It Takes Two To Tangle
Jack is showing the guys his new breaking board tricks.
"Kiai!..Kiai..Kiai!" Jack Says
"Wow Jack, how do you do that?" Milton Asks
"It comes from inside me, it's my Kiai." Jack Says
"The boy's in my family get their Kiai's removed, it's tradition" Jerry Says
"No A Kiai is the sound you make when you release the power of your inner self. Come on, guys! Free your inner beast." Jack Says
"Kiai!" Eddie Says
"Kiai!" Jerry Sahs
"Koo..." Milton Says Then they all Laugh
"Dude Your inner beast sounds like a sick dove." Jack Says
"Gah!" Milton walks away
"Oh, are you and Rudy ready for the big Sensei-Student tournament this week?" Eddie Asks
"Totally, and since I'll be competing with Rudy, I've been training my butt off. Dude, our timing during the routine has to be perfect. You know how competitive he is." Jack Says As Rudy enters carrying a box
"Jack, I hope you're prepared for our trip to San Francisco, because I know I am. I found my rubber vomit, and my deluxe whoopee cushion." Rudy Says
"What makes it deluxe?" Eddie Asks, Rudy squeezes the whoopee cushion releasing a terrible smell
"Oh! Ugh!" They Say
"The smell." Rudy Says
"Rudy you're not taking this competition seriously, don't you wanna win?" Jack Says
"Come on, let's just go and have fun, make some memories. Road trip!" Rudy Says
He picks up the box's and walks to his office, Milton fully dressed walks back out.
"Alright see you later guys I got a little pre-anniversary gift for Julie. I made a chocolate rose by hand-what happened to my rose?" Milton Says
"Oh dude, it looks like someone ate the head off it." Jerry Says
"My rose! My sweet rose!" He begins panting, breathing heavily "Ah! Ha! Yah!" He flips Jerry on his back "You just met my inner beast." Milton Says
"Oh, dude Eddie ate some of your rose too." Jerry Says
Milton looks at him angrily and Eddie bolts out of there with Milton on his tail.
Jack and Rudy arrives at their hotel, the bellhop helps them to their room.
"Woo hoo look at this! Pretty sweet, huh Jack?" Rudy Says
"Mm hmm." Jack Says
The bell hop makes a hand motion indicating that he wants a tip.
"Uh... I think you left a bag out in the hall." Rudy Says
Rudy runs over to the door and shuts it right behind the bellhop.
"Nice room okay, we'll unpack, have a great night's sleep then hit the ground running in the morning. - I just need one drawer, you can have..." Jack Says
"Don't need it." Rudy Says, His Stuff already unpacked
"What are you doing?" Jack Asks
"These hotel movie prices are outrageous! That's why I always bring my own satellite dish." Rudy Says
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Jack Says
"I do it all the time." Rudy Says
The satellite dish falls out the window, taking the Tv with it and it crashes outside on a car.
Julie and Milton are in the hallway exchanging gifts to one another for their anniversary.
"Milton, do you like my special anniversary card?" Julie Asks
"Yeah it's really sweet and big as big as my love for you." He puts the card in his locker, struggled but got it in there "I'll treasure it always." He hugs her, Jerry and Eddie walks over looking upset "Hey guys what's up?" Milton Says
"We just came from Spanish, Jerry's bummed because he failed another test." Eddie Says
"Which is kind of weird, because I speak it fluently." Jerry then says something in Spanish
"What does that mean?" Milton Asks
"Well how am I supposed to know, I just told you I'm failing Spanish." Jerry Says
"Forget Spanish, I've got girl problems." Eddie Says
"Girls don't even talk to you." Jerry Says
"That's the problem." Eddie Says As Milton Sighs
"You know what your problem is? You lack confidence. When you ask a girl out, make her feel that if she doesn't go out with you... It's her loss.
And you, you speak the language, don't look at it as taking a test... Look at it as if you're having a conversation with a piece of paper." Milton Says
"Hey that might actually work." Jerry Says
"Milton, where's all this great advice coming from?" Eddie Asks
"I don't know but, yesterday when I did that Kiai, I think I woke up my inner voice. Now I see
everything so clearly. Kiai! Oh. Ah!" Milton Says
"What Happened?" Eddie Asks
"I think I tore my Kiai." Milton Says
Milton goes to sit over by the steps, Eddie helps him.
