A Slip Down Memory Lane
Jack is busy breaking boards until Rudy tests him to break four bricks, He sets them up and Jack takes in a huge breath then proceeds to break all four of them.
"Hiyah!" Jack Says
"Oh! Yeah!" Rudy Says
"Did it again, I am on fire! Fire!" Jack Says
"More bricks, Eddie." Eddie starts stacking up some more bricks "Okay, just think, in a couple of hours, Jack is gonna break the world record for most bricks broken by anyone under 15." Rudy Says
"And I'm breaking a world record too, for most bricks wheelbarrowed from one place to another. Right, Rudy?" Eddie Says
"Yes, you are." Rudy Says
As Eddie walked away Rudy looks back at Kim, Abigail and Jack then mouths "No." Kim looks through the record book and gets Jacks attention.
"Some of the records in this book are crazy, there was a woman in Michigan who ate her own car
come look at this picture." Kim Says
"Wow she literally has a trunk in her junk." Jack Says
"Would you let him focus, Kim? The Judge from the Burgess Book of World Records is gonna be here in a few hours." Rudy Says
"He's right this is my last chance to break the record. After I 15 turn next week, I won't be eligible." Jack Says stacking up the bricks
"You know...you getting your name and, more importantly, this dojo's name in that record book. Is like the biggest thing that's ever happened to us." Rudy Says
"Come on, Rudy. The biggest?" Abigail Says
"When I became a Sensei, I had two goals...saving the President from a ninja attack. And getting my dojo's name in a record book that's read by millions of people on their toilets." Rudy Says
"I'm out!" Kim Says after dropping the book into the garbage
"Kim was reading that." Abigail Says
The dojo doors open as Milton and Jerry enters, Jerry is wearing a red track suit and takes off him sunglasses.
"What up, yo? Record breaker in the house." Jerry Says
"What record are you gonna break?" Abigail Asks
"A record I've been training for my whole life. Yeah, world's longest armpit hair. Check it." Jerry Says
He takes off his hoodie and his massive arm pit hair peeps though, Jack, Abigail and Rudy's mouth drop.
"Wow, that is pretty long." Rudy Says
"Please." Jerry chuckles, opening his arms showing his arm pit hairs full length as they are braided
"Oh, sweet pit hair!" Jack Says
""I know, right?" Jerry Says
"Ooh, it's so soft, what conditioner do you use?" Rudy Asks
"Don't expect any hugs from me anytime soon." Abigail Says
"And I'm gonna smash the yo-yo record for the, two-handed synchronized round-the-world, baby. Check this out." Milton Says
He rolls out both his Yo-yo's and swings them around but they get caught in Jerry's pits. Milton pulls them back but he pulls off Jerry's pit hair as well. Milton see's he's pissed off and runs as Jerry chases him.
Kim and Abigail are helping Joan along with everyone else, set up for the "Burgess World Record" competition.
"Oh, Kim and Abigail the whole mall's talking about Jack. There hasn't been a buzz like this since the escalator ripped off my security pants." Joan Says
"Thanks, Joan. I, uh, finally got that image out of my head. Now it's back." Kim Says
"Oh, I can still hear those construction workers hootin' and hollerin'." Joan Says
"Begging you to cover up isn't exactly hootin' and hollerin'." Abigail Says
"Well, when you're my age, girls, the definition of a hoot gets mighty loose." Joan Says
Jack waves to the girls as they are working then heads into the dojo.
"Yeah, I'll see you guys later." Kim Says
"Going to see Jack aren't you." Abigail Says
"Noooo." Kim Says
"Yeah you are, go on Joan and I got this." Abigail Says
"Thanks Abs." Kim Says
Kim enters the dojo and walks up to Jack "Hey, uh, Jack, I made you something to wear when you break the record." She hands him her bracelet
"Oh, sorta like a good luck bracelet." Jack Says
"Uh... yeah. But it's also more of a..." Kim Says
"What, like a friendship bracelet?" Jack Says
"Uh... Yeah." Kim Says
"Great! It's finally official. We're friends." Jack Says
"Jack, you know I think of us as more than just..." Kim Says
"More than just what?" Jack Asks
"Um... I don't know..It's just a dumb bracelet I gotta go." Kim Says then walks away
"Wait, Kim! Come on, Kim. Wait a second." Jack Says
As he goes to run after her Jack slips on some Bo staffs hitting his head on the ground, Kim stops and runs back over to him, everyone walks over to see if he's okay.
"Jack! Are you okay?" Kim Asks
"Yeah..I think so. Just one question, though. Who are you people?" Jack Asks As they all share looks
A few minutes later a doctor shows up to examine Jack, he's looking at his pupils as everyone watches on.
