Kim Of Kong
Jerry, Eddie and Milton are sitting in the dojo looking over Lonnie's lizard.
The dojo doors opens and it's Abigail "Hey Guys, Jerry." They share a quick peck "..What up with the lizard?"
"Jerry and I are making fifty bucks to babysit
Lonnie's lizard, while he's on vacation." Eddie Says
"Why does he have that pained look on his face?" Milton Says
"Oh we're both a little gassy from that chili-cheese dog we split. I think I know what he needs though Come here, boy. Let it out. Let it out." Jerry Says gently patting the lizards back, he farts and burps
"Aww I found that weirdly adorable." Abigail Says sitting next to Jerry
"Two gun salute, nice." Eddie Says
"Only one of those gun was his." Jerry Says then Kim enters
"Uh... what are you guys doing?" Kim Asks
"Petting my gassy lizard." Jerry Says
"That sounds about right." Kim Says
"All right, Kim. It's Wednesday time to get our spar on." Milton Says
"Uh, Milton, I... We need to... Talk." Kim Says
"That's never a good sign." Abigail Says
"Why?" Eddie Says
"Isn't obvious Kim's about to break Milton's heart." Abigail Says
"Look I don't think we should spar with each other anymore." Kim Says
"Is it something I did?" Milton Says
"No, no, no! Milton, you're great. It's... it's not you. - It's me." Kim Says
"It's someone else..Isn't it? Please don't tell me you sparred with him? Here? On our mats? I've been such a fool!" Milton Throws his helmet and walks into the bathroom
"I feel so bad." Kim Says
"It's okay you were honest that's all that matters." Abigail Says giving Kim a comforting hug
"Do you think he'll get over it?" Kim Asks
"I'll Never get over it!" Milton shouts then Jack enters
"Just down at the arcade what was I doing there? Only becoming the number one Immortal Slayer player in the world." Jack Says
"Wow spending thousands of hours with nerds in the dark really paid off." Kim Says
"Sure did. I won a really cool glow-in-the-dark T-shirt." He looks under his hoodie "Oh, man. This thing is awesome." Jack Says
"Look, Jack. I'm tired of sparring with Milton I mean, you're the only other black belt in this dojo. I want to be challenged." Kim Says
"Really? I... I don't think that's a great idea." Jack Says then Kim pulls him to the mats
"Come on, Jack." Kim Says
"Okay." Jack says taking off his shoes
Abigail steps aside and watches Jack and Kim bow, Jerry and Eddie walks over to Abigail. Jerry wraps his arms over Abigail's waist looking at them excitedly.
"Whoa wait, you guys are sparring?" Kim Nods Smiling "Does Milton know about this?" Jerry Says
Milton comes out the bathroom in a robe and eating a pint of Vanilla ice cream "Yes. Yes, he does."
"It'll be okay Milton." Kim Says
Rudy enters from Falafel Phil's and see's his two students standing opposite from each other.
"No Way Is this what I think it is?!" Rudy Asks
"Mhmm Jack and Kim are sparring." Jerry Says
"Finally some sparing between real karate students. Instead of a bunch of confused gazelles blindly flailing around in their pajamas..No offense." Rudy Says
"Oh, it's cool." Jerry Says
"None taken." Eddie Says
"I love gazelles." Milton Says
"Just to be clear you were speaking to those three right." Abigail Says
"And remember, Jack, give me everything you've got." Kim Says
"Kim, are you sure you want to do this?" Kim throws a punch at him and he catches her hand "Okay." Jack Says
The two started to fight and it was an even round with both of them throwing punches and kicks while dodging the other one. Due to her surprise Kim managed to get the upper hand and flipped Jack over when he attacked her, knocking him to the floor.
"Oh!" Rudy runs over to Jack with his phone "She just flipped you like a pancake. I gotta go upload this. It's gonna get more hits than "fat baby farts" He runs into his office
"Yes! Yes! I took you down. Down to the ground." Kim Says doing her little dance
"I gotta hand it to you, Kim you got the better of me. Congratulations." Jack High fives her
"That's right you just got owned by a girl, way to go Kim." Abigail Says high fiving Kim
"Whoo! Come on Abs." Kim Says
"Where we going?" Abigail Asks
"Fryo to celebrate my victory!" Kim Says
Kim drags Abigail runs to the dojo, Milton who's still upset gets in Jack's face.
