Terms and Stuff!
Warriors - the ones who protect the clan
Apprentices - Those who are in training to become warriors. Every apprentice either becomes a medicine cat or a warrior. Medicine cats can also take
Deputy - Second-in-command to the leader
Queens - The she-cats who give birth to the kits.
Medicine Cat - Kinda like a healer
Kit - a baby cat, a kitten
Elders - the oldest cats in the clan.
Kittypet - a domesticated cat.
Loner - a cat without a defined territory
Rogue - A usually hostile cat who does not have a permanent home, roams around, and does not care about crossing Clan boundaries. [Directly from the Wiki, word-for-word.]
Other words
Freshkill - freshly killed prey
Patrol - a group of cats either hunting or making sure that the clan is safe and there are no intruders.
Sharing tongues - a time when cats gossip with and groom one another.
Silverpelt- a swathe of stars in the sky where it is believed that the deceased now reside. Kind of like cat heaven.
StarClan - located within Silverpelt, it's the clan of the cats who have passed on.
Twolegs - humans
Twoleg kit - babies/toddlers
Newleaf - spring
Greenleaf - Summertime
Leaf-fall - Fall/autum
Leaf-bare - winter
Moon - about a month
Moonhigh - the point at which the moon is highest in the sky.
Sunhigh - Around noon, when the sun has reached its highest point.
That's all I can think of for now XD Credit to all the terms goes to Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui Sutherland, Gillian Philip, Inbali Iserles and Victoria Holmes (aka Erin Hunter)
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