Fat Chance
Jerry, Kim, Abigail and Eddie are at their lockers,
When Milton runs down the stairs looking for them.
"Guys, guys! Wanna know who just won the districtwide spelling bee?" Milton Asks As Jerry Shakes his head No "Here's a clue: M-e."
"Meh?" Jerry Says Confused
"It's Me you toad" Milton Says
"What's that?" Abigail Asks Pointing what Milton's holding
"The trophy I won. It's a bronze bee." Milton Says
"I've got fillings bigger than that thing." Kim Says
"I rode a little filly named "perspicacious" All the way to the finish line. Now come on, who's the man?" Milton Says
"Jack Is The Man!"
Jack and a bunch of students start to cheer his name "Jack! Jack! Jack!" in the hallway, Jerry, Abigail, Kim and Eddie join in as well.
"Thank you." Jack Says
"Now thanks to Jack's routine, We've won our first gymnastics trophy in years." He Says
The Principal hands the trophy to a student who places the trophy at the top where all the others are.
"It wasn't really a routine. I was just trying to move fast enough. So no one would notice I was wearing a unitard." Jack Says Then Two Gymnast Team members walk pass everyone in leotards and gives Jack a thumbs up "When you're wearing one of those things, Even when you win, you lose."
"You know, I just won the first spelling bee our school has ever..." Milton Says
"Hey, show us what you did to win, Jack." Eddie Says interrupting him
Everyone gets excited, they all back up as Jack does a cartwheel into a backflip, Everyone claps.
"Jack, I hope that this means. That you're going to stay on the gymnastics team" Principal Says
"I told you, it was a one-time deal. I win you your trophy and you get a little visit from the wedgie wizard." Jack Says As Jerry Smirks
"I guess a deal's a deal." Principal Says
"Just go with it." Jerry Says As He Puts Baby powder on his hand "Hold that for me", Jerry goes behind the principal and gives him a wedgie "Whoo!"
"Aah! Is that all you've got, punk" Principal Says
As The Principal walks away everyone can see's his underwear and they begin to laugh, the bell rings.
"All right, let's go, Milton, are you coming?" Jack Says
"Yeah, I'll catch up with you guys in a second." Milton Says
"All right." They All Say As Everyone walks to class
"You know, you're just a little bee with broken wings, But you, my friend, are gonna hang with the big dogs, Whoa whoa! Whoa whoa!" Milton Says As He begins to stumble off the ladder and he lands into a man's arm "If you're my guardian angel, You sir, are awesome at your job!"
The rest of the gang is through the mall towards the dojo, "And at the very last second he caught me. He put me down and walked away, The only thing that I know about him Is that his nametag said "yoshi Nakamura." Milton Says
"Huh, never noticed him before." Jack Says
"Okay, hang on. So you didn't notice a 600 lb custodian, But you did notice when Donna tobin. Changed her ponytail from left to right?" Kim Says
"Okay, first it was right to left Second, it wasn't a ponytail, It was a french braid And third, maybe if that custodian. Had legs like Donna tobin, I would've noticed him too." Jack Says As Kim & Abigail Rolls their eyes
"Hey Hey, big news, everybody The magic shop went out of business. They have to sell everything at half price, I feel so bad for them I think I'm gonna cry, It's a good thing I have this handkerchief. Oh, lookit!" Rudy Says As Many Handkerchief's come from his sleeves, Everyone seems unimpressed while Jerry seems a little freaked out.
"Yo, I don't know how he's doing that man, But it's freaking me out." Jerry Says As He hides Behind Abigail
They all follow behind Rudy who's pulling his red wagon "Anyway, since the store closed, A storage space opened up in the basement directly below us. I finally have a place for all my stuff."
"It's about time." Eddie Says
"This place is getting pretty cluttered." Abigail Says
"It is not." Rudy Says
"Rudy, this place looks like a crazy old Cat lady lives here." Abigail Says
"Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration."
"Really" Abigail Says
Abigail Goes to open the lockers on the other side of the room many random things fall out the locker even an orange cat. "Okay, that is not my Cat. Are you coming, tip tip?" Rudy Says As he pulls his wagon away with his cat.
