Buddy Guards
Abigail, Milton and Eddie are busy training with the bo-staff as Rudy meditates in front of them.
"Ohm. Ohm. Ohm Ohm." Rudy Says
Realizing that he wants their attention, Abigail rolls her eyes and walks over to Rudy.
"I got this one..what are you doing?" Abigail Asks
"I'm becoming one with the universe I am now a master of meditation." Rudy Says
"Okay..Since when?" Abigail Asks
"Since I got this magical meditation ring. It changes colors with my mood been in my family for three generations. Uh-oh. That's not good. I think that green color means I'm gassy." Rudy Says
"It just turned blue." Milton Says
"Yeah, it did..Come on, guys. Sit Enjoy my new meditation zone. I got a waterfall, my bonsai tree. I even installed a speaker directly above the mat so I
can listen to my meditation music time to transcend." Rudy Says
He presses a button for the music and loud rock music plays.
"Gezz that's loud!" Milton Says
"No Kidding." Eddie Says
"What the heck was that?!" Rudy Says
"Kung fu lightning." Jack Says
"Greatest band of all time." Jerry Says
"Yeah we were listening to their new album on your stereo. Sorry." Rudy Says
"Well, get it out of there and put my meditation cd back in." Rudy Says
"Hey Isn't kung fu lightning doing a concert here in seaford?" Abigail Says
"Oh, yes, they are and we're gonna stand in line for as long as it takes to get tickets." Jerry Says
"My mom won't let me go to concerts unless the characters are in big padded suits and on ice skates." Eddie Says
"Wait I thought we were hanging out tonight, remember?" Abigail Says
"Oh I'm sorry Abs can we go out another time, Jack and I have been planning this for weeks please?" Jerry Says
"Sure why not go on." Abigail Says as Jerry kisses her cheek
"All right, we'll see you guys later." Jack Says
"Take it easy." Eddie Says
Abigail turns around blushing and Eddie & Milton looks at her.
"What?" Eddie & Milton make kissy faces at her "Oh Shut up." Abigail Says As They laugh
"Come on, guys let's get a corn dog." Milton Says
"Okay." Eddie & Abigail Says
"Finally, I can meditate in peace and become one with my chi." He Starts playing meditation music "What was that?" His Speaker falls from the ceiling and onto his head "Ow! I think I just became one with my speaker." Rudy Says
Jack & Jerry are waiting on the line for the concert tickets.
"Dude, I am a way bigger kung fu lightning fan than you.Oh you see this? Izzy g*n's guitar pick I bought it online." Jack Says
"Man, that's nothing you remember when he missed that concert because he had to get his appendix out?" Jerry Says
"Mm-hmm." Jerry takes something out his pocket
"Is that Izzy's appendix?" Jack Says
"You're not the only one who shops online." Jerry Says
The Line starts moving so Jack & Jerry moves their seats down a couple, Rudy wearing shades and walking Tootsie.
"Rudy, what are you doing with Tootsie?" Jack Asks
"I'm goat-sitting her for Phil while he's out of town for the week. Chicks dig a guy with a goat you should see the women down at the park melt when tootsie and I share a seesaw gotta go." Rudy Says
"Dude, we've been in this line for, like, 19 hours I gotta go find a bathroom." Jack leaves
Jerry watches the seat's as Jack went to go use the bathroom, His stomach starts rumbling.
"Man I'm hungry, I don't know want to leave our spot.." He looks at the line. "looks like no one's moving for a while, gonna go grab a corn dog." Jerry Says
A Few moments later Jerry reruns and see's a bunch of Girls and Guys skipping the line.
"Wait. Wait, what? But, no-- I-- I, uh-- Not cool with this. Too many dudes. Way too many dudes." Jerry Says As Jack returns
"That's it, everyone this guy's getting the last ticket." He Says
"Huh?" Jack Says
"Well-- well, I went to go grab something to eat, then they all scooched and then everyone was scooching!" Jerry Says
"Let's go, you." Jack Says Pulling Jerry away by the ear
"Aah!" Jerry Says
Rudy, Abigail, Eddie and Milton all enters the restaurant with Tootsie.