Abigail waves at some of her friends, Jerry sees her and walks over.
"Hey Abigail." Jerry Says
"Oh Hey Jerry." Jerry smirks at her, she furrows her brows at him " What's up?" Abigail Says
"Oh right so Eddie and I just left Spanish, and I failed my test but I need some help." Jerry Says
"Jerry you speak the language fluently." Abigail Says
"Yes but I don't exactly understand what I'm saying, so I was wondering can you tutor me..please your smart." Jerry rubs her arm and she blushes
"Sure like tutor you." Abigail Says
"Yes." Jerry Says
"Come over to my house after school okay." Abigail Says
"No problem." Jerry Says
Jerry winks at her then walks away, Abigail blushes a bit then opens her locker.
Rudy is up watching tv while Jack is asleep in his bed, He looks over by Jack's bed and see's a box of Oyster crackers.
He gets out bed quietly and tries to not wake up Jack, Rudy climbs over Jack and gets the oyster crackers and goes back over to his bed, He startled Jack and he wakes.
"Rudy! What the heck are you doing?" Jack Asks
"Oh, having trouble sleeping huh? Me too..See what's on TV?" Rudy Says
"I don't care what's on TV... Whoa! It's Bobby Wasabi in "The Big Book beat down" Jack Says
"Yeah, I love this part, this is where he takes out the evil librarians with an almanac." Rudy Says
"No, you're overdue sister". Rudy & Jack Says
"Here we go Bobby and his partner are about to pull off the greatest karate move of all time." Jack Says
"The Wasabi Whip." Rudy & Jack Says
"Here it comes, they run at each other, they lock Nun chucks... Whoa, dude they're airborne! You know if we did that move in competition...We would..." Jack Say
"Be dead That move is practically impossible, Bobby trained for over ten years, and was still only able to do it one time. Look it's almost time to get up, we should probably get to bed." Rudy Says
Jack and Rudy goes back to their beds, Rudy pulls out a machine.
"What's that?" Jack Asks
"Well sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep in hotels... This little machine makes a bunch of different soothing sounds. "The calming beaches of Mexico", my favorite." Rudy Says
Rudy turns on his noise machine and lays down to fall asleep, the machine starts playing mariachi music and Jack wakes up annoyed.
Jerry and Abigail are in her kitchen, she's tutoring him for his make up test.
"Okay Jerry I want you to listen to me when I say this." Abigail Says
"Okay." Jerry Says
"Encantado de conocerte now what did I just say?." Abigail Says
"Uh it's very nice to meet you?" Jerry Says
"Si Si you got it right, ." Abigail Says
"So Abigail where's your family?" Jerry Asks
"Camila and George are at their after school program and Mom's out getting some groceries for dinner." Abigail Says
"So we're all alone." Jerry Says
"Yeah..." Abigail Says
"Oh, vale, entonces, por cierto, tu pelo se ve muy bonito hoy." Jerry Says
"Gracias Jerry... hoy también te ves muy guapo." Abigail Says As Jerry smiles
"Oh Abigail you something on your eyelash." Jerry Says
"Oh-" Abigail Says
"Don't worry I got it." Jerry Says
Jerry moves the chair closer to Abigail, He gently removes the thing from her eyelash and she blinks.
"Did you get it?" Abigail Asks
"Yeah I know, being this close to you I never realized how beautiful your eyes look." Jerry Says
Abigail blushes as Jerry is still very close to her face, Before she can say anything the back door opens and Ms.Fernandez enters carrying groceries and the two of them separates.
"I'm Home." Ms.Fernandez Says
"We weren't doing anything!" Abigail & Jerry Says
"Uh...Okay...So Jerry & Abigail how's the studying going?" Ms.Fernandez Asks
"It's going uh really good actually, um really good." Jerry Says
"That's my Abby so smart, Ahora vosotros dos venid a ayudar a traer los comestibles." Ms.Fernandez Says
"What she say?" Jerry Asks
"To help her with the groceries come on." Abigail Says
Milton and Jerry are walking down the steps leaving from their classes.