Rudy is pulling his wagon until he sees Lonnie playing with his paddle ball, "Uh, excuse me, Lonnie. What are you doing in my storage space?" Rudy Says
"I have claimed this for reptile world." Lonnie Says
"Listen, you little lizard-loving freak, I want you and all of your stuff out of here now." Rudy Says
"Uh-oh, I may have just let a bearded skink slip out." Lonnie Says
"Why can't you say you passed gas like everyone else" Rudy Says
"A skink is a type of poisonous lizard. And... ooh! No, do not move. He's on the back of your neck." Lonnie Says
"Look, I'm not falling for that And I'm telling you for the last time, get your... Oh wow, is it getting warm in here?" Rudy Says As he begins to panting
"That's the first sign of a skink bite. Second sign is your tongue will go numb. You should seriously get some help." Lonnie Says
"I'm not leaving. They can carry my... Dead body out of here. And I will still stand here to make my point. Aah! Holy smokes, I'm on fire!" Rudy Says Then Runs out of the storage unit
The Group is walking through the hallway while Milton is carrying a cake. "Bringing presents to custodians? That's not cool, I mean, what's next Asking the crossing guard to the prom" Jerry Says
"I already tried that, but she just wants to be friends." Eddie Says As Abigail Pats His Back
"Maybe Next time Ed" Abigail Says
"I think it's sweet Milton bought his new friend a cake." Kim Says
"Thanks, Kim. See, when someone does something great... You know, save a life. Or win a spelling bee... They should get some recognition." Milton Says
Milton Knocks on the door several times but no answers, Jerry walks over and opens the door. Inside the closet they spot many newspapers articles of the custodian named "Nakamura" and a large trophy.
"Whoa!" They All Say
"Do you know what this means?" Jack Says
"I know exactly what this means... Our custodian's king of the babies" Jerry Says
Rudy is unpacking his things around the room, then Lonnie enters. "Hey, what are you doing in here? I thought I told you this space is for reptile world." Lonnie Says
"Not anymore. You left, I moved in. Oh, and if you're looking for your tortoise, I left it in the hallway this morning." Rudy Says
"You fool! He could be 3 or 4ft away by now." Lonnie Says
"I have to go upstairs. Don't touch any of my stuff, especially that massage chair." Rudy Says
"Would you mind if I... " Lonnie Says
"No no. You couldn't handle it. That's way too much chair for you." Rudy Says
"What?" Lonnie Says
"I'll be right back." Rudy Says Then Leaves
"I will sit wherever I wanna sit." Lonnie Says As He Sits in the chair "How is he gonna find out? Oh. Ooh. Oooh. This is nice. Let's see what this baby can do."
Lonnie Presses a button on the chair and immediately goes flying across the room bouncing off the gate.
The group walks into the cafeteria laughing then Jerry spots Nakamura, "Whoa, check it out, you guys. There he is." Jerry Says
"Well, come on." They All Walk over to him "Mr. Nakamura, I just want to thank you." Milton Says
"That's what I do... mop up pudding barf, Collect trash and catch flying boys I'm living the dream." Nakamura Says
"We stopped by your closet and saw your newspaper clippings, Your trophies and your medals. You're amazing!" Milton Says
"Then we checked you out on the Internet, You were a six-time sumo champion." Abigail Says
"Yeah, that match where you lost your diaper thing. And kept fighting... that was awesome! - And disturbing. But mostly awesome."Jack Says
"That was a long time ago. I used to be a hero in Japan and now I plunge toilets. And you... you either change your diet. Or use the bathroom at home, Jerry." Nakamura Says
"Wait, you know my name?" Jerry Says
"In the janitor's room we call you the bowl Buster." Nakamura Says
"You hear that, you guys? I'm the bowl Buster. Whoo!" Jerry Says As They Shake their heads disapproving
"Sir, I love that awesome victory dance you do.. The Nakamura stomp." Kim Says
"Yeah" They All Replied
"That started when I seen a spider in the ring. The crowd loved it, so I just ran with it." Nakamura Says
"Come on, man, do it for us." Eddie Says
"Yeah, come on, do it." Milton Says
"Aw, I couldn't. I'm at work." Nakamura Says
"Please? Just once." Milton Pleads
"Fine. Just one for you, little buddy." Nakamura Says
"Yeah! - Come on, man." Jack Says
They All Back up as Nakamura gets in the middle of the cafeteria, He Stomps a first time the cafeteria shakes everyone's food trays and drinks jump, he stomps a second time it happens again then a third time he takes a huge jump and they entire cafeteria shakes and everyone goes down, Jerry helps Abigail up as everyone else gets up quickly.
