Kickin' It Old School
Rudy steps out from his office while the rest of his students stretch before practice.
"All right guys, your homework was to watch the video of the "soaring crow" kata. Let's see what you got. And... begin." They all bow and started doing their own versions of the "soaring crow" "None of you watched the video." Rudy Says
"Rudy, we're really busy at school." Jack Says
"We're really busy with school." He Mocked "You want to feel pressure? Wait till you're my age." Takes the mail from the mail man "Trust me, no one gives you an award for being an adult. I don't believe it... I'm getting an award for being an adult!" Rudy Says
"What do you mean?" Eddie Asks
"Seaford High is inducting me into its Hall of Fame." Rudy Says
They all exchanged confused looks "Why?"
"I'm Starting to lose it. Someone please read this..
Read it with some pizzazz." Rudy Says
"I'll read it with some "Pizzazz" "We are pleased to formally acknowledge your contribution to the youth of Seaford, through your leadership and commitment to physical fitness" Abigail Says
"In your face, mother!" Rudy Says
"And they're giving you a black tie pork chop dinner!" Abigail Says
"Black tie? Pork chops? It's all happening so fast." Rudy Says
After karate practice the gang all decided to grab a quick bite at Phil's for lunch.
"Hey, guys. I have favor to ask for you." Phil Says
"What's up?" Jack Asks
"My niece, Mika, she moved here from Hachmakistan. She will be ninth grader in your learning house. And I was wondering if you would would make the friendships with her." Phil Says
"Oh, yeah sure, of course." Abigail Says as they all agreed
"Oh, thanks there is something that I need to tell you though. I love her very much, but... she is, how do you say...Ugly like a pig. I will show you. Let me summon the beast." Phil Says
He lets out a tribal shriek and a female voice responds back, the kitchen doors open and all they can see is long hair but when the person turns around it's a man and the guys scream in horror.
"That is not her that is my new busboy, Rafael..That is Mika." Phil Says
The kitchen door opens and out comes Phil's niece Mika and she by no means ugly, all the boys mouths drop even Jerry's. Abigail noticed and rolled her eyes.
"She is not like the beauties that we have in my country. Poor thing, with her separate eyebrows, hairless nose, and complete... Lack of tail." Phil Says
"So if she's considered "Ugly like Pig" your country what would I be concerned Phil?" Abigail Asked
"Oh you definitely will be considered a hairy bison or an alpaca." Phil Says
Abigail smirked "..Weirdly I take that as a compliment." Mika walked over to the table and all the boys gasped loudly
"Mika, these are the people that I was telling you about. The ones who do the..." Phil imitates karate moves
"Nice to meet you." Mika said in a similar accent to Phil
"Hi Mika, My name is Abigail." She Said
"Hello Abigail such a beautiful name." Mika Says
"Thank you." Abigail smiled
"What it do, Mika?" Jerry Says
"I'm very good and you?" Mika Asks
"Excellent." He Smiles and looks as Abigail is giving him a angry glare "What?" Jerry Says
"Do you want me to hurt you?, because I can." Abigail Says
"No No I'm sorry Abs, I was just being friendly." He laughs nervously, he kisses her cheek but Abigail has a straight face "..I'm sorry." Jerry Says
"Mhmm." Abigail Rolls her eyes
"Okay, come. I'm going to teach you how to make sandwich." Phil Says
"Okay. Bye-bye, boys." Mika waves and follows Phil into the kitchen
"Guys Phil's niece is hot!" Jack Says
"I know I think I'm in love." Eddie Says
Rudy rushed into the restaurant excitedly "Guys I just autographed my first baby." He Chuckles "When his mom gets out of the bathroom, she is going to be so proud!"
"Wait, so you signed a baby?" Jack Says
"Right across the face. Got some more pictures of me from my Hall of Fame induction video." Rudy Says
"Rudy, I think we have enough we went through your school records, photos, and video clips." Milton Says
"Yeah, we got a great five whole minutes." Abigail Says
"Five minutes? Oh, no, no, no, no. That's not gonna work. Don't forget, this night is about me and me alone." Jerry Says
"Whoa, this isn't good Rudy, you have a problem here. According to this, you missed five days of mandatory attendance in ninth grade." Milton Says
"Yeah, and?" Rudy Says
"And That means... Technically you didn't complete high school." Milton Says
"Wait, if he didn't graduate... Then he's not eligible to be in the Seaford High Hall of Fame." Eddie Says
"What?" Rudy snatches the paper to see
Outside in the courtyard a woman's scream is heard. "What kind of animal would sign a baby's face?!"
