Hints of Jelousy
Jayfeather stayed silent, "Nothing important, times of the Great Battle have past, it doesn't need to brought up again." He said seriously, "Now hold still while I finished this dressing."
Spottedpaw looked at the entrance of the cave, "Was Maplepaw made warrior already?" Had the rude apprentice become a warrior first? Spottedpaw hoped she hadn't but a voice had corrected her.
"It's Mapledawn now." Spottedpaw started to see Snowstorm padding in. Was he going to make fun of her too? She has had enough of that with Dewdrop and Mapledawn.
"Snowstorm?" Spottedpaw was confused, he hadn't really talked, or even looked, at her once since she joined the clan. The white warrior dipped his head in greeting, and spoke up again looking toward her broken leg.
"I came to see if you were well. Bramblestar was impressed with your hunting, he is going to make you a warrior when your leg gets better." He watched as Jayfeather situated the leg on sticks so it could heal right.
Spottedpaw wince at the slight pain but then it no longer hurt. "That will be ages though... And I will be stuck in here til it is heal..." She sighed and she looked again at the entrance, "I want to go back into the forest!" She urged.
Jayfeather looked towards Spottedpaw, then to where he had heard Snowstorm. "Spottedpaw need to rest, I don't need her encouraged to make her leg worse." he flicked his tail. Snowstorm nodded and turned to get ready to leave.
"Glad you're getting better Spottedpaw, see you later." He cranked his head back as he was leaving. Spottedpaw watched him go with curiosity and looked to Jayfeather.
"Why was he wanting to know if I was alright? I barely heard him say a word to me ever since I joined ThunderClan." Jayfeather sorted out his herbs and started to pad towards the entrance.
"He probably likes you. Now get some rest, and don't move, not like you can anyway." He left the cave saying, "I am off to get some more herbs." Spottedpaw layed her head down.
She couldn't just lay there and fall asleep! She only just got up a while ago. She looked at her leg and sighed, what was she to do? I have to figure out what the prophecy meant... She thought to herself.
When one is rebirthed, so is another... I was rebirthed right? As Spottedleaf... then who is the other? Spottedpaw remembered her dream and how evil cats were training, she thought hard and then noticed she saw a cat looking like Mapledawn. Maybe Mapledawn was the other cat!
"Spottedpaw?" She looked up, notice she was called. Bramblestar was standing at the entrance of the cave. He seemed to have called her more then once because he seemed to be watching with curiosity.
"Bramblestar!" She explained, what did the ThunderClan leader want? She looked around the den then back to the large tabby.
He came in looking at Spottedpaw injury, then the looked to the young Twoleg-cat with slight worry. "How are you feeling?" He asked curiously. Spottedpaw slightly squirmed to get more comfortable, then answered her leader.
"I feel stuck and excluded." She admitted, looking again outside. "I have to stay in here while Mapledawn taunts me." She continued feeling disappointed. Spottedpaw looked to leader who she now noticed to be observing her.
"Why do you believe that Mapledawn... taunts you?" He questioned. The apprentice sighed laying her head back on the moss.
"Ever since I became a cat, I get glares or strange looks from other cats. Both Dewdrop and Mapledawn believe I won't make a good warrior. I feel as if my life as a Twoleg is a scar that will never heal." she explained with thought.
"You know, I had the same problem when I was an apprentice. My clanmates believed I would turn out like my father, Tigerstar. When I proved myself as to be nothing like him my clanmates no longer gave me the same treatment." Bramblestar said, trying to cheer her up.
Spottedpaw nodded with encouragement, remembering the story Sandstorm told them about the fight against Tigerstar. "Then I will prove myself to be a good warrior to the clan." she vowed.
"I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Spottedpaw." he started to turn to leave. "You deserve your warrior name." he vanished out of sight.
Spottedpaw was finally being let out of the medicine den after being in for most of the moon. She had padded out looking around. A cat came dashing down almost crashing into her, followed by kits.
"Sorry!" It was Amberheart, and the three of Squirrelflight's kits. "Spottedpaw, is this another small walk then back into the den?" The talkative cat noticed it was her friend. Spottedpaw shook her head proudly.
"I am no longer stuck in the medicine den! I get to move back to the apprentice den." And soon I will be a warrior! She thought to herself. Alderkit, the smallest of the litter was climbing on the back of Amberheart until she noticed Spottedpaw.
"Spottedpaw!" She's squeeked tumbling over Amberheart. Spottedpaw watched the kit with admiration, her brother and sister were still clung to Amberheart's fur. Before the could do anything else another call came.
"Spottedpaw!" The apprentice turned to see Snowstorm padding up to them. The white tom was padding up beside Lilyheart, "Glad to see you are out of the nursery!" He dipped his head in greeting. "I was told to come get you for the ceremony, it will be starting soon."
Spottedpaw's ears perked up, she turned to Amberheart in excitement. Squrrielflight's three kits swarmed around the apprentice.
"Wow you're going to be a warrior!" Alderkit squeaked as she looked up with wide eyes. "I can'T wait until I am a warrior!" Spottedpaw purred slightly.
"You may have to wait a while, but I am sure you will be a wonderful warrior one day." She assured the small kit. The Twoleg-cat followed Snowstorm and Lilyheart down beneath the highrock as Bramblestar got ready to call the meeting.
The ThunderClan leader watched Spottedpaw with a close eye. "I, Bramblestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Spottedpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Spottedpaw sat proudly and said. "I do." Without showing any regret at all. Bramblestar hopped down and continued. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Spottedpaw, from this moment you will be known as Spottedpath. StarClan honors your pride and your determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Bramblestar finished.
Spottedpath licked his shoulder in respect and then looked up to her leader, her eyes shining. The whole clan shouted her name, but hearing Mapledawn calling it out too, she felt as it taunted her.
"Spottedpath! Spottedpath!"
The night seemed cold as Spottedpath shivered. She could tell is was getting close to leaf-fall. The new warrior perked her ears as she heard a rustle come from behind her, she turned to see Mapledawn lurking out of the bushes.
"You don't deserve your warrior name, Twoleg." She mocked in disgust. "I don't even know why you're here still. Twolegs don't belong in the wild." The evil look in her eyes made Spottedpath want to attack, but she just looked away.
I am not a Twoleg anymore, she wanted to say, but she dare not break her vigil. Spottedpath ignored what the young warrior had to say, remembering what Bramblestar told her.
But she couldn't help remembering the own prophecy herself. Mapledawn is that other cat! That means.... she turned again to see the she-cat pouncing towards and onto her. They tumbled and rolled.
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