All The Presidents Friends
Jack enters the dojo carrying his duffel bag "Hey, guys."
"Hey Jack." Everyone said greeting him.
"Oh, hey, Jack how was your family reunion?" Kim Asks, while eating a slice of pizza.
Jack turns around and walks back over to his friends, he looks at them they all look disheveled and all eating pizza.
"Good..what's going on?" Jack Asks
They all start speaking over each other, Jack waves him hands stopping them.
"Guys. Stop. Hey, stop! talk to me, Lincoln." Jack Says
Milton who's dressed in an old suit stands up "Well It all started when Jerry got his new locker." He Says
"Dude, I can't believe you got locker 138, This is where the prettiest girls in school have their lockers." Jack Says
"I know, dude." Jerry Says, Abigail clears her throat and crosses her arms.
"And what am I chopped liver?" Abigail Says
"Of course not you know your the prettiest girl in my eyes." Jerry Says, kissing her cheek.
"Yeah Yeah." Abigail Says
"Hey Abs, care to step into club Jerry?" He opens the locker, salsa music plays
"How did you-" Abigail Says
"I know right." Jerry Says, he starts salsa dancing.
Milton walks over angrily "Our school President, Frank, kicked me off the bus today so I had to walk to school. I got my first tardy."
"Oh, awesome. Tardy party after school, I'll probably be a little late." Jerry Says
Two black dragon members walks by them, slamming a paper on Jerry's locker.
"Huh? No, no, no! Frank just had his black dragon goons confiscate my locker." Jerry Says
"Well, apparently as President you can do whatever you want." Milton Says
"If you don't like it, guys, the school election's in four days. Run against him." Abigail Says
"Yeah have fun with that I gotta go, I'll see you guys when I get back from my trip." Jack Says, he hugs them then leaves.
"Man, can you believe this?" Jerry Says
"I know." Milton Says
Frank grabs Milton and Jerry by their collars and shoves them away.
"Just came to check out my new address 138, best in school." He opens the locker, he steps back "I don't know who that is, but there's some skinny dude dancing in my locker." Frank Says
The locker dude gives Frank a thumbs up as he runs away, the salsa music plays Milton dances and Jerry spins Abigail around and dips her as they start salsa dancing.
"For too long we have lived in Frank's shadow of fear. I say we need change. That's why I'm running for President... because I'm not afraid. I'm also not afraid because Frank's at an orthodontist appointment." Everyone gives him an applause, he reaches in his brown bag "I have some sweet number two pencils with my name on them..come and get 'em. Oh, remain calm, people. There's one for everybody." Milton Says
No one got up from their seat so Eddie got up instead and took a pencil.
"Nice. Free pencil." Eddie Says
"Yeah." Milton Says
"You got my vote." Eddie Says
The cafeteria door opens and Jerry enters with a pizza delivery man behind him.
"I'm Jerry. Running for President. Free pizza!" He Says
Everyone immediately gets out their seats and runs towards the pizza, knocking Milton down and runs over him.
"Nice. Free pizza. You got my vote." Eddie Says
"Jerry, you can't run for President. I'm running for President." Milton Says
"Ooh. This is awkward." Jerry Says
"See." Milton Says, handing him the pencil.
"Well, dude, how do you expect to win if your pencil's not even number one." Jerry Says
"Surely the good citizens of Seaford High will not let their vote be swayed by a mere slice of pizza." Milton Says
"Oh, no, no. It's not just pizza. I got fro-yo, too." Jerry Says
Everyone gets up from their seats and runs over to the fryo stand knocking Milton over again.
"Whoa! Gah!" Milton Says
"Pencils, pizza...Fro-yo? I love politics!" Eddie Says
Abigail and Kim are busy stretching while Jerry and Eddie practice behind them. Rudy walks in with a smile on his face.
