Ginna was back at camp gathering with Lionblaze, Cinderheart, and Amberpaw. It had been five sunrises, and the three were the only ones who agreed into going out with the Twoleg. Jayfeather was in his den muttering to himself on how Ginna was connected to the prophecy.
"We're patrolling the WindClan border, so again Ginna, you may wanna stick back and make sure WindClan don't see." Cinderheart reminded. Ginna nodded. "Of course."
Ginna climbed up out of camp as the cats followed. "Were going by the lake, so be careful." Warned Lionblaze, Amberpaw stuck close to the Twoleg as the came near the lake.
"Have you ever gone swimming before?" Asked the curious apprentice, Ginna shook her head. She dared not to go into the water or even close. Lionblaze lifted his tail signaling Ginna to stay back from the border.
Ginna halted and watch the cats continue to the border, she took this opportunity to careful look into the lake. She leaned to see, still a far way from shore, the wind had picked up blowing her over and she tumbled into the lake.
Amberpaw heard the splash and dashed back. "Ginna?" She called to her Twoleg friend. Then water glowed, it wasn't really the water, but something underneath. The next thing Amberpaw saw as the glow died down is a cat head bobbing up our of the water.
The smallish cat swam to shore, coughing up water. The cat looked apprentice age, she was a small, slender, orange-and-brown tortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes. She immediately looked around as Amberpaw eyed her warily.
"A-Amberpaw?" The small cat looked to the apprentice, Amberpaw knew that voice. "Ginna?" How was she a cat! She dashed over to help as Ginna stumbled slightly. "W-What happened, why do you look bigger, and why do I have paws!" She seemed to be freaking out.
Amberpaw told her what she saw, and how she looked. "Your a cat!" She finished. Sniffing the past Twoleg. Ginna turned to look behind her to see her tail.
"Oh my!" She explained, "How did this happen!" She seemed more calm now, Amberpaw shrugged. "Like I said! The water glowed!" She started to spund excited. "Amberpaw? Ginna?" Cinderheart called as they came back up the slope.
Cinderheart got one glance at the cat and her fur fluffed. "Wait wait! It's me Ginna!" The new cat added hastily. Cinderheart seemed confused as Lionblaze came up from behind. "How are you a cat?" He asked, glaring at Ginna as she was now a cat.
She shrugged, "Lets go back to camp, Jayfeather may know." She looked to Amberpaw adding, "Last one back is crow-food!" She sprinted away, seemingly already use to being a cat. Amberpaw hared after her, both tumbling into camp.
"Jayfeather?" Ginna called, close to the medicine den. The medicine cat grumbled as he padded out, looking toward the sound of Ginna and an image flashed into his mind. There was a cat who looked exactly as Spottedleaf, "Ginna?" He questioned dashing down the slope to meet her.
"I'll explain it, where is Bramblestar?" Ginna said, the medicine cat flicked his ears towards the leaders den and nodded. "Come on." he muttered. Amberpaw had followed, as Ginna asked her to.
"Bramblestar?" Jayfeather called, Bramblestar was talking to Squirrelflight when he invited him in. The three cats padded into the den, Bramblestar had his eyes on Ginna.
"Who is this?" He questioned, as Squirrelflight watches carefully. Jayfeather took a glance at the cat and opened this mouth, but Amberpaw interrupted.
"This id Ginna. She's a cat!" She pipped, Jayfeather glared and continue what he was to say, "I believe Amberpaw and Ginna here could explain." Ginna nodded and told exactly what Amberpaw told her.
Jayfeather spoke first when she finished, "It seems StarClan approves her being in the Clan..." he suggested, still remembering how similar she looked to Spottedleaf. Bramblestar nodded in agreement, with a glance towards Squrrielflight he added. "Then it is decided, Ginna will be able to stay and train with ThunderClan. We'll hold the ceremony now, I just don't think the Clan will believe this."
The five cats padded out and the two younger ones, Amberpaw and Ginna, stood further down, ready for the ceremony. "Were going to train together!" Amberpaw gleamed with excitement. Bramblestar called from the Highrock.
The clan gather all looking up to Bramblestar, when the settled the leader started. "It's seems by the will of StarClan that Ginna is to join the clan," he gazed upon her as everyone looked, murmurs broke upon the clan as they mewed in shock. "So it is my will into making her a new apprentice to ThunderClan."
The leader thought a moment. "I strip away your Twoleg name, for it is not who you are. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Spottedpaw. Your mentor will be Blossomfall. Blossomfall, I know you will pass down all you know onto this young cat." Blossomfall nodded and padded to Spottedpaw and they had touch noses.
The clan called Ginna's new name. "Spottedpaw, Spottedpaw!" Amberpaw seemed to be the loudest. Jayfeather sat from far, gazing on the new Apprentice, what was in store for the Twoleg-Cat?
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