"Oops" Nakamura Says
"Look what you did!" Principal Yells With Noodles on his head
"I'm sorry, sir. - We were just having a little fun" Nakamura Says
"Oh, fun? I didn't hire you to jump around like some hopscotching hippo." Principal Says
"I got this. Mr. Nakamura would like you to talk to him with a little more respect." Milton Says
"So I don't talk to you with respect, huh?" Principal Says Taking the noodles off his head
"Actually I said..." Nakamura Says
"This man used to be a hero, so he doesn't need this job." Milton Says
"Really?" Principal Says
"No, I really need the job..." Nakamura Says
"He demands you to apologize to him right now." Milton Says
"Really? Nakamura, you're fired!" Principal Says As Everyone in the cafeteria is shocked.
"Milton What were you thinking?" Jack Asks
"I don't know. I thought by stepping up and helping Nakamura I could be a hero for once, like you."
"Eh, I'm not a hero." Jack Says
"Oh help! He stole my purse! Aah!" Woman Yells
Jack Pushes Milton Aside, He sweeps the leg of the robber causing him to fall. Jack grabs the purse and throws it back to the woman.
"Bless you, Jack." She Says
"Uh, what were we talking about again?" Jack Asks
"Oh, you were just going on about not being a hero."
Milton Says
Milton and Jack walks into the Dojo where everyone else is, Rudy comes out his office "Guys, group meeting. Um, why is weepy mchugie still here?" Rudy Asks
"The guy's been through a lot, Rudy. We found out why he gave up sumo and left Japan in shame." Milton Says
"Sixty five wins in a row, then some rookie struts in. And throws him out of the ring like a moldy pear." Eddie Says
"You guys hiding pears over there?" Nakamura Asks
"There's no pears, darlin" Kim Says
"As if that wasn't bad enough, he lost his life's savings." Jack Says
"Wow, how did he do that?" Rudy Asks
"He went on a game show called "are you willing to lose your life's savings" Abigail Says
"Fix this. Once the food runs out, we're gonna look tasty to that guy. Fix this." Rudy Says Then leaves the dojo
"Hey, guys, I got an idea. Nakamura, Milton was right... You're not a custodian, you're a champion. And with our help, you'll get there again." Jack Says
"I told you it was a long time ago. Why do you guys believe in me" Nakamura Says
"Look, we live by something called the Wasabi code. That means we never give up on each other. We just gotta find a way to get you back on the horse." Jack Says
"Uh, Jack, it'd probably be safer if the horse got on his back" Jerry Says As Nakamura Gives him a stare "But, uh, you know, either way."
"Wasabi?" Jack Says As Everyone Puts their hands in then Nakamura joins them
"Wasabi!" They All Say
Lonnie comes near the gate waving a white flag at Rudy, "Got your note. I heard you wanted to see me."
"Listen, we gotta come to some sort of an agreement about this space. We can't keep fighting like this." Rudy Says
"I'm not so sure I can trust you before this conversation goes any further, I wanna check you for weapons. Lift your arms." Lonnie Says
Rudy Lifts his arms out as Lonnie takes out a lint roller and begins to search him making a noise.
