Dojo Day Care
Jerry is in the principal's office, He places a box on his desk and it's of everything jerry has done to land him in trouble.
"Well I've been going through your files, and uh... I can tell you... you are one sick... twisted individual. How in the world did you get a donkey in to Mrs. Sherman's car?" Principal Says As Jerry chuckles
"The real question is how did I get it to drive?" Jerry Says
"I'm not like the others, Jerry you've met your match." Principal Says
"Oh, really well, I posted what I did to you on the Internet. It's got 14 million hits type in "Principal wigs out" Jerry Says
"Internet Internet what you did to me? This is a career buster." He Starts typing rapidly on the computer and the video plays
"I'm gonna turn on the helicopter camera now get it." Jerry Says
In the video someone is recording the video, A toy helicopter flys over the principal's head and takes his wig off and all the students laugh as he tries to get it back.
"Oh! It's over, Jerry pack up your locker you're going downtown to Charlie Brown!" Principal Says
"I don't even know what that means." Jerry Says
"You are expelled!" Principal Says
"What? No Expelled?" Jerry Says
"You're out of here, mister!" His Cell phone rings "Oh, excuse me that's my cell phone ah oh, it's... it's the wife. Yes, what is it, Dot? What?! Oh but tonight is the Flamenco Dancing Finals! Get... get, get. Charlie Brown." Jerry Sighs and walks out the door "Look, this is our last chance to... to stick it to the Rosenbaums Well, where am I gonna find a babysitter at the last minute?" Jerry comes back "Oh... oh. Yes, dear yes all right." Principal Says
"You know, I might be able to help you out with your little sitter sitch." Jerry Says
"I'm listening go on." Principal Says
"I happen to work at the best child day care in the city. They're booked solid, but I could get you in but I guess I'm expelled, so, you know, never mind. Oh, tell the Rosenbaums I said Mazel tov on their victory." Jerry Says
"Wait! Look, uh... You get my son Byron in that day care center and, uh, well, we can... we can forget about you being expelled." Principal Says
"Deal." Jerry says then does an impressive spin
"Whoa nice ice moves, Hey do you Flamenco?" Principal Asks As he starts playing Flamenco music
"Before I could walk, my father taught me the dance of the fiery legs." Jerry Says
"Flame on, brother." Principal Says
Jerry and the principal begins flamencoing together, one of the teachers comes in and see's them then she leaves.
The mall is undergoing some changes, theirs construction men and women working as Jack, Milton, Eddie and Abigail walks by.
"Man, I can't believe how much bigger they're making the Mall." Jack Says
"You know, we really shouldn't be here without hard hats." Eddie Says
"And Why is that?" Abigail Asks
"You see that guy way up there eating his lunch? He drops a potato chip from that height, it'll cut you in half." Eddie Says
"Uh-huh." Jack Says
"Scientifically that's not true." Milton Says
"Are you calling my mother a liar?" Eddie gets in Milton's face
"No, I'm just saying the woman's extremely loose with her science." Milton Says As Jerry walks over and puts arm over Abigail.
"Sup Dudes, Abby." Jerry holds her hand
"Okay This is still weird for me." Jack Says
"What?" Jerry Says
"You and Abigail being a couple...never thought this would happen." Jack Says
"I know what you mean, I think I've finally gotten used to Jerry holding my hand and kissing my cheek now." Abigail Says
Jerry and Abigail are on their first date, they are both nervous but tries to hide it. Abigail digs her hand in the popcorn to get some then Jerry digs his hand as well.
They both touch hands for a second and Jerry sends a smile to her, She laughs nervously and takes her hand out the popcorn box and accidentally hits Jerry in the nose.
"Ow!" Jerry Says
"Oh My God Jerry I'm so sorry." Abigail Says
"And I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding!" Jerry Cries as Abigail tilts his head backwards
"We'll at least your nose isn't swollen anymore." Abigail smiles
"Anyways what are you guys up to?" Jerry Says
"Nothing Much." Jack Says
"We we're probably gonna go hang out somewhere around the mall." Eddie Says
"Well how would you guys like to help me out with something?" Jerry Asks
"Sure." They Say
"What is it?" Abigail Asks
"Running a day care center." Jerry Says
"What?!" They Say
"Do we look like babysitters to you." Jack Says
"Come on guys if I don't do this I'm gonna get expelled." Jerry Says
"See I told you not to do that stupid hair prank!." Abigail smacks his arm
"Ow! I'm sorry, but please guys you gotta help me I don't want to tell my mom I'm gonna get expelled please." Jerry Says
"Fine we'll help." Milton Says
"Why not." Eddie Says
"Yes okay now all we gotta do is ask Rudy if we can use the dojo for the fake daycare." Jerry Says
"Pfft good luck." Jack Says
Everyone is setting the dojo up with kid toys and furniture while Jerry explains to Rudy what's going on.
