Dummy Dancing
The Janitor is finished waxing the floor then he leaves the hallway which is empty, Jack, Kim and Milton pokes their heads from down the hall, they make their way down the hall. Jack gets on one knee and wipe the floor with his finger.
"Oh yeah, waxy Wednesday, where plastic tray meets a freshly buffed floor and legends are born." Jack Says As Eddie Shows up with trays in his hands
"Hey, guys I got the trays" Eddie Says
"Any problem getting by Marge the lunch lady?" Kim Asks
"Nah She said he don't pay her enough to care." Eddie Says Then Abigail Come Running down the hall
"Did I Miss it?" Abigail Asks
"Nope" Milton Says
"Good, this is totally worth missing study hall for" Abigail Says
Then Jerry comes running down the stairs, "Guys, did I miss anything?" He Asks
"Not yet, Hey! Shouldn't you be in detention for putting a tolu in the boy bathroom?" Kim Asks
"I should be, but when you sit me in the back and you go window open I must take color-flight risk." Jerry Says
"Jack, your record's about to be broken, Prepare for the new world champion, Milton the Missile Krupnick."Milton Says As He Undress only to be wearing a purple skin tight suit, Everyone turns their heads
"Dude, eat a sandwich." Jerry Says As Abigail Playfully Slaps his arm, Then the hallway doors open
""Oh, look at this! I've walked into the middle of a loser-po-loser." Truman Says
"What do you want Truman?" Jack Says Lamely
"I thought I just hang out." Truman Says
"Do you have to do it here" Abigail Says
"It's a free hallway Abigail."
"Truman, if you escuse me, I have a date with destiny." Milton Says
"Oh, that would be your first date ever." Truman Says As he chuckles
"Ha ha ha ha Very funny, You're about to see my skid marks" Everyone Looks at him Confused "Ok, I thought that gonna sound different when it came out." He Says Then Kim runs to the doors at the end of the hall
"Ok guys, this garbage can marked Jack's record of floor tiles." Kim Says
Milton Run & yells as he launches himself on the tray, he slides across the floor fast, he ends up beating jacks record while crashing. Everyone runs over to see.
"He just shattered your record." Jerry Says
"And that paper-maseille solar system outside the science room." Abigail Says
"It looks like somebody greased this tray." Jack Says
"Looks like. Ha ha ha ha!" Truman Says
Milton Gets back up and limps back over to them "Looks like Saturn's now larged in the dark side of the moon." He Says
Everyone was practicing their karate moves with the help of Rudy, Jerry was in the shower but right before they are about to perform another move they all hear a high pitched scream and of course it's Jerry but this time he comes out the bathroom with pink hair, Everyone looks at him and laughs.
"Hold on, Something's different Wait, don't tell me. New bathrobe." Jerry Says
"Jerry don't you think it's a little too soon the circus doesn't really come around this time of year" Abigail Says As Kim dabs her up
"It's my hair, This is what I get for showering Rudy, what kind of shampoo are we using?" Jerry Asks
"That's the same shampoo we always use." Rudy Says
Jerry rips of the label which reveals another label, "What? This isn't shampoo It's pink hair dye." He Says
"Dude, do you shampoo your leg hair" Eddie Says
"Bro, when I shampoo, I'm all in." Jerry Says
The Dojo Doors Open and Truman walks in Everyone instantly annoyed, "Love your new look! Awesome. Just awesome." Truman Says
"I know you did this, Truman. Somehow you snuck in here and switched out that shampoo for pink hair dye." Jack Says
"What?" Truman Says
"No, it wasn't Truman I've been here all day and I never once saw him ooze his way in here." Rudy Says
"Looks like I've got an airtight alibi See ya around, pinky." Truman Says Then he leaves
"Pinky? Why would anyone call me "pinky"?" Abigail Rips a hair from Jerry's head and shows him
"Ow! Oh, I get it." Jerry Says As Jack & Abigail Shakes their heads.
Rudy is looking through a magnifying glass holding up a small grain of rice while Lonnie looks over his shoulder holding his lizard.