"So how'd the study date go with Abigail?" Milton Asks
"A date it uh wasn't a date why did she say that?" Jerry Asks
"No...just asking what's going Jerry?" Milton Asks
"Okay Kim promised Abigail, then She promised me to never tell anyone but Abigail has a crush on me." Jerry Says
"What?!" Milton Says then Jerry covers his mouth
"Dude Shhh." Jerry Says
"I'm sorry this is huge, I mean it was bound to happen for one of the girls to have a crush on us I never pictured it be you." Milton Says
"I know..Hey, but seriously dude it's like ever since Kim told me I can't stop thinking about her. Like yesterday we were studying at her house, and...we almost kissed." Jerry Says
"Seriously?" Milton Says
"Well No but if her Mom Never would have walked in, I don't know I probably would have kissed her." Jerry Says
"Wow Jerry you like Abigail." Milton Says
"I know...what's happening to me." Jerry Says
"Aww little Abby gots your heart." Milton teases
"Shut up." Jerry Says As Milton laughs, Abigail walks over
"Hey Guys." Abigail Says
"Hey Abigail." Milton Says
"Hey..Aba—Abigail." Jerry Says
"So Jerry isn't there something you want to say to me?" Abigail Says
"What?" Jerry Says
"The makeup test Jerry tell me about it?!" Abigail Says
"Oh Look Dude I took your advice, and look what I got on my Spanish test, she gave me two stacked up "D"'s." Jerry Says As Abigail and Milton looks at his test
"Jerry, that's not two stacked up "D"s, that's a "B" Milton Says
Jerry snatches the paper back and looks at it then falls to his knees, Abigail and Milton helps him up.
"Whoa! a "B"?" This is so unreal I've never gotten a "B" Jerry Says
"You Did it Jerry, I'm proud of you." Abigail hugs Jerry
Jerry hugs her back and looks over at Milton who's making a heart with his hands, Eddie walks down the hall holding hands with a girl.
"Tonight, it's just the two us double feature, and that means back to back Eddie." He Says
Jerry and Abigail pulls away and they all see what just happened, the girl blushes and walks away as Eddie walks over to them in shock.
"Ah!" Eddie Says
"Well look at you stud." Abigail Says
"I know right ever since I took your advice, I can't keep the girls at school away." Eddie Says
"Dude, everybody's talking about how you changed us. Check it out!" Jerry Says
There's a long line of students near Milton's locker.
"Yeah they all want your advice for some reason." Abigail Says
"That's the power of my inner voice I really have unleashed my beast." Milton Says As Julie walks over
"There you are, I wanted to talk to you about our anniversary dinner tomorrow night." Julie Says
"I would love to talk with you Julie but you're going to have to go to the back of the line." Milton Says
"What?!" Julie Says
Milton walks over to the first person in line "Hello I'm Milton, how can I fix you?"
"Gah!" Julie Says
Rudy and Jack are in the lobby as Trent Darby and his student walks to the counter to book a room.
"Trent Darby, checking in to the penthouse." He Says
"Trent Darby?" Rudy Says
"I don't believe it. Little Rudy Gillespie you got a job here! Good for you!" He tips Rudy "Be careful with our bags." Trent Says
"Oh! No, no I don't work here." He puts the change in his pocket "So what are doing in town?" Rudy Says
"We were on our way to the Grandmaster Championship's in Japan, and we thought we'd drop in and grab a quick trophy, at the Sensei-Student tournament. This is Donnie my best student he's a master of the Mata-hisa-hushu discipline." Trent Says
"Uh well, this is my best student Jack... And he is also a master of the maraheshee... Mooshu... mooshe... hesu... He does that too! Hyah!" Rudy Says
"Oh! You two are here to compete? Ha ha ha! You never learn do you Rudy? This is gonna be great ha ha ha!" Trent walks away
"That guy seems like a jerk, it's going to be great to compete against him right Rudy?" Jack Says
"Oh, were not going to be competing against him." Rudy Says
"Why?" Jack Says
"Because we're checking out! Check out! Check out! Check out!" Rudy Rings the bell
Rudy is frantically packing trying to leave as Jack is convincing him to stay.
