Unbelievable Story
"Listen Jayfeather," Ginna started as she was out of camp. "I.. keep seeing this cat.... she is a tortoiseshell with amber eyes, she says nothing, but I feel as I know her, and and she knows me."
"There is a Prophecy, 'When one is rebirthed, so is another, one with the power of healing, the other with hatred, they will meet once again in battle, and see who is victorious once more.'" The blue-gray cat mewed again. "Go well Ginna, for it is your destiny."
The smallish cat swam to shore, coughing up water. The cat looked apprentice age, she was a small, slender, orange-and-brown tortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes. She immediately looked around as Amberpaw eyed her warily. "A-Amberpaw?" The small cat looked to the apprentice, Amberpaw knew that voice. "Ginna?"
"It seems StarClan approves her being in the Clan..." Jayfeather noted, still eyeing how similar Ginna looked to Spottedleaf. Bramblestar nodded in agreement. "Then it is decided, Ginna will be able to stay and train with ThunderClan."
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Spottedpaw, from this moment you will be known as Spottedpath. StarClan honors your pride and your determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Bramblestar finished.
Spottedpath was at her vigil with Mapledawn interrupting. She couldn't help remembering the own prophecy herself. Mapledawn is that other cat! That means.... she turned again to see the she-cat pouncing towards and onto her. They tumbled and rolled.
Unbelievable Story
"You were never a warrior!" Hissed Mapledawn as the two stopped rolling. Mapledawn with claws unsheathed clawed into Spottedpaths fur. Spottedpath still stayed silent but defended herself against the hostile feline.
Without unsheathing her claws Spottedpath did her best to hold Mapledawn down. Her attacker just growled slightly and noticed that the new warrior hadn't even left a mark as she was pinned
"What's wrong Twoleg? Can't fight a cat who is at your mercy?" She spat, "I knew you Twolegs were soft and weak." Her taunting voice echoed in Spottedpath's mind, but the young warrior did nothing but look at the cat with curiosity.
Spottedpath suddenly noticed a wincing pain in her hind leg, the one she had broken almost a moon ago, during her assessment. She turned to look at her hind leg, lifting her paw off Mapledawn. What was that? She thought, she was confused when she noticed nothing was there besides blood on her fur.
"You should have stayed as a Twoleg." Mapledawn pushed Spottedpath off and pinned her down instead. "I should kill you right now." She started, hissing in her ear, "No one would even notice you are gone." The she-cat dug her claws into Spottedpath's side, before being interrupted by a familiar voice.
"What's going on here." A toms voice growled. Mapledawn and Spottedpath both tuned to look who it was, in the moonlight stood Bramblestar. Immediately Mapledawn hopped off Spottedpath and dashed forward slightly facing the leader.
"It's awful, I tried to congratulate Spottedpath on becoming a warrior and she just attacked me!" Mapleddawn turned her muzzle to her flank where there was some blood. Where in StarClan did that come from? I didn't attack her! Spottedpath observed when Mapledawn continued. "Of course I didn't want to attack her, I mean attacking my own clanmate?" She replied innocently.
Spottedpath wanted to protest but she also still didn't want to break the vigil. Bramblestar turned to look at the new warrior with slight shock she would do anything to harm someone she lived with. Narrowing his eyes when he looks back to Mapledawn, he sighs.
"We will deal with this in the morning, Mapledawn and Spottedpath, you are both confined to camp until I hear the true story." He decided, "Mapledawn get back to your nest." He turned padding back towards his den. Mapledawn looked to Spottedpath with sparkling eyes.
"You got lucky Twoleg..." She spat as she followed her leader and to her own den. Spottedpath path sighed and walked back up the slope to sit at the entrance of camp once more. Looking to the sky she felt the pain in her leg again. It probably nothing... After pains to the broken bone. She told herself.
Morning came as Spottedpath watched cat come out of her den. Spottedpath still had stings from the fight, but she ignored them, knowing it was no use, they obviously weren't major injuries... Right?
Thinking on what Mapledawn attempted last night made Spottedpath believe even more that she was the other cat the prophecy meant. But the newly made warrior still had to think the whole prophecy, what did the cats mean they had to fight again? Did Spottedleaf fight a cat like this before?
Fighting a clanmate, even though they were fox-hearted, wasn't that wrong? Spottedpath sighed, she didn't seem to enjoy the trouble of discovering her true destiny. The one true question she had asked herself was, if Mapledawn was the cat of hatred, that would make Spottedpath the cat of healing... But Spottedpath wasn't a Medici-
"Spottedpath?" A cat interupted her thoughts, the young cat shook her head and looked up, noticing the cat was Bramblestar. Great, I am in trouble for nothing... She thought remembering last night. "It seems you were in deep thought? Anything wrong?"
Spottedpath shook her head. "N-No! Nothing at all!" She assured her leader quickly. Bramblestar stared at her for a moment before continuing what he was going to say. "Well then, from what I interrupted last night, I decided that you and Mapledawn will both be confined to camp, and neither of you will be allowed to go to the gathering his moon.
Spottedpath sighed, after the thought of arguing past her mind, thinking she would just get in more trouble. Spottedpath didn't say a word and just nodded, accepting the punishment. Before gritting her teeth in pain of the back of her leg.
"And you may want to go to Jayfeather and have him look at you, check you have any injuries." He continued. But before Spottedpath could even think about objecting the ThunderClan leader pasted by. Looking down at the ground in defeat Spottedpath limped towards the blind cats den growling to her self.
Great, now I get to listen to the grumpy cat. Fun...
Thanks for being patient with me... School and other thinks tend to get in the way of these things.. Though I do read a lot sometimes.... Anyway thanks for the support you guys love you all <3
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