"Yeah we should probably get him out of here." Abigail Says
"Yeah." The boys agreed rushing Rudy out of Phil's
The Next day at school, Abigail is sitting on the bottom step minding her business reading a book, Jerry is walking down the steps and approaches her.
"Is this seat taken?" Jerry Asks
"Yeah, no jerks allowed." Abigail Says not looking up at him
"Come on Abs I'm sorry look I'm still getting used to this whole boyfriend thing, Its just when I see a pretty girl I can't help but stare." Jerry Says
"This isn't making your case any better Jerry." Abigail Says
"I know but I can admit the way I acted yesterday was not cool, your my girlfriend." He digs in his bag and pulls out a rose "Here I stole this from my moms garden, and I know you love roses so here you go." Jerry Says
Abigail takes the rose and sniffs it "So is this supposed to a I'm sorry for being such a Jerk flower?"
"Yeah that was kind the whole point, so we good now?" Jerry Leans in to kiss but Abigail stopped him
"Jerry you basically flirted with another girl right in front of me, like I wasn't even there that really hurt my feelings." Abigail Says
"So..." Jerry Says
"So that means no we're not good." Abigail Says
Abigail crumbles up the rose and threw it in Jerry's face, she stands up and walks away from him.
"So I'm guessing I'm not getting a forgiven kiss either huh?" Jerry Says As Jack, Milton and Eddie walks over to
"Trouble in paradise." Jack Says
"Yeah she's still upset from yesterday." Jerry Says
"Hmm I wonder why, oh that's right you gave Mika one of your pick up lines." Milton Says
"I'm surprised Abigail hasn't killed you yet." Eddie Says
"She won't kill me...won't she?" Jerry Asks As Jack chuckles
They all turn around to see a familiar face walking down the halls, it's Rudy who's wearing a seaford hoodie and backpack.
"Hey Rudy." Eddie Says
"Sup Abs." Rudy high fives him
"Rudy, you've actually come back to school. Yeah. I was the King here, once. Figured I'd spend five days back on the throne." Rudy Says
"Oh, my father once spent five days on the throne after he had Cajun food." Eddie Groans
"Well, guys you got one week to learn all you can from the King of Cool." He strutted his way over to the locker and struggles opening it "Will one of you guys please help me?" Rudy Says
Milton and Eddie walks over to help out Rudy, While the others stand back and watch his attempts.
Jack and Rudy walks into the classroom where Jerry, Abigail and Eddie are all ready present and talking to some of their other classmates.
"I remember health class, Hey I wonder if my old girlfriend's still here." He opens a supply closet and pulls out an old CPR Dummy "There she is hello beautiful." Rudy Says
Rudy lays the dummy down on a table as the rest of the students look on.
"Rudy, I wouldn't touch that thing It's a 40 year-old slobber-bag." Jack Says
"This doll is not a slobber-bag It's designed to teach you CPR. Watch and learn." Rudy Says
"Rudy, I..." Jack Says
"Jack after pinching her nostrils, you use your breath to fill her lungs with life." Rudy Says
Abigail, Jerry and Eddie walks over to get a good look at their Sensei blowing air into a dirty old doll, Abigail and Jack grimaces.
"Rudy, are you sure you're even doing this right?" Abigail Asks
"Yes. Now Jack, her stomach is filling up with air gently apply some pressure." Rudy Says
"Oh I am not touching..." Jack Stated
"Do it! There's a life at stake!" Rudy Says
"Eh I say we let her die." Abigail Says
Jack does so and slams his fist down on the dolls stomach and old yellow liquid comes squirting out the dolls mouth. And some gets into Rudy's and everyone gags.
"Little too much pressure, Jack." Rudy Says
The door opens and the schools health teacher Ms.Applebaum enters the room, all the students rush to their seats.
"What is going on here?" Ms.Applebaum Asks
"Learning. Learning's going on here." Rudy Says
"Uh huh." Ms.Applebaum Says
"And who might...You be?" Rudy Asks
"I'm Bethany Applebaum, the teacher." Ms.Applebaum Says
"I'm Rudy Gillespie...The teacher's pet." He Says
"Oh, right you're the student who came back to graduate. Finishing your education. That is so... Adorable..Come here." Ms.Applebaum Says
She takes a tissue and wipes the yellow stuff off Rudy's face, all the students start looking at each other weirdly as there's some obvious flirting happening before their eyes. Outside in the hall Martin the gym teacher sees this and enters the classroom.