"My little black book is full of ladies' names and now, thanks to Tootsie, two of them have phone numbers." Rudy Says
"Here's the note from Phil with Tootsie's feeding instructions." Eddie Says
"What's does it say?" Abigail Asks
"Crumple this note into a ball and place it in her bowl." Eddie Says
The door opens and a middle aged man walks in, he approaches the counter.
"I'll have my usual a number three with some baba ghanoush poppers." He Says
"Oh, uh, sorry, sir the restaurant's closed for the week." Rudy Says
"Guess I'll try that new place, Falafel Franco's." He Says
"Uh, hold on, sir have a seat, your order will be right up." Milton Says
"Uh Milton, what are you doing?" Eddie Asks
"That guy's a loyal customer If he goes to Franco's, he'll realize how bad Phil's food is." Milton Says
"Yeah so it's one customer." Abigail Says
"Come on, people! These ghanoushes won't baba themselves!" Milton Says
"You know, while you guys do that, I'm gonna meditate and try to get my ring to go from blue to purple. That's love color. Then I'll decide which of my ladies to--" He looks over and see's Tootsie eating his book "My book. My numbers! My ladies." Rudy Says
Jack is alone in the dojo practicing, Jerry runs inside carrying a box.
"Dude! Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. We've got tickets." Jerry Says
"What?! Whoa, whoa you got tickets?" Jack Says
"Absolutely all we have to do is win the radio station contest, they're about to call one lucky winner." Jerry Says
"Dude, a radio contest? Do you know what the chances are that we'll be the one person they call?" Jack Says
Then Jerry dumps the box and tons of phones fall to the floor
"Pretty good." Jerry Says
"Where'd you get all the phone?" Jack Asks
"Oh I borrowed all my cousins' phones and submitted the numbers." Jerry Says
He turns on the phone and calls the radio station so he and Jack can hear.
"All right, kids set your phone from vibrate to celebrate we're giving away two kung fu lightning tickets." Announcer says
"Please, please, please." Jerry Says Then one of the phones ring
"Wha? - Dude. Dude, I can't believe it they're calling us answer it." Jack Says
"Okay. Woo! Hello? Hello?" Jerry Says
"Which one is it?" Jack Asks
"Hello? Oh, sorry, can't talk Looking for a phone." Jerry hangs up
"Jerry!" Jack Says
"Oh, looks like they didn't want those tickets."
"I don't believe it, man we had the tickets." Jerry Says
"Oh, I see where this is going somehow you're gonna find a way to make this Jerry's fault." Eddie Says
Phil's restaurant is open due to Milton. Eddie, Abigail and Rudy decided to help him out.
"I need two falafel balls with onions." Eddie Says
"Two chicks in a hot tub! Make 'em cry!" Rudy Says
Milton puts the food on the counter and rings the bell.
"Chicks in a hot tub, crying. Pick up. Pick up." Milton Says As Jack & Jerry enters
"Hey Guys." Abigail Says
"Hey." Jerry hugs her
"Jeez you guys are really making a go of it. How'd you get all these people in here?" Jack Asks
"Well, once Milton changed the 40 year-old oil in the fryer, the food started tasting like, you know, food!" Eddie Says
"Why the long faces what happened?" Abigail Asks
"We didn't get the tickets." Jack Says
"So no concert." Jerry Says
"Aww I'm sorry guys, maybe next time." Abigail caress Jerry's cheek
"Hey Abigail I don't pay you to stand there and talk to you boyfriend get to work! " Milton Says
"You don't pay me at all!" Abigail Walks away
"Yo, I'll tell you one thing—If Izzy were here right now, I'd walk right up to him an tell him his two biggest fans don't have tickets." Jerry Says
"Dude! Dude, dude, dude! You're gonna get that chance. That's him sitting right there!" Jack Says
"What? Are you kidding?" Jerry Says
"Let's see what you got." Jack Says As Jerry stands up
"Uh... Me, Jerry. You. Music. Good. The strumming. The... Sing, sing, sing, sing. Hair pretty. Bye-bye, man." Jerry Says
"Uh. Hey, I'm Jack. This is my friend, Jerry He's a little bit of a freak." He Says
"Oh, good we'll get along fine then I'm king of the freaks. Check this out I'm wearing a bowling shoe and a roller skate but, the strange thing is when I left the hotel I was wearing slippers. Hold on! Spitball opportunity." Izzy Says
He spits the ball through the straw and it hits Rudy in the face and he falls dropping trays.