"Jerry, this is my dojo It's a place of honor, respect, and integrity." Rudy slams his hand on a toy and it makes animal noises
"Come on, Rudy If we don't do this I'll get expelled." Jerry Says
"This is not a day care center, and it never will be!." Rudy Says as the principal walks in carrying his son
"Dojo day care center what a concept, you're really gonna love it here, Byron." Principal Says
"I am nipping this in the bud right now." Rudy Says
"Rudy, come on." Jerry Says
"Principal Buckett..." Rudy Says
"Who do I make out the $100 check to?" Buckett Says
"That would be Rudy Gillespie Uh Abigail, Milton, Eddie, take Byron, put him in the ball pit and give him a graham cracker." He Says
"I'm not touching this little snotbag, That thing is wearing a toilet." Milton Says
"I'll take him Hey, baby Byron." Eddie Says
"There you go. There you go Later, Byron." Buckett Says
"You don't have to worry about a thing, Principal Buckett." Jerry Says
"I'm holding you responsible for my son, Jerry I'll be back at 7:00, and my legs will be smoldering. Ole!" Buckett Says then leaves
"This really stinks, Jerry." Milton Says
"Oh, relax. It's just a couple of hours with one little baby." Jerry Says As Buckett returns
"By the way, I, uh... I put up a notice on the faculty bulletin board about this place." Buckett Says
Many more parents come in the dojo with their parents, they leave their children with them.
"Whoa. Whoa... oh, hey. What's going on here? Whoa, whoa, uh...I think I just got babied." Jerry Says
A few hours later the dojo is a filled with more kids, Everyone is trying their best to keep the kids calm but that doesn't work. Some kids are running around with their karate trophies, throwing balls at each other.
"Hey, that kid's got my trophy again get back here, you!" The kid breaks the trophy and runs away "No. No! He snapped my little man's head off you better sleep with one eye open during nap time!" Rudy Says
Jack is busy playing with a little girl so he picks her up and walks over to Rudy as she giggles at him.
"Rudy..Rudy, where's Milton?" Jack Asks
"He's changing some baby's diaper." Rudy Says
"He is? Well, what about his fear of germs?" Jack Says
The bathroom room door opens and it's Milton wearing a yellow hazmat suit, rolling out a baby on a wagon then disposes the diaper.
"Okay, we should be good now that diaper weighed more than he does." Milton Says
Outside the dojo there's a little girl practice rhythmic gymnastic dance, Abigail and Rudy notices.
"Uh Oh We got an escapee! Pigtails walking!" Abigail Says
"I'm on it." He opens the door and brings her in "Hey Back inside. Come on." Rudy Says
"Hey, excuse me? Can I have my niece back?" Joan Says
"Oh. No, I'm sorry I thought she was one of ours." Rudy Says
"Yeah." Abigail Says
"Oh, no, no. I'm taking her over to the holiday suites. My sister enrolled her in the Little Miss Seaford pageant, then got sick and once again assumed old Joanie had no plans." She Said
"What were your plans?" Abigail Asks
"Oh, I had no plans." Joan Says
"This is my talent for the pageant." She Says
"Oh that is great really cute, hate to break this to you Joan She is horrible." Abigail Says
"What?" Joan Says
"Those pageant kids have been groomed for years by mothers who are lipstick-wearing pit bulls. Your niece is gonna get eaten alive." Abigail Says
"And you know this because?" Joan Asks
"Speaking from experience myself I was a Pageant kid myself, I quit two years ago." Abigail Says
"Holy Hanna! Well... well, Abigail you've had experience at these competitive tournaments, Hey didn't you just win the Ms.Seaford" Joan Says
"Yeah?" Abigail Says
"You gotta come with me." Joan Says
"I couldn't possibly leave the dojo now." Abigail Says
The kid from earlier who keeps breaking stuff knocked over some more trophies, another kid threw something at Rudy's face and hit him in the eye.