"That's a lint roller and you're making that noise with your mouth. Look, so we both want the space, right?" Rudy Says
"It's nicer than my apartment... Smells less lizardy and has exactly 100% less mother." Lonnie Says
"You live with your mother" Rudy Says
"I would hardly call it living, fella." Lonnie Says
"Why can't we just figure out some way to share it?" Rudy Says
"Huh. Are you thinking what I'm thinking" Lonnie Says
"Man cave!, Yeah!" Rudy & Lonnie Says
Kim and Eddie are outside the dojo Folding towels, Abigail comes back outside with them. "They're not back yet?" Abigail Asks
"Nakamura wanted to run one more lap. Around the mall with his weight vest." Kim Says
Meanwhile Jack is running while Nakamura is walking behind him with Milton on his chest
"All right, that was your best time yet. You ran the entire mall in under four minutes." Jack Says
"Bouncing around in that thing. Has given me a new respect for kangaroos." Milton Says
"Hey, Nakamura, I saw you running through the mall. Carrying a big pasty baby that looked a lot like Milton." Rudy Says
"I'm not pasty I'm translucent" Milton Says
"Nakamura's training for his big comeback." Jack Says
"A comeback sumo match... I bet people would buy tickets for that." Rudy Says
"I paid five bucks to watch the Kellys' dog have puppies I've seen the miracle of life... And it's disgusting." Eddie Says
"You know, we can have the match right here in the dojo."
"Yeah, that's great and all, but we don't have another sumo wrestler for him to compete against." Abigail Says
"I do." Rudy Says
Rudy is on the beach with a metal detector then he spots something on the shore, "Oh no, Beached whale! Somebody help me! We gotta haul it back to sea before it dies! - Go to your home." Rudy Says Pushing the person he thinks is a whale but it's not.
"What are you doing?" He Says
"No, I... I... You thought I was a whale, didn't you?"
"Yeah, a little bit." Rudy Says
"We kept in touch I'll give him a call." Rudy Says
Rudy Walks back to his office then Jerry comes out the bathroom in a sumo wrestling costume, Everyone looks at him with smirk's on their faces.
"Huh! All right, Nakamura, time for your real workout. Let's belly up!"
"Jerry, how's this thing gonna help? You look like a bloated Turkey in a thong." Jack Says
"It's gonna make him quicker, I'm scrappy and wiry. Now come on, big guy." Jerry Says As He Runs into Nakamura and falls to the ground he struggles to get up for a while "Whoa! A little help." They All Help Him up, "Thanks. I'm good. I'm good." Jerry Says As He Runs back to the bathroom.
"I'm telling you, Lonnie, I'm gonna make a fortune off this sumo match." Rudy Says
"Do you mind? I am trying to watch the finale. Of "america's got tap shoes." Lonnie Says
"Lonnie, later for that. It's time for "ultimate combat" on the violence channel." Rudy Says
"I am not watching a bunch of girlie men slap each other. When there's tap dancing on." Lonnie Says
"Sure. Give me the remote!" Rudy Says
"No, you don't." Lonnie Says
"Oh no, you do not!" Rudy Says As Lonnie Toss The remote outside "Are you happy? Now one of us has to get off the couch to change the channel."
"All right, I was being unreasonable, It is your turn. You may have the remote. " Lonnie Says
"Thank you" Rudy Says
Rudy gets up to go get the remote outside the storage unit then Lonnie locks him out.
"What are you doing?" Rudy Says
"The man cave is under new management. You are out and I am in." Lonnie Says
"Open the Gate, Lonnie." Rudy Says
"Not gonna happen, rudes. Oh yeah, and I made a few adjustments to the security system." Lonnie Says
He Takes out a remote and presses a button and Rudy begins to get shocked from the gate.
"Shocking, isn't it? Tap for me, America Tap!" Lonnie Says As he presses the button again and Rudy gets shocked again.
"Aah!" Rudy Yells
Rudy is taking the money from the customers as they enter the dojo at the door, "Enjoy the match. Enjoy the match. Enjoy the match."
Nakamura comes out and the crowd applauses him as he bows Jerry bows as well " All right, my man, limber up, okay Stretch yourself out. Just remember everything I showed you, okay Now come on, let's do this." Jerry pats Then Nakamura on the butt "Oh wow. Skin on skin... that was pretty awkward."
