Harmonystar- A large, dark rosy cream she-cat with long, glossy fur, icy gold eyes, white chest, belly, inside of legs, & paws, and gold flecks.
(Apprentice, Petalpaw)
Ambercloud- A large, white & pale ginger tabby she-cat with long, silky fur, dark honey eyes, dark ginger mackerel stripes, and long whiskers.
(Apprentice, Wishpaw)
》Medicine Cat《
Cloudfall- A lean, white & chocolate she-cat with very long, curly fur, wispy hazel eyes, gray color point, and long legs.
(Apprentice, Breezesky)
Moonblaze- A sturdy, silvery-white she-cat with long, feathery fur, wispy blue eyes, dappled gray back, shoulders, head, tail, & muzzle, and torn ears.
(Apprentice, Blazingpaw)
Aquashade- A lean, dark blue-gray she-cat with short, bristly fur, hooded blue eyes, pale gray chest, belly, inside of legs, & paws, and long legs.
Hawkpool- A muscular, dark brown tabby she-cat with long, fluffy fur, dark yellow eyes, white throat, chest, belly, inside of legs, & paws, smokey black marbled stripes, shade, & ear tufts, and long fangs.
(Apprentice, Firepaw)
Darkberry- A muscular, dark blue-gray & light gray she-cat with medium length, smooth fur, faded blue eyes, and silver color point.
(Apprentice, Hazelpaw)
Leaffeather- A muscular, peach & gray she-cat with medium length, soft fur, and warm brown eyes.
Runningtiger- A large, orange tabby she-cat with short, coarse fur, peircing yellow eyes, black marbled stripes, and white muzzle, chest, belly, & forepaws.
(Apprentice, Oakpaw)
Glademist- A large, creamy white & light sable she-cat with medium length, bristly fur, misty hazel eyes, black color point, missing right ear, short legs, and fluffy tail.
Brightdove- A lean, light gray she-cat with medium length, thick fur, striking green eyes, white muzzle, throat, chest, inside of legs, paws, & belly, and a small scar on her left foreleg.
Ebonyleg- A tall, cinnamon & brown she-cat with short, bristly fur, beady yellow eyes, black right foreleg, dark chestnut tail, and two extra claws on each forepaw.
(Apprentice, Rosepaw)
Icelilac- A sturdy, pale silver she-cat with short, thick fur, ice blue eyes, lilac splotches, and fluffy tail.
Coralpool- A sturdy, rosy cream she-cat with medium length, smooth fur, dazzling gold eyes, dark ginger chest & forepaws, red splotches, and black speckles.
(Apprentice, Harepaw)
Foxsoul- A small, black & dark red tortioseshell she-cat with medium length, smooth fur, pale green eyes, two medium length scars down her left flank, torn right ear, long tail, a small scar on the back of her head, three missing toes on her right backpaw, a medium length scar on her back; inbetween her shoulder blades, narrow shoulders, and dark red ear tufts.
(Apprentice, Hopepaw)
Gorsespots- A sturdy, gray tabby she-cat with short, coarse fur, dull brown eyes, white spotted stripes, missing left ear, short tail, long fangs, long whiskers, and a large scar on her right backleg.
Blossommoon- A sturdy, gray & white she-cat with long, silky fur, faded blue eyes, and blue-gray color point.
(Apprentice, Heartpaw)
Dawnflower- A muscular, pale ginger, white, & rosy cream calico she-cat with very long, fluffy fur, light yellow eyes, a very large scar on the right side of her back, and missing right ear.
Breezesky- A large, pale blue-gray she-cat with medium length, fluffy fur, sunset blue eyes, white belly & paws, fluffy tail, very long scar on her left flank, and torn ears.
Hopepaw- A lithe, lilac tabby she-cat with long, thick fur, faded yellow eyes, dark brown spotted stripes, torn left ear, narrow shoulders, and fluff tail.
Firepaw- A sturdy, dark russet she-cat with medium length, smooth fur, striking hazel eyes, pale rosy cream undertail, belly, chest, & inside of legs, cream paws, tail-tip, & ears, and medium length scar on the left side of her belly.
Wishpaw- A lithe, silver-gray she-cat with very long, thin fur, beady green eyes, and dark red left; long sock; forepaw, ears, & shade.
Heartpaw- A large, pale russet she-cat with long, glossy fur, metallic brown eyes, long legs, short whiskers, and white belly, forepaws, tail-tip, ear tips, & heart-shaped spot on her chest.