"You are looking at the man who's been asked to direct, "Romeo and Juliet" at the Seaford community theater. Kim, Abigail would you two like to be my assistant Directors?" Rudy Says
"Absolutely! I love the theater." Kim Says
"Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite plays." Abigail Says
"Excellent your duties will be important and vast. One day you two might be picking up Brad Pitt from the airport. The next, you will be washing my socks." Rudy Says
"May I present the next President of Seaford High, Milton Krupnick!" Julie Says, Milton comes out the locker room wearing a suit that looks similar to Abe Lincoln.
"What's with the suit?" Abigail Asks
"As his campaign manager, I'm giving him a presidential makeover." Julie Says
"Julie loaned me her grandfather's suit. Don't you think it makes me look like Abraham Lincoln?" Milton Says
"Yes, and smell like muscle rub and sardines." Rudy Says, he grimaces and he along with Kim and Abigail steps back.
"Well, Milton, I didn't plan on running against you, but I don't start something without finishing it. And I've got a campaign manager, too. Abigail." Jerry Says
"I'm busy with the play." Abigail Says
"Milton." Jerry Says
"I'm running against you." Milton Says
"Oh, Rudy." Jerry Says
"30 I'm years old." Rudy Says
"Eddie." Jerry Sighs
"I did not see this coming. I'm in!" Eddie Says
Later Abigail is sitting in the food court alone doing some homework, Jerry sits next to her and let's out a sigh.
"Okay what's the matter?" Abigail Asks
"It's this whole class president, Eddie and I spent 20 minutes trying to come up with a speech for tomorrow." Jerry Says
"What did you guys come up with?" Jerry hands her the paper, she reads it "Vote for me yo." took you guys 20 minutes to write that." Abigail Says
"Yeah, look Abigail could you please help us out.
Just write something down quickly..just make it sound smart." Jerry Says
"Jerry look I love you but I can't, today Kim and I are really busy. Don't stress about it okay, just write from what comes from the heart." Abigail Says
"From the heart yeah that sounds about right." Jerry Says
"See you got this." Abigail Says
Kim who's carrying a binder walks over to them
"Hey, look we're about to start auditions okay come on."
"Coming, hey I'll catch up with you later." Abigail Says, she gives him a quick kiss.
"Okay." Jerry Says
Abigail and Kim walks away from the table and meets Rudy inside.
Abigail, Kim and Rudy are sitting at the tables awaiting for someone to audition for the play. A woman entered the dojo, and walked to the table.
"Is this where you're holding the auditions?" She Asks
"Uh, I'm sorry, Ma'am. I don't think you're right for the part." Rudy Says
"Oh, no. Then how about..."
The woman reaches for her head and starts tugging on something, turns out it was a mask and that person is Bobby Wasabi.
"Me! I fooled you..and do you know why?" Bobby Says
"Because you're a rich, eccentric nutcase?" Kim Says
"Well, yes. But also because... I am a great actor! "What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun". Bobby Says
"Well..." Rudy Says
"I'm your boss." Bobby Says
"You're in! Huzzah!" Rudy Says
"Now all we need now is a Juliet." Abigail Says
"You parked your peacock in a loading zone. Again." Joan Says
"You ride a peacock?" Kim Says
"It's giant." Bobby Says
"Every time you show up, you make a scene, and I'm getting pretty sick of it." Joan Says
"Oh, good Lord. So real, so honest. So full of verve." Bobby Says
"Oh I'm stupid with verve." Joan Says
"You must be my leading lady." Bobby Says
"Whoa. Excuse me. I am the Director of this play and I will say who Juliet is." Rudy Says
"I'm your boss." Bobby Says
"We have found our Juliet!" Rudy Says
"Huzzah!" Bobby Says
Today was the presidential debate, Milton, Jerry and Frank were at their podiums giving their speeches.
"And in conclusion, this is what will happen if you don't vote for me." Frank Says, he aggressively punches a grape fruit.
"Thank you. Okay. And now for the candidate who I am in no way partial to. Milton, my cuddle bunny, Krupnick." Julie Says
"Friends! The last time you voted for Frank, you did it so you wouldn't get beat up. But he beat you up anyway. I say the dark days of fear are over! And the dawn of change is upon us." Milton Says, everyone claps for him.
