Chapter 4
The next day was challenging, as the other apprentices joined the hunting expedition with Goldenpaw and Leaftail. Fernpaw and Flamepaw joined with their mentors Emberfoot and Crowfeather. They joined the two on the new apprentice's first hunting trip. It was his time to show the other mentors he was going to be the best hunter there was.
After being shown the layout of the land, and the strides of WindClan's run, it was time for the apprentices to take haste in catching the prey for the day. Goldenpaw sniffed the air, pinpointing any prey in the general area.
"I smell rabbit!" He yelped excitingly, to which Leaftail batted his head.
"You speaking as loud as that will scare it off! Quiet. There's more to hunting than sniffing out your prey Goldenpaw." Leaftail guided him. "It's best if you are to work in pairs on hunting rabbits as such. Or even more if you wish to assure the catch. Having a few chase the rabbit while having the other warrior giving the killing blow from ahead of it."
"Like herding?" Goldenpaw seemed to think, his mind drifting to an unknown past.
"I suppose." Leaftail looked to the other two apprentices and their mentors. "Goldenpaw, seeing as you picked up the scent first, you can go with Fernpaw and flush the rabbit out of its hole. After that try to chase it in this direction, we'll be on the other ends to assure it will not get away."
The two nodded and Goldenpaw led the way, guiding Fernpaw to the more noticeable scent of rabbit that lain across the ground. Fernpaw seemed intrigued how Goldenpaw had picked up such a scent so far in the distance as they neared the hole.
"Your nose is very strong." She commented, impressed that he could smell the rabbit from the far distance. She was curious how far her bigger clanmate could really sniff out prey. Goldenpaw glanced over to her a smile gleaming in his eyes.
"I suppose. I just remembered how to keep alert when smelling for prey. Like Leaftail taught." Goldenpaw was saying as they laid close to the grass as they lurked up to where the scent was getting stronger. The pup was quite bigger, as the grass wasn't going to hide his whole body, but none the less they stayed up wind from the rabbit as too not to alert their presence.
Fernpaw flicked her tail in motion as she spotted the rabbit that Goldenpaw had smelt out earlier. He nodded in realization as the two apprentices pushed forward ready to guide the rabbit into the other four.
"Ready?" Goldenpaw whispered to Fernpaw, who just nodded in response. The two swiftly dashed forward, scaring the rabbit away, almost towards a direction they didnt want it to go. "Fernpaw! Get in front of it, scare it towards the others." Goldenpaw called as Fernpaw pushed forward on her paws even more.
"Right!" She called as she pushed further in front of the rabbit, changing its direction towards the trap they had laid for it.
"Great job!" Goldenpaw praised, but the hunt wasn't over yet. He pushed off his hind legs as his speed picked up, making sure the rabbit wasn't going to stray too far from the mark. His speed seemed unmatched as he leapt forward. Pushing the frightened rabbit towards the four, who was ready.
Crowfeather was the first to strike it as the rabbit ran right into the group, unaware they were waiting for it. He bit at its neck, allowing the two apprentices to halt and catch their breath.
"Well done!" Leaftail was saying to the two as he approached them. He seemed pleased with how his apprentice acted, noticing his speed out on the moors. "This is a nice catch for the clan. Let's get a few more before heading back though."
"Right!" The apprentices echoed, and the hunt was on. The hunting patrol gathered more rabbits and hares as they went hunting, about three more were caught throughout their time before they started heading back to camp.
The Apprentices and the Mentors were talking, discussing on how good the hunt was. As they entered the camp, a ruckus was being discussed in the middle. Hootclaw was going on about what his patrol found today, more unreconizable scent came from the border near the east side.
"I'm telling you those hounds are getting to comfortable on our territory, and Onestar wants to just do nothing about it?" He was grumbling to another warrior, Slightspot, who seemed to be in agreeance with his annoyance.
"I think we should do something about the dogs. We can't just let them all over our territory." Goldenpaw listened in as he was carrying a Rabbit. An uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew the cats would soon be turning on him if this kept going up.
Goldenpaw sent a look to Leaftail who also seemed to be listening into the conversation, but nodded to Goldenpaw to just keep moving. Fennelkit and Weaselkit pushed forward ecstatic to see their friend carrying a large rabbit in his jaws.
"Wow! Did you catch that Goldenpaw?!" Fennelkit asked, eyes wide. Goldenpaw set down his prey and nodded.
"Yep! Of course, I couldn't had done it without the rest of the patrol, I'm not quite as fast as the rabbits just yet." Goldenpaw motioned to the rest of the patrol that was passing by with the rest of the prey. "Lets get this to Sedgewhisker and the other queens, I'm sure they are pretty hungry!"
The two kits tried lifting the large prey with Goldenpaw, who seemed quite amused by them. He leaned down and grabbed the prey and wandered with the two towards the nursery. Getting glances from both Hootclaw and Slightspot as he passed. I hope Onestar will do something about the dogs. . . I just hope that I won't be thrown out with them. His mind drifted as he continued. A deep dread in his heart.
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