"Flawless." Rudy Says
"It's breathtaking." Lonnie Says
"Perfection!" Rudy Says
"I don't know what we're looking at." Lonnie Says
"It's a single grain of rice, I spent over $1000 on it, A tibetan monk spent a year engraving the Wasabi code on it." Rudy Says
"Mmm, I once wrote my name on a corn dog with mustard. But then I ate it, so I really can't prove it." Lonnie Says
"Lonnie, you could never appreciate, Such a precious piece of art, You own a reptile store and your car has a tail." Rudy Says
Lonnie's Lizard quickly eats the small grain of rice out of Rudy hands. "Oh no. No no no no that did not just happen!" Rudy Says
"It sure did, Well, we'll see you around." Lonnie Says As He tries to leave then Rudy stops him
"No no no no! No no, you open your girlfriend's mouth cause I'm going in!" Rudy Says
"Just relax, It'll come out in her poop" Lonnie Says
"How long is that gonna take?" Rudy Asks
"Well, Brazilian monkey lizards usually go once a year, And she just went, so a year." Lonnie Says
"No no no, I... I can't wait a whole year, you know what? We have to trick her. Into thinking that the seasons are changing." Rudy Says
"Are you insane you seriously think you can outsmart a lizard" Lonnie Says
"It sleeps in a sock and its best friend is a stick, So I'm gonna go with "yes." Rudy Says
Lonnie's Lizard makes a laughing noise
"Wait, what was that? It sounded like that thing just laughed at me." Rudy Says
"Don't be ridiculous, Lizards don't know how to laugh" He turns around "You are so bad." Lonnie Says
Everyone was attending the school's pep rally including the wasabi gang minus Jerry who was still embarrassed because of his pink hair, but the rest showed up to support Kim.
"Come on, people! Let's make some noise! As the Captain of our pep squad, Kim Crawford leads out our championship girls' basketball team the seaford Lady whales!" Coach Said Then He Turns on the radio and everyone begins to cheer
"All right, girls, when I break through that paper, I want you guys to keep going, throw your hands up in the air. And pep that crowd up! Come on, everyone! Pep pep pep! Come on!" Kim Runs into the paper that the Pep Squad is holding but gets stuck onto the paper "Oh!" Kim Says
"Look like you got yourself intosticky situation." Truman Says Then Laughs
Everyone tries to help out Kim but it's no luck this paper is really stuck on her.
The dojo is decorated with Thanksgiving decorations, there's a large feast on the table while Rudy is dressed as a pilgrim and Lonnie is dress as a chief, and Lenore the lizard is sitting in a high chair with a bib.
"I love the fall Mmm, I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already" Rudy Throws fakes leaves everywhere "But I guess that's what happens when time passes and the seasons change. Almost makes you wanna poop." Rudy Says
"Do not rush it, Now let's eat." Lonnie Says Then they Both sit down and begins to dig in, "Mmm How's the Turkey?"
"I don't know the stuffing's pretty good." Rudy Says
"Eh, it's lenore's favorite It's got meal worms in it." Lonnie Say Then Rudy spits out the food
All the girls are changed in their regular clothes, Abigail opens her gym locker and grabs her lotion.
"Hey Abigail" Kim Says
"Hey Kim, I see you got the paper off" Abigail Says
"Yeah but I lost half an eyebrow, plus people won't stop making fun of me I swear whoever did this will pay" Kim Says
"Oh don't worry they'll have it coming to them" Abigail Says as she rubs lotions on her arms and neck, " Want some?"
"Nah I'm good, I'll meet you at class alright" Kim Says
"Okay" Kim leaves the locker room, Abigail sniffs the lotion then shrugs and continues to put it everywhere
Jack, Milton, Eddie and Jerry who's present at school since his pink hair dye incident, are all in the hallway talking then Kim speed walks up to them
"Kim what's up" Jack Says
"Okay Abigail and I just got out of class and we'll something happened" Kim Says
"What happened?" Milton Asks
More kids in the hallway begins laughing as Abigail slowly walks into the hallway, She's wearing a floral dress with Doc martins but her entire body is blue except her face, the group of friends do their best not to laugh but instead they are just shocked.
"Abigail what happened?" Jack Asks
"Well I was sitting in algebra and while I was taking my quiz I noticed something was happening to me, then I looked all over my entire body is BLUE!" Abigail Says
"Do you know why this could have happened?" Eddie Asks
"No" Abigail Says As Jerry begins to smile and laugh a little,"What?"