"Just because you ran into some jerk from your past, you're gonna quit the tournament march down to the lobby and walk out the front door." Jack Says
"Of course not, you're gonna zip me in your suitcase and throw me out the window." Rudy Says
"You've always said you don't run away from a challenge, you face it head on." Jack Says
"You shouldn't listen to me, I just asked you to throw me out the window." Rudy Says
"What is it about this guy?" Jack Ask
"Trent Darby stole my life." Rudy Says
Young Rudy and Young Trent are facing off.
"Look, my girlfriend Lenore is sitting over there. So I'm going to show off for her, and destroy you! My fists are going to be flying so fast you'll never even..." Rudy Says
Trent grabs his arm and flips Rudy on his back, the referee raises Trent's arm.
"Why am I on the ground?" Rudy Says
The Next Year
The next competition Rudy and Trent are facing off again.
"My girlfriend Lenore and I, are kind of going through a little bit of a thing." Lenore rolls her eyes at him "So I'm going to be taking my anger out on your face!" Trent Flips him again "Oh! I'm on the ground again aren't I?"
The Next Year
"My girlfriend is clearly now your girlfriend. So I was really hoping that you could take it easy on me because... My self-esteem is at an all time low..."Trent flips him on his back again "Thanks for listening." Rudy Says
"After beating me, his life took off. You know he got all the confidence, the string of dojos. And the Lenore and I wound up... Where I am." Rudy Says
"There's nothing wrong with where you are, you're a great Sensei, and you mean everything to your students. You know what, we're going to stay right here and do the best we can together." Jack Says
"You know what Jack? You're right. Thank you that is exactly the kind of pep talk that I needed I already feel better." Rudy Says As He sits and farts
"You really need to get rid of that whoopee cushion." Jack Says
"Yes, because that was definitely the whoopee cushion." Jack Says
Jerry and Eddie are there practicing, He's telling Eddie about his attempts to ask out Abigail.
"I'm sorry you were trying to ask out who now?" Eddie Says
"Abigail." Jerry Says
"So what happened when you tried to ask her out?" Eddie Asks
"It kinda didn't go as planned." Jerry Says
Abigail is sitting two seats in front of Jerry and she's working, Jerry tries to pass her note but it doesn't go as planned instead it goes to Albert. He looks back at Jerry furrowing his brows.
During Cheer practice Abigail is with her team, they are doing cheer stunts. She does a double twisting layout. But Jerry waves to her and gets in the way and she crashes on to him.
Abigail is in the courtyard talking to some friends, Jerry is holding some flowers and checks his breath he walks towards her but a bee keeps bothering him and he tries smacking it away but instead he hits Abigail in the face.
"You hit her in the face." Eddie Says
"Yeah and that was twenty minutes ago, I blew my chances with her dude." Jerry Says
"Oh don't give up Jerry, its Abigail she likes you back right..all you have to do is talk to her." Eddie Says
"What if I say something stupid?" Jerry Says
"Don't worry about it." Eddie Says As Julie enters
"Hey guys have you seen Milton?" Julie Asks
"Nope." Jerry Says
"Here he comes." Eddie Says As Milton enters
"Where have you been?" Julie Asks
"Only selling out my first seminar it's going to be right here tomorrow night in the dojo. It's called "holla, at your inner winner" Milton Says
"What? Tomorrows our anniversary." Julie Says
"You gotta understand. Milton doesn't just belong to you guys anymore. Milton belongs to the world. Now that my inner beast is released, I've become a strong independent warrior!" His Phone beeps "Mommy, could you pick me up? My bike has a flat. Well then what do I pay you for?" He Says
Rudy and Jack are going over their routine for the tournament.
"Come on Jack! We've been over, and over, and over, this! Where are your toes?" Rudy Says
"On my feet?" Jack Says
"No, see your toes are pointed toward Canada, and my toes are pointed towards Memphis." Rudy Says
"Well how about we compromise and have our toes and meet in, Cleveland." Jack Says
Behind them the janitor is Laughing, Rudy sees this and gets offended.