Eddie walks over to a nervous Jerry.
"You think I can do this?" Jerry Asks
"Yeah, just read the speech I wrote for you good job." Eddie Says, handing him a note.
"Uh, thank you. Dude, this is your mother's shopping list." Jerry Says
"Just make it work." Eddie Says
"Oh..okay. Potatoes...Orange juice, light bulbs, and eggs. Uh... Cream cheese, low fat and whipped. Uh... And in conclusion, I'd like to say... Non-sheer pantyhose!" Jerry Says
"Yeah! Woo! Good job! Yeah! Woo!" Eddie claps, but sits down when everyone doesn't.
"Milton doesn't shower after gym class." Jerry Says and everyone gasps.
Kim and Abigail are busy painting sets with the rest of the crew.
"We've got big problems. I read most of "Romeo and Juliet," and this Shakespeare guy is a hack. But if I make some changes I can save this show." Rudy Says
"Do you really want to change it? I mean, it's a classic." Kim Says
"A classic snooze fest." Rudy Says
"Rudy, I was just at lunch and I heard that the theater critic from the Seaford Herald, Vic Deblaze, is coming to our play!" Bobby Says
"Oh, no. He hates everything." Rudy Says
"Oh, Rudy, calm down. You're just panicking." Abigail Says
"No, I'm not. His last review of the ballet said the lead stumbled around the stage like a dying pelican." Rudy Says
"Really?" Abigail Says
"Yeah! And that was his 8 year old daughter. We got work to do, people!" Rudy Says
"This play should be interesting." Kim Says
"Yeah no kidding." Abigail Says
Everyone is sitting down waiting for the ballot's to come in, currently in the lead with more points is Jerry with 75 points and Milton with 59.
"How could this happen?" Milton Says
"There was nothing I could do once Jerry told everyone that you don't shower after gym class." Julie Says
"Don't Judge me. That water is ice cold, and there are boys in there. I can't believe Jerry's gonna win this thing. That backstabbing blabbermouth." Milton Says
Frank and his black dragon friends walks over to Jerry and Eddie.
"You know how much trouble you're in if you win this thing?" Frank Says
"First of all, you're gonna need to...speak to my campaign manager." Jerry Says, holding Eddie in front of him.
Eddie nervously laughs then grimaces at a smell
"Ew! What's that smell?"
The door opens and many boys in their gym clothes walks in carrying posters about not showering.
"Showerless, not powerless. Showerless, not powerless. Showerless, not powerless. Showerless, not powerless."
They go inside the voting room and Milton goes up more points, resulting in him winning.
"Milton, look! It's the other kids who don't shower after gym. They're voting for you." Julie Says
"I don't believe it." Milton Says
"Milton, the polls are closed. You won!" Julie Says
"Because of you, we have overcome locker room ridicule. Come to me, you unwashed masses. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so close. Back up." Milton Says
A few minutes after the election, Milton speaks with some of the students that voted for him. But turns around to face Frank and his friends.
"Krupnick! When you step off the school grounds, you're gonna get it." Frank Says
"Uh...You know... really? The thing is that, uh... This pen? It's a spy camera." Milton Says
"Really?" Frank Says
"Yeah. Jack's always watching." Milton Says, waving his pen around.
"Hey, Jack. Just talking to Milton, our beloved new President. I hate pens that watch me." Frank Says
Jerry approaches locker 138, Milton walks over to him.
"There he is. El Presidente. Saw you kicked the Black Dragons out of locker 138 come on, give me some." Jerry Says
"You're not getting the locker, Jerry. You betrayed me. Took my secret and used it to embarrass me in front of the whole school. We're done." Milton Says
"What? Who's gonna move into 138?" Jerry Asks
"I'll give you a hint." Milton Says, he opens the locker and "Hail to the Chief" starts playing.