"I'm sorry I just can't help it you look like Smurfette" Jerry Says laughing
Abigail Rolls her eyes at Jerry then Truman shows up again laughing up a storm, " Hey there where's your papa Smurf he's been looking for you lately" He Says
"Yeah jerry already said a Smurf joke" Abigail Says
"Oh well it's to bad because you look very similar to the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka" Truman Says
"Oh you little—" Abigail Says As She tries to attack him but Jerry picks her up and hold her back as Truman walks away laughing.
The Next Day Heather Clark is at her locker reading a note, Milton sees this and walks over to Jerry and Jack.
"Check it out... Heather Clark." Milton Says
"Oh, she's reading the note I left in her locker, Which means she's gonna come over here, Pit crew, go go go go." Jack Says
Jack Hands Two deodorant spray cans to Jerry and Milton and they get both pits, Jerry grabs a blow dryer while Milton sprays breath spray in his mouth, then they begin to use lint rollers and their done.
"Roll roll roll roll." Jerry Says
"Wait wait wait, A final touch... a splash of cologne."
Jack puts some cologne on his hands then on his face, "Ah what the... Oh! Someone put bleu cheese in my cologne I can't stand bleu cheese." Jack Says
"Remember what happened when he smelled it at..." Milton Says
"Whoa, don't... don't hurl, man. Or think about hurling. - Or the taste in your mouth you get right before..." Jerry Says
"Shut it!" Jack Says Interrupting
"Hey, Jack, I got your note I thought it was really sweet" Jack Tries to hold it in then proceeds to vomit on heather" Eww! You just yakked on my shoes!"
Heather Then Begins to Vomit, So does Milton & Jerry and everyone else in the hallway, Truman walks down the stairs wearing a nose clip.
"It's a category hurl-icane!" Truman Says
"Guys, we all know Truman's behind all these pranks, We just gotta figure out how he's doing it." Milton Says
"Grease, hair dye, sticky paper, Blue Skin and bleu cheese... Sounds like my grandmother's medicine cabinet." Jerry Says
"Truman's picking us off one by one, He's got all of us, except for...Eddie." Jack Says
"What are you guys saying?" Eddie Says
"We're saying you're next. If I were you, I'd roll myself up in bubble wrap and sit in the basement. I did that when my father showed me my own birth video, Do you guys have any idea where we come from" Milton Says
"My mother told me it was a Pumpkin patch."
"I wish." Milton Says
"I think what Eddie needs to hear, Is that we're gonna be there for him." Abigail Says
"Guys, guys, I can take care of myself." Eddie Says
"No no no, don't worry, Eddie We'll protect you. We'll walk you to school in the morning.." Jack Says
"And after school we'll walk you back home." Kim Says
"We'll be the last thing you see at night and the first thing you see in the morning, How do you like your eggs" Milton Says
"Guys, stop! I can't take it anymore! It wasn't Truman who pulled those pranks on you." Eddie Says
"Well, then who was it?" Jack Asks
"It was me." Eddie Says
"What?" They All Say
"Eddie, why would you prank us like that?"
"Do you know what you did to me that paper was so sticky, I lost four freckles and half an eyebrow."Kim Says
"Yeah and my family can't even hardly look at me, plus everyone keeps mistaking me as the schools mascot" Abigail Says
"And a clown keeps following me around, asking me where I get my hair done." Jerry Says
"I didn't want to, Truman's been blackmailing me." Eddie Says
"How is he blackmailing you?" Milton Asks
"Truman's father owns the security company that watches the mall." Eddie Says
"So" Jerry Says
"One night Rudy let me stay late in the dojo to work on some moves, The thing is I wasn't working on karate moves." Eddie Says
"May I have this dance", On The Camera from above it shows Eddie dancing with a Dummy with a wig on, "You put on that cherry lip gloss for me", Eddie looks over his shoulder and kisses the Dummy.
