Crowfeathers Love (Iris)
This is for CrowXLeaf, i love this ship and wished it stayed, you may think other wise but here it is, Song:Iris
"This way Leafpool!" Crowfeather ran down the slope, the she-cat chasing after him.They stayed together until dawn
And I'd give up forever to touch you
It has been moons since that day though, falling in love with Leafpool. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes gave Crowfeather sad memories of he. Was torn to see her killed by that fox( She never really died.. Just for this)
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
She had his kits, yet he refused to call them his. Hollyleaf had died, then, Crowfeather knew that he did care about the kits she had.
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
She was the best medicine cat there was, at least to Crowfeather. They could've had kits away from the clans and warrior code. If the badgers didn't attack would have they been together?
And all I can taste is this moment
They would be free to love each other in peace. But Crowfeather knew that would never happen, even if she had lived.
And all I can breathe is your life
Leafpool would want to stay, regretting she had ever left. Nightcloud didn't like Leafpool, but feeling Crowfeather's grief she couldn't help but grieve for her to.
When sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you right now
Crowfeather's patrol was now, taking Leafpools limp body to her own Clan, he hated that he was to slow to go help the she-cat
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
Onestar was never keen to see one of his own warriors falling in love with another cat from another clan, especially medicine cats. Though he knew what happened, he believed Crowfeather as a good Warrior
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
They were close to the border, Crowfeather stopped and laid Leafpool down. Smelling the sweet scent that clung, still, to her body.
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
"Are you tired Crowfeather?" Heathertail looked back and padded beside him. Crowfeather shook his head, "How are we getting her over the stream?" He brought up, wanting to stay with her longer.
When everything feels like the movies
And you bleed just to know you're alive
"Why was she in out territory in the first place?" Nightcloud added. Crowfeather stayed staring at the medicine cats body
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
Nightcloud was on patrol when Leafpool came to camp, she needed to speak to WindClan's medicine cat, Krestalflight.
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
Crowfeaher had followed her back, secretively , but it was to late when the fox had attacked Leafpool and Crowfeather tried saving her.
And I don't want the world to see me
There was a ThunderClan patrol that had came down the slope, seeing Leafpool's body and the WindClan cats. Crowfeather heaved her body on his shoulders.
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
"Leafpool?" Squirrelflight was in the lead, dashing down the hill. Crowfeather looked at her, sorrow in his eyes. He managed to get over the stream
When everything's made to be broken
"I-I'm sorry... A fox.." Crowfeather started, Squirrelflight stopped him. "It's okay Crowfeather..." She watched as the tom set her down. "Thanks..."
I just want you to know who I am
The ThunderClan patrol looked at the body. Crowfeather nuzzled Leafpool's body once more and hoped over ther stream and looked at his patrol. "Lets get back to camp..." He padded away.
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
The patrol followed, Squirrelflight noticed Crowfeather had turned his head slightly, He had looked one last time.
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
Squrrielfligh and her sad clanmates brought her sister's body back to camp. They were getting ready for vigil. Crowfeather had sat by the lake all night. Looking at the reflection of him and the stars.
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am....
I was going to use Let her ho but i have plans, but who is your favorite oneshot? Any requests?
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