"Oh! Bon Bon in the eye!" Rudy Says
"I'll be in the car." Abigail Says
Abigail, Joan and Gracie arrived at the hotel where the pageant is taking place, they walk over to the sign up sheet where a mother and daughter are.
"Oh. Your daughter is so pretty." Joan Says
"Oh, isn't she just? We call her Sparkle because that's what she does." She Says
"Well, this is my niece we call her Gracie Bell because that's what she does." Joan Says
"Well. Don't you have a... Unique look." She Chuckles "Don't y'all have a wig box?"
"Oh. I... I don't know. Uh, Abigail, do we all have a wig box?" Joan Asks
"We all don't believe in... Boxing our wig. We let our wig roam free. It's a free range wig." Abigail Says
"There's something I need to say, and this comes from the heart. You people are gonna lose, so you should probably just leave." She Says
"What? Uh... For your information, Miss, your Sparkle has no chance. Our Gracie Bell is the essence of class, beauty, and refinement." Abigail Says As Gracie Belche
"That was my chili dog barking." Gracie Giggles
Milton peeps his head out the ball pit, looking over.
"I think we're safe." A kid hits him over the head with a foam bat "Oh!" Milton Says
Eddie rises "Did you say we're safe?" He gets hit as well "Oh, whoa, whoa!" Jack is carrying a child walking from the bathroom.
"Oh, uh, Jerry, where's baby Byron?" Jack Asks
"What? I thought he was with you." Jerry Says
Jack and Jerry put down the kids they are holding, they shout out Bryon's name and search around the Dojo for him.
"Baby Byron?" Jack Says
"Baby Byron?" Jerry Says
"Baby Byron?" Jack Says
"Baby Byron?" Jerry Says
"Dude, he's not in here!" Jack Says
"What?..I'm gonna be expelled. Oh, forget expelled, I'm going to prison. Oh, forget prison, I'm going to summer school! Do you what they do to guys like me in summer school?!" Jerry Says
"Jerry, calm down." Jack Says
"No, I can't calm down I just lost the Principal's baby. Yo. We lost the Principal's baby okay, it's not like losing some English teacher's baby this is big time!" Jerry Says
Jack sighs and looks out the doors, Baby Bryon is outside crawling towards something.
"Jerry, he's outside, come on! Uh, Eddie, Milton? You guys hold down the fort." Jack and Jerry leaves "What? Dude. What happened? He was just here." Jack Says
"This kid's like a Cheetah in a diaper Look, he's gotta be around here somewhere. Find him!" Jerry Says as he and Jack spilts up
Back inside the dojo all the kids are still running around not listening to Eddie and Milton.
"You know what I'm about to drop some Eddie knowledge on these fools!" He gets hit with a ball from a little boy "Ow!..This is our house." Eddie Says
"No, it's not." He Says
"Yes, it is." Milton Says
"Wait, who do think you are?" Eddie Says
"No, it's not!" He Says
All the kids gang up on Milton and Eddie, they start throwing stuff and hitting them with toys. Outside Jack and Jerry meets up again after searching for Baby Bryon.
"Byron?" Jerry Says
"Byron, where are you, buddy?" Jack Says
"Yo, any luck?" Jerry Asks
"No." Jack Groans
"Look... look, if we can't find this baby, we'll just have to give Buckett something that looks like one." Jerry Says
"What are you talking about?" Jack Asks
"I'm talking about slapping a diaper on a ham and drawing eyeballs on it." Jerry Says As A Baby cries
"Dude! Dude, there he is!" Jack points to Byron who's sitting on a wooden platform
"Hey, baby Byron who doesn't want to get Jerry expelled? You don't. No, you don't..Stay right there." He Says
"Who's a good boy? You're a good boy..Hey, no!" Jack Says As The platform rises with Byron on it
"Whoa! Stop!" Jerry Says
"Hey! Whoa, wait! You're not a good boy! You're a very bad boy!" Jack Says
"Ah, my baby! My baby! Somebody save my baby!" Jerry shouts
Jack begins climbing up the platforms on the construction site. He's really high up on the unfinished floors, Baby Byron continues to get riser up.