"This is not good, he's gonna die." He Says
"What?!" They all cried out
"My pen light his batteries are shot." He Says
"Do you really have to call your pen light "he"?" Milton Says
"Listen, Jack's gonna be fine but we're gonna have to operate..."They all gasped "On a need-to-know basis. So here's what you need to know, we don't have to do any more tests. Jack only has a minor concussion. He suffered some memory loss, but he's probably gonna be fine." He Says
"Probably?" Kim Says
"Maybe..I don't know, It's not like medicine's a real science." He Laughs
"Dr. McCrary, I called Jack's parents, but they're out of town. Is there anything that we can do to help him?" Rudy Asks
"There is one thing you can do to speed up his recovery. Talk about the things he's forgotten." His cellphone rings "Excuse me. Yes? Hello. What? Oh, no. I just lost a patient." Dr. McCrary Says
"I got this one see, it sounds like he's saying he just lost his patient. But what he really means is he just lost cell reception." Milton Says
"No. My patient is dead, you insensitive punk!" Dr. McCrary leaves
"Uh... Hey, Jack. Do you remember last week when you loaned me $20 bucks?" Jerry Asks
"No." Jack Says
"He's fine." Abigail slaps his arm "Ow!" Jerry Says
"Jack, we're gonna help you get your memory back. Is there anything that you can remember about this dojo?" Rudy Asks
"Sorry." Jack Says
"Come on, Jack you have to remember this wall." Milton Says
"Yeah it's the wall that started it all. The mall cops were chasing you since you were skating and you crashed throughout that wall." Abigail Says
"And then Rudy blackmailed you into becoming a member of the dojo." Jerry Says
"I didn't blackmail him, I just told a little white lie." Rudy Says
"So I'm a karate student." Jack Says
"Oh, no this is worse than I thought. We're gonna have to start from scratch. You, Jack! Me, Jerry! You good at karate! Me better!" Jerry Says
"Did this guy also hit his head?" Jack Asks
"Jack, check out these trophies, you won half of 'em." Eddie Says
"And the other half Rudy bought." Milton Says
"You're holding the one for poodle grooming." Rudy Says
"The point is, you're really good, Jack." Kim Says
"Man, I didn't realize I was that good..I gotta try some of that." Jack Says
"There you go! See, that's the spirit!" Rudy Says
Jack gets up and faces the punching dummy, he punches the dummy weakly then starts slapping it around raising everyone's eyebrows. The dummy and Jack falls to the ground then Rudy and Jerry helps him up.
"Is that how I look when I do karate?" Eddie Asks
"No, Eddie. You're not that good." Milton Says
"This is awful." Rudy Says
"I know It's so upsetting." Kim Says
"I know a way to help him get his memory back." Jerry picks up a Bo Staff
"Wait What are you doing?" Eddie Asks
"Oh, I'm gonna smack him in the head to jog his memory." Jerry Says
"What, no! Give me that!" Abigail snatches the staff from him
"What, no. It totally works I've seen it in a cartoon once." Jerry Says
"I'm sorry you guys seem really nice, but I don't know who you are. Well, maybe if you told me a little bit about yourselves, I'd remember." Jack Says
"Oh... I'll get this party started. Well, I'm Jerry." He Says
Everyone goes on and tells Jack the fun memories that they've all experienced, from that time Jerry worked for the meatball king. Milton sliding across the school floor, Eddie taking salsa lessons and when they all took on Wasabitron.
"So, anything?" Kim Asks
"Ah... No. Still nothing." Jack Says
"Oh I know what'll help you remember you. Talking about me. Oh, I'm more than your Sensei, Father figure, sure. Role model, you betcha. Idol? That's you talking, not me." Rudy Says
"Look, I appreciate all you guys trying to help. But I don't know the guy you're talking about and I'm not gonna be able to break any kind of record." Jack Says
"I think I know what can help, Jack..A psychiatric study suggests that..." Milton Says
"Oh, forget that just give me one good swing at his head." Jerry Says
"Would stop trying to hit him." Abigail Says
"But the cartoon sa-" Jerry Says
"The cartoons aren't real Jerry!" Abigail Says
"Look just let me tell him more about me." Rudy Says
"Wait, I know what'll help. I'll read to him from my friendship diary." Eddie Says
"No, that is absurd!" Rudy Says
They all began to talk over each other, Jack can't take the arguing and leaves. Kim looked back at the bench and see's he's gone.
"Guys? Guys? Guys! Jack's gone!" Kim Says
"Oh, this is bad jack has no idea who he is and he's out there on the streets of Seaford all alone. We have to find him!" Rudy Says
They all split up and leaves the dojo searching around the mall.
Over at Phil's Frank and the black dragons are messing with some kid and hassling him for his food.
"I'm taking your falafel ball and there's nothing you can do about it." He laughs then stops when he sees Jack "Oh. I'm sorry. Jack! I didn't see you there." Frank Says
"Here, man take my falafel balls. I just don't want any trouble." Jack Says shoving the food away
Frank and his friends all share confused looks and walks over to him.
