All The Wrong Moves
The group of friends are all sitting at a table eating their lunch, Jerry comes over to them with news.
"Guys, I got us the opportunity of a lifetime, we're gonna be rich." Jerry Says
"For the last time, your mom's car has a leak there's no oil under your house." Milton Says
"No, I signed us up for the Battle Of the Dance crews competition at the mall Check it." Jerry Says As Abigail takes the flyer
"Hey I've heard about this, it seems pretty cool." Abigail Says
"Whoa, first prize wins $1000" Kim Says
"It's not just about the money, I've always loved dancing. You know, when I was a baby, my mom hung a disco ball over my crib." Jerry Says
"Did it ever fall on your head?" Jack Says As he Chuckles
"Did what ever fall on my head?" Jerry Says Confused
"Jerry, that sounds great, But we're not a dance crew." Eddie Says
"I have the skills and I'll teach you the moves and if we work hard, we can win this together. - Now what do you say?" Jerry Says
"I'm in." Abigail Says
"Okay." Milton Says
"Absolutely." Kim Says
"Let's do it."
"Okay Jerry, you got yourself a crew." Jack Says
"Yeah, Wasabi?" Jerry Says As Everyone Stands
"Wasabi." They Say
"Whoo-oo!" Jerry Says
Jerry, Jack and Abigail decided after school to head over to Phil's, Jerry goes over some dance routines he could come up with.
"Is this just me or these falafel balls greasier than usual?" Jack Says
Jack Squeezes the falafel ball and a lot of grease comes out, Abigail looks at it disgusted a little.
"No, that looks about right" Abigail Says
"Yo, check it out that's Dan Brennan he's the best dancer at our school, They call him smooth." Jerry Says
At The Door Dan is taking to a girl, he then spins around to impress her, Abigail shakes her head.
"Because he's got great dance moves?" Jack Says
"And his skin's crazy soft yo, we're talking velvet." Jerry Says
"Ugh why is he coming over here." Abigail Says As He approaches the table
"Hey, Jerry." Dan Says
"Jack." He Says
"Eh, Ooo What's up Abigail" Dan Says
"Dan" Abigail Says Lamely
"I heard you karate clowns signed up for the dance contest, you know my crew the step-brothers win every year." Dan Says
"Yeah, I know Every year you win It doesn't mean other people shouldn't try." Jerry Says
"Yeah, it kind of does See, I suggest you leave the dancing to us and stay in your little karate club." Dan Says
"You know, we're not just a karate club we also offer free counseling for people with bad nicknames you should come by and see us, smooth." Jack Says As Abigail & Jerry Chuckles
"You guys are just gonna embarrass yourselves you might have some moves, But can you move like smooth.." Dan Says
Dan Spins around then lands in a split, and does a kick up off the floor and makes a smooth way out.
Yo, I can move like smooth it's just a split I can do a split, Check it." Jerry Says
Jerry Spins then lands into a split, but instead something rips causing Jack & Abigail to cringe.
"I think your pants just ripped." Abigail Says
"That wasn't my pants." Jerry Says
Jack and Abigail helps him up and sits him down.
"Easy Tiger don't hurt yourself before the competition." Jack Says
"Typical Dan he's such a show off" Abigail Says
"Wait you and Dan have history?" Jack Asks
"Oh Yeah, He's my jerk of an ex boyfriend" Abigail Says
"You Dated That Guy" Jerry Says
"Yeah you see last year I met Dan one day I was the beach with my cousins we were dancing and Dan came over and said that he really liked my dance moves and wondered if I wanted to join his clique." Abigail Says
"You apart of the Step-Brothers!" Jerry Says
"Yeah and eventually I started to really like Dan because you know I thought he was cool and really cute, eventually we started dating but after we won the competition last year he showed his true colors and kicked me out & dumped me...I was really heart broken about it." Abigail Says
"Sorry that happened Abigail" Jack Says
"Yeah your way better off than that guy, he doesn't know what he's missing." Jerry Says
"Thanks guys, like my mom always said sadly you gotta meet a few jerks before you meet the one....but I want my revenge and beating Dan in this dance competition is that!" Abigail Says
"Yeah!" Jack & Jerry Says As They All High Five
"So Abigail how good of a dancer are you?" Jerry Asks
"I'm pretty good I would say." Abigail Says
"You wanna help me with the choreography." Jerry Says
"Don't have to tell me twice." Abigail Says
"Oh Dan is so going down Whoo!" Jerry Says
Rudy is stretching getting prepared for today's karate lesson then Marge the lunch lady walks in with a dummy.