"Enjoy what you've got, Jack. It's only a matter of time before she tosses you out like an old sock." Milton Says
"Wow, Jack. I didn't see that coming." Jerry Says
"Sometimes you gotta expect the unexpected." Jack gives them two thumps up and winks
"Wha...? Wha...?" Jerry Says
"Jack just winked that means he let Kim win." Eddie Says
"Forget Jack this lizard's clamped down on my belly button, man! Get it off! Get it off! Oh." Jerry Says
As Eddie gets the lizard off him
"Is it okay?" Eddie Asks
"My innie's now an outie." Jerry Says
Jerry, Eddie and Milton are relaxing and eating their lunch, Rudy walks pass them with a box.
"Yo, Rudy. Come check out the iguana." Milton Says
"Oh, no. I'm not gonna fall for that one again. Oh. You actually have an iguana this time. Cool." Rudy Says
"Oh, what's all this?" Milton Asks digging through Rudy's box
"Ah, just getting rid of a bunch of junk from down in my storage unit." Rudy Says
"Ooh, this is pretty cool." Milton pulls out a little toy train
"Oh, wow. I didn't even know that was in there. That's my old Red Zephyr steam engine. When I was six, that train was like my best friend...Uh, don't get me wrong. I had people friends, too." Rudy Says
"What does it do?" Milton Asks
"Well, come on I'll show you." Rudy Says As He and Milton goes back inside the dojo
Abigail and Kim returns with their froyos, Kim's still gloating about beating Jack.
"So... I guess there's no longer any question about who the number one black belt is in this dojo." Kim Says
"That's right Kim took him down Boom goes the dynamite! Boom! I said, boom." Abigail Says As Kim high fives her
"We get it, Abigail That's the sound dynamite makes." Eddie Says
"Yeah, yeah you're number one." Jerry Says In a high pitched voice
"What was that?" Kim Asks
"What?" Jerry Says
"When your voice goes up high like that it means you're hiding something everybody does it." Kim Says
"Yeah Don't they, Eddie?" Abigail Asks
"Why are you dragging me into this?" Eddie Says In a high pitched voice
"Jerry, what's going on?" Kim Asks
"Uh..." Abigail Pinched his ear, he screams "All right, all right, all right. Jack threw the match. He winked at us like this..which is guy talk for "I let her win" Jerry Says
"Really? Well... Wait till I get my hands on that little winker..where is he?" Kim Asks
"I don't know really, Jerry? Really? He's at the arcade." Kim angrily walks away "That was a close one, man. She almost got something out of me whew!" Jerry Says As Abigail and Eddie looks at him and shakes their heads
Rudy has set up his toy train set, Milton watches on.
"Boy, this really takes me back..It's amazing isn't it?" Rudy Asks
"Well, it's just going in circles maybe if we had some more track, the train could go through a... I don't know, a kind of town?" Milton Says
"What town? Maybe a little town called "Miltonville". He Says
"Tell me more about this... Rudyville." He Says
"Well, it's the kind of place where everyone knows each other's names and no one locks their doors at night." Milton Says
"Yes, yes, go on." Rudy Says
"The men at Rudyville are the kind of men who look you in the eye when you shake their hand. And they all smell like brand-new haircuts." Milton Says
"Oh, now I see it and they all work in a factory up on the ridge and it's a fine factory and you know what they make in that factory, Milton?" Rudy Says
"Wicker furniture!" Milton Says
"No. Dreams and how do those clean-cut Joes get to and from the factory?" Rudy Says
"The train!" They say in unison
Kim has shown up to the arcade where the crowd is cheering Jack on as he's playing the game he spent so many hours on.
"Thrasher! Thrasher! Thrasher! Thrasher!"
"Kim! Surprised to see you here you'd better watch your back. This video arcade is where nerds go off." Joan Says
"Um, they look pretty harmless to me." Kim Says
"Oh Little known fact a nerd has three times the strength of your average dork. I was in here last year when the change machine jammed. Good thing I had my nerd riot gear. Spritz bottle with water, that's all it takes." She Laughs "Nerds." Joan Says Then walks away
Jack goes for the final blow winning the game, on the screen it says "Thrasher Wins"
"Congratulations, Thrasher you are immortal." The Crowd begins cheering
"Hey, Kim. Did you see that? That's why they call me "Thrasher"." Jack Says
"Oh, pretty impressive hey, quick question for ya, Thrasher. When we sparred this morning, did you let me win?" Kim Says
"What?" Jack Says in a high pitched voice
"I knew it I can't believe you didn't have enough respect to fight me for real. Why did you hold back?" Kim Says
"Well, you know... I'm a... And you're..." Jack Says
"Oh, wow. A girl?!" Kim Says
"Well..." Jack Says
A man in a grey suit walks onto the platform where the game is and calls for Jack to come up there.