"Truman saw everything from his father's office, He put it on a flash drive and unless I do whatever he says, He's gonna put it on the Internet...I'm sorry guys." Eddie Says
"It's okay, Eddie He's not gonna get away with it." Jack Says
"Truman's gonna be sorry he messed with us,
When you poke a bear, do you know what happens? Seriously, does anybody know?" Milton Asks As Everyone Shakes their heads
Jerry walks into the office and he starts to shiver because of how cold it is, " Brr! Whoa. What are you guys doing in here?" Jerry Asks
"Just celebrating Christmas with a monkey lizard. Waiting for it to poop out something that belongs to me." Rudy Says
"Oh, right on. Wait. How do you know the lizard's not Jewish and celebrates Hanukkah" Jerry Says
"We don't." Lonnie Says
"Oh! ♪ hanukkah, hanukkah ♪ ♪ ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hanukkah ♪ ♪" Rudy & Lonnie Sings
"And a happy kwanzaa too... ♪ - Just covering my bases. - Oh. ♪ don't you think it's time for you to poo? ♪." Rudy Sings
Everyone is standing around looking at a map of the mall on the matt's, plus their all wearing black Gi's.
"Okay, our mission is to get into the security office and grab the flash drive out of the safe, Let's go over the plan one more time." Jack Says
"I'll get Truman out of the office By taking him to the parking lot and letting him sh00t paintballs at me." Eddie Says
"You think he'll go for it" Abigail Asks
"I'm pretty sure." Eddie Says As He Open his Gi to reveal his paint stained shirt
"Once we're inside, I'll disarm the security system." Jack Says
"I'll crack the safe."
"Out in the courtyard, Abigail and I will distract the security guard." Kim Says
"And I'll distract the guard's dog." Jerry Says
"How are you gonna distract the dog?" Jack Asks
"See, I don't know if you know this about me, But I was partially raised by wolves." Jerry Says
"That actually explains a lot." Abigail Says
"Check it." Jerry Howls and in the distance they all hear wolves howl back "Those are my peeps."
"Only one more season until this glorified wallet. Gives me back my rice, Now let's go." Rudy Says
"Hey, whoa you're forgetting the best part of spring break, wet t-shirt contest" Lonnie Says
"Yeah! - Oh yeah!" Rudy Says
"Whoo. - Your turn." Lonnie Says As He Pours water on himself
"Oh, okay. - Here we go." Rudy Says As He Fills the bucket with water
"Yeah! Oh y..." Lonnie Says
"You win. Let's go." Rudy Says As Throws water in Lonnie's face
Joan is walking her dog, She spots Kim & Abigail are wearing yoga clothes and stretching. "Oh boy, we got a couple more you know the mall is closed right" Joan Says
"Uh, yeah." Abigail Says
"We're sorry we we're was just trying to find a quiet place, to try the hottest new celebrity workout."
"I told you that the mall is clos... Did you say "hottest new celebrity workout" Joan Says
"Yeah, it combines karate with pilates." Kim Says
"It's called, uh, Karate-lates. Karate-lates." Abigail Says
"Wow, Do you think you could show me?" Joan Asks
"Yeah, but not in front of the dog, It's based on actual dog movements, And if he sees it... He'll think you're making fun of him." Kim Says
"Oh, that totally makes sense. King, take five Mommy's going to try some karate-lates, Okay right on oh look at this. We're gonna sweat. It's gonna get intense" Joan Says Then King leaves, Kim turns on the radio.
Jack, Jerry and Eddie sneak pass Kim, Abigail and Joan.
"Okay, close your eyes..." Kim Says
"Okay, can do." Joan Says
"...And, umm..." Kim Says
"Breathe like a dog." Abigail Says
Kim Mouths "What" at Abigail and she just shrugs and mouths "I don't know", "Oh, okay." Joan Says As She starts to breathe like a dog, then Jerry approaches King.
"Yo, what up, dog? Yeah, you and I, we like the same things... Chasing cats, chewing on slippers, and dragging our butts across the carpet. You know what I'm talking about." Jerry Says
There are laser beams everywhere, Jack and Milton finally arrives.
"Wow, military-grade security lasers." Milton Says
"Okay, now that I did not expect." Jack Says
"The kill switch is on the other side, How do we get past this" Milton Says
"Very carefully" Jack Manages to get through the laser beams, "Whoa Whoa! Let's go."
"There it is, No no no! There's weight sensors in the carpet, we can't walk on the floor." Jack Says
"Well, what do we do?" Milton Asks
Jack hops onto the frame of the door then climbs up on the table, Milton tries to do the same thing as Jack but fails. Jack lends a hand up yo help him.