Abigail is helping Joan run her lines for the play, while Kim paints some more sets.
"You know, Rudy, do you really think you should have made all these changes to "Romeo and Juliet"?" Kim Says
"Trust me, if Shakespeare were alive today, these are exactly the kinds of changes he would have made. All right! Lower the old woman into the Cannon and wait for my command. And you. Put those Lemurs next to the Cougar. We're gonna need more Lemurs. All right! From the top, people." Rudy Says
"Romeo, oh, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?" Joan Says
A smoke bomb goes off and Bobby appears "I art saving the Universe, baby. Die, alien slime!" He tries using his laser but it doesn't work "My space laser is jammed again. I can't work like this, Rudy." He Says
"I'm sorry, I'm confused. Why is Romeo shooting me?" Joan Asks
"Because you're an evil alien clone, duh. We've been over this, people." Rudy Says
"Fine. By the way, did you know that Bobby's name is above mine on the marquee?" Joan Says
"About that, did you know her name is on the marquee?" Bobby Says
They all begin arguing over each other, Kim and Abigail tries stopping them until they raise their voice.
"Hey!, You guys knock it off!" Kim Says
"Look this isn't about marquees, or aliens and special effects. This is community theater. It's about community." Abigail Says
"Yeah I mean, we have to believe in each other and the material, Rudy." Kim Says
"Maybe she's right. You know what I say? Forget Vic Deblaze. We will do this play the way it was meant to be done. We will use our raw talent to bring this show to life. And we will set the theatrical world on fire. On fire!" The cannon goes off, and a woman's screams heard and a crash "Okay, people. That's a five." Rudy Says
Frank who's wearing an Orange jump suit is sweeping the ground in the basement for detention. Jerry gets escorted to the basement as well by a teacher.
"Oh, great. You're stuck on cleaning detail, too? This is the worst form of detention. What'd you do?" Jerry Asks
"Got caught trying to get to first base with the CPR doll in the health office." Frank Says
"Nice." Jerry Says
"How about you?" Frank Asks
"Got caught in first base with Abigail in the library, we were in the world history section." Jerry Says
"Nice." Frank Says
"Yeah, Milton ratted me out. Since he became President he thinks he's so much better than everyone else. He's even got VIP seating at the Seaford community theater for Rudy's play tonight." Jerry Says
"I saw "Man Of La Mancha" there. It was to die for. I guess if Milton's seeing it, Jack's seeing it, too." Frank Says
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Jerry Says
"Milton's got this James Bond pen in his front pocket. Jack's watching over him 24/7." Frank Says As Jerry laughs
"What? Dude, he's got no spy pen. He just told you that so you'd think Jack's protecting him. No, Jack's at his family reunion in Colorado." Jerry Says
"So you're telling me Jack's five states away? And Milton's going to be off school grounds where I'm free to pummel him?" Frank Says
"Well, yeah. That's exactly what I'm say... Oh, really, Jerry? Really?" He Says
Frank shoves Jerry into the cell and lock the gate
"Looks like I've got a play to catch." He drops the keys and leaves.
A few minutes later Jerry tries breaking free and starts sobbing "Let me out! Somebody!"
"Jerry? I was in the music room when I heard what sounded like a little girl crying." Eddie Says
"It was probably because she was really, really scared. And didn't know if she was ever gonna see her mommy again." Eddie picks up the keys and unlocks the gate "But she's all right now. Come on, Eddie. We got a President to save." Jerry Says
Everyone is in attendance at the theater currently watching the play, Milton and Julie who's sitting in the VIP seats look on.
"A night at the theater is exactly the flame that will kindle my spirits." Milton Says
"Uh-huh." Julie Says
"Good night! Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow." Joan Says
"That I shall say good night till it be morrow." Bobby Says
The sound of snoring is heard from the first row, the play critic Vic Deblaze is asleep. Rudy, Abigail and Kim pulls the curtain back and sees him sleep.
