Hit The Road Jack
Milton is showing of his skills using the Bo Staff
"Oh yeah check it out. I got this. I got this. I don't got this! Whoa!" He loses grip of the staff and it goes through the wall to Rudy's office.
"Dude, you just put a hole in the wall." He tries pulling the staff out but it keeps going back in
"You gotta help me out this wall is putting up a fight." Jerry Says
Jerry tries one more time to get the staff out but he loses grip of it and it goes through the wall entirely causing him to hit his head. Rudy exits his office with the staff in his hand, Jerry quickly gets to his feet.
"Rudy, that's exactly like the Bo Staff we just lost...
He did it!" Jerry Says pointing to Milton
"What is wrong with you two? We have the biggest tournament in the history of this dojo tomorrow!" Rudy Says
"That's right tomorrow I get my orange belt." Eddie Says
"That is exact... wait, that's this tournament? I mean, of course it is. Yes, we're all very proud of you. Good work, son." Rudy Says
The dojo doors opens and Jack, Kim and Abigail walks inside talking amongst themselves as Rudy approaches them.
"Hey, where have you guys been? Practice started a half-hour ago." Rudy Says
"Sorry, Rudy it's Wednesday we volunteer at the nursing home." Jack Says
"We volunteer at the nursing home", get your priorities straight, people. Tomorrow is the Champions Tournament!" Rudy Says
"Where I am getting my orange belt." Eddie Says
"I said we're proud of you, now zip it!" Rudy Says
"Rudy, you're a little wound up, but we are ready for the tournament." Abigail Says
"Yeah Kim's been helping me with my spinning back-kick." Jack Says
"Yeah, show him, Jack." Kim Says
She walks over to the bench and picks up a ply of wooden boards, Kim holds it up for Jack and he delivers an impressive spinning back kick breaking the board.
"That is perfect you need to do exactly that tomorrow. You never know who's going to be watching you." Rudy Says
"My whole family's coming to watch me get my orange belt." Eddie Says
"Oh please... Let it go!" Rudy Says
Milton, Jerry and Eddie are standing by the steps in the hallway passing out tickets for their tournament.
"Yo, yo Karate Tournament tonight lady's." Jerry Says
The two girls walks pass him and Eddie not even acknowledging them, he and Eddie share a look.
"Jack's gonna be there." They Say in unison
Immediately the girls come rushing back taking several tickets, another group of girls comes over and takes some tickets from them.
"Hey, tell Jack my friends and I will be at the tournament to cheer him on." She Says
"I'm competing also, so I guess you'll be cheering me on too, right?" Eddie
"Eddie, you and I will never..." She Say but Eddie puts his finger to her lips
"Shh shh shh. Let's not rush this, okay? Let it breathe." Eddie Says
"He put his finger on my lips and it smelled like feet." She grimaced and walked away with her friends
Abigail walks pass the girls and approaches the boys
"What happened over there?"
"Nothing usual Eddie striking out with a couple girls." Jerry Says
"She likes me I know she does." Eddie Says
"Hey." Abigail Says
"Hey." Jerry Says
Abigail smiles and wraps her arms around Jerry's neck giving him a quick kiss, while Eddie and Milton roll their eyes.
"Do you guys have to do that every time?" Milton Asks
"I'm sorry I can't help it, he's so cute." Abigail Says squeezing Jerry's cheeks
"And fellas I'm not gonna complain if my girlfriend wants to kiss me, I mean how could you not." Jerry Says
"Get a room." Eddie and Milton says
Abigail and Jerry laughs but he stops and looks at the boy that walks pass them.
"Oh!" Jerry Says
"What?" Abigail Says
"Yo, there's that new kid. I heard he transferred here from his other school because he stole his Principal's car." Jerry Says
"We don't know he did anything. I don't judge a book by its cover. Let's go talk to him." Milton walks over to the boy
"What?" Jerry Says
"Milton, what are you doing?" Eddie Says
"Hey there my name is Milton these are my friends. I hold out my arms to you as a welcoming symbol of acceptance to our school."