Hazelpaw- A lithe, black she-cat with long, fluffy fur, bright hazel eyes, and crooked, dark brown tail.
Petalpaw- A muscular, orange tabby she-cat with long, fluffy fur, faint copper eyes, pale orange ticked stripes, torn ears, long legs, and rosy cream ear tufts.
Oakpaw- A large, dark sandy-gray, cinnamon, & dark chestnut calico she-cat with long, feathery fur, milky gray eyes, torn right ear, two extra toes on all four paws, crooked tail, long legs, and a very large scar on her spine.
Blazingpaw- A muscular, light cinnamon, pale brown, & light ginger calico she-cat with very long, thick fur, dark amber eyes, long tail, a medium length scar on her left shoulder, and a large scar on her chest.
Harepaw- A small, smokey black she-cat with medium length, bristly fur, faint copper eyes, white tabby patches, and silver mackerel stripes.
Rosepaw- A skinny, black she-cat with medium length, curly fur, hollow blue eyes, pale red speckles & ear tufts, torn left ear, medium length scar on her left haunch, missing tail, and narrow shoulders.
》Caretakers & Queen《
Brokendoe- A lithe, light chestnut she-cat with long, feathery fur, warm orange eyes, white chest, belly, tail-tip & forepaws, russet backpaws & left shoulder, torn right ear, and narrow shoulders. (Mother of Buckkit; a muscular, fawn tom with medium length, glossy fur, dazzling gray eyes, light gold paws & spots on his back, white belly, chest, & small ear tufts, sable shade, and bobbed tail.)
Cherryfrost- A sturdy, white & russet she-cat with short, curly fur, striking amber eyes, dark orange spots, long legs, torn ears, and narrow shoulders. (Caretaker of Hollykit; a lean, smokey gray she-cat with long, thick fur, stormy gold eyes, and pale gray chest, belly, paws, & long ear tufts.)
Appledapple- A fat, dark red, brown, & white dappled she-cat with short, thick fur, pale green eyes, and long legs. (Caretaker of Redkit; a lean, white she-cat with short, thin fur, bright yellow eyes, red tabby patches, dark red mackerel stripes, long legs, and pointed ears.)
Larkheart- A large, black & orange tortoiseshell she-cat with short, thick fur, misty amber eyes, a tiny scar on her nose, a large scar on her belly, three extra toes on her left forepaw, and bobbed tail.
Grayflight- A large, dark gray she-cat with long & short, coarse fur, a missing left eye & a dull blue right eye, pale gray rosettes, and missing ears.
》Outside Cats《
Arctic- A sturdy, black tom with short, coarse fur, dazzling blue eyes, light blue-gray moscow rosettes, dark gray left backleg & left; short sock; forepaw, white color point, left foreleg, & left backpaw, crooked tail, a very large scar on his belly, and another very large scar on his left side.
Tundra- A lithe, light chinchilla gray tom with short, fluffy fur, deep blue eyes, pale gray oceloid spots, pale lilac chest, right backpaw, & color point, bobbed tail, a small scar on his left forepaw, and missing toes.
Jackal- A small, dark chocolate & light cream she-cat with short, silky fur, faint hazel eyes, and pale ginger roan speckles.
Bee- A large, red she-cat with long, glossy fur, icy copper eyes, and narrow shoulders.
Minnow- A sturdy, dark blue-gray she-cat with short, curly fur, flame blue eyes, pale chinchilla nose, ears, left forepaw, & tail-tip, two extra claws on her left forepaw, chewed tail, burns on her right foreleg, and long fangs.
Sunny- A muscular, dark orange tabby tom with very long, feathery fur, metallic yellow eyes, orange mackerel stripes, pale orange chest, belly, paws, & ear tuft, and missing right ear.
Boa- A lean, pale brown tabby tom with very long, thin fur, wispy silver eyes, dark brown spotted stripes, long legs, crooked tail, a small scar on the left side of his neck, another small scar on his throat, missing two claws on his left backpaw, fluffy tail, and short whiskers.
Jake- A small, dark smokey gray tom with very long, curly fur, wide brown eyes, chinchilla gray oceloid spots, pale silver backpaws & left forepaw, missing right ear, a tiny scar on his muzzle, and missing two toes on his right forepaw.
Drizzle- A tall, silver tabby she-cat with short, bristly fur, droopy copper eyes, black marbled stripes, white right backleg, shoulders, & streaks, and missing tail.