"What are you laughing at? I know we're hideous, get out!" Rudy Says
"I know you're stressed about beating Trent but, dude what happened to the guy who wanted to come and have some fun and make some memories?" Jack Says
"That guy's dead, and your toes killed him, you convinced me, that we could compete." Rudy Says
"I'm doing the best I can." Jack Says
"Well your best isn't good enough! You're an embarrassment." Rudy Says
"I'm the embarrassment?..I'm outta here." Jack leaves
"Fine! Fine! Walk away!" The Janitor walks in "Hey, there's the guy... Come here. Listen uh, do you know how to use Nun chucks, and break a board? And would you mind if I get a quick little peek at your toes?." Rudy Says
Everyone is in attendance for Milton's seminar, He kicks through the paper and the crowd cheers.
"Kiai!" Milton Says
Eddie, Jerry, Julie and Abigail are there. Abigail's wearing a bandage over her nose which is swollen.
"Can I get a holla?" Milton Says
"Holla!" They Say
"Yeah!" Jerry Says
"Why is a mouse a mouse? Because he squeaks, why is a lion a lion? Because he roars! Which is lion for "holla"!" Milton Says
"Holla!" They Say
"Yes! I can bring it out of you I can! Do you trust me? - Mm hmm. Do you? Well I trust you! Front row catch me." He falls back and no one catches him "I'm okay Holla!" Milton Says
Trent and his student Donnie are performing their routine very impressively, Rudy watches on.
Lenore enters the room, He Stands "Hello Lenore I see you've really let yourself go."
Trent and Donnie walks over to the judges table and the get the score of 29.
"Nice! We got the high score." Donnie Says
"Nice? You cost us the perfect score! You didn't have full extension on your side kicks. we came here to show these losers what perfection looks like you're an embarrassment." Rudy Says
"None should talk to you like that, No one should talk to anyone like that." Rudy Says
"Thanks but, I don't really care what he says, I mean... He's my Sensei, not my friend." Donnie Says
Then Jack enters
"Jack! I'm so glad you're here." Rudy Says
"I'm not a quitter, if I start something I finish it." Jack Says
"Look, I said something that I never should have said.You're not the embarrassment I'm the embarrassment." Rudy Says
"Rudy... Even though you sometimes turn into a flaming nutcase... I know you're always going to be there for me and I'm always going to be there for you." Jack Says
"Thanks Jack." Rudy Says
"Uh, you know if we get a perfect score we could still win this. We just have to do something they've never seen before." Jack Says
"Are you thinking, what I'm thinking?" Rudy Says
"The Wasabi Whip." Jack Says
"Oh. I was thinking man tassels, but the Wasabi Whip is good! Do you really think we can do it?" Rudy Says
"Rudy we've seen that movie a hundred times, when you and I work together nothing's impossible what the heck is a man tassel?" Jack Ask As Rudy shrugs his shoulders
"Holla! Holla! Holla!" They Say
"All right! Let's take a question from a winner in waiting! Yes you?" Milton Says
"Yeah you see I've been trying to ask out this girl I like but, I keep messing up what should I do?" Jerry Asks
"I think you should just be honest with her dude and tell her how you really feel." Milton Says
"Your right thanks Milton." Jerry Says
"I literally said that earlier." Eddie Says
Jerry takes Abigail's hand and she stands up, looking at him confused.