"Sorry I'm late, Rudy just give me a minute and then we can get started." Marge Says
"I'm sorry, Who's he?" Rudy Asks
"I don't know his name!" Marge Says
"I mean, what... what are you doing with it?" Rudy Says
"I bought a case of inflatable men to sell to the police, I thought they could put 'em in squad cars so people wouldn't speed." Marge Says
"That's actually brilliant, What'd they say." Rudy Says
"They said if I didn't leave with my man balloon, They'd lock me up." Marge Says
"In business you need to be creative, When life gives you lemons, what do you do?" Rudy Says
"Make lemonade." Marge Says
"No, that's... That's ridiculous why would you do..." He Digs in the locker and grabs a recorder "Lemons can be used to make lemonade, Marge, what would you say if I told you that I can take you and your inflatable friend here to the next level?" Rudy Says
"We're listening." Marge Says
"Okay Well, what if we dress him up as something other than a cop? Say, uh... ...A ninja. Yeah If you had a ninja with you, People wouldn't dare messing with you." Rudy Says
"Perfect for ladies that have to take the bus home late at night." Marge Says
"Yeah and we can put an inflation device in him. So he only blows up when you need him." Rudy Says
"That way he could stay small and people could place him in their pocket. Ooh! You know what we can call it? Ooh! Wait wait... - Pocket ninja." Marge Says
"No-no, no-no The name's gotta pop, you know, something people will remember, How about tiny pants friend? Pocket ninja it is." Rudy Says As he and Marge shakes hands
Kim and Abigail meets up in front of the Dojo, Kim shows Abigail her Dance outfit.
"So what do you think?" Kim Asks
Abigail Looks in the bag of Kim's and see's the clothes.
"It's definitely something my mom would have worn in the 80's, I'm pretty sure she had those exact same leg warmers." Abigail Says
"Well I don't care, I'm gonna go change into it come on." Kim Says
They Walk into the Dojo, The guys are there Kim makes a B-Line for the changing room. Abigail begins stretching, Jerry enters the dojo pumped up.
"Oh, yeah all right, now let's do the whole thing. From the top. Hey, where'd Kim go?" Jerry Says
"She wanted to change into her dance gear." Abigail Says
"Okay, let's do this!" Kim Says
Everyone looks at what's she's wearing, bright colored shirts and pink leg warmers...definitely straight out of an 80's workout video.
"What? This is how dancers dress."
"Maybe in the 80's in Poland." Milton Says
"Come on, guys we've got a lot of work to do are you ready."
"Yeah." They All Say
"I can't hear you." Jerry Says
"Really? cause that was pretty loud I think you might have some hearing loss." Milton Says
"All right, Here we go Whoo-oo!" Jerry Says Then Turns on the radio
Everyone Starts dancing really terribly except Abigail who's dancing really well. Jerry looks on and is upset at what he's seeing.
"Whoa whoa whoa, Okay, I taught you this and you guys are doing this! Come on, guys, don't you have any dancing experience at all?" Jerry Says
"Well, uh... I have my own victory dance I do every time I win a match. Ready." Jack Says Then Starts Dancing like a chicken
"If that's your victory dance, I'm gonna start rooting against you." Jerry Says
"It's been a while since I've danced onstage, But I think I'm just as good now as I was then." Kim Says
"Milton, tell me there's a dancer hiding in there somewhere." Jerry Says
"Oh, believe you me, I have bustmany a move." Milton Says
"Eddie, please give me some good news here." Jerry Says
"Well, I did go to Mrs. King's dance academy." Eddie Says
"Look Jerry I know they might be bad at this but all dancers start off terribly I mean before I got good people used to cringe whenever I even tried to do the worm." Abigail Says
"Okay, this isn't working come on, guys, this is important to me you gotta start trying." Jerry Says
"Whoa, we're trying." Jack Says
"Yeah." They Say
"Maybe we should just take a break." Eddie Says
"Fine, but before you go, think about this. when you dance, you gotta totally feel it when I dance, I'm not thinking about anything. My head is absolutely empty." Jerry Says
"Right, like right before an algebra test." Kim Says
"Kim Come On, look Jerry when we get back we'll work even harder Okay." Abigail Says Then they all leave the Dojo
"Hey, you guys better be ready to work when you get back, Is dancing so hard"
Jerry Turns on the radio, The music starts and Jerry begins dancing, Dan enters the Dojo and watches Jerry's every move.
