Chapter 2
The medicine cat and leader glared at each other, the anger in the den thick like smoke. Their fur stood on end and they were both breathing heavily. It was as if they had just raced around the entire territory without pause. The bushes around them shielded the pair from the eyes of their Clanmates, keeping their conversation private. The rage between them was slowly spiraling into a deep seeded hatred for each other. Could DoeClan really survive when their leader and medicine cat were alway at each other's throats?
"You can't tell me what I can and can't do!" Cloudfall spat at the larger doe, sinking her claws into the ground as she lashed her tail. Her hazel eyes were wide and she bared her fangs in anger. Ears flattening and head lowering, Harmonystar growled back at her,
"I am leader of the Clan. And as leader, I am the one who makes the decisions for all of the Clan cats." Cloudfall opened her jaws to refute, but the leader shook her head and snarled, "I am also the one who gets to decide if a Clanmate is banished or not. This means that I am able to order you to take care of Brokendoe and her fawn. Which you will do, or you'll be banished yourself." Silence settled over the two does, hazel and gold eyes battling a war of pure fury.
Both cats were tense, ready to spring at each other with unsheathed claws. Harmonystar shook all over from her rage, the doe's fur bristling upwards. Her gold eyes glared fiercely at the medicine cat. The leaner doe kept her entire body low, as if she were a snake waiting to strike. Her own hazel eyes seemed to be full of poison as she gazed at the leader. After several moments, and through gritted teeth, Cloudfall hissed at her,
"Fine, you ungrateful rat!" Then she whipped around and stormed under a holly bush, which sat at the outside edge of the clearing. Harmonystar growled after the medicine cat, her anger pumping through her viens and spreading throughout her body. At first, she stepped after the medicine cat, wanting to follow her. However, she thought better of it and twisted around to exit the clearing. Stomping out of the den, Harmonystar muttered to herself,
"You're the ungrateful one. I could have banished you just now, and yet you dare say I am ungrateful." Shaking her head as she left the den, her gold eyes drifted to the Meeting Ledge, which stood to the right side of her. Parallel to it, and lined up with the leader, was a broad oak tree. A large hole was dug at the bottom of it, between the thick roots of the tree. That's when she noticed the group of warriors that stood under the Meeting Ledge, with a white and pale ginger doe in their center.
Beside the doe sat a silver-gray fawn, who's red patches glowed like fire in the dawn sunlight. Padding towards the oak tree, the large doe kept her head low as she walked beside the bushes. The last thing she felt like doing was talking to her Clanmates. Cloudfall had proven to be a pawful enough, and she was already sick of it. As the leader stalked past the group, the pale ginger patched doe dipped her head to Harmonystar. The large cat nodded to her in return as she made her way to the entrance of the den.
Slipping inside, she stumbled down the pathway that further led under the oak roots. It was then that Harmonystar realized just how tired she was from that night's event. All that she wanted to do was lie down, get away from the Clan, and sleep for several moons. Relief flooded her when she finally reached the large cavern that made up her den. The oak tree's roots kept the dirt walls together, and kept the ceiling stable. Once she spotted her nest, Harmonystar rushed over to it and flopped onto the moss.
With a loud, relieved exhale, she stretched her legs in front of her, then curled her back in a long stretch. She grunted as the muscles loosened, just now realizing how stiff her body was. When she had finished stretching, the large doe curled up into her nest and closed her eyes. Almost as soon as they were closed, Harmonystar fell into a fitful sleep.
A paw pressed against her shoulder and roughly shook Harmonystar. It was as if the cat had put all of their body weight into shaking her. The exhausted leader immediately went into a groaning fit, wishing the cat would go away. She raised a backpaw and kicked in the direction of the doe, her eyes still closed. Her backpaw hit it's mark, striking at what she presumed was a shoulder or flank. The doe, that had shaken her, grunted and stepped back for a moment.
However, when the shaking persisted, Harmonystar peeled her eyes open and jolted backwards. She was met with Cloudfall's furious hazel eyes, a snarl spread across the medicine cat's face. The lean doe was shaking, her breath coming out in ragged gasps. For a heartbeat, she was afraid that the medicine cat was going to attack her. 'Here we go.' She imagined, dreadfully, that her blood was about to be spilled, splattered all over the walls of the den.