All the competitors are getting their makeup done, just in time for the show.
"Eyes done." She Chuckles "Now, sit still, darling I'm gonna spray on that smile." Sparkle's Mom Says
Abigail and Joan are at their station, She's tryin to do Gracie's makeup.
"This is never gonna work I can't believe you didn't bring any makeup." Abigail Says
"Well, don't worry, Abigail I got all the beauty supplies we'll need at the breakfast buffet. Now put more bacon in her hair and we'll use these donuts to powder her face. Yeah and... to bring out her lips... This jelly will do just fine." Joan Says
Abigail turns her around, Gracie looks like a clown "What do you think?"
"Do you think they'll like me?" Gracie Asks
"Oh, of course they will,'re smart, and pretty, and you smell like bacon and who doesn't like bacon?" Joan Says
"I can't wait to get out there with my stick and streamer." Gracie Says
"Your stick and streamer's not gonna cut it, doughnut face." Abigail Says
Jack is still climbing up the building, He comes to a stop and Jerry is up there as well.
Jerry Clears throat "How the heck did you get up here?" Jack Asks
"Took the elevator..Look, you gotta stop fooling around, man. Buckett will be back for Byron any minute." Jerry Says
"Jerry, I'm not fooling around I just climbed all by my..." Jack Says
"Jack! There he is." Baby Byron is sitting right in front of them "I got this..Now, you get back here this instant, young man!..Well, that's all I had." Jerry Says
Jack carefully crawls after Baby Byron "Here, baby Byron."
"Hey, hey! No, no!" Jerry Says
"No!" Jack Says As Baby Byron falls off the ledge and lands on a steel beam that's being lifted "Let's go." He and Jerry chases after him
Eddie and Milton are hiding in Rudy's office from the children.
"I made a big mistake volunteering for this mission. Seeing a dirty diaper changes a man." Milton Says
Eddie grabs a bottle and bites off the nipple and takes a sip of the apple juice then Milton takes a sip as well.
"If I don't make it, give this letter to my girlfriend, Julie.." Milton Says
Tiny hands appear banging on the window and they both scream in horror, The doorknob starts to jiggle.
"Don't worry the handle's baby proofed..Ha ha! Dumb babies." Eddie Says
Milton and Eddie hear a a power drill, and the door falls off the hinges and they both scream again. The babies enter the office, Milton and Eddie hides behind Rudy's desk and they see tiny little feet.
"I'm gonna scream. Aah..." Milton Says
Then Eddie puts a pacifier in his mouth, Milton feels his feet being grabbed and the babies start dragging him out the office.
"Oh, no! No, Eddie! Eddie!" Milton Says
"Oh, no! They got him! Good-bye, Milton..Hello, Julie." Eddie says ripping up the letter
In the dojo the kids have Milton tied up to a chair and they begin beating on him with foam bats. Eddie walks out the office.
"Ow, stop." Milton Says
"That's it, babies I've had enough I may go down, but I'm going down fighting." Eddie Says then performed some karate moves and they begin clapping
"Do it again they like it." Milton Says
"Okay." He Accidentally kicked Milton in the face
"Oops." Eddie Says
"Whoa." Milton Says As The kids clap again
It's almost time for Gracie to perform in the competition, Joan walks over carrying a pink sequin hat.
"Look what I got for you, you can wear it during the talent portion." Joan Says
"That's beautiful where'd you get it?" Abigail Asks
"Where do you think I got it? I took it off a little girl's head. Here, put this on." Joan Says
"Now, remember, when you get out there, you gotta march like this high knees. Get those high knees up there." Abigail Says
"And don't forget to smile and... and big eyes, Big eyes! That's the most important thing." Joan Says
Gracie gets upset and storms off Abigail and Joan stops her.
"Wait, where are you going?" Joan Asks
"I just want to go home." Gracie Says
"Why?" Abigail Asks
"Because you people are acting crazy! Come on Let's just go." Gracie Says
Abigail sighs and looks over at some of the parents yelling at their children who are upset, She looks over back at Gracie and Joan.