"Thrasher, get on up here" He Says
"The owner of the game company needs me gotta go." Jack Says
"How about a hand for Thrasher everybody?" The Crowd cheers, Kim looks on displeased "I'm excited to announce the first ever live Immortal Slayer death match, between the top two players in the country. This Saturday night, right here in Thrasher's home arcade." He Says
"Yeah, that's awesome." Jack Says
"Yeah! And the winner's avatar will be featured on the cover of next year's home version..Huh?" He Says
Kim looks on upset and walks out the arcade, The crowd starts chanting Jack's avatar name and Joan comes back with a spray bottle.
"All right, that's it, nerds I'm going from spritz to stream." Joan Says then starts spraying everyone
The Next Day Jerry is feeding Lonnie's Iguana who's in a high chair, Abigail walks in and see's him get puked on.
"Oh. That's it, you scaly little monster. One more time and I'll drag you behind the dumpster and feed you to the rats." Jerry Says
"Jerry would you relax he's just a lizard." Abigail Says
"Abby this was my favorite shirt and he ruined it!, and I got puke in my eye." Jerry Says
Abigail rolls her eyes and begins cleaning up Jerry's face. "See all better now."
"Yeah thanks." Jerry Says
"So..Jerry I was wondering if you could help me with something?" Abigail Says
"No I am not helping you clean your Abuela's garage again, I swore the last time I was there something died." Jerry Says
"No it's not my Abuela it's all me this time, so you see this Saturday is the Junior Latin Ballroom competition, and my partner Pedro is sick and can't compete."
"Pedro who's this Pedro are you cheating on me?!" Jerry sobs
"No No No Pedro just my dance partner he's always been my dance partner." Abigail Says
"Oh okay." Jerry Says
"So I was wondering." She starts rubbing Jerry's hand "..Would you like to compete with me?" Abigail Asks
"Ballroom dancing with you?" Abigail Nods "..Heck yeah I would." Jerry Says
"Really Yes!" She hugs hugs him "Thank thank you Jerry!" Abigail Says
"No Problem." Jerry Says
Abigail pulls away quickly and looks at her outfit which is covered in vomit.
"Okay I'll meet up with you later so we could practice, I gotta go shower again." Abigail Says
Abigail is going through some ballroom outfits while Kim paces back and forth in her room.
"Can't believe Jack "..Well, you know... I'm a... And you're..." oh that's just utter crap!" Kim Says
"Which dress do you think I look good in the red or white one?" Abigail Ask
"Abby focus I'm upset." Kim Says
"Right so Jack threw the fight because he was afraid truly fighting you, so what's the plan?" Abigail Asks
"What do you mean?" Kim Says
"I mean if that's how Jack wants to be then fine, if he won't take you serious in Karate I say you beat at something he loves." Abigail Says
"That stupid Immoral Slayer game." Abigail nods smiling " God Abigail your so smart, look out Jack I'm taking you down." She leaves the room dancing, but comes back "..I'd go with the white dress." Kim Says
Jack arrives at the arcade and there's a crowd around the immortal slayer game.
"Hey, Nathan what did you want to talk to me about?" Jack Asks
"Your match against the number one player." Nathan Says
"What? I thought I was the number one player." Jack Says
"Oh, you were... four days ago but that was before the Skull-Ripper showed up." Nathan Says
Jack looks over and see's someone wearing a bright neon hoodie playing the immortal Slayer Game and their pretty good at it. He walks over to get a closer look at who this is, The Crowd Cheers for them when they win and it's Kim.
"Congratulations, Skull-Ripper You are immortal."
"Kim?!" Jack Says
"Oh. Hi, Jack." Kim winks at him and gives him two thumbs up
"She kicked that alien right in his snot box, that's my kind of woman." Jack rolls his eyes as Kim smiles at him
Jerry is over at Abigail's, they are practicing for the competition while the iguana sits in its stroller.
"Come on Jerry it's been three days now, you should know the choreography." Abigail Says
"I'm trying." Jerry Says
"Well try harder..what's going on?" Abigail Says
"It's just I'm going through a lot of stress. School, Karate, You, The Iguana I don't think I can handle it Abs." Jerry Says
He sits down on the floor and Abigail joins him, sitting across from him.
"I'm Sorry look you can back out if you want, I mean there's a lot on your plate." Abigail Says
"No No I'm fine I swear I just need to mange everything." Jerry Says
"Wait aren't you and Eddie both babysitting the lizard." Abigail Says
"Yeah." Jerry Says
"Just give the iguana to Eddie he'll watch him for a couple days, I mean besides you could use a break." Abigail Leans over and kisses him
"Your right I do..can we have a break right now." Jerry Says
Jerry tackles Abigail to the ground and begins tickling her making her laugh hysterically.