"Oh, thanks a lot, Abigail. "Romeo doesn't need to be an alien hunter". Deblaze is out there in a coma." Rudy Says
"Well, he ain't the only one." Kim Says
Joan is asleep leaning on the castle, Bobby taps her to wake her up.
"Juliet. Juliet..Juliet!" Bobby Says
"Poke her with your sword." Abigail Says
Bobby starts poking Joan with the sword everyone finds it amusing. Frank and the black dragons shows up in a different sky box and see's Milton.
"There he is! Let's get him." Frank Says
Joan wakes up and slaps his sword away "Ow. Ow, stop poking me."
"You can't act when you're asleep." Bobby Says
"You can't act when you're awake." Bobby gasp and pokes her some more "Oh, that's it." Joan Says,
She takes off her costume.
"Juliet is also a security guard, I didn't see that coming." Vic Says
Joan and Bobby begins having a sword fight, Rudy, Kim and Abigail jumps in to break up the fight.
"You love him. Stop trying to beat him senseless." Rudy Says
"Get this maniac off my face!" Bobby Says
"We're trying!" Abigail Says
"Come on, Bobby. Let go of Joan!" Kim Says
Jerry and Eddie makes their way onstage, they all turn to them.
"What are you two doing here?" Rudy Asks
"We gotta save Milton. Frank's on his way down here to beat him up." Jerry Saga
"Oh, we might be too late!" Eddie Says
They all look up at the private sky box, Frank slowly creeps up behind Milton.
"Holy Hannah! They're gonna get Lincoln!" Joan Says
Jerry grabs a ladder and climbs up to the sky box, Milton and Julie moves out the way as Frank goes to punch him but Jerry stops his fist mid way.
"I probably shouldn't have done that. Quick. Get out of here." Jerry Says
A fight breaks out between the two of them, Milton looks to Julie.
"Mary Todd, save yourself!" Milton Says
Julie climbs down the ladder but it loses its balance and she falls backwards, reaches for Milton.
"Whoa! Milton!" Julie Says, she reached for him but instead ripped off his mustache.
"Aah! Mary Todd!" Milton Says
Julie crashes down and the ladder falls on to Bobby and Joan sending them crashing down knocking over some of the stage sets.
"Juliet, save thouself!" Bobby Says
"I shan't leave you to die, Romeo." Joan Says
"I don't think I'd die. Probably just pull a hammie, you know." Bobby Says
Back upstairs in the sky box, Milton and Jerry takes on some more black dragon goons. Once they are down, Jerry and Milton uses the curtain to climb down to the stage. Frank jumps down along with his friends, they go to punch Jerry and Milton but Abigail and Kim steps in.
"Oh, no, you don't." Kim Says
The other three black dragons go to attack Jerry, Milton and Abigail while Kim takes on Frank.
Abigail dodges every hit the guy throws at her, she then kicks him off the stage. Jerry and Milton kicks the other two black dragons off the stage, and Kim throws kicks at Frank which he block. As he goes to punch her she stops it, and she kicks him sending Frank off the stage. Everyone in the crowd gives them all a round of applause.
"Bravo! Bravo! Rudy! I loved it. In fact, I'm coming back to see it tomorrow. Don't change a thing." Vic Says
"Ha ha! You got it, Vic." Rudy Says
"Okay, so now all this makes sense... Except for one thing. Eddie, why are you dressed like a mattress?" Jack Says
"Oh, I've got to get going. I've got a job handing out
fliers for Ned's Beds. Later. Bye, guys." Eddie Says, then leaves.
"Bye. See you, Eddie." They Say
"Look, man. I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have used your locker room secret against you." Jerry Says
"Well...what matters is that you were there when I was about to be attacked. Thanks." Milton Says, then hands Jerry a scroll.
"What's this?" Jerry Asks
"It's a presidential decree locker 138 will be yours till the day you graduate." Milton Says
"Dude, these next 10 years are gonna be awesome! Woo!" Jerry Says the hugs Milton
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