"Oh, Abigail What have we done?" Joan Asks
"I've turned into my mother." Abigail Says Then She grabs Gracie's ribbon
"Please welcome to the stage, Gracie Bell." Announcer Says
"Gracie? Here, take your Ribbon, and you wave your ribbon." Abigail Says
"Really." Gracie Says
"Yeah I've been a jerk to you all day, I know how you feel because that's how I used to feel during these. Parents forget to just let their kids have fun out there instead they put this huge pressure on kids which isn't good.." Abigail Says
"But what if I don't win?" Gracie Asks
"Who cares just go out there and have a great time." Abigail Says
"Yeah, get out there and fly your freak flag, sister!" Joan Says
Disco music starts playing and Gracie runs onto stage and starts performing her routine. Everyone in the crowd begins clapping along enjoying it.
"She really is an awkward little beast." Joan Says
"Yeah, but she's a happy awkward little beast." She picks up two ribbons "Shall we?" Abigail Says
"Oh. Let's." Joan Says As She and Abigail join Gracie onstage dancing with her
Jerry and Jack are still chasing after Baby Byron, they climb up the steep beams.
"There he is." Jack Says
"Save him, Jack!" Jerry Says
Jack jumps onto the beam, It starts sliding and so does Byron.
"Watch out, he's sliding!" Jerry Says
Baby Byron slides off the beam but Jack catches him by his shirt, his hand starts slipping.
"Jerry, I'm losing my grip..Come on." Jack Says
Jerry grabs into a hook and attached it to his shirt, He swings over to Jack and grabs Baby Byron.
"Nice save, Jerry." Jack Says
"I'm never having kids." Jerry Says
"Look! Here comes Principal Buckett..I'll lower you down, hang on." Jack climbs off the beam and presses a button to lower Jerry & Byron down
"Shh. Shh, shh, shh." Jerry calms Byron down from fussing, Principal Buckett who's carrying a tiny trophy stops to tie his shoes and Jerry arrived behind him.
"Oh, Jerry..There you are Oh, you should have seen me. I was like a human firecracker..What are you... what are you two doing outside?" Buckett Asks
"Uh... we just... we just wanted to grab some fresh air." Jerry Says
"Oh. Say, he wasn't, uh... He wasn't climbing up on any of this stuff, was he?" Buckett Asks
"No. Why?" Jerry Says
"Oh, because, uh, he's absolutely terrified of heights." Buckett Says As Jerry gives back Byron
"Sure, okay okay." Jerry Says
"Thanks for everything you did. I'll see you at school on Monday." Buckett says then leaves, Jerry lets out a huge breath
All the parents are back to pick up their kids, Jerry, Milton, Eddie and Jack are exhausted.
"That was fun can we come back tomorrow, mommy?" He Asks
"No!" They Say
"Dojo day care is officially closed." Jack Says As Abigail walks in
"Hey dudes." Abigail Says
"Uh where have you been?" Jack Asks
"Yeah you ditched us!" Milton Says
"Look I can explain." Abigail Says
"Explain what Abigail you promised me that you'll help us out and yo—" Jerry Says
Abigail grabs Jerry's shirt, and cuts him off with a kiss. All the guys eyebrows rise, She pulls away and Jerry's expression changes.
"Still mad?" Abigail Asks
"Nope all is forgiven." Jerry Says
"Besides you guys didn't need me, you took care off all the kids." Abigail Says
"Yup well... that's it we're done all the kids have been picked up." Jerry Says
"Not quite there's still one kid left. Little Matty Edsall." Eddie Says
"Matty?" Jack Says
"Matty?" Milton Says
"Where is she?" Abigail Asks then they all start searching the dojo
"Come on, Matty." Jack Says
"Matty?" Abigail Says
"Oh there she is she's outside in the courtyard." Jerry Says
"Abigail This one's yours." Jack Says
Abigail sighs as Jerry pats her on the back and she runs out the dojo doors to stop the baby from getting away.
All the kids and Rudy are outside, they have their hands placed on cement.
"Our hand prints are gonna be here forever an immortal testament to our enduring friendship." Rudy Says
"Rudy, it's been ten minutes..Is it set?" Jack Asks
"Has it been that long? We're good." Rudy Says
They all begin to move their hands but they can't, and start to panic.
"What?." Jerry Says
"Rudy, we're stuck." Abigail Says
"All right, nobody panic..I'm sure this has happened before." Rudy Says As Baby Byron crawls by them
"Worst. Babysitters. Ever." Byron Says
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