Chapter 6
Guys thanks so much for favoriting my book because at first I thought that no one was going to read it because when I published the first part of the book it took like 3 or 4 days before anyone read it so thanks a lot!!
Now back to the story
Recall from last chapter
I looked at his paw and saw that the fur was burned off and showed burned skin. I just collapsed from pain. "Silverwing!" Stormwhisper ran up to me and laid beside me. Then a bright light that was so bright that all I saw was white. As soon as it was their it disappeared I looked around. I looked down and saw that my fire had gotten bigger and then it went down back to its normal size and I felt no pain from all of my scratches. I looked and all of them were gone. Everyone was staring at us in shock "W-what just happened?! And when did he get wings?!" Yellowpatch asked "I-I-I think they healed each other!" Treepelt ears back. We heard mumbling and I looked down, and saw that Mudfur was waking up. "Wh-what happen?" He meowed siting up. His eyes widened when he saw that he was in StormClans camp. He looked behind him and he jumped up 3 fox lengths high. "Why am I here?!" He asked. "So you don't remember killing Firetail!" I asked him surprised. "Yes I do remember killing that mouse-brained excuse of a cat you called your medicine cat." He hissed "Don't you talk about my sister that way. If anything you are the mouse-brain." Blackfire growled at him. Mudfur tried to leap at him but I stopped him and pined him down, digging my claws into his pelf. He yowled in agony as my claws burned his pelt. All of my Clan mates gasped at they saw smoke come off of his fur. I let go and got off of him "Are you done trying to attack my Clan mates?" I asked him he nodded quickly. I looked at the wounds that I caused, I was surprised at what I saw. He had a hole in his ear big enough for a kit to stick his paw through easily and red burns all over his pelt. Servers him right for killing Firetail and then trying to attack her brother I thought.
"Someone fix up that place over there so we can put our prisoner somewhere." Storms tar meowed, "What now I'm a prisoner!" Mudfur exclaimed I looked at him and stood up, "Let's see, you were trust passing on StormClan territory and you murderd a cat, and not just any cat, a medicine cat." I growled "The den is done!" Badgerpelt called. "Come on." I growled at Mudfur, he put his ears back and started to walk forward towards the makeshift den. "Snowleapard and Yellowpatch, guard the prisoner." Stormstar told the cats as they walked over to were I was. As soon as they get there I went to my nest next to Stormwhisper in the warriors den and my fire went out. I woke up to a prod in my side I shifted a little to get away from the cat that was prodding me.
"Silverwing, Stormwhisper, Silversky, Treefur, Badgerpelt, Foxpelt, Whitshadow, and Fallenfeather are coming to the gathering!" Stormstar meowed calling the cats over "And bring Murfur so we can give him back to his Clan." Stormstar added I nodded and ran to were Mudfur was kept. "Come on we are taking you to the gathering so we can give you back to your Clan." I called to him "About time you take me back to my Clan." He hissed. I blocked his way "If you try anything then I will make sure that you will regret it." I growled at him letting my claws slide out and my fire started to show. "I wont trust me." He meowed with his ears back. "Good." I meowed I ran over to Stormstar and nodded. "Is everyone ready?" Stormstar asked everyone nodded and he ran out of camp with us following close behind.
Sorry for the short chapter but I thought that was a good place to stop
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