Bella- A large, light chinchilla gray she-cat with long, bristly fur, wide gray eyes, light gray left ear, nose, & right shoulder, torn ears, and long legs.
Elm- A sturdy, dark brown she-cat with short, bristly fur, light gold eyes, brown oceloid spots, pale sable foreleg, left ear, & streaks, thin belly, short legs, and missing patches of fur.
Carp- A skinny, pale chestnut tom with very long, fluffy fur, beady green eyes, light chocolate chest & right ear, russet streaks & shoulders, and missing patches of fur.
Foam- A small, creamy white tabby she-cat with medium length, thin fur, jade green eyes, pale gray candle flame stripes, and bobbed tail.
Locust- A fat, sandy-gray tabby tom with very long, tangled fur, dazzling gold eyes, dark tan agouti stripes, missing tail, and missing ears.
Koi- A wide, black, ginger, & white calico she-cat with medium length, thin fur, dazzling copper eyes, missing patches of fur, a very large scar on the right side of her belly, and torn right ear.
Cedar- A lean, dark ginger she-cat with medium length, bristly fur, pale silver eyes, missing left foreleg, and a tiny scar on his muzzle.
Leaf- A sturdy, pale sable tom with long, bristly fur, deep yellow eyes, pale chestnut nose, forepaws, & spots, orange muzzle & right ear, and missing left ear.
Sky- A lean, gray tabby she-cat, with long, feathery fur, a bright yellow right eye & bright hazel left eye, light gray mackerel stripes, black paws, back, & ears, fluffy tail, missing right backpaw, and short whiskers.
Oak- A muscular, cinnamon tabby tom, with medium length, thin fur, dark copper eyes, dark cinnamon spotted stripes, black ear tips, belly, paws, & under tail, long fangs, torn left ear, and a small extra right ear.
Wing- A sturdy, black she-cat with very long, bristly fur, watery yellow eyes, dark smokey gray speckles, pale sable tail-tip, left; short sock; backpaw, & ears, torn right ear, short whiskers, broken tail, and missing two claws on all paws.
Silver- A small, silver, lilac, & white calico she-cat with short, fluffy fur, striking yellow eyes, bobbed tail, and torn ears.
Honey- A lean, dark cinnamon she-cat with very long, coarse fur, icy gold eyes, dark red muzzle, backpaws, & nose, pale russet color point, left foreleg, & ear tufts, and missing left ear.
Olive- A fat, light chestnut tom with short, fluffy fur, sparking gray eyes, light tan karpati color point & ear tufts, and long legs.
Jasper- A large, dark gold tom with medium length, glossy fur, shadowed green eyes, long logs, and short whiskers.
Mallow- A sturdy, dark silver she-cat with long, glossy fur, warm blue eyes, light blue-gray backpaws, creamy white chest, belly, forepaws, & tail-tip, gray forelegs & right ear, missing two claws on her right forepaw, a medium length scar on her right shoulder, torn right ear, and fluffy tail.
Lynx- A lean, dark sandy-gray tom with long, fluffy fur, dull gold eyes, dark orange oceloid spots, fawn shade, chest, & all four paws, dark cinnamon left haunch, dapples, & back, long legs, and fluffy tail.
Evergreen- A tall, dark brown she-cat with medium length, smooth fur, dazzling green eyes, pale apricot speckles, cinnamon left backleg & right forepaw, pale russet right foreleg & left; long sock; backpaw, fat legs, and long tail.
Moony- A lean, pale silver tom with short, thick fur, faded blue eyes, dark gray chest, belly, paws, & shade, long legs, and a small scar on his left backleg.
Fowl- A skinny, pale ginger, chocolate, & white calico she-cat with long, silky fur, warm gold eyes, and a large scar on her right side.
Mallard- A skinny, light chocolate, dark red, & white calico tom with very long, soft fur, molten gold eyes, a medium length scar on his head, and a small scar on his left cheek.
Crane- A lean, white, black, & red calico she-cat with long, feathery fur, and blazing gray eyes.
Leo- A muscular, pale peach tabby she-cat with very long, coarse fur, warm amber eyes, and dark chocolate ticked stripes.
Flora- A lithe, pale smokey gray she-cat with very long, bristly fur, wispy gray eyes, pale cinnamon splotches, and bobbed tail.
Hornet- A coltish, dark gold tabby tom with short, glossy fur, leaf green eyes, black sokoke stripes, and short whiskers.