"Hello, Bethany. Who's this loser?" Martin Laughs
"He's not a loser, Martin he's my student." Ms.Applebaum
"I'm Coach Funderburk Me and Bethany kind of have a thing." Funderburk Says
"No! No. We don't." She Chuckles "There is no thing..." Ms.Applebaum Says
"Pretty big thing! Everybody's talking about it." Funderburk Laughs
"Um... Rudy, I think you're having a reaction to that 40-year-old phlegm?" Ms.Applebaum Says As Rudy's face turns red
"So, Bethany. You want to split a Panini?" Funderburk Asks
"I already ate, Martin." Bethany Says
"I'd get in on that Panini." Rudy Says
"You're not touching my Panini. So... Step off." Funderburk Says
"Yeah, I think you should probably get to the nurse's office." Ms.Applebaum Says
"Yeah, you should go." Funderburk Says
"All right. I'll go. But because m'lady asked me. Not because of you. And certainly not because of the excruciating, burning sensation that is taking over my entire face." Rudy leaves the room and screams loudly in the hall
"I gotta give Rudy credit, This Hall of Fame thing is really important to him, and he's really hanging in there." Milton Says
"Rudy's tough. He'll never let you see it's getting to him." Jack Says
Rudy enters the lunch room carrying his tray, he's a little sore and beaten up from the game dodgeball earlier in gym. He makes his way over to the table and Funderburk trips him causing him to drop his food.
"Whoops." He Laughs "Pudy! Pudy!" Funderburk Says As everyone starts chanting
"Pudy! Pudy! Pudy!"
"Aw, shut it! That's it! Stupid classes. Stupid school! Stupid... Fork jammed into my thigh!" He Pulls the fork out "I'm done. I'm dropping out of high school." Rudy Says
After school Jack, Abigail, Eddie and Milton chases after Rudy hoping to change his mind.
"Come on, Rudy you can't drop out of school, you won't get into the Hall of Fame." Abigail Says
"I don't care. School is a mean, dark place. And if you kids had half a brain in your heads, you'd drop out, too!" Rudy Says
"Rudy, I had a teacher once. And he always taught me that no matter how difficult something is... You can't quit. School seems difficult now but, in a couple of days you'll be through it and in the Hall of Fame." Jack Says
"You've helped us all... and tons of other kids. You should be in the Hall of Fame." Eddie Says
"And I'll help you get there." Jack Says
"We'll all help you." Milton Added
"Because that's what friends do." Abigail Smiles
"Thanks, guys. It really means a lot." Rudy Says
Ms.Applebaum is writing on the bulletin board trying to get her class attention but they keep talking over her.
Jerry is looking over at Abigail who's sitting in the front next to Jack talking with some of her friends, and tries getting her attention.
"Psst! Abs Abs, Abigail." Jerry Says
Abigail rolls her eyes and turns to look at him
"What Jerry?"
"So you wanna hang out later, maybe catch a movie?" Jerry Asks
"Sorry I can't I'm busy." Abigail Says
"Doing what-" Jerry Says
"I said I'm busy!." Abigail Says
"Okay I heard you maybe next time." Jerry Says
"She's still mad?" Eddie Asks
"Yeah it's been two days now, Eddie..Milton I'm scared what if my relationships over dude." Jerry Says
"Jerry calm down It's not over." Milton Says
"Yeah she's angry that's all." Eddie Says
"Totally normal for your girlfriend to act this way." Milton Says
"Well how do I make it stop?" Jerry Asks
"Sometimes girls like when guys apologize in a very flashy way." Milton Says
"Like?" Jerry Says
"Don't worry I'll fill you in later." Milton Says
"Class. Stop talking, please?" Ms.Applebaum Says
Right as Ms.Applebaum turns around she sees a paper airplane flying across the room. Before it could hit her Rudy quickly catches it.
"Hey. Your teacher said stop talking. Punks!" Rudy Says, causing the kids to flinch
"Rudy, you've come back." Ms.Applebaum Giggled
"Yes, I did. And I just wanted you to know that after class I was hoping to... Clap your erasers." Rudy Says
"Oh. I'd like that..I'd like that a lot." Ms.Applebaum Says
Rudy digged in pocket and pulled out a shiny bright red apple "I, uh, brought you this." He Says
Ms.Applebaum takes it and takes a huge bite out of the fruit, Rudy takes one as well and the two of them start aggressively biting into the apple creeping out the entire class.
"Is anybody else as creeped out as I am?" Jack Asks and everyone raised their arms
Milton, Abigail and Rudy enters the gymnasium with the rest of the class, Funderburk walks over.