"We're not hugging, dude." He Says
"I high-five you as a welcoming symbol of acceptance to our school..Come on, new kid. Nothing?" Milton Says as the boy stared at him blankly
Tonight was the tournament and everyone was there, alongside other teams from other dojos.
Eddie was showing off his routine that he's been working on for days with Abigail, he finishes the routine and bows as everyone claps.
"Thank you, Sensei." Eddie Says as the Sensei gives him his Orange belt
"Yeah way to go Eddie."
"Today, I have become a man from this day forward, when I pee, I will do it standing!" Eddie Says
They all share looks then Eddie goes to sit over with his friends, Abigail stands because it's her turn now to earn her blue belt.
"Okay Abigail you ready for this?" Rudy Asks
"Oh yeah." Abigail Says putting on her headgear
"Wait isn't that the same girl from last year?" Kim Asks
Abigail and Kim looks over on the other side of the dojo, where her opponent is and she gives Abigail a mean glare.
"That's the same chick that beat me last year." Abigail Says
"And it's like she's grown two inches taller since." Abigail and Kim looks at him "I'll stop talking." Jerry Says
"Don't worry you got this Abs, you've improved since..I believe in you." Kim Says
"Thanks Kim." Abigail Says
"Good luck." Jerry Says
Abigail walks out onto the mat to meet her opponent.
"If it isn't little Fernandez, ready to get your but kicked again?" She Says
"Not planning on it Sheila." Abigail Says
"Ready, Bow." He Says
Both girls bow to him and each other then he starts the fight, Shelia and Abigail has an even fight and she's stunned how good Abigail has gotten. Sheila scores the first point by kicking her in the stomach, but Abigail scored her first point from sweeping her leg and punching her in the stomach.
"Point Fernandez, score is 1-1 next person to score is the winner." He Says
Abigail takes her fighting stance and so does Sheila, both girls exchanged some kicks and punches. She dodges Sheila's attack and flips her onto her back, then takes the final blow scoring a point.
"Winner Fernandez." He Says
"Yes!" Abigail Says
She walks over to the Sensei and he gives her the blue belt and she bows to him.
"Thank you Sensei." Abigail Says
"Hey Fernandez." Sheila Says
"Yeah?" Abigail Says
"Good fight you beat me fare and square." Shelia Says lending out her hand, which Abigail shakes
"Thank you, see you next year." Abigail Says
Abigail walks back over to where everyone is, Rudy high fives her then Kim and Jerry gives her a hug.
Rudy looks over at the entrance way, he gets excited.
"Oh, he's here, he's here, he's here!" Rudy Says
"Uh, who's here?" Milton Asks
"Certainly not a mysterious stranger from Japan who could change our lives forever." Rudy Says
He walks over to the business man in the suit and bows to him, Jack stands up and puts on his headgear.
"Ooh I've seen that guy before he's tough, but knowing you Jack you could beat him." Abigail Says
"I don't know Abigail I'm kinda nervous this guy I'm going up against hasn't lost in two years." Jack Says
"Well, he's about to. He doesn't know who he's messing with...Bobby Wasabi's best student right here! You don't want any of this!" Kim Says
"Kim, stop." Jack Says
"Because boom goes the dynamite! Boom!" Kim Shouts
"Kim, stop booming. People are looking." Jack Says
Kim nods then she and Abigail walks over towards Joan and they all watch Jack take on his opponent.
It was very even match up just when he thought he was about to lose, Jack was able to defeat him with his spinning back heel kick.
"Yes!" Jack Says
"So what'd you think about Jack? Is he as good as I said?" Rudy Asks
"No. He's better. I'll meet with the boy." He Says
"I am the greatest Sensei in the world!" Rudy hugs the man
"Jack, you did it. That was incredible." Kim Says
She runs over and embraces Jack, the two of them realize that they are hugging and pulls away awkwardly.
"Woo... Woo... Whee you're turning this dojo into a Hungarian hothouse, missy." Joan Says
"What are you talking about, Joan?" Kim Asks
"I saw what was going on between you and mister kicky-kicky-chop-chop." Joan Says
"There's nothing going on between us." Kim Says
"Oh ho ho, really? Let me take out my old passion meter, huh? Boop boop boop. B-b-b-b-b-boop! Ooh, your first love is the most important one of your life. You just pick up the old Joan phone if you're ready to talk or, you know... Kick it." She throws her foot in the air and her shoe goes flying "Oh, holy Hanna. Base, I'm going to need a woman's right 8 1/2 , stat."