Ivory- A rigid, creamy white, silver, & lilac calico she-cat with very long, bristly fur, metallic brown eyes, chocolate spots, bobbed tail, and bulky muscles.
Freckle- A sturdy, dark brown tom with medium length, glossy fur, bright amber eyes, round belly, narrow shoulders, and a very large scar on his spine.
Bumble- A small, dark apricot tom with short, coarse fur, golden honey eyes, pale brown tail, chest, & backlegs, ginger left shoulder & all four paws, bobbed tail, long legs, a very large scar on his left backleg, torn right ear, missing left ear, singed fur, and missing two toes on his right forepaw.
Glacier- A rigid, chinchilla gray tom with short, silky fur, molten gold eyes, creamy white rosettes, black nose, left ear, & left shoulder, dark silver belly, throat, & right haunch, a medium length scar on his left side, short tail, long whiskers, and torn ears.
Hickory- A small, light cream, dark chocolate, & light sable calico tom with long, soft fur, light silver eyes, and fluffy tail.
Jade- A fat, cinnamon she-cat with medium length, thin fur, molten amber eyes, apricot speckles, light liver back, left backpaw, & nose, and torn left ear.
Bolt- A muscular, fawn tom with medium length, thick fur, sharp gray eyes, white left forepaw, belly, throat, & ear tufts, sable shade, gold right forepaw & backpaws, and short tail.
Flicker- A stiff, gold & cream tabby she-cat with short & long, curly fur, watery hazel eyes, dark gold mackerel stripes, a small scar on her left cheek, thin legs, and long tail.
Dapple- A muscular, black she-cat with medium length, thick fur, flame green eyes, pointed ears, a small scar on her forehead, short & chewed tail, and patches of singed fur. (Mother of Kitten; a small, black tom with medium length, glossy fur, stormy blue eyes, white paws, belly, right ear, & tail-tip, missing left ear, patches of singed fur, and small burn patches on the left side of his head, left foreleg, left haunch, & left backpaw; & Copper; a large, black she-cat with long, tangled fur, shadowed green eyes, golden-brown belly, paws, ears, & tail-tip, and singed patches of fur.)
Sage- A tiny, chestnut, black, & white calico she-cat with medium length, feathery fur, blazing hazel eyes, fluffy tail, and broad haunches.
Milk- A stiff, cream she-cat with very long, curly fur, molten amber eyes, splattered white paws, short legs, and long tail.
Cheshire- A graceful, white she-cat with short, silky fur, striking green eyes, thin muscles, and rounded ears.
Scatter- A rigid, gray tom with medium length, soft fur, sunset yellow eyes, square head, and missing left backleg.
Needle- A muscular, gray tabby she-cat with medium length, thick fur, hollow yellow eyes, dark gray marbled stripes, broad shoulders, torn left ear, a small scar on the bridge of her nose, white paws, muzzle, belly, & tail-tip, very long claws, long tail, and slight blue tint. (Mother of Gray; a small, gray tabby tom with medium length, fluffy fur, warm amber eyes, dark gray marbled stripes, long tail, and white forepaws; Pike; a sturdy, gray tabby tom with medium length, silky fur, sunset amber eyes, dark gray marbled stripes, long tail, and white belly; Flame; a wide, ginger tom with medium length, soft fur, piercing green eyes, dark ginger mackerel stripes, long tail, and white muzzle; & Spark; a diminutive, ginger she-cat with medium length, silky fur, stormy amber eyes, dark ginger mackerel stripes, long tail, and white paws, muzzle, & belly.)
Apple- A muscular, ginger tabby tom with medium length, thick fur, flame green eyes, dark ginger mackerel stripes, long claws, large paws, long tail, five nicks on his right ear, a medium length scar on his left shoulder, and a scratch on the left side of his nose.
Angel- A large, white she-cat with long, curly fur, pale green eyes, nick on her left ear, crooked tail, ear tufts, and narrow haunches.
Snickers- A rather large, tawny she-cat with long, thick fur, dark amber eyes, darker streaks under her tail, thick ear tufts, and several scars; a particularly deep & large gash across her face.
Caterpiller- A small, tortoiseshell tom with long, glossy fur, dark green eyes, tawny patches over his eyes, torn ears, and battered muzzle.
Ella- A large, cream she-cat with long, fluffy fur, dark blue eyes, flame color point, and no front claws.
Apollo- A coltish, ginger tom with long, thick fur, leaf amber eyes, white patches of fur, and long tail.
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