Warriors Names Rant
Ok.Let's just say Erin Hunter has put some stupid names for the characters.
Crookedstar's Promise:
They named a guy Loudbelly.What kind of name is that?
Loudbelly?It's like he's always starving.
Why would the mom and Hailstar name him that.
Ok,another name,Morningkit.Seriously?
It's kinda dumb.
Tallstar's Revenge:
Deadpaw?(He's later Deadfoot)
Ok.That's just cruel.
Just because his foot is dead,he could still be Hopkit or whatever.
Leader Names:
Ok.First of all Crookedstar,Blackstar,Brokenstar,Leopardstar,and Bluestar's names are supposed to describe them.
Like Crookedjaw,cause his jaw's crooked.Or Bluefur,because she has bluefur.
They were Crookedjaw,Blackfoot,Brokentail,Leopardfur,and Bluefur.
But after they became leaders,they have to put the star in their names and....
Blackstar's not even black!He's pure white with a black paw.
The star makes everything more stupid.
Once Kittypet-Warriors:
Imagine if Millie became leader.
Then she'd be Milliestar.
Stupid StarClan.
Windflight's a warrior of ThunderClan,but 'wind'?
If he was leader he's be like Windstar and all of the WindClan cats would laugh and ThunderClan'd kill Windflight.
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