Joan Says then leaves
"Can you believe Joan." Kim Says
"Yeah I do that woman might be a little crazy at times but she's right Kim, I saw that hug there's definitely something there." Abigail Says
"No there isn't...I don't like Jack." Kim Says
"I said the same thing about Jerry and here we are, four months going strong." Abigail Says
Kim and Abigail looks over at Jerry who's doing push up impressing some of the ladies holding up
Jack signs, he goes for the last push up but falls to the ground.
"Yeah he's a real catch." Kim Says
Milton and the new kid Zane enters the AV club room where some of the members are.
"Welcome to the AV Club, or as we call it, the cool kids club. Here is where we keep the laptops." Milton Says
"What's that?" Zane Asks pointing to a clipboard with the number 23 on it
"Oh, and right here...number of days since a club member has been wedgied. Wedgie free for 23." Milton Says
Zane chuckles at the nerd then walks inside the room where they keep the computers. Suddenly Sidney enters the room and rips off the paper from the clip board.
"They got me right outside the library, I never saw it coming." Sidney Says, he looks down at his wedgie
"Milton, can I talk to you in private?" Emmett Asks
"Whatever you would say to me, you can say in front of my new friend Zane." Milton Says
"Okay... Your new friend is a criminal." Emmett Says
"Shame on you...shame, I say! this boy will not be an outcast because of a mere rumor. Zane, I will not allow you to wear the shackles of a reputation. Because of me, you will always drink the purified waters of freedom. Freedom!" He slams the door, not realizing he locked Zane in "Emmitt, I don't judge a book by its cover..." Milton Says, he and Emmett leaves the room
"Dude, I'm locked in..hello?" Zane Says
Later that day Kim and Abigail left their class and were walking to their next one, they stop at the top of the steps looking down at Jack being approached by a girl.
"Jack, you're just so awesome..I mean, that fly-kicky thing you did was, like, wow! I hope you like the balloon." She giggles As Kim rolls her eyes
"Oh, thanks." Jack Says
"See you, Jack." She walks away
"I mean that fly-kicky thing you did was, like, wow!" Kim Says mocking her laugh
"You really don't like her, do you?" Jack Says
"What makes you say that? Hey, look!" She pops his ballon with her pencil "Late to class see ya." Kim Says
"Jealous much." Abigail mumbles
"What?" Jack Says
"What I didn't say anything." Abigail Says
"But I heard you say something." Jack Says
"Nope didn't say a peep." Abigail Says
Jerry and Eddie were walking in the hallway they meet up with Milton who closes his locker, as he did that Frank's pants got caught and they were ripped off due to the locker.
You dweebs just pantsed me?!" Frank Says
"They got caught in my locker." Milton Says
"Here we go!" Frank Says
He goes to punch Milton in the face but Jack and Abigail walks over blocking Franks way.
"Hey, you heard him It was an accident." Jack Says
"So beat it Frank." Abigail Says
"One day, he's not going to be here to protect you." Frank Says, He and his black dragon friends walked away
Rudy is in his office talking with the Sensei from Japan "My training was in Tokyo. My first Sensei was old Master Lee. He was a blind monk whose dojo was on the side of a mountain." He Says
"My first Sensei was a guy named Carl. Um, he could braid his nose hairs and his dojo was made out of refrigerator boxes." He Laughs "I wasn't kidding." Rudy Says
The door opens and Jack enters "Uh, Rudy, you wanted to see me."
"Jack, this is Master Tanaka from the Otai Academy." Rudy Says
"Whoa! The Otai Academy? The greatest martial arts masters in the world trained there." Jack Says
"I guess I'm the exception to that rule. Am I right." Rudy Says
"It's such an honor to meet you, Master Tanaka." Jack Says shaking his hand
"The heart and skill I witnessed at the tournament have proven to me, that you have the makings of a champion let's talk." Master Tanaka Says
A few minutes later everyone is inside the dojo training and working out, Rudy and Master Tanaka exit his office.