"We need to get rid of that buck, immediately!" Cloudfall hissed instead, her tail lashing, as if she had forgotten about their conversation from that morning. Dumbstruck by what the medicine cat had said, Harmonystar pushed herself upwards. She was still fighting the sleepiness that dragged at her, trying to rouse herself in case the other doe did attack.
"What do you mean, Cloudfall?" She demanded. "Get rid of him? He was just born today!" However, the medicine cat ignored her protests, beginning to pace. Her body trembled all over and her pelt was tangled. It was as if she hadn't even groomed herself since they had last seen each other.
"That piece of crow food!" She was spitting. "He's going to get the Clan killed!" Harmonystar felt her fur bristle at the crazed tone in the doe's voice. What was she talking about? And why had she change so suddenly?
"Cloudfall, he is just a fawn!" She argued, standing up. "He can't do anything to you, or the others. Again, he was just born!" She tried to remind her. Instead, the medicine cat spun around to face the leader, hazel eyes wild.
"Just a fawn?" She practically shrieked. "Th-that thing is going bring us to the brink of destruction! He needs to be kicked out, and that rat of a doe does, too!" She hissed, spit flying everywhere. Harmonystar became very still as she watched the doe's crazed reaction.
What was happening to her? "Patchstar visited me when I took a nap. With a prophecy. About that fawn..." Cloudfall growled when the leader remained silent, her voice growing lower, as she stalked towards Harmonystar. The larger doe blinked slowly, her fur prickling with unease as she watched her medicine cat.
"A forbidden rule broken," Cloudfall began to recite, her crazed tone remaining. "By a doe who cannot be controlled. A tom the color of fawn. Will be born among the does." She paused to hiss at Harmonystar as she continued to stalk towards her. The leader scrambled backwards, realizing the doe wouldn't stop.
Her back pressed up against the dirt wall and she felt panic surge through her. What if she attacked her? "Lost in a world of growing chaos. As a darkness has risen elsewhere. Threatening the peace of the followers." Cloudfall's voice grew louder and more high pitched as she went on.
"Only the lone buck can make a choice. To either bring destruction to all. Or bring a new light to the Clan life." Her voice was full of venom as she spoke that last fragment. Cloudfall stood in front of Harmonystar, wild and crazed, with the leader's back against the wall. "We need to get rid of him, right now..."
The lean doe hissed, fur bristling. Harmonystar could only watch the medicine cat, her eyes unseeing as she stared blankly at her. "You're useless!" Cloudfall spat after several heartbeats, then she turned and stormed out of the den. Harmonystar watched her leave, a dumbfounded look on her face.
"What just happened?" She muttered under her breath, slowly blinking as the shadows of the den wrapped around her. Her thoughts ran around her head, like rabbits being chased through underground tunnels. Every time she managed to make out one thought, three more branched from it. Slowly, Harmonystar took in a deep breath, trying to clear her mind. 'Talk to someone,' she told herself, but she felt her heart wrench inside of her chest.
Brokendoe was the one and only cat she always talked to. The queen never failed to help Harmonystar realize what has happened, and to show her what she can do about it. But she couldn't talk to the light chestnut doe, even if she wanted to... Could she? There was nothing in the code that said she couldn't. Harmonystar sighed hopelessly, shaking her head. 'She's too close to the problem for it to do any good.'
She painfully dismissed the idea, more anger and confusion flooding her heart. 'I can't talk to her.' With another loud exhale, she stood and stalked out of the den. The doe knew she wouldn't be able to sleep anymore, especially after Cloudfall's visit. Practically dragging herself out of the den, Harmonystar flinched as she was met with the outside world. The afternoon sun was bright against the pale blue sky, it's rays glinting off of the snow below.
Eyes partially closed, she shoved her way out into the clearing. The group of warriors was long gone, all out on patrol. In their place was Hollykit and Cherryfrost. The fawn was chasing the doe across the clearing, squeaking excitedly. Outside of a yew bush, in a snowless spot on the ground, lied the two elders. The pair were sharing tongues as they bathed in the afternoon sun.
The caretaker purred loudly as she pranced around the kit.