"Jerry what's going on?" Abigail Asks
"Abigail I know." Jerry Says
"Know what?" Abigail Says
"How you feel about me...I know you have feelings for me Kim told me." Jerry Says
"Kim told you...I'm gonna kill her." Abigail Says
"No don't I'm actually really happy she did because it all makes sense now, I mean you and I get along great there's things we share in common besides your really loyal to those you care for and that's what made me like you even more." Jerry Says
"That's not what I expected to hear but, what all that today?" Abigail Asks
"Oh I was trying to ask you out...but I ended up sending you to the ER..sorry about the nose." Jerry Says
"It's okay..just be lucky you didn't break it, but Jerry you didn't have to ask me out in some big grand gesture. I was actually going to ask you out on a date." Abigail Says
"Really?" Abigail Nods "Oh Yeah Whoo! Abigail would you like to go out with me?" Jerry Asks As Abigail smiles
"Yes Jerry." Abigail Says then they hug
"Awww." The crowd says
"Okay now that's over with uh... you, you in the back. I can't see you but go ahead." Milton Says
"I have a boyfriend, and because of his new success he no longer has time for me in his life." Julie Says
"Or his friends." Eddie Says
"Yeah, he's turned into a real snot-donkey!" Jerry Says
"Sometimes you've got to be a hotel operator and give snot-donkey's in your life a wake-up call Can I get a holla?" Milton Says
"Holla!" They Say
"You've got to remind this guy of what's important to him. In fact give this jerk a call right now." Milton Says
"Do it now, do it now, do it now, do it now, do it now!" They Chant
His Phone rings "Hello?" Milton Says
"I miss you jerk." Julie Says
"Julie?" Milton Says
"You're not a nice person anymore I want the old Milton back." Julie Says
"We all do." Abigail Says
"Yeah what have I done?..They're talking about me ladies and gentlemen you see this ponytail? Like me... It's a fake." The Crowd gasps "Guys I'm sorry. I got so wrapped up in thinking I could fix everybody else's life, that I forgot what was important to me... My friends. Here's the difference between these people and you... You guys, I know I can trust." Milton Says
He does a trust fall and they don't catch him either, Jerry and Abigail looks at each other.
"Hey you wanna go catch a movie?" Jerry Asks
"Sounds good." Abigail Says
Jerry takes Abigail's hand and they leave the dojo holding hands, Eddie looks on smiling and clapping.
"Kids they grow up so fast." Eddie Leaves
Julie helps Milton off the ground.
"I had that coming didn't I?" Milton Says
"Little bit." Julie Says
"If you're still willing, I'd like to take you to a romantic anniversary dinner at Cheesy Chads Order anything you want, I just made $19,000." Milton Says
"Holla!" Julie Says
"Trent and Donnie are still in the lead as we give it up for our final competitors... Team Wasabi!"
Jack and Rudy bows then does back flips, they performs their karate routine. Everyone claps and Trent looks on nervously, they both takes out the Nunchucks and performs impressively with those.
Jack and Rudy nods then wrap their Nunchucks around each other to perform the "Wasabi Whip" everyone in the crowd is impressed.
"Woo! Yeah! Oh! - I'm losing my grip!" Jack Says
"Don't worry I've got I don't!" Rudy Says
Jack and Rudy loses their grips and let's go, Rudy flys into Trent crashing into him and Jack lands on a hotdog stand.
"Ow! He broke my nose Lenore! Ah! My beautiful, beautiful nose!" Trent Says
"Rudy, you okay buddy?" Rudy Laughing "I guess it didn't work out too well did it?" Jack Says
"No, not even a little bit. Dude, I don't care that Trent b*at us, we had fun! This whole trip was all about making memories and we just made a great one give me some." He high fives Jack, the judges gives them their total score of 5
"Oh! Yeah!" Rudy Says
"Ladies and gentlemen team Wasabi just recorded the lowest score in the history of this tournament."
"Yeah! Yeah, we did! You hear that people, what do you think of that, come on?" Jack Says
"You people just witnesses some history, lowest score ever! Team Wasabi, give it up! Yeah! Wasabi!" Rudy Says
"Wasabi! Wasabi! Wasabi! Wasabi! Wasabi!" They Chant
Jack and Rudy are checking out, the lady at the front desk gives Jack the bill.
"Our bill is $4,000?" Jack Says
"What? I told you not to order another juice with breakfast!" Rudy Says
"Oh Yeah." Jack Says
"Give me that!" The bill is very long "Mm, room service $1,500..$1,000 for a new TV. $1,400 for volleyball net remove... no, this seems about right." Rudy Says
"What are we going to do?" Jack Asks As Milton enters
"Oh, hey guys." Milton Says
"Milton? Dude what are you doing here?" Jack Asks
"I've been to an away tournament with Rudy before. I know how expensive things can get. Let me see. Oh, this is a cheap one. Now, let's see... You know what? Just keep the change alright boys lets go home, I have a helicopter waiting." Milton Says
"Holla!" Jack & Rudy Says
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