"You're scared of me? So... You wouldn't mind if I did this?" He throws food at Jack "And this? And this? And this? And this?!" Frank laughs
They all walks inside the restaurant and sees Frank throwing food at Jack and steps in.
"Hey! Careful, Frank! I hypnotized Jack and when I snap my fingers three times, he'll be back. And he'll probably wanna pull your ears off." Milton Says
He snaps his fingers twice and goes for a third but Frank quickly stops him.
"Don't do it, man I have dreams of being an ear model." Frank Says after they all leave
"Sorry I ran out, guys. I just needed a second. Thanks for saving me, Milton you must be the hero of the group." Jack Says
"I have my moments, there was this one time I stepped inside a machine and became this huge dude with giant muscles." Milton Says
"First of all, that didn't really happen and second of all, there's not just one hero. We're the Wasabi Warriors we stick together." Kim Says
"Wow! We're a pretty awesome group, you guys are like ninjas." Jack Says
"Of course we are!" Jerry Says
"Absolutely." Milton Says
"Look at us." Eddie Says
"Guys." Abigail Says
"We also have our... Not so ninja moments." Milton Says
"All the time." Eddie Says
"Every day." Jerry Says
After sharing stories of their not so ninja like moments with Jack they all get up and leaves Phil, people have filled the seats waiting as Rudy approaches them.
"Guys guys the Judge from the Burgess Book of World Records is gonna be here any minute. Lucky for us, I've come up with a foolproof plan." Rudy Says
"Great! What is it?" Jack Asks
"I made this hand for you out of a sledgehammer." Looks perfectly natural. Now, quick just slide it up your sleeve and no shaking hands and whatever you do, don't salute anyone you'll kill yourself. This is gonna work, won't it?" Sure it'll work. It has to work. Of course it's gonna work. Somebody tell me it's gonna work." Rudy Says
"Rudy It'll work." Abigail Says
"Don't you lie to me, I gotta get a backup." Rudy Says then runs around the mall
"Is this guy always like this?" Jack Asks
"Yeah. We call it "going all Rudy"." Abigail Says
Bobby and Joan arrives "Jack, Jack we heard what happened. You're going to be okay." He Says
"Yeah. I bumped my head once and I was fine. Of course when I woke up I was in Mexico married to a ferret farmer." Joan Says
"As an action hero, I've been in hundreds of movies where I've been kicked in the head countless times. And I can say with complete authority...I'm sorry, what was the question?" Bobby Says
"Please tell me these aren't my parents." Jack Says
"Nah, just good friends." Kim Says
"There he is that's Jack. Guys, this is Winston Burgess from the Burgess Book of World Records. If we could just have a little more time." Rudy Says
"I don't have a lot of time. I gotta go watch a woman not blink for 27 hours." Mr.Burgess Says
"I don't think I can do this, but I don't wanna let you guys down. I'm sorry, Katherine." Jack Says
"Again, it's Kim..I don't care about this record. I just want Jack back." She Says
"You know what? I don't remember you guys or this place, but... From everything you've said...we don't give up. And I don't wanna start now. I'm a wabooboo warrior!" Jack Says
"Wasabi warrior." Milton Says
"Right..It's got a better ring to it." Jack Says
He gets onstage and looks around at everyone, Kim has a worried look on her face till Abigail holds her hand to comfort her, Jack looks over at Rudy holding up the brick hand.
"Use this." Rudy whispers
Jack looks over at Kim then suddenly all his memories come back to him, He takes a breath then smashes all those bricks right in front of him and everyone's eyes widen in shock.
"Yeah!" They Cheer
"Yes, you did it!" Kim Says
"Yeah! I can't believe it, my memory's back. I remember you and the dojo and Milton, Abigail and Rudy and Jerry. You owe me 20 bucks." Jack Says
"I'm Eddie." He Says
"Congratulations, Jack. You'll now be listed as the official under-15, world record holder for brick-breaking." He Says
"Let's go to Falafel Phil's and celebrate." Eddie Says
"Falafel Phil's? I believe that's the Restaurant that holds the world record, for largest roach infestation." He Says
"That's the place." Rudy Says
"We'll see you guys in there." Abigail Says
Abigail walks over to Jerry and he puts his arm over her shoulder as they all walk over to Phils. Kim and Jack stays behind.
"Jack, you did it. How do you feel?" Kim Asks
"I feel great, Jack is back!" He Says
"We missed you hey, I've got one question. Do you remember anything that I had said right before you fell and hit your head?" Kim Asks
"No. No, I don't. Why?" Jack Asks
"No reason. I'll see you over at Phil's." Kim Says
"Okay." Jack Says
Kim leaves and joins everyone in the restaurant, Jack looks down at the bracelet Kim gave him and smiles.
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