"What's up, Jerry?" Dan Says
"Smooth." He Turns Off the radio "What are you doing here?" Jerry Asks
"That was a pretty crazy move I saw you do." Dan Says
"I've been working on it for a long time, I call it "The Jerry." He Says
"How'd you come up with that?" Dan Asks
"Well, I'm Jerry and I added the "the." Jerry Says
Rudy & Marge are arranging a meeting with women to see if they will buy their pocket Ninjas.
"Ladies, thanks for coming today and a special shoutout to Marge, For letting us use the cafeteria after hours." Rudy Says
Thank you, Rudy If you see a cockroach in here, don't mess with it. We're in their house." Marge Says
"Now we are offering a security system. With a level of protection. That you have never experienced before. I give you" The Pocket Ninja Appears "The pocket ninja." "You can't put a price on the security. - That the pocket ninja will bring you." Rudy Says
"But we did anyway." Marge Says
"And that price is $19.95." Rudy Says
"Girls, you're gonna love your pocket ninja. He's dependable, - He's reliable.—" Marge Says
"Is he a good kisser?" Joan Asks Interrupting
"You can put him in your house so an intruder can see him through the window and get scared off." Marge Says
"You can seat him in the passenger seat of your car when you have—" Rudy Says
"- No one to talk to.." Joan Says
"No. Yes If you wanna talk to him, you can. If you wanna imagine that he's talking to you, you can." Rudy Says
"He's never too busy for you and he will never ever judge you." Marge Says
"Hmm-mm." Rudy Says
"Well, I'll take one! - Wrap him up!" Joan Says
"Sold!" Rudy Says
Joan gives Rudy the money, all the other women pay Rudy & Marge they make their way over to the other table.
"Rudy, I think we're gonna sell all 20 of these." Marge Says
"Why sell 20 when you can sell 20 million? I think you know what I'm talking about." Rudy Says
"An infomercial?" Marge Says
"Yeah. Yeah. That's... that's what I was gonna say... an infomercial. I wasn't for a moment talking about putting million in a shopping cart and selling them door to door. I mean, that would be insane, Take back the shopping cart." Rudy Says
Jerry and Dan Aka "Smooth" are talking, Dan wants Jerry to join up with his Dance Crew.
"Look, you got talent, But you're wasting it trying to make dancers out of a bunch of karate rats." Dan Says
"Hey, those are my friends! But go on." Jerry Says
"Let me ask you something are you the best karate student in that dojo?" Dan Asks
"No. Jack is." Jerry Says
"Well, I'm gonna give you the chance to be the best at something. Jerry, I want you in my crew, You in?" Dan Asks
"Yeah, I guess so." They Shake on it "Wow, even your hands are smooth. Dude, what your secret?" Jerry Says
"I make my own cocoa butter" Dan Says
Then The rests of the Wasabi Gang Shows up.
"Jerry, what are you doing here? We were waiting for you back at the dojo." Jack Says
"A little change of plans... Jerry's a part of my crew now, He wants to dance with the best." Dan Says
"What?! Jerry, is that true?" Abigail Asks
"Yeah, it is true Hey, smooth's a great dancer and he's my only real shot to be a part of a winning crew." Jerry Says
"So you would rather win than be with your friends?" Kim Says
"Look, it's not about winning, okay? This guy also makes his own cocoa butter." Jerry Says
"Jerry How could you after everything I told you about this guy?, you joined his stupid crew!" Abigail Says
"Come on Jerry we gotta practice, See you guys...Nice seeing ya Abby" Dan Says As Abigail rolls her eyes angrily
"Oh you little—" Abigail Says
Abigail is About to attack Dan but Jack, Kim, Eddie and Milton Stops her and hold her back.
Abigail Is Getting Stuff out her locker and puts in her bag, One of her pencils fall but Dan catches it for her.