"Can you get me? Huh, do you think so?" Cherryfrost teased as she jumped away from the smokey gray fawn. Hollykit squealed angrily, lunging for the doe's long legs, but instead tumbled into the snow. The caretaker laughed, pausing to watch her little charge. Hollykit rolled back onto her paws, snow clinging to her long fur, and she shivered.
"That wasn't fair!" She squeaked as she scrambled after Cherryfrost. The doe's whiskers twitched in amusement, bounding away from the fawn.
"Other cats don't fight fair, either. You'll have to get used to it soon," she pointed out gently. The kit said nothing as she charged the older cat. She easily jumped out of the way of the fawn, her whiskers twitching again. Suddenly, the dark gray doe lifted her head, tail flicking.
"You're not being mean to her now, are you?" The elder playfully chided the caretaker. Cherryfrost snorted with laughter, stopping again, and looked over at the elder. She opened her jaws to say something, but Hollykit had beat her to it.
"Yeah, she is!" The fawn complained, climbing up onto a clump of snow. The elder's whiskers twitched, her one blue eye glinting with delight.
"Do I need to teach her some manners then, Hollykit?" The dark gray doe asked the kitten. Her amber eyes widened, but she nodded her head rapidly.
"Yes, yes, yes! Do it, Grayflight!" She agreed excitedly, shuffingly her paws on the snow bank. Cherryfrost looked stunned, blinking quickly, while Grayflight got to her paws.
"N-now hold on just a moment," the caretaker meowed, trying to hide the laughter in her voice. "This.. uh, th-this isn't fair!" Cherryfrost bounded farther away from the elder's den when the dark gray doe had began to stalk towards her.
"I think it's fair, wouldn't you agree?" Grayflight asked Hollykit as she stopped beside her. The fawn nodded again and the elder twitched her whiskers. "See? Perfectly fair!" She purred amusedly. Cherryfrost eyed the elder, muscles tensed, getting herself ready to start sprinting. Grayflight trotted towards the caretaker, who waited until the last second to jolt to the left.
The elder seemed to expect it, because she shot to the left, crashing into the doe. Cherryfrost hit the ground with a soft oof, and the dark gray doe held her down gently. Looking up, she waved her tail at Hollykit. "Well, come on, little one. Here's your chance," she told her. Excitedly, the fawn jumped off the clump of snow and bounded towards them.
Cherryfrost wiggled beneath the elder, but she had a strong grip on the caretaker. When Hollykit got closer, Grayflight rolled the younger doe onto her back, exposing her belly. The kitten immediately jumped on it, batting at the doe's belly with her tiny paws. Cherryfrost couldn't contain her laughter, wiggling beneath the elder and fawn.
"Th-that tickles!" She squealed, desperately trying to get away from them. The other two cats only laughed as they kept her held down. She continued to protest as they playfully tortured her. Harmonystar felt her heart swell with joy as she watched the does. This was why she was apart of the Clan. To watch the happiness and memories they made together.
She sighed softly as her own recollections came back to her. Of when she was the caretaker for Cherryfrost, many moons ago. Seeing how far she had come sent her heart fluttering happily. However, a seedling of sadness filled her gut.
'If only Acornkit had made it. Then she wouldn't be alone,' she thought sadly. Harmonystar sighed again before glancing up. When she looked up, she noticed Breezesky slipping out of the nursery. The apprentice was warily eyeing the clearing before darting across. Tilting her head, the leader trotted towards her, intercepting the young doe.
The pale blue-gray cat paused in her trek, fur on end, when the large doe stepped in her way. Harmonystar peered over the doe's shoulder to watch the nursery, then looked back at her. "I thought Cloudfall told you that you weren't allowed to help her," she murmured, glancing over her own shoulder. She was looking at the fern shielded clearing, carefully watching for the medicine cat. Breezesky's blue eyes also darted to the ferns, where her mentor was waiting inside, and she swallowed nervously.
"She did... But I'm doing it anyway," the apprentice muttered, trembling with worry. "Brokendoe may have broke the code, but she's still a Clanmate. It's as you said. We need to treat her like she's one of us... Even if I don't get to be a medicine cat." Harmonystar nodded slowly as she listened, before stepping out of her way.