"Aah!" Rudy Says
"Yeah! I love messing with that little weasel. So what can I do for you, mates?" Izzy Asks
"Uh... Can we have tickets to your show?" Jerry Asks
"Absolutely not! A lot of nerve you've got asking me for tickets! I give you tickets, I gotta give everyone tickets! and where does it end?" Izzy Says
"I'm sorry, man we're big fans." Jack Says
"Oh, yeah well, in that case, of course you can have tickets. Here call my manager now if you'll excuse me, I've got to either go skate or bowl." Izzy leaves
"You know what I like about him? He's just a regular guy." Jerry Says
"Dude. Look, it's his phone. Hey, hey, Izzy! You forgot your phone!" Jack Says
Jack and Jerry leave the restaurant to give Izzy back his phone, they turn a corner only to see him getting mugged. Jack and Jerry fights off the muggers and they run away.
"Do you have any idea why those guys attacked you?" Jack Asks
"Yes, I do. I know exactly why It's 'cause I'm beautiful those moves that you guys did were amazing are you like... Superheroes?" Izzy Says
"No, we actually do karate—" Jack Says
"Shh! No. Your secret's safe with me, wham man and pow boy. I can't believe it! I got superheroes for bodyguards!" Izzy Says
"Excuse me?" Jerry Says
"Well, it's clear I need protection. You blokes work for me now you're gonna love my chauffeur he's a wizard." Izzy says then walks away
"Do you have any idea what this means? We're the bodyguards for the biggest rock star in the world!" Jack Says then he and Jerry have a little dance break
"Woo! Wham man, pow boy! Let's go." Izzy Says
"Coming." Jack & Jerry says
Izzy's band are at the civic center at their sound check and he's late.
"Careful with that where's Izzy? Sound check started an hour ago." Stage director Says
"Why are you asking me? But maybe I should practice lead vocals, you know, in case he doesn't show up!" Lars Says
"Oh, he's not showing he gone and ran off and married a hedgehog. I got you! Look at lars. He thinks I married a hedgehog." Izzy Says
"Izzy? You're here how come you're late?" Lars Asks
"Oh, two blokes jumped me and these guys saved my life. Meet my new bodyguards, Jack and Jerry." Izzy Says
"Don't scream like a girl. Don't scream like a girl Don't scream like a girl." Jerry Says Then Jack screams
"Sorry, man." Jack Says As Jerry walks over to the microphone
"Rock and roll! Woo!" Jerry Says
"Really? These two kids took down a couple of thugs?" Lars Says
"Good If you're his bodyguards, you're also his babysitters here's his schedule." He Says
"All right, let's see what's on tap for today we have a sound check." Jack Says
"Woo!" He screams into the mic "Right Done what's next?" Izzy Says
"A photo shoot radio interview. "Approve jewelry." Jack Says
"Let me see that I've got a better idea." Izzy Says
"What?" Jack & Jerry Says
Later on throughout the day Izzy took Jack & Jerry to jump out of a helicopter.
"This is awesome!" Jack Says
"How do you know when it's time to pull the ripcord?" Jerry Asks
"Oh, good idea. I should probably do it now Blimey!"He instead pulls something else "That can't be good."
"We're gonna die!" Jerry Screams
"I got you! I got you!" Izzy Laughs
"You're a demon!" Jerry Says
The restaurant is packed with hungry customers, Rudy is behind the counter as Eddie & Abigail are taking orders.
"Come on, Milton are we frying or are we dying, man? I am dragging six super combos out here. And where is my woodchuck in a sleeping bag?" Rudy Says
"I don't even know what that means." Milton Says
"I don't know what it means either, but I want my ding-dang falafel balls Eddie Abigail , the drive-thru has been backed up all morning." Rudy Says
"Uh We don't have a drive-thru." Abigail Says
"Well, I keep giving food to someone out the kitchen window." Rudy Says
"Rudy. Your meditation ring is red. What does that mean?" Eddie Asks
"It means that I'm under a lot of stress or I'm pregnant. Either way, if my water breaks, you're driving me to the hospital." Rudy Says
"Why don't we just quit?" Eddie Says
"Yeah." Abigail Says
"We can't quit Phil would lose all of his business to Falafel Franco's." Rudy Says As Milton walks through the door with a huge box.