"Ah, there's my man, Yamazaki, my beach buddy."
"Got my six hundred bucks?" Yamazaki Asks Then Rudy hands him a envelope "Let's do this."
Yamazaki takes off his robe then Nakamura turns around to see him and takes off " Uh-oh." Nakamura Says Then Enters Rudy's Office as Jack, Rudy and Milton follows
"Nakamura, you can't hide in here... Or anywhere." Jack Says
"I'm not going out there. That's yamazaki. He's the only one that ever beat me. I can't fight him, man." Nakamura Says
"Nakamura! Nakamura!" The Crowd Chants Outside then Kim enters the office
"Guys, we gotta put on a fight. The crowd's getting ugly, and they were none too pretty to begin with." Kim Says
"This is all my fault." Milton Says Then Leaves
"Nakamura, listen to me. You can't be running from this guy your whole life." Jack Says
"I'm sorry, Jack. I just can't go through with this." Nakamura Says Then Abigail Enters
"You guys gotta see this, You're not gonna believe it." Abigail Says
Everyone Leaves Rudy's Office and comes back outside to see Milton in his underwear prepared to fight Yamazaki, Milton tries his very best to go against Yamazaki.
"Come on Milton" They All Say
"Come on!" Kim & Abigail Says
"Milton!" Jerry Says
"Your little kangaroo baby has the heart of a lion. This is your moment, Go out there and take it!" Jack Pats Nakamura on the butt as well "Ooh wow skin on skin...awkward." Jack Says
Milton Climbs onto Yamazaki's back who spins him around and tosses Milton off his back. Milton climbs between Yamazaki's legs and lands into Nakamura's arm's
"I got this one, Milton." Nakamura Says As The Crowd Cheers
"You go, boy." Milton Says
Nakamura and Yamazaki faces off against each other, Nakamura wrestle's Yamazaki to the other side and throws him out the ring and he wins and the crowd cheers and high fives each other.
"Milton, that was crazy, Why would you do that?" Jack Asks
" I don't know. Someone had to do something." Milton Says
"I would never have done that. That guy is the size of a brontosaurus. You know what this means" Jack Says
"He has a second brain that controls his tail?" Milton Says
"No, Milton It means you're a hero, You inspired Nakamura to get his confidence back. - You were awesome!"
"Really, Jack?" Milton Says
"Yeah. And you know what else is awesome? Pants. Seriously, dude, put 'em on." Jack Says
Jack Walks Over to High Five Nakamura, Then Jerry starts a chant
"Nakamura stomp! Nakamura stomp! Nakamura stomp! Nakamura stomp!" Everyone Cheers
Nakamura Stomps and the ground shakes causing everyone to move
"Whoa!" Everyone Says
Meanwhile In the storage unit Lonnie is watching tv.
"And now it's time to find out the winner of... - Do you mind? - ... "America's got tap shoes." I'm trying to watch tv down here. Are you ready for the results? Yes. Give it to me." Lonnie Says
Nakamura Takes One more big stomp causing the ground to shake and everyone moves again.
"Give it to me! - Whoa! - Give it to... whoa!" Lonnie Says As Nakamura falls through the ground landing on Lonnie
"Well, look who dropped in."
"Sweet man cave." Nakamura Says
Jerry, Eddie, Milton and Jack all walks down the steps
"Thanks to Milton, Nakamura's heading back to Japan to get his title back." Jack Says As Eddie and Milton high five each other
"You know, I could be a sumo wrestler I just need to gain like 5 to 600 lbs." Jerry Says
"Your mom did it pretty easily." Eddie Says
"That's it, man, Come on!" Jerry Says As He Chases Eddie in the halls
"Jack, have you seen my spelling bee trophy?I thought it was in my locker, but I can't find it anywhere. I know it's small, but it means a lot to me." Milton Says
"Don't worry, Milton. I'm sure it's someplace safe." Jack Says As He Looks up to where all the school trophies are Milton's trophy is placed up there as well.
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