"Next time you're in town, call me. It doesn't have to be business, we can just hang. Do you foosball? All right, everybody, bring it in! Jack has an unbelievable announcement to make." Rudy Says
"It's a little crazy, but I just got offered a scholarship to the Otai Academy." Jack Says
"So full of pride." Rudy Says
"What?" Kim Says
"But the Otai Academy is in Japan." Milton Says
"Wait, what are you saying, Jack?" Abigail Asks
"I'm moving to Japan." Jack Says
"What?" They Say
"Oh no my legs are going. Mat me! Mat me, Jerry!" Rudy Says
Jerry quickly pulls the mat over to Rudy to break his fall but he instead falls backwards.
"Dude, you gotta be more specific." Jerry Says
The next day everyone is in the dojo going over the news Jack told them. "I still can't believe that I'm moving to Japan. I mean, I leave Friday."
"I was just reading about the Otai Academy, this brochure says the scholarship is for four years." Eddie Says showing Jack the brochure
"When you come back, we'll be in college." Kim Says
"Well some of us will be." Abigail Says
"Wow, you... you're right. Man, this place is unbelievable! State of the art training center, outdoor dojo... And the cafeteria has got a "make your own waffle" station! shut up!" Jerry Says
"Sounds like a great opportunity, I'll catch up with you guys later." Kim Says
Kim gets up and leaves the dojo, Abigail looks as she goes and notices something was obviously bothering her best friend.
"She okay?" Jack Asks
"Yeah but I'm just gonna go check on her." Abigail Says then leaves
"Man, it's gonna be weird not being here every day." Jack Says
"Jack, you're such a big part of this dojo I bet Rudy isn't happy." Milton Says
"I am the happiest I've ever been in my life!" He enters holding a flag and radio "I overnighted a bunch of stuff from the Otai bookstore. Listen to this, it's your school fight song..It's super catchy." He plays the song and starts singing along
"Great. Now I'm not going to be able to get that song of my head." Jerry Says then starts singing in Japanese leaving the dojo
Abigail walks into Phil's and looks over at Kim who's sitting alone at a table
"Hey." Abigail Says
"Hey." Kim Says
"I sensed there was something wrong so that's why I came to look for you." Abigail Says
"Was it that obvious." Kim Says
"Yeah but why so glum, soul sister?" Abigail Asks
"Remember when I was in the dojo, and I told you I didn't have any feelings for Jack?" Kim Says
"Mm hmm." Abigail Says
"I kinda do, but it doesn't really matter now he's moving to Japan." Kim Says
"Can I tell you a short story?" Abigail Says
"Abigail I love you but I'm not in the mood to hear about your fan fiction." Kim Says
"It's not about that it's about a real life experience. Back in middle school there was this boy I was friends with his name was Kaz, and I had the biggest crush on him despite being his friend we were inseparable together but it was so hard just being friends with him." Abigail Says
"You were honest with him and told him how you felt right?" Kim Asked
"No turns out he liked someone else in our school, and eventually in 7th grade we weren't in the same class and we barely spoke again till graduation the next year. I guess I'm trying to say if you love something, don't set it free because you'll might not see it again." Abigail Says
"Thanks, Abigail." Kim Says
In the dojo Jerry, Milton and Eddie were having tryouts to see if they could find the next Jack.
"You really think we can replace Jack?" Jerry Asks
"We've gotta try, I mean without Jack, not a single girl is gonna talk to us." Eddie Says
"Forget girls, we've got no protection from Frank and his thugs. At least when Kim and Abigail's not around." Milton Says
"All right, let's do this." Eddie Says
They all sit down at a table with microphones on it , before them is Randy.
"What makes you think you can be the next Jack?" Milton Asks
"First of all, I have pretty awesome hair and like Jack, I have two moles. One's on my neck and one's on my..." Randy Says
"Next!" They Says
Randy scoffs then leaves the dojo and Sidney enters wearing a green leotard with yellow trims on it performing a rhythmic routine.