"Guys, I was going through the kitchen, and look what I found. An automatic falafel ball maker." Milton Says
"That's great plug it in now." Abigail Says
"No, hang on will a machine ever be able to handcraft falafel balls with the same love, tradition and care that our customers have come to expect from us?" Rudy Says
"It makes, 1,000 balls an hour." Milton Says
"Let's plug that bad boy in." Rudy Says
Jack, Jerry and Izzy returns back to the arena from their day of activities.
"Oh man what a day, that skydiving was crazy!" Jack Says
"Yeah Woo." Izzy Says
"You know, you could have planned out where we were gonna land." Jerry Says
"I did we were the hit of that rodeo did you see the look on the bull's face when Jerry landed on him?" Izzy laughs
"Oh, yeah, That's right, that's right." Jack Says
"Yeah, I saw it." Jerry Says
Izzy's band and their manager enters the dressing room.
"There you are! Do you realize your show starts in five minutes? Let's go, we gotta hurry." He Says
"Oh, Jerry. Hey, let's go find out where Izzy wants us during the show." Jack Says
"You guys aren't going anywhere playtime's over." Lars Says
"What?" Jack Says
"You're not bodyguards, you're just 14 year-old punks looking to... hang around with a rock star. Well, it's over you're fired." Lars Says
"You can't fire us we work for Izzy, not his backup singer." Jack Says
"I'm not a backup I'm the guy who started this band and the one who should be the lead singer Get 'em out of here!" Lars Says
"Okay, three things one, I'm not leaving this room Two, there is no way I'm giving up this swag jacket And three-- we're outside aren't we?" Jerry Says
They all closed up the restaurant and is using the falafel ball machine.
"All right, guys we've made enough falafel balls for the dinner rush turn it off." Rudy Says
"Okay.." Eddie unplugs it but it doesn't turn off
"Eddie turn it off." Abigail Says
"I did It must have a battery or something." Eddie Says
"Uh, maybe this lever will work." Milton Says As he pulls the lever and it breaks, more balls fall out the machine
"Oh, this isn't good." Milton Says
"Ya think It made the machine go faster!" Abigail Says
"We gotta find some other containers!" Rudy Says
"There are no other containers! We can't let any more hit the floor!" He opens up his jumper to let all the falafel balls fall in "Aah! Oh! Hot, hot, hot! Hot!" Milton Says
"Look, my meditation ring's gone It must've got mixed in the batter, Which means it's in one of these balls!" Rudy Says
"Oh! There's too much pressure! I'm gonna blow!" Milton Says
"You're not gonna blow! You're not gonna blow help me find my ring that's the priority!" Rudy Says
They all step away from the machine as it fills Milton's jumper, a few seconds later he explodes.
"Man, this stinks I told Abigail girl I was gonna have Izzy scream her name from the stage." Jerry Says
"How could he do that?" Jack Asks
"Well, when Izzy screams, you can't understand a thing he's saying. Listen" Jerry Starts screaming incoherently
"Dude, look those are the same guys who jumped Izzy Do you know what this means?" Jack Says
"Yeah They came to apologize." Jerry Says
"They're here to finish the job and Lars just let them in. He's the one who hired them to hurt Izzy! Dude, we gotta get inside."
"But how?" Jerry Asks As Jack looks at him smiling
In order to find his ring Rudy set up a competition to find his mood ring.
"All right. All right, people remember, whoever finds the lucky ring gets $100..Did you guys find it? You guys here?" Rudy Says
"This doesn't make sense we've collected and sold every falafel ball we made." Milton Says
"Not that one." Abigail Says pointing to a falafel ball on the floor
"My ring It's got to be in there." Tootsie walks out the kitchen and sniffs the ball "Don't you do it, You bearded falafel ball eater." Rudy Runs after her
Kung Fu Lighting is performing onstage, Jack and Jerry snuck backstage to save Izzy from being hurt.
"Dude, we made it just in time! They're playing "Surf the lightning!" Jerry Says
"Forget the song! We have to find the guys who attacked Izzy." Jack Says
Jerry looks up and see's one of the men cutting a wire with bolt cutters on the platform up above.