"Hey, come on." Jack Says
"How do we get across the office" Milton Saya
Jack Throws his black belt over a pole, "I'll carry you across, okay? You open that safe and get the flash drive Let's go" He Says Says
Jack pulls onto the black belt and wraps his legs around Milton and they begin to swing back in forth to the safe.
"All right. Truman has... ...Four brothers, Okay he's claimed to have kissed seven girls..Lying, And he has three nipples." Milton Says Then the safe opens
"Yes." Jack & Milton Says
"You did it You made that last one up, didn't you?" Jack Asks
"No, He swims at my y." Milton Says Then he grabs the hard drive
"Yes!" Jack Says
"Okay, now how do we get down" Milton Says
"That's a very good question." Jack Says
"We've got the flash drive, Let's go." Jack Says As He & Milton Sneaks pass Joan
"Wow, Very nice form"
"You're a fast learner, you feel the burn?" Abigail Says
Joan who has her legs behind her head, "Whoo-wee! I feel it! Hey, look. My butt's looking better already."
Kim Grabs the Radio then She and Abigail quietly walk away, "Karate-lates. I'm in Whoo!"
The Dojo doors open it's Truman, "Breaking into my father's office?! You guys are in so much trouble!" He Says
"We'll take whatever comes, but we had to help a friend out." Jack Says
"I want that flash drive and I want it right now!" Truman Says
"All right, all right, we'll give it back, But first we've got another video we want you to see." Jack Says
"What are you talking about" Truman Says
"Here you go." Eddie Turns the Laptop toward Truman so he can see the video, "Okay Truman's on his way in He's about to find out about the flash drive, I don't think he's gonna take it too well." Eddie Says
Eddie Leaves the camera there then leaves the room,Truman opens the door and walks over to the safe.
"Hey, why is the safe open? Where's the flash drive?, No! It's the worst day of my life! Ah! I'm gonna run away and never come back!" Truman Yells On the video and starts having a tantrum.
"Yup, I got your whole crybaby freak-out." Eddie Says
"Doesn't feel so good when it's you, does it, Truman" Abigail Says
"If that thing gets out, my life will be over! I'll be known as tantrum boy, Please tell me you won't post that video." Truman Says
"We're not gonna post it. We're not like you, Truman." Kim Says
"Hey, how about a deal We destroy both videos. And you never mess with us again, deal" Jack Says
"Deal Just delete it, please please!" Eddie Deletes the video,"You know I only... I only melted down like that because I knew the camera was there I was just putting on a show." Truman Says
"Well, show's over when you mess with one of us, You mess with all of us bye Truman." Eddie Says
"Bye, Eddie. - Maybe next week we can go paintball..." Truman Says
"Get out." Eddie Says the Truman leaves
"Eddie, remember what you just told Truman... If you're in trouble, we'll always be there for you." Jack Says
"Got it Thanks, guys." Eddie Says
"Has anyone seen Jerry?" Jack Asks
"Last time we saw him, he was out in the courtyard." Abigail Says
Jerry is still taking to king the German shepherd,"So the thing about me is that I'm pretty tough, But I also have a sensitive side, my perfect date would end with a moonlit walk on the beach." Jerry Says
"What are you doing with my dog?" Joan Asks
"Oh, I'm just getting to know her." Jerry Says
"You know he's a boy, right" Joan Says
"This is really awkward." Jerry Says
"It is for all of us." Joan Says
The Next day, Lonnie & Rudy are still trying to get the rice back "This summer heat is gonna k!ll me." Lonnie Says
"Not if I k!ll you first, When is this thing going to poop out my rice." Rudy Says
"She usually does it after the fireworks, It's a combination of fear and and patriotism." Lonnie Says
"We don't need fireworks." Rudy Says
"Oh! Don't we?" Lonnie Begins shooing fireworks, "Look at that one That one's in the shape of a ball." He Says
"Alright, alright, enough, This is the stupiest thing I've ever..." Rudy Says As Lenore poops out the rice
"I believe that, It's for you." Lonnie Says
"My rice I finally have back the most precious thing I ever..." Then Lenore the lizard eats the rice again "So I guess I'll... See you at Thanksgiving." Rudy Says As he walks away angrily
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