"Close your eyes and picture a..." Sidney Says
"Next!" They Says
As Sidney leaves they all see Zane walk in the dojo, alongside some pretty friends of his.
"Wait, what is your criminal friend doing here?" Eddie Asks
"He's not a criminal!" Milton Says
"Zane, are you here to audition?" Milton Asks
"I came to bring the sweater you left in the AV Club."He tosses him the sweater, then approached the punching dummy "Hey, you mind?" Zane Says
"Go ahead." Milton Says
Zane starts hitting the punching dummy really impressively, Jerry, Eddie and Milton's mouths drop in amazement.
"Whoa. You know karate?" Eddie Asks
"A little bit." He breaks a board "Ha!" Zane Says
"Holy Christmas nuts!" Milton Says
"Congratulations! You're our new Jack!" Jerry Says
Later on that day Abigail and Kim returned to the dojo to meet Zane, they all go over the code with him as Jack walks in with his duffel bag looking over at the board that has his picture on it.
"Okay, let's try it one more time I think I got it." Zane Says
"We swear by the light of the dragon's eye, to be loyal and honest and never say die. Wasabi!"
"You got it, Zane." Abigail Says
"Thanks." Zane Says
"Hey, guys." Jack Says
"Oh hey, Jack this is Zane, he's the new you." Jerry Says
"Awkward!" Milton Says
"Oh, Jack, Zane's gonna need your locker." Jerry Says
"Yeah." Eddie Says
"Awkwarder." Milton Says
"Yeah yeah, that's no problem I was coming to clean it out anyway." Jack Says as he walks to his locker
"Uh, look, Jack, he's just the new guy in the dojo. Nobody could replace you." Kim Says
"We're going to Falafel Phil's with Jack's replacement see ya." Jerry Says then Abigail smacks the back of his head as they leave
"Kim? check these out we took this at the photo booth down at the pier, remember?" Jack Says
"Oh yeah. I can't believe you still have those." Kim Says
"There's four pictures here, you take two and I'll take two?" Jack Says
"Yeah." Kim Says
Jack rips up the photo strip and hands the other piece to Kim, they both continue look and stroll through memory lane.
"Hey, I remember that one that's where I gave you a wet willy." Jack Says
"Look at the next one that's the one where I gave you a black eye." Kim Says
"Guys! There's something weird going on. I just discovered a laptop is missing. I went to talk to Emmitt about it, no one has seen Emmitt in two days. And Zane was the last person to see him." Milton Says
"So what are you saying?" Eddie Asks
"I'm saying..." Milton Says
Dramatic music plays, Zane drags a big black duffel bag down the hall and shoves it into his locker.
"You guys didn't see anything, did you?" Zane Asks
"Nope." Milton Says
"Absolutely not." Eddie Says
"The sun was in my eyes." Jerry Says As Zane leaves
"Holy Christmas nuts! We've just replaced Jack with a homicidal maniac!" Dramatic music plays again "Francis, would it kill you to practice in the band room?!" Milton Says
Abigail and Kim are in their pep squad alongside the other team members, they are going over some routines.
"Okay everyone that was a good practice today, take five." Grace Says
"Listen, I rethought your whole situation before Jack leaves he has to know what's in your heart." Abigail Says
"I tried, but the words just don't come out." Kim Says
"Listen Kim this is something you shouldn't over think, this is Jack we're talking about..what if he likes you back." Abigail Says
"What if he doesn't, I don't want to lay my heart out there and watch it get crushed by a boy I'm not gonna see for years." Kim Says
"You make a valid point but that's just a what if, you never know until you try. Tomorrow is his last day, it's either you tell him or regret not telling him for a long time." Abigail Says
"Okay everyone let's take it from the top." Grace Says
All the pep squad members all line up, Kim drinks some of her water and goes over what Abigail just said and thinks deeply.
Back in the hallway Milton, Jerry and Edie leads entire study body over to where Zane is by his locker.
"There he is we know what you're hiding in that locker. Zane stole a laptop and when he realized Emmitt was on to him, he eliminated him and stuffed him into his locker." Milton Says
He opens up the boys locker and the duffel bag falls out and everyone gasp.