"Alright. Go on now," she ordered her. Breezesky dipped her head and began to scurry away, back towards the ferns. The leader watched her leave, but after a second thought, she called out to the apprentice. The doe stopped in her tracks and glanced back at the older cat. "If Cloudfall asks, tell her that I was quizzing you on how to heal injuries," Harmonystar instructed her. Breezesky's ears perked up and she nodded, the worry in her eyes slowly disappearing.
When the leader said nothing else, she turned back around and trotted towards the ferns. Harmonystar sucked in a small breath as she twisted to examine the clearing. It was silent, aside from the does' squeals of laughter as they played. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed the black and orange tortoiseshell eyeing her. The leader hesitated for a few heartbeats, then she pivoted and wandered over to the elder. "Larkheart," she murmured, dipping her head to the tortoiseshell.
The older doe flicked her whiskers, a knowing look in her amber eyes.
"What's bothering you?" The elder asked as the leader lied down beside her. Harmonystar stared at her, surprised.
"How did you-." The tortoiseshell raised a forepaw, silencing the younger doe.
"I may have been your caretaker a long, long time ago, but I still know when something bothers you. You never forget how your fawns behave. No matter how old," the elder purred lovingly. Strangely, she felt relief flood through her, as she nodded slowly. Her eyes drifted to the shallon bush that made up the nursery, unsure of how to start. They were in a peaceful quiet for several long moments.
"The fawn is a buck," she finally started, her tail twitching. The elder's eyes glinted slightly, but she remained quiet as she listened. "And Cloudfall is fighting for both of them to be banished. She wouldn't even help them, until I threatened her with banishment." Harmonystar looked over at Larkheart, gold eyes full of worry. "But I don't know what to do...
"At all. I feel so... Lost." She trailed away and looked back at the shallon bush. Silence settled over the pair once again, until Larkheart coughed for her attention. She faced the elder, who's amber eyes were full of understanding.
"I raised you to do what you think is best. No matter if another cat nips at your heels along the way. That is what being leader is." Larkheart's whiskers twitched in amusement. "You're just a glorified warrior, who's decisions will be scrutinized. But your Clanmates don't do that because they want to undermine you.
"They do it because they believe they know what is best, just like you believe that you know best. In the end, you are the one who's decision matters in this. Do what you know is right." Harmonystar slowly nodded again, her thoughts slowing down as she began to relax. She peered at the shallon bush once more, then back at the elder.
"Thank you, Larkheart," she murmured, placing her forepaw on the elder's. The tortoiseshell's whiskers twitched amusedly again.
"Of course, my dear," she purred. The sound of pawsteps crunching on snow made both of them look up. Cloudfall stood over Harmonystar, hazel eyes narrowed.
"I need to talk to you," she meowed gruffly to the large doe, giving a slight nod to Larkheart. The leader stood, dipping her head to the elder, then led the medicine cat away to the Meeting Ledge. When they reached it, Cloudfall turned to stare at the nursery. "So, what are you going to do?" She growled at the leader, her eyes fixed completely on the shallon bush.
'You have barely given me any time to process it... The only reason I have an answer now is because I talked to someone,' Harmonystar thought annoyedly. She felt anger boiling in her blood, and all that she wanted to do was claw the doe in front of her. Instead, she leaned in close to the medicine cat, eyes narrowed at her. "They're both staying," she snarled, her eyes like two furious golden suns. Cloudfall's head whipped towards her, eyes wide and jaw open in surprise.
"And this is the last discussion about it. Now drop it." Without another word, Harmonystar turned and stalked back into her den. She could feel the medicine cat's eyes burning into her back. She knew that Cloudfall wanted to attack her, but it didn't matter to her. All that she felt for the medicine cat was pure hatred.
'You're lucky I didn't rip your throat out,' she thought ruefully as she padded into the den. Harmonystar let the shadows swallow her whole as she disappeared inside.
Author's Note
Here it is! Chapter 2! I hope you guys enjoyed it!
What do you think made Cloudfall go so crazy?
Who do you think is in the right: Harmonystar or Cloudfall?
Do you think Breezesky did a good thing, defying her mentor's orders?
Was Harmonystar right to threaten Cloudfall with banishment?
What do you think of Larkheart's advice?
What do you think happened to Acornkit?
Let me know what you guys think in the comments!
For a word count, I got 3,263.
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