"Up there!" Jerry Says
Jack hops out of the crate he and Jerry were in, He steps on a rope and the bag falls down onto the stage lifting him up on the platform. The guy sees Jack and tries to attack him with the bolt cutters, he dodged his hits and Jack kicks him down.
On the stage on of his goons push Jerry aside and tries to climb up above but Jerry stops him and they begin fighting onstage. He takes one of the band mates guitar and swings it at him, Jerry dodges every swing then takes the guitar from him and begins hitting him with it and knocking the guy offstage.
Up above on the platform Jack is still fighting off against the first guy, he's trying to hit Jack with the bolt cutters but as they are moving around on the platform the rope that he cut is getting loose. Jack see's this and kicks the guy off the platform and grabs the broken rope which holds up the lighting bolt.
"Jerry!" Jack Says
"Lightning!" Izzy Says
Jack can't hold the lighting bolt any longer so he lets it go, the bolt almost lands on Izzy as he sings the last note then Jerry jumps on him moving him from being crushed.
"Tell me again why Rudy brought Tootsie to his office?" Eddie Asks
"He wanted to be sure that he was there when she... went, So he knew where to look Don't worry, he put a lot of newspaper all over his floor." Milton Says As Rudy leaves his office in overalls and holding a plunger
"Any luck?" Abigail Asks
"Not yet But she's had three bales of hay, five pounds of prunes, bran muffins and a calculator anyway, I better get back in there this could happen any minute." Rudy says
"Ah I've had an itch under my arm all day." He pulls out a falafel ball from his shirt "Oh Gah wow a falafel ball was lodged in my armpit. Just imagine how upset Rudy would be if there-- Oh, and there's the ring." Milton Says
"We gotta tell Rudy!" Abigail Says
"Oh my-- are you for real? What have I done?" Rudy Says
"I ain't going in there." Eddie Says
"Let's just leave it here yeah we should go." Milton Says
"How is this even possible? Oh, the humanity! Oh, got my calculator back." Rudy Says As They leave
Jack and Jerry told Izzy everything about what Lars planned on doing to him.
"How could you? We're like brothers." Izzy Says
"I was always in your shadow while you were out in front with the fame, the glory...my sister." Lars Says
"Oh...I am sorry about Linda." Izzy Says
"Stacy!" Lars Says
"Right, yeah, Stacy. Nice girl Okay, get him out of here." The police escorts Lars out "Thanks, guys you saved my life." Izzy Says
"Well, you know, that's just what bodyguards do." Jack Says
"No you two are more than bodyguards you're my friends. Guys! Come on the road with me." Izzy Says
"Man, that's a great offer, but we can't leave seaford all of our friends are here." Jack Says
"Yeah, I get it you know, I'd give up everything I have to stay here and have friends like you." Izzy Says
"Well, why don't you?" Jerry Says
"Are you crazy? I'm a rock star, mate my life is amazing." Izzy Says As His Manager walks in
"The crowd's not leaving, Izzy there gonna tear this place apart if we don't give them an encore." He Says
"But I don't have a full band." Izzy Says
He looks at Jack and Jerry who smiles, moments later they are onstage giving the crowd an encore that they want, Jack's playing the guitar while Jerry's playing the drums and Izzy is singing lead.
The next Izzy and the boys continued playing music with each other in the dojo, Abigail is there watching their performance.
"Yeah that was awesome guys." Abigail Says
"I know right." Jack Says
"So Abigail seeing my play the drums, did it make me more attractive huh?" Jerry smirks
"Well I do have a soft spot for rockstars so you pass." Abigail smiles as Jerry kisses her cheek
"Excuse me... Can we help you?" Jack Asks
"Oh, no he's with me that's my chauffeur the wizard." Izzy Says
"Yeah, the wizard Right..." Jerry Says
"Hey, man it was great to meet you look us up the next time you're here in seaford." Jack Says
"Absolutely I'm gonna keep in touch with you two chaps. All right, cedric. You ready? I'm ready. Right, then off we go." Izzy Says
His chauffeur is carrying a big stick and taps the ground with it two times and he & Izzy both disappears as smoke fills the room and Jack & Jerry's eyes widen.
"Did they just...?" Abigail Says
"No way." Jack Says
"Yeah we totally should've gone with them." Jerry Says
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