"No, I didn't" He pulls out a dummy dressed in a karate Gi "I saw the dojo equipment was pretty beat up, so I got this for you guys." Zane Says
"Aw." Jerry Says
"You guys are freaks! I'm out of here." Zane Says slamming his locker then leaves
Jerry and Eddie cross their arms shaking their heads at Milton. "Oh, excuse me. I guess none of you people ever accused an innocent boy of being a homicidal maniac. It happens!" He Says
As they turn to leave they stop in their tracks as Frank stares at them pounding his fist.
"Hey, Frank, any interest in being the new Jack?" Jerry Asks laughing which turned to sobs
Today was the day Jack was finally leaving for Japan, they all bought a cake and decorations for the party. Jack paces back and forth looking at his watch.
"Guys, I keep texting Kim, but she's not answering. Abigail do you know where she might be?" Jack Says
"No but I'm sure she's gonna show up." Abigail Says
"We're running out of time my dad's gonna be here any minute. Man, I'm going to miss you guys." He brings them all in for a hug "You guys are literally the best friends I'll ever have and I love you guys.
Promise me you'll have each other's backs." Jack Says
"Yeah." Milton Says
"Sure." Jack Says
"Of course we will." Abigail Says
"Come on." Jack Says
The group of teens all bring it in for a group hug, Jack breaks it up and looks around the dojo.
"I never thought I'd say this... Bye." Jack Says
Jerry starts sobbing and leans on Abigail's shoulder.
"Jerry what's wrong?" Abigail Asks
"I didn't want him to see me like this." Jerry Says
Jack walks back in "I almost forgot my stuff."
Jerry wipes away his tears and wraps his arm around Abigail's shoulder "Jack, what's up, bro? I'm just helping Abigail, because she's not strong like me.
You're overreacting. Shh, be quiet."
Jack has his suitcase and waves one more time at everyone and leaves the dojo.
"Bye, Jack." They Say
Jack walks out into the mall courtyard where Rudy is waiting for him. "So are you excited?"
"Yeah yeah hey, can you do me a favor? Give this letter to Kim? I wrote down some things that I wanted her to know." Jack Says
"Sure. Ah... The adventure that lies before ye. Foreign lands, grand masters... Don't even get me started on that waffle bar." Rudy Says
"Yeah, it's a world-class facility, but this dojo is always gonna be home." Jack Says
"Of course it'll be but, this is an opportunity of a lifetime and you're getting a free ride." Rudy Says
"I know it's free, but... I can't help think that it might cost me everything that I care about." Jack Says
"What do you mean?" Rudy Asks
"I don't know. It's just by the time I get back... What we have in that dojo won't be here anymore." Jack Says
"It... Oh, I didn't even think of it like that. You're right. I was so excited about what you were gaining, I didn't even think about what you were losing." Rudy Says
"Don't get me wrong, the waffle bar sounds pretty great." Jack Says
"Oh yeah, no, the waffles are a given." Rudy Says
"Martial arts is really important to me. But so are my friends. If I leave, I'll have one of those. But if I stay, I'll have both." Jack Says
"Sounds like you know what you want to do." Rudy Says
"Yeah. Yeah, I do." Jack Says then hugs Rudy
"I'm really glad you're staying and I know this might sound a little crazy, but I would really like to... go to Otai and pretend that I'm you? All right, whatever. I'm gonna go eat what's left of your face." Rudy Says
As Rudy walks back to the dojo Kim finally arrives with a letter in her hand.
"Oh Kim, Jack put some of his personal thoughts down in this letter and wanted me to give it to you, so see ya." Rudy Says
"Thanks." Kim Says
"It's okay, Jack. I did the same thing there's some things that I wanted you to know. But promise me you'll wait to read it till you're on the plane." Kim Says
"I would but... I changed my mind. I'm not going." Jack Says As Kim eyes widen
"Well, in that case, I'm just going to say it...I want my letter back." Kim Says
"And I want mine." Jack Says As they swap letters
"So what made you change your mind about going to Japan?" Kim Asks
"Oh, I don't know. I thought it might cost too much." Jack Says looking inside the dojo causing Kim to smile, then they enter again joining up with their friends
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