"Well, Pudy. Looks like the only thing standing between you and a Hall of Fame, pork chop dinner is passing my class." Funderburk Says
"Oh, I'll pass it." Rudy Says
"I went through your records and it seems there's one thing you couldn't complete. So, your final exam is..." Funderburk Says
"Not the rope climb!" Rudy Says
"Oh, I was gonna have you do sit-ups. But rope climb it is!" Funderburk Laughs
Milton and Abigail cheers on Rudy, he walks over to the rope confidently but he stops and starts panicking.
"I don't think I can do this, Don't look down. Don't look down, Rudy." He Says
"What are you panicking about, your still on the ground." Abigail Says
Ms.Applebaum walked over to Rudy "Come on, Rudy. You can do this. Your kids believe in you. And I believe in you." She Smiles
"You do?" Rudy Asks
"Yeah, I do now get up that rope and ring that bell!
When you get down, I'll have this waiting for you." Ms.Applebaum Kisses her hand
"Did you just take out your teeth?" Rudy Asks
"What? No. It's a kiss." Ms.Applebaum
"Oh. Right, no, that makes way more sense okay I'm gonna go." Rudy Says
Ms.Applebaum walks back over where the class are, Rudy starts climbing up the rope finally and they all cheer him on well besides Funderburk. He decides to blow his whistle.
"Listen up, class. The first person to knock Pudy off of that rope with one of these balls, doesn't have to run laps for the rest of the year! Take him down! - Get the Pudy!" Funderburk Says
All the students besides Jerry, Jack, Milton and Abigail decided to pick up a hall, even Eddie picked up one but Abigail and Milton stopped him.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie! Are you really gonna knock Rudy off that rope?" Milton Says
"To get out of running laps, I'd knock my mother off that rope." Eddie Says
"No! No, Eddie No!" She jumps on his back "Put the ball down!" Abigail Says
"No!" Eddie Says
Rudy starts slipping down the rope due to the dodge balls being thrown at him, Jacks had enough and climbs up the other rope and try's to help out his friend by smacking some of the balls out the way.
"Aah! I don't think I can do it, Jack." Rudy Says
"Don't you quit on me now, Rudy you're so close
you gotta keep going." Jack Says
Rudy nods and climbs up the rope some more, Funderburk pushes a student out the way and picks up a ball aiming it at Rudy but Jack kicks it and it hits Funderburk right on the chest, he falls to the ground. Rudy finally reaches the top of the rope and he rings the bell the whole class cheers for him.
"Yes! No!" Rudy Says then falls off the rope
After school Abigail decided to head home, she's in her room sitting on her bed doing her homework. She then hears the sounds of music coming from outside. Abigail gets up and looks out her window she sees Jerry standing out on her front yard holding a radio over his head, She opens up her window.
"Jerry what are you doing?" Abigail Asks
Jerry puts down the radio "First off I wanted to apologize for what I did the other day. I spoke without thinking and I know it was totally stupid of me and I didn't take your feelings into consideration."
"Jer—" Abigail Says
"Wait I'm not finished, look there's no arguing that what I said was lousy and I want you to make sure that you know I feel totally guilty. Abigail I'm so sorry, I'll never ever do something that stupid again..your my girlfriend and I care about do you forgive me?" Jerry Says
Abigail doesn't say anything and closes her window, Jerry puts his head down and sighs. He picks up the radio and starts to leave but the door opens and Abigail walks out, Jerry stops as she approaches him.
"Ab-" Jerry Says
Abigail cuts Jerry off with a kiss, he's taken back and kisses her back. She pulls away and he smiles.
"So I'm taking that as yes?" Jerry Says
"Yes your forgiven." Abigail Says
"Guess I'm out of the dog house now Whoo!" Jerry Says
"Don't ruin the moment." Abigail Says
"Sorry." Jerry hugs her, Abigail smiles again
The day finally came and it's the Hall of fame, Rudy is awaiting to be inducted.
"Thank you. Thank you very much. Wow. That was one amazing story, Dr. Hanft. You saved more than a village. You saved , lives up next is Rudy Gillespie, a karate guy." He Says
"Thank you so much, chairman. Um... I could begin the story of my life by starting with the day I was born but... That wouldn't be fair to you. For my story begins when my great, great, great grandfather Jebbidiah Gillespie, came to America with nothing in his pocket, but a spare pocket in case the first one ripped. Rudy: And rip it did." Rudy Says
"Looks like this speech is gonna take awhile." Abigail Says leaning on Jerry's shoulder
Several hours later have passed and Rudy is still going on with his speech. There's only one person left in the crowd and that's Ms.Applebaum, everyone else left a few hours prior.
"That is why I am the greatest person who ever existed. Ever." Rudy Says
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