"Got it, your welcome." Dan Says
"Are you expecting me to say thank you....well keep it pushing Dan." Abigail Says
"Come on Abby, your not still mad about what happened the other day." Dan Says
"Your Joking right?" Abigail Says
"Oh your still mad that I broke your heart, come on Abby that was a long time ago you gotta let that go." Dan Says
"Oh I'm trying to let it go, but you and your stupid dance moves and your stupid..cute face keeps bothering me! you stole Jerry away from us." Abigail Says
"I mean it's not like he was gonna win on that pathetic team anyways, I mean the only great dancers on that team was you and Jerry...which has me thinking" He Puts His arm on her shoulder "Since Jerry is with us now...why don't you join the step-brothers again?" Dan Asks
"Why So you can use me and steal my dance moves again not happening Dan." Abigail Says As She Slaps his arm off of her
"Fine I tried to be nice Abigail and let you be a winner but now I'm gonna do what I do best—" Dan Says
"Steal" Abigail Says
"No Win, because that's what I'm good at." Dan Says
"Yo Smooth you rea—...Abigail Hey." Jerry Says
"I have nothing to say to you." Abigail Says
She Tries to walk off but Jerry Stops her, "Abigail talk to me—" Jerry Says
"Why Jerry I thought you were my friend,you dump us all so you can hang around Mr.Cocobutter and his minions. Especially after I told you how he hurt me and you still joined him." Abigail Says
"Ab—" Jerry Says
"Just leave me alone." Abigail Says Then Walks away upset
Jerry and Dan are practicing in the studio, Jerry's been teaching him his dance moves.
"Okay!" Dan Says
"Man, you guys have it all... - Yeah. ...Sweet dance studio, air-conditioning, Your own bottled water. Yo, this cocoa butter could really knock the Ash off my elbows." Jerry Says
"Whoa! Nobody touches my cocoa butter." Dan Says
The Door opens and the rest of the Smooth Brothers walks in.
"So this is the new guy, well, he don't look like much." Benny Says
"Back off, Benny Jerry's been showing me this crazy move for the last two hours that's gonna win us the contest Let's show 'em." Dan Says
Benny Turns on the radio, Jerry and Dan starts dancing and they finish it off with "The Jerry"
"That's right." Dan Says
"I've gotta give it to you, man that was... was a pretty sweet move." Benny Says
"Yeah, I'm gonna use it to win the contest." Dan Says
"What?! You're not gonna use my move." Jerry Says
"It's not your move It's called "the smooth." see... see what I did was, I took "the Jerry," took out "jerry" And replaced it with "smooth." I guess I don't need you anymore, Jerry see ya." Dan Says
"You just got smoothed." Benny Says
"Heh! - Whoo-oo!" Dan Says As They All Leave
"Oh man, He stole my "whoo-oo" too." Jerry Says
Jerry is sitting and eating alone, he's drinking his water from a straw really loudly and Joan turns around annoyed.
"I'm going to have to ask you to stop that. I'm on a date!" Joan Says
"Sorry for that terrible interruption." Jerry Says
Jerry goes back to eating, then Jack, Kim, Abigail, Eddie and Milton enters the restaurant.
"Well, if it isn't eggs Benedict." Eddie Says
"You mean Benedict Arnold?" Milton Says
"No, I don't think I do." Eddie Says
"Shouldn't you be practicing with your new smooth dance friends." Abigail Says
"They're not my friends, Smooth just used me to steal my move." Jerry Says
"They stole the Jerry?" Kim Says
"Yeah and it's not called the Jerry anymore, Now it's called the smooth he just named it after himself ah, zero imagination."
"Jerry, you got us so excited about this dance thing. You said we were gonna do it together and then you bailed on us." Jack Says As They walk away but Jerry gets up
"Look, I'm never gonna be great at karate or... Or a great school person." Jerry Says
"Student." Milton Says
"Whatever, Dancing is the one thing I'm really good at and I just wanted everyone to see that, But you guys are my friends and I shouldn't have walked out on you. So I'm sorry." Jerry Says
"Jerry, wait! If you still wanna be in the contest, - We'll be your crew." Abigail Says
"Really? Yes, the kid is back in the game." He hugs Abigail "You guys are awesome!"
"Not at dancing. - We still stink." Milton Says
Then Joan Comes out the bathroom in a hurry with her Pocket Ninja.
"Yeah, would you excuse me, please?! I'm on a date!" Joan Says Hitting Jack with the Ninja
Rudy & Marge are on set about to shoot their very first infomercial to see the "Pocket Ninjas".
"I gotta be honest i'm a little nervous millions of people are gonna see this." Marge Says
"See, that's the difference between you and me, Marge I don't get nervous, I'm cool as a cucumber. Besides, if we mess up, They'll simply stop the cameras, and we'll start over. - It's not like we're doing it live." Rudy Says Then A Bell rings
"We're live in five seconds."