"I know what this is about It's about me letting you win when we sparred." Jack Says
"That's exactly what it's about I mean, I wanted a fair fight from you and this is the only way that I could get it." Kim Says
"Kim Death match is gonna be shown online you're gonna embarrass yourself in front of a whole lot of people." Jack Says
"Sounds like you're scared." Kim Says
"Okay, you know what you want a real fight with me where I don't hold back? Well, you're gonna get it.!" Jack Says
"Good Because that's what I want." Kim Says
"Fine!" Jack Says
"Fine!" Kim Says
They both slam their lockers and walks away but stops, They had realized that they both forgot their books.
"I Forgot my books." Jack Says
"Me Too." Kim Says
Eddie is searching around the courtyard for something, Jerry walks over to him and taps him.
"Eddie what are you looking for?" Jerry Asks
"The Lizard's missing." Eddie Says
"What How?!" Jerry Asks
"I was feeding him his lunch then I got distracted from this total hit babe, and I turned back around and boom gone." Eddie Says
"No No No dang it Eddie I Leave you with him for one day." Jerry Says
"He's gotta be around here..Where would you go if you were a lizard?" Eddie Says
"Well, I'd go to a pool party where lady lizards in bikinis were walking around serving fly-kabobs... duh." Jerry Says
"You're useless to capture the lizard, I'm gonna have to think like a lizard." Eddie Says
"Well, you're not the only one who can do that." Jerry Says
Jerry jumps on the table and sticks his tongue out several times like a lizard would do, Eddie walks into the dojo leaving him to be. Abigail walks out of Phils and see's her boyfriend on the table and walks over.
"Jerry." Abigail Says
"Yo what it do, girl?" Jerry Says
"I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but what are you doing?" Abigail Asks
"Oh you know Just getting my lizard on..Fly!" Jerry Says Then falls off the table
"Remember the competition starts at 6 don't be late okay and don't forget your outfit all right." Abigail Says
"Yeah I heard you." Jerry Says
"You hurt yourself didn't you." Abigail Says
"Mhmm could you help me." Jerry Says
Rudy and Milton have built their mini town and added more tracks to the train set.
"It is absolutely perfect!" Rudy Says
"Eh." Milton Says
"Hmm..What was that?" Rudy Says
"I shouldn't mention it..It's nitpicky." Milton Says
"Pick your nit." Rudy Says
"Well, that drainage ditch could turn into a breeding ground for mosquitoes." Milton Says
"You're right and it's so close to the school, All the kids are gonna get mosquito bites. And the next thing you know there's a huge run on itch cream, people panic, there's rioting in the streets, and we can't have rioting in Rudyville... Our Police Department is on back order!" Rudy Says
"Rudy, check it out. "Display World Magazine" is having a contest. They're giving away , $1000
bucks for the most original train display." Milton Says
"$1000, bucks? You think we could win?" Rudy Says
"If we made some changes." Milton Says
"What kind of changes?" Rudy Asks
"Well, our farm has no fence, so pigs are just wandering into the bank. And our Mayor is a corn doodler with a mustache." Milton Says As Rudy picks up something from the set and eats it
"Wait..This was our Mayor? We're gonna have to hold a new election." Eddie Says
People from the video game company are there watching, Nathan interviewing Jack and Kim who's still angry with one another.
"Jack, why don't you tell everybody what your strategy is?" Nathan Asks
"I'm going to use my agility and arsenal of counter-attacking spin kicks, to take my opponent down." Jack Says
"I'm just gonna rip his skull off and soccer-kick it off the roof." Kim Says
"What? You want to do this right now?" Jack Says stepping close to Kim getting in her face.
"I really want to do this." Kim Says
Kim and Jack started shouting at each other which mostly sounded like overlapping chatter to the crowd who cheered them on, And it all ended with some other people had to separate them before it got ugly.
