nope!" Kim Says
"Didn't see him." Abigail Says
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