"What?!...No-no, I can't do live." Rudy Says
"And four, three, two, and... "
The Cameras roll and Rudy becomes camera shy.
"Rudy we're on say something" Marge Says
"Jah-ah-hh, Hi to my tv friends. Jah-ah-hh. D... do... do you you had a ninja? Hat I know I do! I do! Well, now you can with this amazing new product— Called the ninja pocket." Rudy Says
"Pocket ninja." Marge Says
"Pocket ninja!" Rudy Says
"Well, tell us new product works." Marge Says Handing the product over to Rudy
"Why are you asking me?" Rudy Says
"I bet it's easy and quick and ready in a flash, huh?" Marge Says
"Okay..Um um, simply um... Pull the ninja out of your pocket and pull the activation chord it's easy watch." He Pulls it nothing happens " See? It's ready in a flash Come on Come on!" Rudy Says
"Get it together! You are embarrassing us." Marge Says
"This piece of junk doesn't work!" He Throws it and then the Nina inflates "I mean, ta-da!"
Suddenly All The Ninjas heads start popping extremely loud.
"What is happening?!" Rudy Says
"They must be heating up under the lights! Whoa. I'm gonna be a lunch lady forever!" Marge Says
More and more ninja heads explode, Marge screams in fear as Rudy bumps into the sign and it falls on him.
"Mommy!...I guarantee you'll love Ninja Pocket!"
"Pocket ninja!" Marge Says
"Pocket Ninja!" Rudy Says
The Wasabi Gang and everyone else watches the "Step-Brothers" perform their dance and Dan uses "The Jerry" as his finisher.
"Wow, how about that? Come on, people, give it up for the stepbrothers, Did you see that last move? That was crazy! But how do you come up with something like that?" Host Asks
"By stealing it." Jerry Says
"Yeah!" They Say
"Now let's give it up for the last act of the competition... The Wasabi warriors." Announcer Says
The Group of friends walk onstage, Dan walks up to Jerry.
"Good luck with your little loser friends, Jerry. I just crushed it, I better go clean out my pockets to make room for my prize money." Jerry Says
"I wouldn't do that just yet, smooth we've got a routine that is pretty swag." Jerry Says
"I told you before, those guys aren't dancers all they know about is karate."
"Exactly." Jerry Says
"Hey Dude, we're on!...Dan" Abigail Says
"Abigail.." Dan Says
The Music Starts to play, "Oh-hh, hyah!" They Say As They start performing their karate moves they've learned.
"It's time for your new move, man it's all you." Jack Says High Fiving Jerry
Jerry Looks At Abigail and They Dance together, Everyone gets back in formation as Jerry does his new version of "The Jerry", then he does a standing backflip for his finishing move.
"Wasabi!" They All Say
"Wow, that was awesome I have the judges' results. The winner of the trophy and the $1000, prize. Is... The stepbrothers!" Announcer Says
"Whoo-oo!" Everyone Says
"You Okay?" Abigail Asks
"Yeah so what we didn't win, I thought you guys were awesome. - Hmm. - I was proud to have you as my crew." Jerry Says Putting his arm over Abigail & Eddie's Shoulder
"This year, the judges are also awarding a trophy for best individual dancer and the winner is... ...Jerry Martinez!" She Says
"Congrats Jerry!" Abigail Says
"Thanks Abigail, couldn't have done it without you guys." Jerry Says
"Oh please that was all you." Abigail Says
"No I mean it, thanks guys" Jerry Says, Abigail smiles at Jerry then wraps her arms around Jerry's neck and hugs him as he hugs her back tightly, Then Jerry Accepts the Trophy, Everyone applauds for him.
"What?! Jerry? He's not that great, I can do what he did watch this." Dan Says
Dan Starts Dancing trying to copy Jerry but ends up falling off of Stage crashing into a table, Everyone laughs at him.
"Thanks for coming Dan see ya bye." Abigail Says As Kim High fives her
"Whoa! Eh, not very smooth, smooth. Whoo-oo! Yeah, that's right. I'm taking my "whoo-oo" back.
Uh, yeah, I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, Rudy, my crew. Couldn't have done it without you guys. Oh, and uh one last thing I'd like to say is, Five, six, seven, eight, and..." Jerry Says As Music starts playing again, Everyone starts doing Jacks victory dance.
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