"You're going down!" Jack Says
"Boom!" Kim Says
"Listen, Jack, I want to talk to you about the fight. How would you, feel about... Losing?" Nathan Asks
"What?" Jack Says
"Girls don't play Immortal Slayer but with someone like Kim on the cover, they will. I need her to win." Nathan Says
"Wait, so you're asking me to throw the fight?" Jack Says
"Go out there and make it look good for the first few minutes, and then... Take a dive. If you do that, we'll build a whole new game around your avatar. Think about it Jack, the Thrasher will really... Be immortal." Nathan Says
Milton and Rudy have finished their touches to their newly built "Rudyville"
"It is done, and it is perfect! And just in time, too. The Judge for "Display World Magazine", is gonna be here any minute." Rudy Says
"Do you think we spent too much?" Milton Asks
"Wha... to win big, you need to think big. Besides, once we win the $1, 000 bucks, we're only gonna be out $3,000 That's just good business." Rudy Says Then a man with a clip board enters
"Hi, I'm Mr. Gordon from "Display World Magazine" He Says
"You, Sir, are about to behold what some are calling the eighth wonder of the world. And by some, I mean me and the boy." Rudy Says
"I would ask you to not just view our display, but to take a journey!." Milton Says
"It's gotta be a quick journey I've got six minutes left on the meter." Mr.Gordon Says
"Ooh." He presses a button and starts the trains "Please pay attention to the painstaking detail we put into our display. That dog poop in the park looks real... Because it is!" Rudy Says
Abigail is watching all the competitors dance, she's looking at her watch looking at the door then suddenly Jerry shows up in a lizard costume.
"Jerry!" Abigail Says
"Hey Abs." Jerry Says trying to catch his breath
"What are you wearing and why are you out of breath?" Abigail Asks
"Long story but Eddie lost the lizard and we tried all day find him so we came up with an idea to find him." Jerry Says
"And this was your brilliant idea, Jerry I told you if you were too busy you didn't have to come." Abigail Says
"Oh so you could be mad at me, nope not falling for it. Besides you asked me and I promised that I'd be here and here I am Abs." Jerry Says As Abigail smiles
"Thank you for coming." Abigail gives him a quick peck then hugs him
"Contestants numbers 30 and 31 your up."
"That's our cue, let's go." Abigail Says
"Wait I'm still in my lizard costume." Jerry Says
"So we'll just say it's part of our dance, besides you look adorable in it." Abigail Says
Abigail and Jerry walks out onto the ballroom floor, some people furrows their brows at Jerry's outfit choosing but it doesn't matter because once the music started they both danced their buts off. Toward the end of their dance Jerry does an impressive lift on Abigail and ends it with a dip, and the crowd gives them a standing ovation.
"Welcome to the ultimate death match." Kim and Jack stood on their separate platforms "Two will enter the death chamber. But only one will survive the violent m*ssacre. Sponsored by Fluffy Cow Fro-Yo. It's time to moo-ve over, ice cream." Nathan Says
Jack and Kim both gives him a weird look.
"Let the annihilation begin!" Both players begin the game, Joan enters the arcade and stands by.
"Isn't this motion capture technology awesome?" He Says
"Pipe down there, Einstein this stuff is so fake. Holy Hannah! I know that girl on the roof!" Joan Says
"She's not on the roof It's a game." He Says
Joan runs over to the screen and yells at it, Jack and Kim looks at her questioningly.
"Kim! Stay where you are I will find a way to save you." Joan Yells
The fight continued and it was very even with both of them gaining and losing. Kim, managed to make a bo-staff she used to beat up Jack's character pretty bad. The Trasher stood up again and started to fight back but she once again took him down. The Skull Ripper jumped forward to make the final blow when the Trasher caught her.
"You probably shouldn't have done that," Jack said smugly.
"He perfectly blocked her move! and is using the energy from her death strike to enhance his life power! Oh Joan's getting overheated spritz me, nerd." Joan Says And He does
When Jack had enhanced his own power to a maximum the Trasher kicked Skull Ripper away, punched her several times in the stomach before throwing her off the roof.
"Yes!" Jack shouted
"Trasher, you are the ultimate champion!"
An automated voice said and the crowd starting cheering. Even though She lost Kim clapped along because she knew he had given her his best.
"I thought we had an agreement, Jack," Nathan walked up to him, "You blew it. We were going to build an entire game franchise around the Trasher."
"I was never gonna throw the fight some things are just more important than a dumb video game." Jack Says As Nathan whimpered and stormed away, and Kim
approached him
"I don't believe it. He wanted you to throw the fight
Does anyone have faith in me except for Abigail?" Kim Says
"Yeah. But, uh, I wasn't gonna make that mistake again," Jack Says
"Well, congratulations. I mean it's not everyday a girl gets to see her guts splattered into a million pieces." Kim Says
"So, you are okay that I beat you?" Jack Asks
"You gave me your best shot, and that's all I ever wanted." Kim Says and they high five
Kim and Jack are dressed in their Gi's ready for an actual spar.
"Okay Jack... Now that we're gonna spar for real, let's see what you got." Kim Says
"All right, but I really don't want to hurt you, okay?" Kim Says
"Why? I'm okay with hurting you." Kim Says
Kim and Jack go on opposite sides of the dojo and preparing themselves for a long afternoon of sparring.
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